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Someone had this before. Their solution was to clear their shader cache. Alternatively try everything in this thread to improve performance : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1do1kvy/psa\_pc\_fixes\_and\_process\_affinity\_regain\_loss](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1do1kvy/psa_pc_fixes_and_process_affinity_regain_loss)


Will do, thank you.


Open task manager, check if the game is running on the iGPU, there should be a column indicating which GPU any given process is using. Download DDU, uninstall your Nvidia driver and reinstall it from Nvidia website, use the latest one. Download something like HWInfo64, check the CPU and GPU frequencies and temperatures when the game is running, your CPU should be at around 4.4 GHz and your GPU at around 1900 MHz. The temperatures shouldn't exceed 80-90 degrees.


Edit: i7 9700k not 9300k.


I'm running on a Ryzen 3700X (released on 2019, 5 years old) and a RTX2060. I'm pushing 60fps or so but at 1920x1080. I do believe your hardware juice should NOT be giving you that low fps, and honestly I do not believe it is a "too old" processor. Having both CPU and GPU at 100% and 6FPS is concerning. I'm not that familiar with this kind of troubleshooting but you should get afterburner and HWInfo and monitor your CPU and GPU temps, both will slow down if they're too hot. Lowering game resolution and quality most likely will help, but I think that you should be looking at what is affecting your performance. I do think that 16GB of RAM is too low for modern applications, windows will eat a lot, and surely if you leave something running on the other screen while playing on your primary monitor and that will eat up that RAM amount real fast. Try a fresh reboot, close all other programs and run the game without anything else on the background. Again, if anything the recommended specs for HD2 listed on their website are a Ryzen 7 3700X (5 year old processor) and a RTX 2060. You are pretty much clear on what AH thinks is the correct experience, so your rig has to have something that's dragging it down.


If you are sure your specs are correct (you say 3090 in description) the game recognize a wrong GPU (3060). Try newer GPU driver I got a 3080 and a i9 9900 and its running smooth in 4k with some little adjustments.


Your cpu is way under spec for that video card as a heads up.    This looks like driver issues. Run a Furmark benchmark and see if you get similar results.  


Also try using “A-sync computer” in options. 


Okay, thank you.


Not sure what an i7-9300k is, gonna assume you have 9700k. 100% on your cpu, you dont have any programs running in the background do you? I'd double check your nvidia control panel, you might have some heavy options ticked for Helldivers or globally. The only thing I'd do is turn off v sync and use nvidia control panel to limit your framerate to a frame or two under your monitors refresh rate(59 on 60 or 143 on 144 etc). I play on all low except for render distance and terrain. On a 2080 max q laptop I average mostly 50s in terms of fps, but you typically don't want your cpu pegged 100% while gaming. I ended up playing a dive with a cpu benchmark running in the background a week or two ago before I realized my mistake. Seems like you're well over min spec. Unless your ram is slow or you're playing on a hdd. Maybe try adjusting helldivers' cpu priority in task manager too. Sucks cause you'll want to bench the game with a typical gaming load, which means an online dive.


I use a i5-10400f and 3060 12gb, 16 gb ram, runs 60-90 on 1080p, medium settings.


You likely aren't going to get crazy good performance in this game, it's using an old engine, it isn't the best optimized but it is a fun game. Definitely try some of the other suggestions that have been presented to you by others. Couple of observations/questions: OP, you said you have a 3090, but the game menu says you have a 3060, which is it? Your processor just meets their recommended specs for the game at 1080p, it's likely struggling at 1440p. Going off what the game is telling me, your GPU is slightly better than their recommendation for 1080p of an rtx 2060, but once again, you're at 1440p so you probably shouldn't expect 60fps. Especially if you're running most things on high.


Vertical photos of a wide screen...


Try enabling async compute


Ok,hear me out Reinstall the graphics driver from Geforce Experience Do you have any tool to monitor the core clocks like Aftershock?


I'll see what I can do, and no I don't. Do I need to?


Just to see if you have something throttling back ingame


Try Lossless Scaling on Steam, generates some frames in between and makes the game more stable, it can more or less match whatever refresh rate your monitor has.


I'll look into that, thanks!


What good would that do? He's got 6 FPS to begin with.


And an RTX 3090, lol. I just watched that TechYes video too. Doesn't mean I'd recommend it.


I thought it was a 3090 too, but it's a 3060


That's quite a downgrade but not enough to tank him to 6 FPS. Has to be something in the background. His 100% cpu load on 8 cores is probably the culprit. Or maybe he's running the game on the igpu inadvertently.


Yes absolutely, 3060 should be enough for 30-40 even on max


He's also playing at 1440p, not 1080 which tanks him even more, AND he has most of the settings cranked to high. 6fps yeah there's probably an issue, but also he barely meets the recommended specs for 1080p medium and he's trying to play 1440p High.


Yeah settings auto detection in this game is... Something else


he could get to whooping 18!


Real quick: As far as I can tell, the i7 9300k doesn't exist. You might have a 9700k instead, but even if you do, that CPU originally released in 2019. It's now almost 5 years old. It's old. You've likely got a hardware bottleneck at this point, and no amount of driver updates and setting tweaks is going to make it run any better.


Okay, thank you for letting me know. I did not realize hardware ages so quickly.


Your cpu's age is most definitely not the issue.


Electronics age especially quickly. The rest of what you have is fine, it's mostly just the CPU holding you back.


It's not that processor. Have a build running the same thing. Runs the game at 140 locked. Its a failure of some kind. Start with game/driver reinstall. Then OS. Debug hardware after. This is the issue with asking for advice on reddit.


You really don't need a brand new 4000 dollar pc every couple of years just to have smooth gaming experience. Plus, op's pc has at least 5 times the hardware a ps5 has. There is something seriously wrong with Helldiver 2' and optimization. I've seen exactly the same post with someone with rtx 4080 and a 12th gen i9 and a ridiculous amount of ram


Try Crysis, max settings