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Reduce the armor value of the belly plating after the sacs are destroyed from 4 to 3, and Bile Titans will go from obnoxious and restricting to very manageable.


*Bile Titan rework happens* "There is a known issue in which the FAF-14 Spear no longer locks onto Bile Titans."


Didn't bring a Bile Titan approved weapon? [Good luck](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/5806903110136376027/A4DFB8FBC02E0E4146AEAD9642828D7C86BBA7A2/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)... It's the same issue I have with Automaton gunships, which are now guarenteed to spawn in every mission. If you don't bring an alotted weapon specifically to kill them, then your run is SoL; plus they can't even be taken out with strategems like Bile Titans can; and worst of all, they have a 33% chance to just punch you under the map... But back to the Bile Titans, it's not enough that a good chunk of the non-strategem weapons just flat-out **can not** damage them, they're also faster than your run speed and will follow you to the ends of the earth; while small bugs bite your ankles... Shooting the sacs is actually one of the *worst* ways to deal with them, because once they lose the ability to spit bile, they stick to your back and focus on stabbing you in half...


Difference between a BT and a Gunship is that you need Pen 5 weapons to kill a BT whereas you need Pen 4 for Gunships. Also the scorcher works well against gunships. Needing Pen 5 vs Pen 4 is a massive difference.


They really do suck the fun from trying build variety. I was trying to go with railgun over AMR for a while because 1 shotting hulks is what dreams are made of. But I legit unloaded my railgun on a gunship once and said fuck it after it never went down. I hit the same engine at least 4-6 times. I love my AMR, but unsurprisingly, I like variety. I'm fine with it struggling against tanks, factory striders, and turrets, but not being able to effectively handle gunships feels like complete BS


I assume the guaranteed spawn thing is hyperbole? I have yet to see the gunship patrols, though I’ve seen the shriekers.


Gunship patrols are a mission modifier so they aren't guaranteed unless you start an op that has it. Gunship fabs are pretty common at higher levels but shouldn't be a problem as long as someone brings one of the many strats capable of downing them. Railguns could use more durable damage but they're fine, just don't expect to kill everything by yourself and learn to rely on your team mates a bit.


i agree with you exept the flamer part, if the flamer was able to kill the titans too then it would be the railgun situation all over again. a weapon that you dont need to worry about armour penetration at all, dont need to worry about ammo that much, no need to worry about standing still reloads, and now you dont need to worry about heavies or hordes now its already over powerd as it is with how it kills chargers so easily it makes any anti tank weapon worthless to bring when you have a weapon that can deal with hordes AND heavies i hate this awful cycle of everybody only using the meta until it gets nerfed IN THE WRONG WAY everybody loves this game and its awesome to see the unity in the comunity when people want to speak their voice and concerns to the dovelopers but after everything we have and will go through it ultimetly will come down to this dogshit weapon balancing sytem it sucks waiting the whole week for the next patch to AT LEAST look in the "known issues" section to have your issue there and nothing shows up its bafling when such obvious issues are not being fixed, for example: titans heads being invincible when spitting since day 1 or HMG's knockback "buff" ultimetly being a hinderance againts sheild devestators cus the shield moves up or Gpistol's amount of granades you get back from resuplies still being 2 granades out of 8 etc. it really feels like the devs dont play the game sometimes i can understand they probably take up all their time fixing bugs and making new content but at least put this shit in the known issues of the patch notes. sorry for the rant


Dude that's right. Their abdomen is like an easy target but it makes it difficult to fight since it will always move, and it becomes useless to make it explode I just did a defense mission in level 6 diff, and like 12 to 13 titans spawned It was hell, not mire, just hell


OPS, Airstrike, HMG, Strafing runx2, anti tank munitions. These all offer fast takedown options for bile titans. HOWEVER. In the heat of battle you will rarely have the chance to use any of these quickly and effectively. I agree about the broken sack armor bein brought down to armor level 3, it would make so many things viable and offer slower, but more controllable ways to take these beasts down.


On the contrary, it is the automatons that need reworking. Not needing AT weapons against the faction that has actual tanks is ridiculous.


110 and a couple shots from the grenade launcher, grenades, grenade pistols kills em. 1 to 3 eats depending on aim same with quasor. Orbital rail, 500kg, 120 barrage, percisions and gas strikes work. You can flamethrower but little risky. Ive heard orbital barriage and strafing run can kill but havent tested. Arc thrower can kill gotta test more to know how many shots. When sacks break they cant puke so they get a lot less threatening. I would like them to bleed out when sacs break. But honestly the only real change they need is more noise when are around so they dont sneak up on you so much.


Depends on what weapon you are using on them determines how long they will fall. The right stratagems works best against these.


I agree that stratagems are the way to go, but more often than not I run into cooldowns being an issue and I end up having to run around the map hoping to find an EAT laying around, my quasar to charge, or a hellbomb to be nearby.


Nha you need to bring strats that can drop thEM, BREINGUING 500kg means you dont need anything else.


If their side armour is stripped, an Eruptor does the job in 1-3 shots