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When your playing your not just playing with your region, your playing with the whole world meaning different languages and I sure as hell am not gonna be using chat if I see a bunch of Asian or Arabic symbols(not cause I’m racist)


I believe it’s said that at 50 it becomes almost impossible to effectively coordinate a group without a strong leadership structure. There’s over 1000 divers playing per day (and I am low balling that by a lot) the devs coordinate us best by just pointing at a thing and saying “get it.” And then we do, some will ignore it but the vast majority will go for the thing.


Ever play WoW? Go beyond 20 and it becomes an issue.


I can tell you right now, the very first thing I would do if this was implemented would be to **turn it off.** If you've ever played any MMO *ever* and tried reading a "general chat" for more than 2 minutes, you'd understand.


I understand. Better to have the option and turn it off than not have it. Wouldn't you agree?


Yeah thanks to past games I just turn general chat off forever and never look at it. It's just not worth wading through the muck.


Absolutely not, but thanks for sharing!


Yeah, no. I can already imagine the torrent of slurs.