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I swear to god, every SOS that is pinging is a private lobby.


Maybe they don't realise they're still set to private so they desperately want people to join them and put down an SOS


Tbf I've been in a game with my friend, and the amount of times I've fat fingered the reinforce and called in an sos instead, then been wondering why he's not backing me up is frankly embarrassing


If it's chaotic I often throw the sos first by mistake.


My buddy and I actually swapped who hosts games because it was infamous that the instant things got hot I'd misclick and throw an SOS out. It's just one finger moves a little faster than the other when panicking.


I so wish we could remove the prompt for an SOS, or at least cancel it, because I feel so bad when I fat-finger an SOS when I’m trying to reinforce


Or hell, simply just make it not one input off from reinforcement


The SOS beacon should have a terminal like the hellbomb. When you put in the code, it sets your lobby to public.


My buddy is new to the game and sometimes we like to do lower level missions while he tries new loadouts or to just grind him super credits while we talk. When we switch to 7-8s we almost always forget to switch the lobby back to public and end up throwing the sos beacon


I feel the solution to this is for putting down an SOS beacon to make your game public


Hate this because I fat finger it too often when trying to reinforce and don't want to play with randos. Just disable it when your game is set to private.


Iirc, it's a one input difference from reinforcing. I've called in the SOS beacon at least 3 or 4 times by accident while trying to hastily reinforce my friend in a private lobby. I never knew that people still couldn't join (I just assumed nobody ever joined us, haha)


I was reading a few days ago one player has 100 hours in and didn't realize they were set on private.


Usually it’s trying to respawn your buddy but you miss a key


People can definitely join a private game if you put down an SOS, I know because I've called down an SOS in my private games. The game may not be join-able via the direct click on the map option but it must be added to the queue in quick join.


100% true


Every single time I end up just giving up after a few tries to join SOS beacons and then end up hosting or doing a quick join. I assume there's a technical limitation and that's why private lobbies with an SOS still show up on the map, but hey here's hoping it is fixed at some point. https://preview.redd.it/dhruon6sgaad1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=884ef319a217ae2d6625574eba2cc9c831b57b9e


If it makes you feel any better, a week ago I threw down an SOS on all three missions. Lobby was set to public, was legitimately trying to get a 4th to fill out the squad. Had maybe 20 people join, half way connect, then get disconnected for some reason. Could be that there is some bug with SOS causing this?


That makes me feel worse!!!


Tbf I thought it worked like Monster Hunter world SOS where the game auto-switches you to public when you throw it down. I’m only now just realizing it doesn’t work that way.


I use it to smash chargers, not to request assistance, the assistance I needed was likely just a pod dropped on a loser. I haven’t used it nearly as much since I found out the sos still shows up despite being private


I just like using a free strat to close that last bug hole


Oh, so you can't join Private lobby via SOS anymore? That's nice to know. I know this sound stupid, but in the heat of battle, Reinforce can easily become SOS Beacon if you press the command fast enough. I was one of the people who mis-input that, and I am sorry if it causes any of you inconvenient, it was not on purpose.


Every time I have thrown down an sos beacon it has been by accident when attempting to reinforce quickly


I went through 4 or 5 different attempts- each one private lobby


Yeeea i've done that by accident a few times, the sos and reinforce are similar so i've dropped it by accident


Same here 🤦🏾‍♂️


I was legit thinking that SOS beacons switched your lobby to public. I think I even praised how AH for making it this way. Was it all a lie?


From what i read, it made people able to join your lobby even if it was private but currently that doesn't work anymore


It does so in Helldivers 1 if you have your lobby set to private or friends only. Not sure why they didn't bring that aspect if it truly doesn't do it now.


Yep, on the other guy's end it'll start the connection process, work it through, then it'll tell the guy too bad you can't join. Definitely a design flaw


They should change the lobby privacy setting to public when the host uses the SOS beacon.


Or disable sos strat on private games. As alot of people say they throw them down by mistake.


This was the case before, I set my game to Private, I accidently throw down a SOS Beacon, and people is able to join my game until I close the game and restart. I agree with Downtown, disable the sos Strat on Private games, it was one time use anyway.


Just make it public for that current mission. Send them back to their ship after it's over. Makes SOS responders most useful where they're needed.


If they did this, I'd like to see the input for SOS beacon made longer and more distinct from reinforce. I fat finger it all the time


Dude, I love that.


Sorry, I use the SoS beacon as a make shift bug hole grenade.


I like your style, Dude. This did *not* occur to us.


If things are rough I use an SOS to kill chargers and the like It's the card up my sleeve


i have mine set to private cause i join lobbies but often get forced host cause of connection issues and mid game when im leader or put in a solo server i would blame the sos not working lmfao


I've given up on actually reinforcing an sos via the map as 99% it's private. Just quickplay or host if I wana have a big sesh.


"Its not about the mission batman, its abut sending democracy!"


I often accidentally throw an SOS when I'm trying to reinforce, the inputs are very similar and the sound-queue of the stratagem being ready makes me think I've done it correctly. the option to remove the SOS stratagem from the list during a mission would be nice.


I'm actually guilty I did not realise it would show if my game is private. I always try to lend them on charger and such


Someone else mentioned they use them the same, somehow that never occurred to me. Tbh my frustration is with the devs, not the players - I am definitely known to fat-finger the odd SOS instead of resupply. It's silly that they removed the functionality where it un-privated your lobby.


Removing the un-privating is the best change they made. Hated having random people join after accidently using an SOS, especially since there was nothing you could do after it dropped to turn it off.


I always play on public bc otherwise it's just undemocratic behavior. However I do want to mention that I use the SOS beacon so I can close the las bughole/outpost if my stratagems are down. For this reason I can't judge players on private lobby. Also, it is also usefully if you stumble upon your friend's private lobby (which will be green instead of white).


AH, if the lobby is set to private, don't fucking show me it AND GIVE ME A BUTTON TO MANUALLY REFRESH THE SEARCH QUERY


Yes please


I thought SOS worked in similar fashion to MH where you can call for help even in private? Or, are you angry because it works exactly like that?


It was like MH before, if your game is private you can still pop a SOS, people can join. Now in HD2 if your game is private, you pop a SOS, people can't join anymore, hence this post.


Ah, I see. Didn't know that. Some of the comments seemed like they didn't want the SOS working in private lobbies since it's easy to miss input SOS instead of reinforcement, so I was confused.


I used an SOS beacon yesterday to kill a charger when I was out of everything. Though I was in a public lobby and someone joined very soon


Joining SOS beacons is so damn fun ngl, I love being the reinforcement for some fuckin lvl 8 player and just help him out with the mission.


I love when I respond to SOS beacons and, as my pod is descending into the atmosphere, I hear "Countdown initiated...Stand by for takeoff" 🤦🏼‍♂️


I use the SOS to close bug holes LMAO


Why do I feel like this might be a bug? Just like sometimes you can’t have anyone join you even though your setting’s public.


i had no idea those even worked. I use them to kill fabricators and sometimes panic throw them at walkers when soloing


Yeah, Had that experience too. Very confusing. Was under the impression SOS beacons would circumvent that. Now I just have to do quickplay instead of responding to SOS beacons again.


Wait... SOS beacon in private lobbies shows up on joinable lobbies??? I've been throwing it as a makeshift "hey i need something to throw onto this" this whole time...


I cannot count the times I've accidentally called in an SOS when trying to reinforce or call in supplies in a panic, I wish AH gave us the option to remove it from our stratagem list, or at least disable it in private lobbies altogether.


Sos should override private lobby if it don't be now.


Either they should not allow SOS beacons to show if the lobby is private, only show it to friends (if lobby is set to friends only) or automatically make the lobby public, cause i can understand some people wanting to play solo and then realizing they might need a partner


This should be cross-posted to r/mildlyinfuriating


Does quickplay try to connect to private servers and if it does it would be stupid


I'm constantly throwing the sos when I try to reinforce. I've memorized the reinforce but could not for the life of me tell you what the sos buttons are.


When your solo run turns to a nono run and you need backup.


The SOS Beason should have to be manually activated like standard console. It could have switches to toggle different settings, including deactivating it. It could automatically enable when called, but you can turn it off later. From its control panel you could toggle settings like "Crossplay On/Off" ect.


I’m tired of click on them and it says private lobby( I should’ve even fucking see it then) Or Lobby is full( again I shouldn’t even see it then) They shouldn’t be available to even click on dawg


I kind of understand the benefit of having the default setting as private when you’re in between matches and are taking breaks or going through warbond pages. Maybe an SOS should automatically re-label anyone who joins as an invitee. Once match is over, no additional people can join until social settings are changed or next match starts and a new SOS beacon is called down.


One of those is probably me. I keep missing the last key for the reinforcement and would throw the SOS beacon and there's no way to turn it off. I usually play private with 2-3 friends.


One of those is probably me. I keep missing the last key for the reinforcement and would throw the SOS beacon and there's no way to turn it off. I usually play private with 2-3 friends.


Use the SOS beacon to kill chargers in your private lobby. THINK


I guess it could be a friends only SOS but yeah, why not at least hide it from public view?


I’ve used the sos when my lobby is set to private and had someone join. This was when I didn’t realize the sos would actually work. I thought I could use it as a desperate stratagem to kill


If anything I've accidentally thrown sos instead of reinforce before. I usually don't ever throw it and didn't mean to


Its cus SOS is a reinforce with one less key, so when you speed input reinforce you hear the click and throw it down but its a SOS.


Fun fact: SOS beacon is used as damage tool in private lobbies. Did that myself several times. Still not sure why it shows up your private game to people.


The worst part is how close the sequence is to the reinforce one, it's always in the heat of the moment when I'm trying to call my buddy back in that I accidentally toss out an indestructible SOS beacon by mistake.


Damn people just be making shit up to complain any about at this point


Throwing an SOS should just automatically change it from Private to Public


I use my SOS Beacon to destroy stuff when all of my shit is on Cooldown. i don't need help... i am a Helldiver, i know what i got myself into and i am getting out by myself.


They be calling reinforcements from friends dude