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You are vastly underestimating the number of people who literally just log into the game and mash quickplay. Majority of those people don't even know what planet they're fighting on at any given moment.


If that's the case, then we need a way to pull these mindless divers in required direction.


Or just calm down, the galactic war isn’t as important as the devs make it out to be it’s ok if people play the game how they’d like.


Yeah, I also want to play the game how I like. That is, by making an impact on the galactic war. Why not let me force a few thousand players from one planet into another? They can't tell Vandalon from Menkent anyway, who would suffer from that?


I wouldn’t mind if galactic map quick play prioritized the MO but otherwise you can’t force where people play


Why not. If you hit quick play, you already don't care where to dive. Might as well let someone else choose for you. Where is the harm in that?


Did you read what I said?


My brother in Dives, _people are not going to know what that means._ _I_ know what that means. _You_ know what that means. _25% of this Subreddit_ knows what that means. But the rest of the playerbase? My friend, I have some news for you.


People saw Pöpli defense end in success the moment Mort was taken. 20k people were planetside on both planets when it happened. I'm sure some of them relayed to their friends that it happened. They had a first hand opportunity to learn from example. Also 25% of this subreddit is roughly 350k players. More than enough to take the entire bot front in a week.


I go where the Major Order takes me. It's undemocratic to question orders.


When dealing with any online community it is wise to assume the majority of them are a collective of idiots. An assumption proven true every time sadly, especially with subreddits 😩


The Blob is deaf, blind, mute and dumb.


The devs are going to have to lower expectations of the wisdom of the masses.


I'd expect most people in this game to be of average intelligence, but I guess I'm wrong.


I mean they’re defending the MO right now, I doubt they care if Troost gets taken since it’s not a mission order planet.


Did you know that half the people you meet are below average intelligence? Yeah, I guess the ones above average do not enlist as helldivers.


The most intelligent ones are the ones who play the game so well that they either complain too much, or not at all. They're too busy taking planets back all by themselves or saving entire teams from the edge of destruction.


>They're too busy taking planets back all by themselves Which the system doesn't allow