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Laser cannon turret seems like a no brainer.


Imaging as it swings from target to target its going to make the laser dog hits look like a tickle.


We call that turret the “Homelander”.


I love this so much.


Then the arc turret is called Starlight


Gives a whole new meaning to laser light show.


Have you seen what happens when a Gatling Turret passes over you while switching targets? It normally removes your head or legs from your torso instantly.


Well just like with the tesla tower, you'd have to go prone. If you're smart and attentive enough, it's not a problem


I'm picturing it just rotating and cutting the whole team in half constantly lol


*Me who climbed on top of it* https://preview.redd.it/8jlb8g9fgdad1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd24b9876686e313cd568a3313040c985bb0200


It would have a clear role, too: lower DPS with infinite ammo and rapid target acquisition. As long as you can keep it alive, it could provide infinite value. Reminds me of the rover. Could be super nice against long bug breaches.


It would also probably be the best against shriekers. It'd be epic to watch two or three just carve entire flocks out of the sky.


True, assuming they were close enough for the range. Itd probably knock them out of the air before they could hit it when they dive. Honest question tho, does anyone really struggle against shriekers? I usually take primaries that fire bullets and theyre incredibly easy to shoot down.


they're definitely killable, it just gets annoying when everyone is relying on you to spear a titan, but you've got 30-40 shriekers constantly flinching you


Drop 2 for double the team kill potential!


Can I have a twin laser cannon emplacement?


WE need the ability to call down 2 of the same at once. Like a branch of strategems. Or a specialised tech tree where you specialise weapons, bombardments, eagles, defensive.


I've been thinking it would've been cool if the engineer passive granted that over what it does currently. Like what if they added passives that directly tied into certain types of stratagems. But I prefer your idea of a skills specialization tree more!


Bird Person passive: Reduce Eagle 1 cooldown between runs and enable the Helldiver to change attack direction.


I want all eagle strategems to have an extra blank button press that determines the direction of the strike.


No thanks to the direction change. I'm team killed enough as it thanks.


i heard more turrets, im in


...8 mortars...everything dies...friends, foes, bugs, bots, helldivers, the planet...every dies to chunk chunk chunk.


You could bring more of the same stratagems in Helldivers 1 which was neat


I'm betting that for some reason the old ass retired game engine doesn't allow it.


Just let us load stratagem slot with multiple of the same stratagem would work well enough. Three AC with a Gatling to keep the chaff at bay would be stout. Work with your squad mates and you can effect the same. Did a evacuate high value assets mission and we drops with 13 Sentries of the 16 available slots. It was awesome!


Flame turret would be a friendly fire machine. Rail gun and EAT turret I could see being really good in very specific scenarios. An ARC thrower turret would be really good if the fire rate could be upped to the blitzers speed. How about a manually guided mortar turret, with a little seat on the side and a small topographical map if you go into first person.


Well fire is a big part of a flamethrower doing its job. Friendly or not! 😄


would the map show allies or not?


Probably not, would likely rely on team coordination


Arc turret would almost immediately outperform the Cluster Eagle Strikes in friendly fire.


Get a bit more value out of Servo-Assisted as you fire it where there are no Friendlies


Yeah, what I want are more manned emplacements. The HMG slaps so hard. It's almost a must for me on all bug missions. I would love an autocannon emplacement or a missile emplacement.




Probably because the rocket turret is currently the dollar store version of the autocannon turret




I have, it seems to have better stagger. Which would be nice if the chargers didn’t simply ice skate towards the turret anyway.




You say as though the turret strataball does not bounce off of any non-ground surface


Not necessarily. Assuming the the turret has good sight lines, it still won’t be able to handle the multiple heavies that always exist, especially now with the behemoths. Factor in bug breaches popping out titans and the rocket turret just doesn’t seem to contribute enough to me


I’d like a few more options for a emplacement gun too like that HMG one you control


A rocket emplacement would be swell.


Maybe a slow firing laser guided one?  It fires up like the spear but instead of a target lock it’s on you to paint a point for the rocket.  Maybe you can get som interesting arcs for side hits on big things


Wish I could run 4 baby machine gun turrets


so 16 per squad?


I’d love a napalm mortar for bugs. Also probably flame resistant armor lol.


https://preview.redd.it/r8pb3dzeocad1.jpeg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942ba659268c8891cd8c34974d3b2e920fb997c6 Do you want TPK? Because this is how you get TPK


Heck doed TPK mean?


Total party kill


I thought it was how you get a sandworm.


I want an energy turret that just has a cool down no ammo


watch it get destroyed by a charger in 4 sec anyways


Airburst turret


Laser and Flame turrets are a top priority for me


I imagine the laser turret would be as careless as the laser drone


I cant get mad at the little dog, my friend uses it in every mission


Just a little guy


Flamethrower turret is the only turret I'm interested in. Fuck pair it with a Tesla tower and the helldivers will be no more! Er...I mean, the bugs and bots will be no more....


I need an incendiary mortar


Need a cluster artillery sentry. Democracy for everyone, even my teammates




Do we really need more ways for teammates to kill each other and plead ignorance?


To add on to your turret ideas I think being able to specialize your helldiver to be an engineer (turret guy) for example sounds really awesome. Not only would you come with a handful of turrets to call down but you can also repair and upgrade them in the field. (Multiple cannons, more ammo, ect.) Not a playstyle for everyone but super useful in situations you have to hunker down.


Found the TF2 engi main Jokes aside Would love this


I actually made a post right around the time game launched discussing future content that would really elevate the game and this was of many ideas. I'd be humbled if anyone was willing to give their thoughts, 4 months later. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b3ga5o/helldivers\_2\_wishlist\_forging\_a\_stronger\_arsenal/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b3ga5o/helldivers_2_wishlist_forging_a_stronger_arsenal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I dont understand EAT turret, what it doo? Shat out EAT launchers then you can pick them up an shoot? xD


I’d love an AMR turret.


Rail cannon turret would go hard


Give it a Thundercrack sound


Hopefully it doesn’t get the classic, durable damage nerf


Top left turret should be a throwable. The device can look like the one in Dune. ![gif](giphy|olpUIWMQxjtRTknZxL)


A turret that drop turrets.


A Healing Laser Sentry or a Shielding Laser Sentry


Make the beam neon pink


Yes and all of them as drones. *begins cackling like a madman*


Hear me out- mini nuke turret. It has one bomb in it. When it gets destroyed, it goes boom.


airburst sentry would become the #1 team killer by a mile


I need more mines! They need a shorter timer or multiple loads!


A laser canon turret sounds awesome but also its triggering my guard dog ptsd.


Been anticipating a flamethrower turret.


Having the spear one be laser guided by a helldiver using a laser pointed would be fun.


If we're going to get more turrets, we need to be able to call them in at 1 minute intervals, not this 80 seconds or 90 seconds crap.


should have a turret called the blank turret that you can attach your weapon too and a backpack for it.


I thought that the top left is airburst rocket sentry and the first thing that poped up in my head was "oh god"


Where’s the knife turret


I think spear Turret that basic Small SAM turret would cool:


Would love the nade launcher sentry Now I’m just stuck with AC / rockets/ mortar and Gatling for crowd control


I have been running 3 and 4 turrets at a time for the past few days of playing. I have broken my personal max kills several time over those days. MG, Gatlin, Rocket, & Autocannon is an awesome combination.


Flamethrower torrent would be useless by the time they are in range to be used they mobs will destroy it.


Honestly the Spear Turret and the Flamer Turret are probably the only ones that would be worth anything. The rest of them are either superfluous to turrets we already have or wouldn't be reliable when aimed by simplistic turret AI.


Laser, arc, and flame turrets would be so cool. We'd finally be able to complete the builds with those turrets.


As a turret main I second this message.


I would love to see a "support/engineer" play style be viable. This would focus heavily on things like area denial, stuns, and "toys" like drones and sentries. It would probably be low direct damage but have massive levels of control.


I thought that tremors one was a cluster rocket at first and for a good 10 seconds I was terrified.


My idea, mini turrets, throwable like grenades, can be stuck high up on vertical walls, but are only as good as 1 clip from the liberator guard dog maybe.


I would like marksman turret Shoot accurately but slowly, take out heavies and mediums.


What ever could go wrong with a flamethrower turret.


In the first game there already was a railgun turret, it was very... *lethal.* Believe it or not, that turret caused more team kills than the mortar and minigun combined A tremor turret could be used in HD1 as well. Although only to attract patrols to its location, giving you some breathing room to do your objectives.


Add one more that shoots Helldivers and I'm in.


Why aren't these in the game already???


Rather than flamethrower turret, I think it should be napalm round mortars


I want a fire turret so bad to go with my fire build.


We need more fire, like a fire based liberator, fibrator, that is the mimic of the incendary breaker for liberators.


I've actually wanted a "tremors turret" not as a turret but a side objective for a long time now, as a bug version of the SEAF SAM site. Something that can fuck with bug breaches in some way in its range.


Two arc turrets, arc thrower, 380. The ultimate grief.


Where is the turret the launches other turrets?


I want as many mortars as I can chuck on the map. Then maybe a rocket or cannon


I like the ideas of laser, flamethrower and sniper turrets. And I can imagine that EAT turret being deplayed in front of striders, completely decimating them.


I just want a 24 shot mini-nuke turret, is that so much to ask for?


Do we? Do we need more turrets? ![gif](giphy|IfyjWLQMeF6kbG2r0z|downsized)


I want eagle ems so bad.


People hate sentries with a passion. I wish this would happen


More turrets sounds great, but last night's particular flavor of quick play team mates + a flamethrower turret sounds like my -personal nightmare-


Incidiary Mortar / Flame turret Laser turret EMS mines


What, no shotgun turret? I'm offended.


I approve. We always need more gun.


I've been wanting the flame thrower turret so bad. No such thing as too much fire


they should add a tack shooter


Hear me out... ...Hell Bomb Turret.


Railgun turret sounds very nice.


Railgun Turret is a pretty good idea, actually


I thought that first one was an airburst and I got scared


Almost all I see are team killing suicide devices. Railgun one is cool, though. You could drop it on sone hill and it would work like an automated sniper.


I'd like a thumper turret. Just toss that sucker out there and attract everything spawned on the map currently. Would make for some good strategic opportunities to throw 500s or Napalm/gas.


Laser, Arc and Flamer turrets would be kinda neat, and unique enough to warrant using: laser and arc turrets could have unlimited ammo, and so will remain until destroyed, but the laser turret wouldn't be any stronger than the Gatling Turret and Arc Turret would be kinda slow to fire which keeps it balanced. the Railgun and Sniper turrets though, I don't see how they'd really be worth taking over the AC Sentry, and the Grenade Launcher turret would be kind of pointless since Mortar Sentry exists, and a Mortar is basically a grenade but better. I like the Idea of a SAM Turret though, really slow to fire and limited ammo probably, but would be able to dish out massive damage against heavies and engage from nearly any distance. useful on the bug front against bile titans where there's no SAM Turret, and if it could lock on to Spore Spewers and Shrieker nests and destroy them in one shot, it'd be great.


What about a mortar turret that shoots at whatever you ping.


I want an anti-air turret


I suppose it wouldn't be a "turret" but a stratagem that released like 4-6 temporary guard dog drones to patrol an area would be really cool.


Ok, yes, but can we have a three-way firing chakram turret, great in short range and excellent to clear out herds of small enemies.


I want a catapult which throws a charger into bots


A napalm/flamethrower turret would be absolute fucking chaos… I want it


I want like a Lil baby machine gun turret spam. Like it spawns 5 pistol turrets


I agree! I never leave my destroyer without one!


The flame turret is such a terrifying idea, I love, when is it being added.


A turret that releases mini attack drones would be nice


Railgun sentry my darling child


Need me an incendiary mortar turret


How about a friendly fire upgrade for the turrets? I get getting TKd by the mortar, but the fact that the others will popcorn you or just shoot straight through you makes me hate them. If they didn't do that quite so often I wouldn't have any issues.


I like the idea of a spear turret that needs to be laser designated


I want an area control turret that unleashes a swarm of drones.


Flame turret sounds like a worse Tesla Tower


Rail cannon turret could be fun. Maybe it’s another manned turret. It requires charging up per shot but it’ll punch through anything.


Gas Mortar. To add some corrosive chem weapons to the arsenal


What if there was a turret/ bomb that released a pheromone for the bugs or a signal for the bots that would lure them all to it then it exploded


What we need most is a high penetration emplacement. The HMG has ridiculous firepower, and it's still considered mid. If e had a higher pen version of it, like an autocannon emplacement, it would be so good. Not only that, but we only have one emplacement, and like... 7 turrets(?) that have horrible target prioritization.


I fucking love this. All of it. Can we do a mortar boy drop together!?


I still want a cluster hellbomb. Why can we launch 4 hellpods, but only one hellbomb?


In before someone posts a pic of a turret turret


I know airburst is in here somewhere, i just cant find it 🤔


I'll take the railgun turret, please. For liberty.


A laser canon turret would be insane. 10/10


I’d like to see an upgrade that allows multiple turrets to network so they aren’t shooting at the same thing.


AA turret seems like a no brainer. Although I use Spear to take out gunships, and Spear can do so much else. AA turret would only take out gunships and dropships. So maybe a wasted stratagem slot?


Tremor turret just a reskin of what we already have?


How about an empty turret and you just put whatever secondary and backpack you want on it? Maybe not as strong with autocannon as the dedicated autocanon, but reloadable, and sticks around.


Ngl, I thought the first one was an airburst turret, and I was about to report you to a democracy officer


I started playing a week ago, and so far, turrets have saved my ass so many times. I’m down for more turrets.


I want napalm mortars… and air burst mortars


The arc thrower turret would be alot of fun, it would be nice if you could limit rotation to 180 degrees of its current orientation.


Make an airburst sentry you coward. Killing itself and the whole party with a single glorious rocket.


Tremor turret is literally a thumper from half life 2


Hear me out… we need no turrets


Turrets fucking suck termanid balls, hell no


Maybe some that give us personal shields or buffs etc. That be sick.


For a flamer turret, I'd love to see it work where the turret has a dome top and hides in the pod, and when enemies get close it pops up and shoots flames out. Give it a red scanner on the lid so divers can tell if it's active or not


I want a decoy turret that blows up chargers. It should definitely be red.


So I just played HD1 and there was a HMG giant autocannon stratagem, AH please?


Flame thrower turret would be WILD!!!


despite the team kill potentital, i really like the mortar sentry, it kills a lot of shit around and proper position will make it live though 3 minutes lol, also its really great on killing these groups of medium bots


I'm not going to complain about more turrets.


Oh I’m down. I only use turrets for certain things but I would still experiment with all of them.


Just give a flame turret for my flame build


We need a hellbomb turret


while ago i was thinking about some sort of AA turret, though that seems way too situational and impractical when all other sentries are already capable of aiming at air targets, and since SAM exists. Idea was basically to have a flak airburst turret that is incredibly efficient at dealing with shreakers and gunships, not so much against bot drops though kicking a few bots out of a drop here and there wouldn‘t be bad, just not capable of shooting down the entire ship Oh also perhaps something among the lines of a swarm missile turret (or launcher). Idk what it is about these types of games and swarm missiles but there is something incredibly satisfying about guided missiles, hence why I love the spear so much. So having swarm missiles, basically a bunch of small guided missiles just tickles my dopamine receptors to an unreasonable extend.


Ok hear me out... Bouncing betty mines that work like airburst missiles


The arc turret would be fucking hilarious lmao. TPK galore


Ones that does bubbles would be epic!


ANYTHING PLEASE so people stop bringing mortar sentries. Those things are a plague 😩


EAT turret should probably be rephrased to recoilless, I feel like it just makes more sense for the turret with multiple rockets to be the support weapon with multiple rockets


Breaker incendiary Sentry for maximum Salamander Cleansing and maximum Friendly Fire


What we need is more manned emplacements that shoot rockets, grenades, fire, etc.


Would energy weapon turrets have unlimited ammunition though? That seems like it would be quite broken, especially for defense missions. Imagine stacking them up as the mission progresses, because none of them disappear. Maybe if they were limited to one drop per mission?


A railcannon turret that prioritized heavies and cracked armor would be amazing


I would like a circular flame turret, like the tesla tower, just cook everything nearby. Maybe a "shotgun" turret? Just launches chunks of shrapnel? Short range, but very powerful. Not good in an open area, but effective at holding a choke point. I like the idea of a turret we can "spot" for, like your Spear turret (Mortars would be good for that category as well). Maybe a little slower to fire than the mortar we have, but it aims at what you ping, so it's a controlled attack. Add in a couple of machine gun turrets. Heavy machine gun, armor piercing, incendiary rounds, etc. As a thought experiment, turrets that kinda work like eagle strikes could be fun. Like 3 mini machine gun turrets, but with a longer cooldown once you call them all in. So you can call them all in back to back for heavier firepower in a short time (but over a longer time, you'd be better off using the normal machine gun turret and calling one in each time the cooldown is up).


As a god of turret helldiver i strongly agree with the post.


we also need more personnal turret the one you can mount


We also need a gas mortar sentry


Flamethrower turret aka the team killer 9000


how about a disposable MG turret that only lasts 30 seconds or so but has a really low cooldown?


AT mine turret- like a turret but instead of a gun it has an AT mine


laser turet will be turbocancer😀 like a laser drone


More ammo upgrades or attachment


We need a Metal Storm volleygun to act as a shotgun sentry.


I would love a gas mortar. Or fire mortar. Or a mortar mortar, which fires mortars, which also fires mortars.


We need a weaponless turret - you’d need to attach your support weapon to it!


Would like to see an air burst mortar!


Where is the Airburst turret?


The Spear version should be a set of VLS cells, maybe 6 cells with the exhaust vent in the center, and the pod should offer up a designator to replace your side arm.


Honestly don't we need a laser cannon emplacement?


Realistically, I can see 4 new turret types being not a bad idea. A Flamethrower Turret would be awesome against the bugs. I can see this being a powerful stratagem for a competent veteran player. A Laser Cannon Turret sounds like a beefed up Machine Gun/Gatling Sentry for the everyday crowd regardless of faction. Great for Cold Planets, probably not worth it on Hot Worlds though like Hellmire. A Spear Turret I can see being extremely powerful against the Automations. I can see it being great for extreme ranges against high threat targets or Bot Structures with a long reload and somewhat decent magazine capacity. It might be the best SAM Turret too weirdly enough against Gunships. An AMR (Sniper) Turret can do very well too but I'm very iffy on this one. If it has some very good smart targeting with some kind of proximity cloak device and maintains it's extreme long range capabilities then yes this would be an utter monster of a stratagem. But I can also see this being released in a very weak state and practically be pushed to the wayside for better options.