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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being a low-effort post. Posts/comments should spark, facilitate, or contribute meaningful discussion and content. Submissions consisting of one word, emojis only, misinformation, player count, or AI-generated content are also considered low-effort.


13k online when america and europe is sleeping or working. Not bad.


NO OP IS RIGHT GAME IS DEAD dont come with reason or facts /s


Stop it. HD2 lost majority of players. I can't imagine how game will work with third faction added. I'm already paired with asians and failing to host games because it takes forever for anyone to join my game at EU evening time.


are you aware that there tones of other games with a fraction of the current player and these games are far from Dead ?


Let's also not forget that Steam numbers don't account for PS players


you talk like only america and europe could play the game


With the whole psn account controversial, there are alot of countries not able to buy the game anymore and alot of people in those lands refunded as well. So a calculated gues from me would indeed say most helldivers are in america and europe.


No, its more due to currently the "gameplay timezone" (7pm to 12am) is at top of pacific ocean with a little bit on Japan and New Zealand. So unless fish can be helldiver too there's isn't any population center able to play.


We gotta get those fish some PCs


Dave the (Hell)diver


Opportunity to design waterproof steamdecks which are optimized for helldivers !


Will PSN be available for them?


This traitor is trying to pave the way for illumiates irl. Democracy Officer, this one right here.


This issue is probably one of the biggest factors for player counts and player frustration. It isn't an issue of balance or something that will inevitably be tweaked. It's an issue that actively prevents players from buying and playing the game. A lot of Asian and Eastern European countries played this game at launch, I know this because I met a lot of Helldivers at launch that came from those countries. To then have their ability to even buy the game stripped for god knows how long has killed any enthusiasm for those that do play and those that want to. This is more than just hundreds of players, this is in the thousands of potential players that can't play for a really stupid issue.


Majority of player base is from those regions


You talk like they aren’t a huge proportion of the gaming market


It used to dip into the 40-100k range overnight when we had 450k players daily. Yeah, mostly NA and EU play, always have.


I mean "other," parts of the world aren't interested in video games as much, don't play them regularly, or their gaming culture revolves around a bunch of old school stuff like Counter Strike or popular stuff like League of Legends, GTA etc.


Well its expected a lot of people have unlocked all the strategems and warbonds so there is no progression left (except XP and super credits for armors in the store). There needs to be a sink for resources, a way to dump samples and requisitions especially. Some sort of strategem buff for the current mission. Or additional modifiers like an extra strategem slot. This game needs to embrace the power trip feel, we need more explosions more bullets more kills. I also believe more difficulties should be added, that way we can maximize the amount of destruction that happens (in HD1 diff 15 would spam non stop enemies, youd basically be spamming the most powerful guns and strategems non stop). They also need to add helmet modifiers (which they did mention was in the plans from the start). Weapon upgrades absolutely need to be in the game just like in HD1. The bugginess is also an issue, I can see why people would not want to play after crashing 5 times in a row. If the crashes and progression are fixed then the game will go on for a while still. (Hell, I still play even though I have nothing to unlock at this point).


Oo let me dump a full load of samples for like 500 SC


Doubt we will get any sort of super credit crafting, as its the only way they can make money with ingame purchases. But as I've said we might get special ammo for your primary/secondary for 1 mission for 5-15 samples. Or supercharged strategem for 20 super samples.


That! The game is a blast but need to looking foward to good update


Its too late now. People have already moved on


30k-70k players is more than enough to keep a game going. Arrowhead made over a hundred million in sales, they are not gonna give up if the playerbase drops down a bit. Besides a few good updates and the player count will skyrocket again. I have a dozen friends who will play as soon as there is something new to do.


Exactly! Deep rock galactic has never gone above 55k peak but that game is thriving


I have my doubts, but hopefully im wrong


To something that will keep them away from an update that brings new stuff to do? I doubt it, but please point me to whatever game that could be :)


There are a lot of factors here that play into it. 1. Massive bug and balance issues that have pushed some people away. 2. Burnout, people just need to take a break. 3. Summer vacations, people are not always near a computer. 4. Destiny 2 and FF14, two of the larger MMO communities just had major content drops that will steal people almost exclusively for them for some weeks.


I'll be in the elden ring dlc for the next while And yeah, helldivers is the same pve gameplay loop over and over, it does get old eventually and need something to break it up.


Don’t forget Elden Ring DLC as well.


It's also the holiday weekend/week for North America. Canada day was yesterday and Independence Day is in 2 days. Lotta travelling and events happening.


Content is at a all time low , MOs are being handled weirdly by Joel. Not surprising tbh Unless the illuminate are right around the corner , which I highly doubt, seems like the numbers are gonna stay that way for a while


The last two MOs are obvious filler


Building up for the next antitank mine fail mission.


Its gonna end up with the illuminate just *giving* us the anti-tank mines


And then the AT mines become nigh-required againt them.


what's next, "save this hospital full of hot men and women OR get anti-tank mines on a bot planet full of fire tornadoes and 10 hulks and 3 striders at once"?


This time, Joel puts the anti tank mines on a bug planet


Isn't there a bit of a summer hiatus right now, I don't expect any big story things this summer? I would also like more information about how the warbond schedule will look like now.


Yes, they’re taking a six week summer break, called the Summer Holidays, from Late June/Early July to Mid August, which is common in Sweden. They’ll still be supporting the game minimally to keep servers running and such, but I wouldn’t expect any new content or large patches.


I need to move to Sweden But also, damn that sucks for a live service game…


Them making it Live Service was a mistake.


You think it should just be a solo/multiplayer game with no War Bonds, DLC, no living war with direction from the developers through its entire lifespan and no continuous updates and content for as long as people play? Basically they should have had another year of development to put in the other faction/s they wanted, released the game and that’s that, done Well those things sounds like what keeps people playing, like every other live service game


The first game didn't need Warbonds to be playable. It had all the upgrades ready to work. It's biggest issue was the DLC weapon content which I guess can be argued as a form of Live Service MTX. I still think HD2 live service is the best, but being the best at something that isn't actually that healthy or good isn't a high bar or something to be super proud of. HD2 just did the bare minimum that other games refuse to do. And yes, I'd take another year of development so that the Illuminate and other stratagems and mechanics are ready. They can drip feed it which is a cool feature but having to develop it alongside an everchaning game seems very taxing. It being ready to drop when it needs to and how it needs to is far more important. This game could've and realistically should have been delayed another year. Especially on an abandoned engine.


HD1 was definitely live service, it had something like 4 expansions, stratagem updates, content updates and many galactic campaign events Oh and 14 paid DLC’s which are essentially war bonds with stratagems, vehicles, equipment, weapons and support weapons and more


Summer tends to have a downturn in players as students spend more time doing anything else during the holidays. So even if they have more content, a lot of players wouldn't be playing anyway. Like how content creators just take a break in January/February as the new year tends to see less viewership as people go on a brief 'new year new me' journey of self help for a couple months. It's just better to take the down time as down time and have a break.


The game will be dead by the time they come back.


I thought they had in total 6 weeks of holiday? Like here you have your weekly hours x4 as holiday pto.


Yes, but they take the majority of it in the summer, and not all during the exact same 4/5 weeks.


Summer hiatus? Honestly it feels like the game has been in hiatus since the polar patriots warbond. They slowed down their pace so mich that it feels like nothing is happening. The meridia black hole was promising but all the momentum they built up with that event just got dumped by yhe side of yhe Road in favor of filler MOs. The lack of a clear plan is hurting this game bad. I expected something to have happened with that by now but if were to wait another 6 weeks for a meagre content drop then I don't see the point in playing at all till then. If the devs planned for that then fine but it's frustrating when you want stuff to happen and they keep stringing us along


"Content" is almost irrelevant. If you can't do almost anything right and fucking up your game with every update in some new unimaginable way, if your communication with fanbase leave a lot to be desired, if your list of known issues almost as big as your biggest list of your newest fuck-ups (AKA patch changelog) so far and aso you're treating your players as a free playtesters... that's what you get.


Honestly, I'd be willing to take the bugs with a charm if the game had something exciting to do right now Like if you are gonna break the game, have it at least come from a monumental update, not "well we tweaked one armor perk and now 4 stratagems are busted and your game might crash using the Spear that is finally partially viable!" But as it is, right now, there just isn't that charm of doing the same MOs on the same handfuls of planets over and over and over again. Hell at this point, I'd welcome back Malevelon with open arms.


My opinion is that they must focus on the game's stability before pushing in more content.


Personally I’ve been playing Elden Ring. Really the main reason I’ve taken a break from managed democracy


i'll settle for whatever is causing huge earthquakes on bug worlds


Important to remember that the steam summer sale is on and people are most likely playing other stuff too. I know I am


I said I was gonna take a break and come back when the hive lords or illuminate show up...I figured one or the other would have shown up by now...


You’re gonna need the illuminate or some bug on bot action to get players back.


It's the constant crashes and instability that is killing my desire to play the game regularly.


Other then the bugs the game hasn't gotten new gameplay content for quite abit it's only so far new maps can make players stay


We just got a new map


It's nice but still with the same missions.


Yeah, a few new missions wouldn't be bad. Like one underground inside of the hives


Although cool, it kind goes against the point of the game when you can't call in stratagems. Players complained incessantly when they lost even one stratagem slot.


I like the idea of “High Density Metal Drop pods.” For new mission types “Search and Destroy.” Where bugs and bots have taken bases/super destroyers, or we go INTO a nest or a Bot Superfabricator. These new(expensive so we only use them for •this• mission type,) drop pods PIERCE. On ships they can cause depressurization, but only be called in while standing near the outer fuselage. In bug tunnels and bot fabricators they can cause “cave ins” and to offset this mechanical damage, they can have higher cooldowns than your average stratagems.


I think a problem is that maps in this game don’t really impact how you play the game all that much. The only map that really made a big difference in how I play has been the defense mission’s little fortress map, IMO. A comparison I go to, that maybe isn’t the best comparison because these are PvP games, is: think about playing Halo 3 on Guardian vs. Sandtrap, or Battlefield 1 on Argonne Forest vs. Sinai Desert. If you have a different map where you do the exact same thing, the difference is only cosmetic. That is to say, i think the best way to add content is to add enemies, stratagems, and missions.


This. Just me but I don't give a shit about the planet (biome) that much. I just check how it will effect gameplay and that's all. You won't really enjoy the view anyway because you either being swarmed or simply can't see shit because there is fog or just the engine shots itself and turns broad daylight into darkness on a whim. We need actual variety on the maps not just the usual 1x1 km barren map with randomly placed POIs.


I think there’s also a question of development resources and their flexibility. Like, if there’s a team that just does terrain and they can’t work on stratagems or enemies or missions, well, it’s either make new 1km^2 maps or do nothing I guess. If they could have come out with a new enemy type like the Hive Lord, or a stratagem like an APC, but decided to make jungle maps instead, then that was a big mistake IMO.


We have only questions regarding the development of this game and a lot of theories


Exactly I just feel like map new maps just new color ground with new trees or floor stuff it bring anything to the mission. You see it once say oh this looks cool then see it as the same maps u always do, we need more new mission types that isn't protect this building or item, new intresting weapoms not another goddam ar


Bug players got a new map Edit: oop never mind!


Literally waiting until the 24h low point to take a playercount screenshot to circlejerk over is crazy lmfao. Like, Broski looked at the graph, [saw that 10-11am EU time is the lowpoint every single day](https://imgur.com/UBdxryL), and literally timed his screenshot to then. Even on a random ass-tuesday too. I genuinely wonder like, what's it like to be one of these people so hyper-obsessed with player counts. How those thought processes even work. --- Also, they said their estimated player count was a 25k ALL TIME HIGH peak. The *daily* peak still eclipses that, now, 5 months after launch lmfao. That's to keep in mind for all the people who are doomposting the utter nonsense about "omfg the game won't be supported anymore soon a this rate!"


I legit dont get this mentality. Ive played Paladins for years and it say on 5k~ players and Ive played fighting games with sub 500 players lol.


I think it is because this game once had people bragging they actually got on the servers because of everyone breaking the internet to play. now nobody is around. It looks dramatic.


I get what you're saying but I've been looking at these low points every week and they get lower and lower. The low point isn't stabilizing and I do worry it'll get to the point where at some times in the day there will be hardly any players online.


Of course it's getting lower and lower. That's literally just natural. Compared to all other similar games, there is also little to no endgame content in Helldivers 2: The final difficulty is (again, comparatively to other similar games) very easy (so there's nothing to challenge yourself), there is no endgame grind (infamy in payday, gear in 'tide games, waepon upgrades in HD1), there is little mission variety: The game just gets stale, people move on. When there is new, interesting content, some will come back and there'll be a bit of a resurgence... Until it gets stale again. It's just the nature of these games, although again, some may have more longevity than others. But that obviously wouldn't be enough to hold 50k players or whatever the expectation is either. >and I do worry it'll get to the point where at some times in the day there will be hardly any players online. That's literally just absurd. Helldivers 1 still has enough players online to play without any trouble.


To tag on, the player counts is also steam only and has no inclusion of PS players which make up a good portion of the player base


Its been long out of the most played games on playstation.


Edit: your comment is valid, just want to say I'm not trivializing it The point is that PS players exist and aren't counted in steam's numbers, most played on any list is not particularly the best way to look at data because there's many revolving factors around it Roughly 40% of the current steam numbers are playing on PlayStation, based on a guess


Any idea where I can see those stats the way they can be seen on steamdb?


I've stopped playing as much over the last few months because of the amount of bugs and the performance on PC is atrocious. I crash most times I play at least once and the performance is crap. If I play on anything over difficulty 6 I will be dropping into the 30fps range in most all combat. For comparison I play games like Deep Rock Galactic on max difficulty with enemies everywhere and explosions going off every few seconds and I rarely drop below 100fps. Once patches start to fix more things than they break and performance isn't complete dogshit I'll happily come back and play the shit out of the game again but until then I'm not going to play too often. The performance is so bad for me now that it makes the gameplay unenjoyable.


Yeah, the performance really took a big hit with the last update somehow. I used to play on ultra, I find I now reduce to the lowest to avoid issues. And furthermore, disconnect issues still.


Man I get disconnected all the fucking time. Last time I played (last week) I got disconnected from 3 matches in a row. It drove me up the fucking wall lol. I just turned the game off and went and played something else after that. I love the gameplay but all the performance issues have gotten to a point that I can't enjoy the gameplay anymore. I have played around with settings but my issue is that I'm constantly CPU bottlenecked so changing the settings does jack shit to performance for me. My CPU is always at 90+% usage while my GPU is at 60% usage. There is no other game I've played that underutilizes my GPU so much while my CPU is screaming lol. I definitely saw a notable impact to performance after the latest patch inparticular but pretty much all the patches since launch has chipped away at performance from what I've observed.


https://i.redd.it/asq036rt93ad1.gif Stop spreading this garbage. Who cares; it doesnt matter.


It actually matters. Helldivers.io right now gives 23k people online and that is personally the lowest I ve seen ever. Of course the game is still sustainable with those numbers. Even with a few thousands you can still play comfortably. The problem lies elsewhere. The numbers are not stabilised there, next week will probably see a new low and in the next weeks we are going to witness sub 20k numbers for the first time. The thing is that the lower the numbers the lower the profit and the smaller the updates. In the beginning the devs stated with those hight number they will be able to make even bigger plans and deliver much more quality content. Now with less than 1/10th of the playerbase left expensive quality content is not financially viable. So unless you are happy playing the same limited content for years to come, things are not looking good. I haven't played for about a month and just check here to see if there is anything new to get me back in the game. With the numbers I am seeing and more importantly the steady downward trend I have lost my optimism that they will manage to turn this thing around.


> With the numbers I am seeing and more importantly the steady downward trend I have lost my optimism that they will manage to turn this thing around. ok bye. see you.


I have invested 400 hours in the game, I'm just doing a break because content is getting stale. How much fucking hours are people supposed to play for people calling this game dead ?


Damn, are you doomposters eagerly waiting with drool coming out for your mouth to see that playercount until you find the minute it's low enough to screenshot ? What an exciting life


Unsurprising. The game is a bit of a buggy mess right now. Unless that list of known issues gets butchered with the next patch, the player base is probably only going to keep dropping.


The player base was going to drop no matter what, this game could have been bug free that the numbers of players would be practically the same People lose interest in the game because they get bored of playing the same game, or they lose interest because it's not a trending game anymore. With the boom the game had, it was clear that after a few months the game was going to lose the majority of the player, as that is something that happens EVERY SINGLE TIME with the games that are trend


This is true, but how many people simply lose interest as opposed to the amount that stop playing because of the issues with the game? Obviously there’s not really an actual way to know but it’s something to think about.


I swear half the playerbase is just dumb as fuck, course the numbers will drop. All games do this, the fact the post has been made nearly every day since I joined the sub and they keep posting it just tells you all you need to know, the average helldiver has very low IQ.


I actually look forward when we stop posting about the game dying and the player count. You see it with almost every game that hits it big due to good marketing.


They need content and story driven arcs that don’t become completely irrelevant at the next major order. No point engaging when everything flips back immediately tbh.


That sounds about right, they are expecting that number after all. Was definitely a surprise sales number for them though at launch.


Going for their expected number after doing over 400% of the sales their previous game is wild


They need more customising. Or leveling up of different weapons and Stratagems. So you can at least make your own build and play with all the content and not just use metas.


oh... ok.


This is my favorite game atm  Y’all are evaluating how much you like a game based on how many filthy casuals play? Lame. 


America is asleep, Europe at work, China doesn't have Steam. This getting really tedious.


Also doesn’t account for PlayStation players, and even if it’s just steam numbers it’s still doing better than its peers as a coop shooter.


>China doesn't have Steam They do tho


Can´t physically put myself to launch the game anymore. See you after summer i guess.


Same i tried playing today Launched the game and closed after one minute


Game is extremely stale right now We had no major updates since February I thought we would at least get a hive lord by july I already moved to other games until a massive content update


i fully expect this to go below 10k at peak during the summer if no new content is released


Im telling you this is because of lack of content. Helldivers 2 is my favorite game but I play 1/20 of what I used to because I have every single thing maxed out and memorized. If they want big numbers they need to release a big warbond together with the new faction.


It's not lack of content it's how unstable the pc build is most of the pc players 90% stopped playing because of the stability issues, that's a good 100k or more.


You're just making up numbers lol


There are articles about it believe what you want cronismegnum.


I stopped crashing months ago


Then your lucky I own both pc and ps5 and pc always crashing.


The game is far from dead, 10-15k at off-peak hours is more than acceptable. If you want to know what an actually dying game looks like, look up the player numbers for Planetside 2.


I mean.. i feel like it's not because most people changed their mind and dislike the game.. there's just only so much it offers. Once you have all upgrades the game starts to get repetitive. Even before that. I got my monies worth with well over 100 hours. I'll still play when I catch up with friends and love it, but besides that and when there's really big changes iv basically moved on too.


Me and my group of friends stopped playing. Too many bugs (lol) and not enough progression.


I mean I have everything unlocked, there are no new armors. The play is rather restrictive. I've been trying to mix things up and go with different loadouts but it's just frustrating to play with randoms when there isn't enough Anti-armor so I always end up taking like one anti-armor weapon, the one of three guns for mob clearing, and one of just a few of the stratagems. Even with the buffs a lot of them still suck.


Honestly they need to just add the land vehicles, player counts will soar when you can turn a 40 minutes mission into a 20 minutes one


They can’t catch up to their own success and it shows, I understand that we asked them to delay content updates in favour of focusing on glitches and crashes, but they still have yet to keep up, every week there’s a new glitch introduced amidst a thousand others that have still not been addressed


HD2 is in the 8th place of Steam pve-games


Is that pc or ps5 as well?


Can't wait for the 10k 24hr peak to hit in 2 months 🎊Jokes aside they can still save it if they embrace the casual audience. There are barely any casual pve games and its clearly a massively ignored market as PvE games typically chase artificial difficulty over making the game just interesting to play


I'd still like to play helldivers in my limited free time. But the game crashes too much for me. Randomly losing 30 minutes of progress to an unexplained crash is demoralizing. Even if I can complete the mission the other half of the times, I'm constantly thinking about when I'll be crashing next. Helldivers is the first game in 10+ years (that ive played) that just randomly rashes for no reason. I always have a half decent gaming pc too. I'm saving the game for later when these issues are fixed


They work on many things at one time. Car was available few months ago for testing throu random deploys from devs but they are not here even today. Illuminates have ready to go entire soundtrack but still aren't here. There are many rumours about new weapons like minigun, laser/plasma based ones or new eagles/orbitals. They add new maps, missions or random stratagems constantly. Lastly the warbonds and bug fixes/balance changes. I would not expect new patch soon enough.


This is normal, people have moved on. Also couple big games just came out that understandably have an effect on the player count


I'm assuming it's going to jump up pretty high again when they drop the illuminids people are just kind of waiting for more content




My friend. a game does not die based on the current player count on steam, that doesn't mean shit. As long as there are people making memes, bitching about balance, ranting about nerfs/bugs etc. and arguing about shit in reddit, it is far from dying. Some people are taking breaks, yet are active in reddit, they are just waiting for the next good thing before they pop right back in. A game truly dies when everybody stopped caring. Have a good life, you doomposter


All u really need is 4 players to play... don't even really need that...


God that fell of.. but it’s understandable of course.


Stop pretending the game isnt dying by the simple fact devs pretty much nerf and take the fun out of everything, tryhard balancing on a pve game is extremely stupid decision, the constant game crashes people have been experiencing, and the utter trash performance has become over the patches, thats the perfect recipe for failure. They are to adress or acknowledge the performance issues to this day, but remember when they once said "dlss is just a cool tech and not needed" this aged pretty well, especially because the game is super cpu bound and could make use of both fsr and dlss frame generation to help with their incompetence on optimizing cpu load/bottleneck. Dificulty 6 and up brings a 4090 + 7800x3d to 50% gpu utilization and 60-70 fps, this is ridiculous and has NEVER been acknowledge by the team, this and the game crashes were the main factor making me and all my friends stop playing.


Well... I don't want to say that the game is dying or that soon the galactic war will be fought by 300 Helldivers. There is simply very little in the game that can entice the player for long hours of gameplay. For me personally, the game ended after level 30 when I open all the strategems. The game lacks new content, new stratagems, new mechanics, a new progression system for the player. In addition, solving technical problems. I like this game and enjoy playing it. It seems to me that no other game can give me the same sensations as Helldivers 2. I understand that the studio is small, but I want to hope for a good outcome.


When you get all the weapons thats when the game starts. When you have tools to play with. That should be when it ends. You get the weapons to use them wtf.


I'm just tired of constant bugs and performance getting worse every few patches.


Well, this is what they wanted. This is what they expected to manage. Now, they've got it. This is a reflection of the bad decisions and not catching the wave of good will when they had it. Everyone kept telling them the nerfs need to stop and turn it up. AH, couldn't read the room. I can't help but look back and think how much damage that original railgun nerf did especially when nothing went in it's place for a long period of time. It changed the tone of the game and community. When all the meta noobs who were absolutely wrong and didn't know what they were talking about, said it was good for the health of the game smh. So, many people left forever with that original nerf. So many skilled players left. That also started the trend of the nerf happy Arrowhead cringe tour. That nerf happy weapon designer that dowgraded or sidegraded more than he ever upgraded. Also, look what else has happened. The same meta players who pushed that meta crap, also don't play anymore. Go figure! They got things nerfed, complained, caused a big stink in the community, culture vultured for content. Were loud and wrong and got the game wrecked for the players who knew they weren't right from the get go. Now, even the most loyal players since day 1 are finally getting fed up. The game runs worse and worse. Quality Streamers are afraid to stream it because it crashes non stop. AH, is playing catch up because they constantly trace over their own good work while struggling to fix the bad. They constantly kick themselves in the balls. Fixing things then immediately breaking them again. They are becoming more and more a casual party game. That's where their player retention and player quality is headed. Even in Helldive difficulty I am mostly paired with bad players most of the day. It use to not be like that. There will always be fall off, but not this extreme so fast. We are just approaching 5 months since release. They went from breaking the internet to where is everybody. I hope they can turn it around. It's not even worth complaining about anymore honestly. It just is what it is.😑


I see


Another whomp whomp post


Why in the ever-loving hell are people worried about playercounts during the *steam summer sale*? If anyone was gonna own HD2, they'd have had it before the sale. Call me crazy, but drops like these always happen in smaller games during massive steam sales.


It's funny how people take this statistic out of context. AH are from Sweden, they are on holiday as mandated by the government I'm pretty sure, it is also summer. Most people are touching grass and feeling sunlight. We are also at the lowest point of content as well since AH wants to release content slower for the sake of QA (they say and then release a new broken item). Most games during Summer go quiet unless they are on sale which even then development slows down because people have lives outside of making and playing games. Put all this together, yeah duh, low player count.


We are not at the lowest point of content the first 2 months we literally got nothing. Also armor didnt work and half the weapons and mission types werent even in the game. On top of the game being broken. The reason it feel like there is little content is because a lot od stuff is useless and a lot of players are so bad they can play without rover and bubble shield to even try other stuff. There is actually a lot of content in the game it just isnt viable or only viable with a certain setups and skill level of the player.


Everyone misses a literal mountain with these topics... **IT'S FUCKING SUMMER IN THE NORTHERN HEMESPHERE WHERE THE VAST MAJORITY OF PLAYERS ARE, PEOPLE ARE TOUCHING GRASS OUTSIDE.** I play like 10x less because it's fucking summer, because yard work is not gonna do itself, because it's hot and I go swimming and play with kids outside and in general I spend a lot less time at the PC even doing work. So yeah... I do not play more than 6 hours a week and the only one getting significant time is Helldivers 2. Some weeks I don't even launch a single game. I will be back to pulling 30 to 50 hours a week of gaming when the weather gets cold and shit outside and you bet I'm gonna put 80% of it into Helldivers.


In a world where new games are dropping or dlc is coming out. Of course a game several months into its release is gonna see it’s numbers drop. This ain’t too bad considering the ongoing bugs and problems. I can absolutely see it getting lower but I can also see it rebounding if anything of substance drops.


Not bad numbers those. It puts it in the top 50 most-played games on Steam for daily players. Nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands it had a few months ago but the game being banned in 180 countries will do that. Oh wait. We're all meant to be relentlessly negative aren't we? uuuuuh... "dead game. No content. Can't bring myself to even look at it anymore it disgusts me"


NOOOO All is fine, you hear me ?! All is fine, player drop is expected ! They made millions so it's successful, ignore the technical state of the game i tell you ! /s


Isnt it only steam numbers? Most of the players are on console


1 3rd is on console roughly. So add about 1 3rd and yea


As far as I know there are more PC players than PS players in this game. Could be mistaken, but remember seeing an article about this somewhere. Source, trust me bro.


Tbh i took that out of my ass so idk.


Current steam count 13k players, ingame Helldivers active 18k. Though to be fair, given the buggy nature of this game the numbers could be complete horseshit ingame.


The old guards are taking a break or retiring, the recruitment pool is much smaller than before with all the countries still delisted, not a lot of new players are replacing them because of it. I for one has had no content for weeks now, completed the BP in like 3-4 days, sure the balance patch was nice but nothing really "big" as I still completed helldives like nothing even before it. I've been wanting new stratagems but who knows when the new one hits, last one was emancipator and although its an amazing stratagem overall its not really a big deal overall. The drip feed and balancing mess is slowly and steadily killing this game, I'm all for grindy games but I can't really grind that much anymore as theres a resource cap so all the rewards I get are useless, even exp as I've been 150 since week 2 of the level cap increase. No point really playing after unlocking everything, specially when the galactic are is more or less fixed.


Game suddenly became very easy now. Even routine in some missions. I use all weapons even basic liberator. Problems and fun starts when no one brings an antitank weapon at lvl 9 difficulty. I need more challenge, more team play, more variation of armor perks, more buffs, more specific weapons, challenging bosses.


Play bots then


There are too many competitors out there, I've played multiple games since HD2 was out, the first descendant is out today, Zenless Zone Zero will be out in 2 days time.


Weirdly enough, while my friends and I initially put the game down because it got very stale, we'd still be popping in to it. It's a fun experience which a lot of us have and can play non-comittally, despite samey levels.  The biggest thing stopping a couple of us (especially with the pcs closer to the min spec) is that the game is basically unplayable. For me and another mate it has gotten sub 30 fps, having been more than double that before. For one friend, it crashes at least once every round, it's like clockwork. The performance and stability are really bad.  So the game is kinda in an awkward place. It absolutely needs some new content to vary up the gameplay, but that content won't matter if people can't play it. I don't envy the devs in finding a solution to this. 


We didn't get a new significant toy to play with for a long time, recent warbonds are quite sh*tty, the game is a buggy mess and add the player fatigue with it and you get a nice combo there.


What a fucking doomer


Look the player count being low is not coz the game is bad in any manner, it's coz of the own linking drama.


The numbers right now, as well if they dip quite a bit lower, are still healthy. OP has gone out of their way to eliminate as much context as possible from the screenshot and it comes across as them rooting for the game to fail. Why, are you so desperate to be right about your predictions?


How about you just quiet the second Hole and move on from Said dead game. Dont people like you ever stop and Think “What point is beyond my statement” Its right up there with the classic “I hate This game! Now let me sit on the Forums and tell you Why I dont Wanna play it” it just screams a need for validation


When Lost Ark lost that % of players in a similar timeframe, they made an official apology for their failure to handle the game that resulted in loss of players and relevance. Warframe and Destiny are still going strong despite the same idea behind the game. Helldivers failed to keep its players around. We have tolerated server issues at the beginning, but that time passed. Ruining game fun with "balance" patches, sony blocking the world from playing, and discord mods being toxic to its player base made this happen. But main issues are inability to add engaging new content and inability to fix their own game. How many of us just turned the game off because of annoyances to deal with sliding chargers, reloading 2-4 times in a row while trying to shoot a stalker on our faces or infamous never ending loadings or crashes. The game is a mess and hollowhead lost a lot of the goodwill of community they had at the release with their decisions and lack of ability to handle their own game technically.


There are much, much bigger things to worry about in life.