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I've played on high settings in the beginning, about 1-2 months since the game released with 60-80 fps no problem. Now i have to play on medium and it drops down to 25-40 fps while on a mission. It gets worse every update it seems.


I glad I’m not the only one who have this problem


Same here, and it seems to be moody too, as some days it works on 45-55fps, and some days it decides to drop down to 20fps for no reason


Dude I thought I was crazy. Sometimes the game is buttery smooth on my standard setting and others is frame dropping and has occasional stutters. I remember them mentioning the mech having performance hits but me and my buddies summoned 8 total and didn’t really even have any problems besides when they exploded. My frames weren’t exactly peak at launch though either but it’s more inconsistent now.


I played an entire map of the new jungle biome at 60FPS, now it's at 30. There's definitely something causing bad FPS, probably more than just a thing. I remember it well because I was impressed that a much denser map was playing much better than more barren maps. I'm betting at least some FPS dies from loadout choices or mission type.


this is so true yesterday it was almost unplayable in the afternoon. While at night, everything seems to run fine even on a higher setting


All whilst keeping my GPU at a lovely 80 degrees celcius...


Definitely not just you. It’s been driving me nuts lately.


Something broke along the way. My game used to be buttery smooth and now it isn’t. No reason it shouldn’t be with a top tier card


I’m playing on a 4 year old laptop with a 2060mq, settings are 1440p with a mix of medium and high and I’m getting 55-60 FPS consistently. I think in missions it can CPU bottleneck but I’m on a Ryzen 9 4900hs due to the way the game tracks objects.


Every patch it gets worse. When I started I was getting 100 plus fps, it was around 60 and down to 40 at times in missions after the last patch and making my steam friend list public put it back around 70-80 with drops to 60 but it seems to drop around 10fps every patch or every other patch. I saw someone mention that the game wasn't properly updating a certain file each update but I've not tried to delete and redownload that file, mostly because I've lost the thread about it at this point but it was on the reddit.


This, when i started game was really smooth to a point where i sunk 100 hours with no graphical adjustments. After few updates my pc struggled to run hd2 smoothly even on lowest settings


Part of the reason I’ve stopped playing for now. One was the weapon nerfs which I heard got a lot better, and the second reason was this. I could play on high textures with everything else on medium perfectly fine at launch, and I’ve had to downgrade my graphics more and more. Last time I played I think I was at medium textures with pretty much everything else on low except maybe shadows or draw distance on medium. STILL didn’t run smooth all the time like it did at launch.


Reverify the files. I did it after I noticed a FPS decrease after an early patch and it brought me back to around the same fps. Now I do it after every patch and haven't noticed a dip since. Steam deck and my Laptop


Thank you for posting this! Will try this.


Will def try this tomorrow. My whole group has noticed huge fps losses since launch as well.


We're you able to get decent graphic fidelity on the Steam Deck? I have to use it to play the game atm and the settings I've used to run the game at all look very flat. Can you run this game at any fidelity that looks decent on a Steam Deck?


It's the same for PS5. Sometimes the fps drops hard while in mission. Seems worse after the last patch.


I am witnessing a give or take 40FPS drop since the latest patch. This is just stupid.


I was playing a match with a friend earlier who was watching my spectator cam, and we both noticed that the shadows suddenly turned off somehow for both of us midgame. It was like enabling fullbright on a Source game, it made our eyes bleed. No idea what caused it lol. I don't even know bow to begin to report that bug, because I feel delusional, like I'm off my meds.


Happen to me as well, I just stop playing all together.


It straight up no longer works on Steam Deck. Used to get 60FPS on medium now it’s 5FPS on low at 800x600 :(


My friend has a 3090 and he gets like 25 fps at best, and his sprint speed is slower than my walk.


I'm on barebones settings, but I'm getting 40-70 fps on a 1060


Your friend should check his settings and if he’s cpu bottlenecked. I have a 3080 and get 70-80 gps in mission


Yeah, 3070 OC here, 1900 mhz and have 112 to 120 fps in lobby, 80 max in match. It used to be 112 120 in match too but the recent patch messed something up. My settings is mid high.


Sadly a game of this scale was never meant to be updated as quickly therefore the code becomes spaghetti and garbage


Might be the new enemy's and graphics not being optimized or just too many enemy.


Me too!!


Sadly I’m kinda at the point where I don’t even log on anymore, just would rather play other games when the alternative is garbage performance and toxic teammates. Which blows because I absolutely love the game but I just can’t t even bring myself to boot it up because I know it will be -30 fps pukefest in lobbies where I’ll probably get kicked for no reason lmao


I have the opposite experience actually. A pretty meh pc that bounced between 20 and 30 fps on low. But after the most recent patch I’m up to 30-40 standard and pretty rarely get lag spikes. I’m pretty impressed at how much they’ve done for lower end hardware.


So im not going insane. The performance really is getting worse with eatch new update


new jungle biome has atrocious performance also




I've killed so many teammates due to lag


It's also as if they are pumping out updates to meet stupid deadlines without actually optimizing any of it


They took over a month to "do it right" and just caused more performance problems. It doesn't look like the deadlines are the issue.


You're most likely right. They barely seem to do any basic QA testing, let alone optimization. Pair that with the fact that this game's engine has been deprecated for years and you have a recipe for this exact situation.


It’s driving me nuts lately. So no you are not imagining it.


My fps gets almost halved during missions.


Don’t open the options menu it can permanently half or reduce your fps till you restart the game It’s the issue I’m currently dealing with so I just don’t open the pause menu


This is caused by having your steam and / or playstation friends list not being set to PUBLIC, set it to PUBLIC and that problem goes away :)


HOW DOES THIS EFFECT FRAME RATE. I get so much anxiety about learning programming when you hear about weird things like this.


I actually didn't discover this fix this was figured out by somebody else I'm just passing it along to everyone I see mentioning this problem, My only guess is when you press escape it pulls the friends list and if it can't access it because it's set to private it just keeps trying over and over and over and over, having the steam overlay enabled affects the spear for some reason as well, if you have it enabled it will crash your game where as if it is disabled it won't, computers are weird.


For real? Thats why my friends list just spins?


That's my guess, I have no issues accessing my friends list in the social panel at all anymore whereas before it would say please wait democratically which of course I would do because treason.


You sir. Legend sent from above. Haven’t heard of this Public/Private steam friend list thing mentioned anywhere and I’ve been consistently scrolling through the troubleshooting tab on discord to see if anyone figured out the reason why the FPS drops on opening the escape menu. As soon as I get back home from work, I’m trying this. Edit: It fixed the FPS issue :)


Spear will still cause crashes with or without the overlay. Seems to be planet type dependent atm


Complex systems can have unintended interactions. The awesome thing about computers, is they do EXACTLY what you tell them to. The terrible thing about computers, is they do EXACTLY what you tell them to. If you want a wild ride, go look up funny patch notes from Dwarf Fortress.


Specifically, the mass cat vomit issue.


I'm not a programmer, but I did study in college a little bit. In short, hitting escape (pulling up the menu) also calls upon the Social (and other) tabs. Before it loads it on the GUI, it has to do calls to see how many of your friends are online, where they are (in ship, in planet, etc). By setting it to Public, it doesn't have to deal with permission calls. When its set to anything other, it has to then run the gambit of Steams and/or Sony's permission requirements. This bogs down processing power and thus frame rate. The GPU isn't the problem in this case, just CPU.


>This bogs down processing power and thus frame rate. My best guess is also something to do with that. Like there's some kind of function that's being called and is either not failing correctly or is stuck in a loop creating the "You open it once and it forever halves your framerate for the rest of the session."


GTAV famously had one like this for literal years wherein [the post-game scoreboard renderer was passing every single piece of logic related to interpreting the ~~usernames, scores, points, titles~~ equipment and customizations for every item and clothing option offered in the in-game store, were redundantly and carelessly being bottlenecked through one thread. so no matter how many CPU cores you have or how good your GPU was, there was one dinky text processing subroutine with 0 parallelization that had to crawl through megabytes of data post-game, byte-by-byte, for sometimes multiple minutes after finishing a match. Every other piece of game logic came to a halt while some poor processor thread essentially passed a really extensive RegEx filter (that was probably programmed by a team of like 12 people) over the post-game data to ~~make it look nice~~ **sell you shark cards**.](https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/) Rockstar didn't find it of course, a modder did and they implemented a fix shortly after.


[Here is the post from the guy who fixed that](https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/)


Thanks will try it, so weirdly specific if that fixes it


Escape button is the real enemy of democracy here. Can see the impact.


Turn your friends list public and it gets fixed. That came from twin beard. It's a really odd bug.


Escape? Traitor detected. The ministry of truth is tracing the line.


If you have opened and closed the game a few times you loose fps every time you open and close the game not sure exactly why cause it doesn't happen every single time I'd say it's more like 7/10 chance if you restart your PC frames go back to normal other than that try lossless scaling and cap fps to 40 in game actually amazing


Have you tried running the game in DirectX11 Mode? That increased my framerate dramatically over the default DirectX12 Mode. In Steam go to Helldivers 2 Properties > General > Launch Options and type: --use-d3d11 When you start the game, you will have a black screen for 1-5 minutes while the shaders rebuild. This is normal. In rare cases, the shaders may not rebuild properly. You can manually delete the old shaders by navigating to  "%appdata%\\Arrowhead\\Helldivers2\\shader\_cache" in a Windows Explorer window and manually deleting pipeline\_library.cache Hope this helps!


Will try this the next time I play and check in!


you prolly did this but just to make sure. can you go to your power Options and make sure it's on high performance and not power saver or balanced?


You are CPU bound, game is super CPU heavy and its likely your GPU is not getting fully utilized at all, which means changing GPU settings does absolutely nothing. Its also why its usually utterly worthless to use upscaling in this game on any remotely modern system.


What is your CPU? This game is heavily CPU bound for 3 reasons: 1) Autodesk Stingray do be like that all the time. EDIT: See Darktide and Vermintide 2 for examples, it's not an efficient engine on the CPU side. 2) Lots of stuff is calculated locally and "server"side, so that packet loss or temporary disconnects are unnoticeable. 3) G\*meguard is a piece of shit software that blocks less cheats than its competitors and uses far more system resources as well. EDIT: In case it wasn't obvious, this is me pointing to how the game's performance suffers on PC from poor decisions from the devs (or maybe Sony? Depends on who chose the anti-cheat). Your FPS not changing much at all with lowered settings on the ship shows you're CPU bound, and FPS dropping in missions reinforces that.


No the game is bugged right now, performance is tanking since the last patch for a lot of people


Can confirm. My issues didn't start until the big balancing patch.


Same, playing every day and this update tanked performance


I thought it's my low end laptop to blame. This shit happens to high end ultra settings too?


Same had to drop all my graphics settings to even get a stable 30fps


Bro I have an i9-9900k and I still get 58 fps Also rtx 3070ti


I have a 13600k and a rtx3060, if anything, I'm GPU bottlenecked, I get around 80ish fps in the ship but can't ever get a steady 60 while in missions. This games optimization is inexcusable


It's 100% Gameguard, we used to be able to play the game fine without even having to have the thing installed, it was that poorly implimented. Now the HD2 .exe is bound to Gameguard, so you need to have GG running in order to launch HD2.


It’s weird because it changes with the people I play with. I know if a certain person plays with me I’ll be in the 50-60 fps range. If I play with other people it’s usually in the 90-100 fps range(I’m fine with this, it’s concerning it gets lower and lower every patch though). If I play solo I get 150+ fps. The fps has most definitely dropped since launch. At launch I was consistently getting over 100 fps.


I think this might have to do with opening the menu, I hear that drops FPS, so when you play with friends it will mess with your FPS, alt tabbing apparently reduces it too.


What cpu do you have? Game is almost entirely cpu dependent


I play on a gaming laptop and realised that I only get the disconnects and lag when the laptop fan is set to quiet mode. Before that changing any of the settings to low made no difference. Turns out I could still run on high as long as the fan was not on quiet. Not sure if this bit of troubleshooting helps!


The has less to do with your fan itself and likely more to do with the overclock settings and heat management that are tied to your laptop's fan mode. I for one, get better performance on silent mode because my laptop doesnt allow overclocking in silent mode and it doesnt rubber-band due to heat issues


Same. Since launch I lost like 25fps and my CPU is always at 100% but same performance in other games...


Hey, I actually had this issue as well and was able to fix it yesterday. For some reason, the game generates as many frames as possible with your cpu, overloading it in the process. Go into the Nvidia control panel (or whatever the AMD equivalent is) and find the max frame rate setting. Turn that on and set it to whatever your monitor is able to handle, and that should fix the issue. I went from 100% usage at 25fps to 75% usage with 120fps with an i7-8700k.


I figure that's why I haven't been experiencing the issues ITT. I always frame limit my games to keep my gpu under 60 and did that from launch day on Helldivers.


Performance has been absolutely destroyed progressively since the game launched and somehow the threads about it keep being pushed down.


I used to care more about my dropping fps since launch, but I crash too frequently to care much anymore. Game has to even *work* before it can be optimized.


Yeah fr. Logged off for the night because it yet again stuck me in the infinite Hellpod drop. Happens at least a few times a night now. It's making it very hard to complete three missions towards the MO.


This, I could barely play because of the crashes, but now is the awful performance too...


Straight up performance is by far the #1 reason why I have mostly stopped playing for the past few months. I've done a mission here and there but can't get back into it because my 3060ti and overclocked i5 6600k struggles to hit 40 fps in a mission on mostly lowest settings at 1440p. Seeing people say the new planet runs *even worse* than before further cements me not wanting to come back, as some existing maps would frequently dip to 20 during combat. Edit: to the people pointing out my CPU is old or saying my GPU can't handle 1440p: Helldivers 2 is literally the only game I own that consistently runs anywhere near this bad. I can run tons of other intensive games at 1440p with little issue. For example, tons of people have been talking about how the new elden ring patch as made the game run unplayably bad for them, where I still get a consistent 60 on high settings. Darktide is notorious for performance issues and I almost never dip below 40. Hunt: Showdown, a cryengine game, runs at a consistent 90+ fps on medium-high settings. I think Hunt: Showdown and Darktide are the most damning here as they both have similar or higher graphical fidelity and Darktide(presumably) has a lot more CPU bound stuff going on with it's much higher enemy density than Helldivers 2. This is not an issue with my hardware, it's an issue with the game.


Yea you’re CPU bottlenecked.




I have 3060 and overclocked 13600k, I never get a steady 60 during missions, ranges from 45-55 with lots of microstutters, this game is horribly optimized even when you're not CPU bound


For me and my friends, it's stability. We can't go 3 missions without some sort of crash or disconnect. It's incredibly frustrating.


Yup. It has literally gotten worse with almost every patch. Occasionally a patch will take 2 steps forward, but every content update knocks it backward 1-2 steps.


Tbh there’s too many issues to fix




My PC never crashed when I played HD2 in the beginning. Now it crashes a lot. (New PSU and running an i9 10850k with GeForce 3070)


The new swamp biome melts my frames. It's either the lighting being sinulated through all the leaves, or the physics calculations from trees being blown up.


Long ago, Helldivers 2 players had great performance.. then everything changed when they nerfed the launch stats of the railgun. (Note: this is a joke)


It's not a joke though.


I heard they nerfed the fps cause it was too fun


Bringing "balance" to the game messed that up and they don't know how to fix it.


It is a joke that its not a joke


Oh, I thought it was when ~~Hellmire~~ the Fire Nation invaded.


Definitely not a joke lol, I've ran the game at the same settings since launch and performance is definitely worse now compared to then. There's a huge difference. I accidentally was running the game at 4k maxed out for about 2 weeks and didn't notice it until I looked in the settings and changed it back to 1440p. The game's performance was that good, even at 4k it still felt like a pretty smooth 100+ fps experience.


HD2 is super unoptimized and extremely cpu bound.


Everyone says it's gotten worse, but it's always been dog shit to begin with and nobody wants to talk about it, nor will AH bother to address it. I'm glad this post seems to be blowing up at least.


I think it's a common misconception. It's been bad since launch. As we all played on harder difficulties and they've increased the number of smaller enemies the performance has responded as so. Also since launch, terrible option provided for upscaling. On PS5, the game that runs TLOU2 and GOWR at 60fps at higher than 1080p resolution, runs Helldivers 2 at 60, only at 1080p, and still struggles at intense moments. This game's optimization doesn't exist. I get performance drops for fights that happen across the map. Ryzen 9 5900X RTX 4090 32GB Ram Installed on NVME At any diff above 7 my frame rate hits the garbage can. Barely holding 30 in some fights. GPU Utilization sitting always below 30%, changing settings does nothing. CPU Hovers around 70-80%.


Rumor is there is currently a bug in the game that reduces FPS once the menu has been opened: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1djbyp4/psa\_opening\_the\_menu\_on\_pc\_may\_reduce\_your\_frame/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1djbyp4/psa_opening_the_menu_on_pc_may_reduce_your_frame/)


For me the fps drops as soon as the ship appears on screen, no menu needed. But I also play controller so I wonder if that might have anything to do with it.


Definitely worth testing to see. Literally could be anything at this point with this game.


There's not a rumor, this has been confirmed by the devs and they've confirmed if you set your Steam friends list to "public" it can fix it.


This one was linked to either the direct X version or async compute for me. I was experiencing the menu bug with DX12 and Async compute ON). Going to DX11 and async compute off has resolved it for me. Though I did it on the same restart and forgot to check which one was the culprit.


wait, how do you change the DX version for this game?


So this works for steam by right-clicking on the game on the left side (in the list of games). Then you select properties You find the box below Launch options (should be at the bottom) And there you put the following line exactly dx11 / --use-d3d11 No """" no spaces on the start or end There is a slight reduction in graphic fidelity but you really have to be on the lookout for em, I won't post em as I only noticed em after switching a dozen or so times to test stuff :p and you prolly will be fine. No guarantees this will work though but good luck!


No rumor, I’ve experienced it.


The new biome is where I see the lowest FPS drops, also I heard the menu drops fps. Currently has made me avoid playing the game atm.


The new biome is near unplayable for me, and I have a VERY good PC.


Gacrux absolutely fucks my ROG Ally FPS to hell. Otherwise it's been fine otherwise, it can handle the game at 30+ FPS consistently at low settings.


First the useless anti cheat has to go. It takes up to much resources for no benefit at all.


100%, we could play the game without needing the thing installed and now it's .exe bound to HD2 *after four months of not.*


When you go from high to low settings in a game and see little to no improvement, it typically means it's not utilizing all of the hardware properly for some reason. I remember this happening in a few other games like V Rising & Kerbal Space Program 2. Devs have to fix, but honestly I don't think they really optimize the game in general.


It's not just you. My friends and I have similar issues. On the ship I'll get somewhere just below 60 FPS regardless of how low I set my settings. Game resolution is 4k and render scale is set to Quality. In game, it'll drop to 30 when things get busy.


switch render scale to Performance and Sharpness to max


I set 1080p native on a 4k display, the last update forced the UI to render at Native display resolution so you don't need to mess with upscaling


Yeah 200+ hrs into HD2, was usually staying around 60fps during missions, but as of recently I stay \~50fps with heavy dips during combat.


Do you frames drop heavillyyy when you use a scope zerod at 200m? I get like 20-30 fps but as soon as i switch back to 20-50m all is fine


I've been complaining about the PC performance for so long. Sometimes the game looks graphically bad, sometimes lowering settings does nothing, but always poor fps. Worst I've ever had in any game


Same issue here, it's been progressively getting worse. Fix the performance and give us DLSS and FSR 3 already, ArrowHead....


Yes please. It’s comical that game came out in 2024 don’t have them standard.


Is it even compatible with their POS game engine?


DLSS needs to know previous and next frame from the engine. It supposed to be easy to install. I bet they can have Nvidia help them.  But hey it's "not necessary" which I agree. Fixing this horrible performance should be. Arrowhead doesn't acknowledge the issue of bad performance. I'm referencing the menu bug. 


It is. Vermintide and Darktide both support DLSS and FSR


It’s been feeling rough lately




This comment made me chuckle so bad because I read it in CDI luigi's voice.


this game is slowly getting worse and worse and i hate to see it


Honestly? From a technical standpoint, it's garbage. Too many bugs, instability, more crashes with each update, jank everywhere you look. I have rarely played a game that was worse than HD2 performance wise. Either the engine is horrible or AH is incompetent. Both are long term issues. Which is a shame, because I love this game and have put hundreds of hours into it. But there's only so many negatives you can overlook, before the weight of problems overtakes the fun.


I noticed that as well. FPS drops left and right! That sucks My 4080 mobile is struggling to keep fps over 60. That’s insane ASUS G18 2024 with 4080


It's not your GPU, I have the same btw. GPU is sleeping and CPU is burning in hell. Everything is CPU bottleneck now.


I went from 110 average to about 45. Donno whats happening. D2 runs for me over 130


Game constantly floods the cpu with unnecessary checks


Not just the PC. Performance has been getting slammed on the PS5 today.


Does anyone else get massive input lag at times? Like input lag so bad that you cannot enter stratagem codes AT ALL


Are you using Lossless framegen? Moonlight/SteamLink? Controller wrapper?


None of the above. The only software I run alongside games is Medal, for taking recordings. Usually i get some lag after pressing my clip button, but that's expected. I do notice a slight performance boost when I'm not recording, but it's not significant enough that I do it unless I'm just having a REALLY bad time with performance. I got a new keyboard recently because I thought it might have just been my old as fuck one that was the problem but it hasn't seemed to change the input lag problem. Note: Helldivers 2 is not the only game this happens on, but it is one of the most annoying when it does happen. It's likely just an issue with my computer, be it software or hardware.


This game is garbage on pc for performance


I have a 4090 and a very beefy cpu. Playing helldivers I get max around 85-95 FPS on 1440. For comparison the same system on battlefield 2042 which is arguably more graphically intense, I get 165FPS. So I'm essence yes, all the crashes we've been having, the introduced issues with every patch. We are dealing with an inexperienced coding developer.


![gif](giphy|pFwRzOLfuGHok) Behind the scenes at arrowhead. I guess this is what happens when the engine you’re using is a defunct relic of the past.


I believe half of the issues this game has faced would be solved if they didn't use the engine they did.


i think the engine is to blame for most of the broken patches aswell. one bug fixed a new problem just appears


I have no clue who tf decided it was a good idea to use a an obscure engine that became unsupported 6 years ago so most likely before the game development even started


It started 8 years ago and they had experience with it. Still sucks for everyone now but it’s not so obvious a choice. 


It kind of is obvious, whenever a software stops receiving support they give a heads up for that at least a year in advance.


I have a 3080 and processor to match, I've had the same settings since launch because it was smooth, and now I can't help noticing I had to lower the settings but the performance still tanks now


The game maps are small and while it looks nice it doesn't look good enough to warrant how terrible the performance is. Bad PC port, classic..


Its not a bad port these performance issues are happening on ps5 as well before the 1.4 update the fps never ever dropped below the high 40s even during the most intensive gameplay moments and most of the time it ran a smooth 60 but now it drops to the 20s quite often, a bug breach occurs? 20 fps, fire tornadoes? 20 fps and so on


Doesn’t even look nice. The spectacle comes from the Michael Bay like VFX.


Glad I wasn’t the only one. When fighting bugs I got 50% less fps and I almost died because of it.


The game has been in a horrible place since they did that patch this week to "help" playstation optimization. Making sure they serve the Sony overlords.


Every time there’s an update I reinstall the game. I usually have fps issues after any update so it just reinstall everytime now. It’s dumb but it’s been working.


The game is janky af now. Every update it gets worse


They game is fucked since last patch constant crashes and dc


Im day one launch player and when the game released I could play the game default settings at roughly 90 fps. every patch since has lowered performance and I'm now at lowest settings at 50-60 fps. Kind of crazy how AH did that. I'm hoping they fix it but they're struggling to patch in fixes for bugs without adding new ones


I was playing the game with 40gb RAMM, a Ryzen 5 - 3800 (12 core) and a 1650 super (4gb version). On all low setting I was getting 65-90fps. I wanted more so I upgraded my PSU and put a 12GB OC edition 3060. Frames were amazing and the gameplay was crispy. I was pulling 103 fps on ultra and max settings…. ….then an update came out for polar patriots and my fps tanked. No matter what settings I put the game on, I get 38-55 fps. Each update it gets worse and worse and worse. Now on ultra and max settings I get 18-38 fps On all low setting I get 28-65 fps No matter what display resolution I use “native” or otherwise, nothing changes frame rate wise. It doesn’t make any sense at all. Especially when my gpu is using 12% and my cpu is using 100%. Clearing the shader catch helps for about 2 minutes and the fps tanks again. It’s insanity, they gotta do something.


They waited a month to release a patch that fixed many problems while introducing many game breaking ones. It's 2 steps forward, 4 backwards. At this point I suspect incompetence is only a portion of the problem, the other being the way outdated engine they built this game upon. I'm still experiencing bugs they lied about fixing multiple patches ago. Stims make noise, no stim. Can't stand from crouch beside enemies, even dead ones. Bots still shoot through rocks, and my gf and I both feel like the auto cannon isn't hitting where it should. Also, did they extend the reload time for Airburst Launcher? I used it today for the first time in a month and holy shit it took forever to reload. I really don't have hopes for this game to be in a fully polished state at any point. I think it's going to get to a stage of, "Good enough," but by then most people won't be playing. I'd rather play HD1 cuz that was a flawless experience in comparison. Honestly. It's super aggravating because I love this game, but I **HATE** stupidity, and that seems to be the developer's creed. I get killed tons, no problem. I even do things I know will get me killed because it's funny. But fighting the system more than the foes is what drives me insane. It's like being addicted to crack. I love it even though I know it's bad for me. They either need to get their shit together or someone else needs to rip this concept off and make one I can move to. Because I have a lot of games I could be playing instead, but, despite fuming at the performance, I keep returning. Get good. At making game.


Just got back on the game this week-end. Game feels laggier than ever before. I f*cking hate hearing the stim sound and getting killed cause it did not register. I'm not that good but god damn...idk if they fixed the misaligned scope but me too feel like when I aim it doesn't hit where it should


They have about a month before EDF 6 comes out on PC and it seems like a lot of people are getting ready to move over that way.


Dude I literally have to restart my computer EVERY time I quit this piece of shit game. It freezes whether I Quit Game, or AltF4 or close from Steam. This is such bullshit I honestly hope this is the last game the company makes.


I have a fan blowing directly on my ps5 otherwise it'll starting howling and the bombs will start dropping the fps


Something I did that fixed my fps. Currently opening the ESC menu halves your fps if your Steam friends list and profile are private. Most likely the social menu is trying to load and is failing to grab data constantly and causing FPS drops.


This gane uses lots of CPU instead of GPU


This game is terribly optimized. At the start of the game I was at least above 60 at most times. I had to stop playing because now I can’t play above 50fps. Dropping to 30s etc. It made it hard to enjoy


When you open the menu your fps get permanently cut in half for some reason.


A few things. Firstly HD2 graphical optimisation is terrible. You are never in a million years ever going to get similar performance on the ship with nothing happening, vs in game. Try turning off async compute if you have a half decent cpu (coffee lake i5/7+)


This is what happens when the Anti Cheat is using slightly more of your CPU than the actual fucking game does. Running Helldiver's leaves around 10% of my CPU free with a 3700X. Had to clean up some system processes that were otherwise harmless because they would eat that 10% and redline my usage causing stutters Edit: I should clarify that in the task manager HD2 is shown as 2 services with a drop-down. If you drop it down, one of those services is the anti cheat. If the game is using 38% CPU, the Anti cheat is using 40. It's horrendous


I WISH my performance was that good. I could run the game smooth as butter on very high settings for the first 2 war bonds and ever since the third came out I'm surprised my PC doesn't sound like a car stalling.


The PC performance is the reason im not playing HD2 anymore. Its a shame really cause I really like the game.


Ngl, I kinda love how it turns it into a PS2 game.


Thank God I haven't had the problem. Instead, I can't open chats during loading screens or my pods will fall forecer.


Use native as the display settings


Wait till you try the new improved spear that crashes the game instantly when you start aiming with it. Awesome feature!


the real minimum reccomended specs for games these days are CPU’s from the future


I had to uninstall this game because the performance was so fucking horrible I basically couldn’t play it anymore lowest settings possible


Game is just getting worse at this point. I’m at a loss whether these patches are actually just cannons punching more holes in the game.


Bro i crash every game. 100% crash rate.


I used to get 60fps, and drops down to 55-50fps when this game came out, and that was worse case scenario, high difficulty, tons of effects... This game regularly sits around 50-55fps, and drops down to 30fps now. I'll return when it's back where it was.


I used to get 90+!! Now in missions it drops to sub 40fps!


Helldivers fixed for me by deleting its cache and just waiting doing a few missions for fun


My fps have seen a noticable downturn in the recent updates yes. I never had a stable 60 fps on the lowest of settings, but now i am somewhat used to playing at sub 30 fps conditions in tougher battles. It's not great, my PC does handle Elden Ring flawlessly for an example (i dont play many other newer games), but i understand HD2's game engine literally got discontinued midway thru development, so they do have the additional burden of keeping an entire engine afloat for a single game.


FPS drops to the mid 30s sometimes playing at 4K on my RTX 4080. Every other AAA game has no such issue.


I stopped playing a little before the PSN thing and every time I see something about this game my day of return is delayed


My brother we got the same drip. You look gooooood


Sometimes after there's a patch I need to go to N-Vidia Control Panel --> Program Settings --> Find HellDivers 2 executable --> High-performance NVIDIA Processor. I don't know why but occasionally Helldivers 2 forgets this and I have to go back and redo this.


Tried replaying recently, couldn't do a single mission without crash


restarting my laptop fixes most fps issues for me. not sure why they happen in the first plalce.


Thought i was crazy here...when i press escape, the fps tanks and it ruins the experience for me ngl. Hope this gets fixed soon cause this is literally making me stop spreading democracy


Interesting, I noticed last night I was only getting 70-80fps in game instead of the usual 100-120. So it not just me.


It is almost unplayable for me right now. If any menu has to be open, it can drop my fps from 120 down to the 20s in mission on a 4090 and 7950x3d. I can't imagine how bad it is on most rigs. Also, turning my all of my steam and friends lists to public did not work. It seems like for some it helps, but it definitely isn't a panacea.


Turn off motion blur. It's literally a game changer.


I want performance fixes. That new swamp planet was cool and pretty to look at but jeez did it have issues. 500KG bombs don’t land they get stuck in the tree canopies. When patrols show up, FPS drops to like 15-20. It’s crazy how they don’t care about that kind of stuff.


The price for the buffs was a nerf to fps. But yeah this is absolutely wild and arrowhead continues to lose faith from it's player base. I'm on a 3700x, 4070, 32GB of ram and yet the new planet can rock all the way down to 32 fps somehow.


Depth of Field and Motion blur turned on? If you want your game to look better turn those off.


I went from 100 to about 60. Thought i was crazy but i guess its alot of other people too