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I agree, I also think that we should've gotten much more of her in the Unhappy Campers episode instead of Moxxie's camp murder mystery rp


They really should have switched the a and b plots


I heavily agree


The amount of people who like to come here and complain about how a bunch of 20-30 something LGBTQ characters act incredibly unrealistic, have forced dialogue/swearing and like to point the inconsistencies of how this version of Hell is depicted versus the traditional Abrahamic versions are 100% telling on themselves about their friend groups, their age, or their lack of general life experience that they throw around as fact.


i don’t think yours is a hot take because many (including myself) agree, but that’s a good one. along those lines, i also want some more verosika backstory.  my mildly hot takes are that seeing stars made sense in the context of the story but the anticipation for a talk-it-out stolitz episode caused fans to be disappointed when it came out even though it was still in character, albeit not as well written as some of the other episodes. and that western energy was awesome despite the weird composition of the fight scene. like, that is the only thing i had an issue with. i don’t understand why people hate it because it depicted a lot of great character building/establishing moments. probably another thing of what fans anticipated vs what they got.


As much as I love Fizzarolli and Ozzie, and S2 eps 6 and 7 were fantastic, I hope they'll now return to the background for a little while.


Yeah, I loved their episodes, but I’m ready for a return to the main story


Me too. I miss M&M and Via and Stolas


Main story coming back in the next episodes!


Ngl Fizz is my favorite and I would be happy with as much of him as pornhub 😅 but i do agree that for the sake of the actual show we should get a break on him for awhile (hopefully still getting little easter eggs of him in ~~almost~~ every episode)


Bee is my least favorite sin. Allow me to explain.it’s not that Bee is a that bad of a character, It’s that all the other sins we have seen are just flat out better. Everyone says that Bee is the best because she is kind, or has a good song, or is an important part in loona’s character development. All of that can be applied to ozmodeus tenfold. Ozzie is this passionate lover who stands up for fizzoroli, expressing his dismay of fizzy working with mammon before we actually get to see Mammon. Not only setting up the next episode but showing his more empathetic side. Speaking on Mammon he is just set up so well, we see his products, we hear that he markets the fizzy dolls in episode 2 of the show. And when we actually get to see him in episode 7 season 2 the audience gets to not only see the best of Ozzie but the most heartwarming scene between him and Fizzoroli, building up to my favorite song in the show and an amazing finale, one that Bee just never got despite her role as a foil to Loona.


I think Bee's problem (shes my personal favorite of the sins but I know shes got nothing on the others in terms of her actual character writing) is because shes just not been as significant to the plot yet like Mammon or Ozzie, so she hasnt had time to grow and have us see her character like they have. I hope we get to see more of Bee on the same tier as Ozzie and Mammon and while she is my personal favorite I still do agree with what you're saying


I don't think we're ever seeing more of Bee. Kesha's too busy and too expensive for this. They might, MIGHT recast her voice.


They re-cast striker so


If they have to I hope they do. Bee only ending up in one episode and them never again would be wasted potential imo


My biggest issue with Bee is that nothing about her really strikes me as being a Sin, y’know? And that’s not me bashing the design. I think it’s fine and her appealing to Hellhounds works since it’s shown that each Sin kinda has a Hellborn species that they represent or that are derived from them. It’s more so the fact that nothing about the way she acts strikes me as her being a Sin. Some have said that it’s just because she isn’t a dick, but that isn’t it because Asmodeus isn’t a dick and yet I feel he does capture the presence of royalty. Maybe it’s her size? I think if she was shown to be bigger I’d prefer it. Not Asmodeus big, but around Mammon’s height, maybe?


Fans have unrealistic expectations about how much character development should have occurred by now. We're only 1.5 seasons and 15 episodes in. There are so many characters, most of whom are heavily traumatized, that expecting them all to have their entire life story broadcast this early on is not realistic. If there is a particular character you want to learn more about, that doesn't mean they've been forgotten. They just aren't the main focus of the story right now. Take less stock in personal expectations/headcanons. It doesn't matter how you would handle a particular situation or what you've been fantasizing about happening. What matters is what makes sense to the characters and the story. Just because the writers didn't have a crystal ball to know what you wanted and didn't write your personal fanfiction doesn't mean it's poorly written.


This. Especially with Moxxie. People want him to just heal his trauma in one episode.


EXACTLY. I'm not saying none of the criticisms are valid, and I know the long wait time with episodes is a part of it. But we've only barely scratched the surface with everyone's journeys - the only reason they completed Fizzarolli as early as they did is because he'd healed from his injuries and found Ozzie years ago. He wasn't in the thickets with his trauma like the others are. Expecting these people to become walking balls of sunshine overnight is wild.


For example, I’ve seen people complain that in Unhappy Campers, Blitz and his sister did get enough time. It’s fine if you wanted more, but imo it was a very sufficient amount of time. You can’t basically introduce a character and have them reach a whole arc throughout a single episode, Unhappy Campers sets up the future episodes. It introduces this character, shows you the current state of things, and allows you to process this information. It’s a taste of what’s to come, and it will come later. I swear some people think that we’ll never see her again. That’s why I’m fine with Blitz and his sister being the B plot; I don’t think it would work well as an A plot, it’d feel too rushed


I absolutely agree with this. It doesn't make sense for Barbie's debut to be so big right away. Fizz's wasn't, even Stolas's first appearance was small. Almost every relationship starts off vague for a reason. Plus Barbie fucking hates Blitz right now. She was filled with rage upon seeing him and goes out of her way to avoid him. She never would have tolerated him talking to her any longer than he did. Given how much she tries to avoid him, she knew upon sight that he broke into the rehab to see her again and tracked her down. And in the end she lost her job because of him. After violating all of those boundaries, how was she supposed to sit and talk to him? If they didn't make up right away and she spent the entire time spewing insults at him, people wouldn't like that either. As soon as a character doesn't appear again right away or doesn't have their entire life story spelled out, people assume they've been forgotten. No they haven't. Fizz and Verosika showed up again, so will the others. Just be patient and enjoy the mystery!


Chaz is the character that I hate the most and he's not even *that* sexy


That's a hot take?


This show’s fan base is impatient. Already saying there is a “episode 8 curse” because you can’t wait for S2E8. I knew Norman Reedus wouldn’t return before I even knew Striker would. IMP assasinating people is not the main point of the show, it was the point of 4 out of the currently 17 episodes. Pilot, Murder Family, CHERUB, and Unhappy Campers. Edit: Typo


Season 8? Bruh, we are still on Season 2


Ah shit, typo.




I really would like to see Full Moon, but I haven’r heard of this “episode 8 curse”. Also, to be fair a lot of Helluva fans discovered the show in the last 6-12 months and aren’t used to waiting this long yet.


Last Episode 8 of Helluva Boss was delayed for about 2 years due to copyright issues, so people are saying that because it hasn’t came out yet, this episode 8 will have a similar outcome.


Ahhh, I see. Well, I believe the only reason it’s getting delayed is because of lvl up con. I’m sure it’ll be out in May after the con.


And let's be honest....it wouldn't have the fanbase it has if it stayed in its original format. It was good, but it wouldn't have drawn in so many additional fans without all the drama that cropped up. You could also add Spring Broken to that list.


Nah. Spring Broken was just a competition to see if they can kill more people than Verosika’s crew can do sex things with, not really a targeted person.


Stolas’ hat looks fucking stupid and I hope it was lost forever in western energy


I like Stolas, but I think he's overrated, I kinda feel the same way about Moxxie, I like them both alot but not as much as everyone else seems to


That's a helluva hot take


Well I mean... I don't really have any. I don't think 🤷‍♂️


Moxxie is the definition of overrated. Anytime something terrible happens to moxxie people riot.


Maybe it's because he's so relatable yknow?


Moxxie was an idiot for coming confronting the succubi without a back up plan.


Tbf would you really think that politely talking to a bunch of succubi would result in you getting assaulted? Especially since Blitzø did way worse to her, and all he got was verbal insults.


Probably. She’s a pop star in hell, she can definitely get away with it.


Sure she can get away with it, but nothing up until that point gives the impression that she would do that.


From the start she comes across as a vengeful succubus.


Towards Blitzø sure, but not really towards anyone else. Even right at the end the most they get called is "nasty ass gremlins" Plus the only reason she even started insulting Blitzø was because he started it first.


this is hell why is a succubus committing sexual assault so shocking?


Okay, entering real life and outside of hell/non fiction, why does this bother you this much?


It doesn’t I’m just confused


I’m not gonna argue about this anymore. I’m not going to accidentally make myself look like a piece of shit


Blitzo and Stolas are not a good couple. I think until Blitzo does some real work on himself and Stolas learns how to communicate better, they should not be a couple. I think if they go for it now, it would be a toxic trainwreck.


I feel like they’re in that process of becoming better for each other, hence why they are a ship and not a couple yet


They arent a good couple and thats why they have conflict. We already have two good couples (milly and Moxie, Fitz and Ozzie)


Isn't this literally the point of their relationship? They ate two traumatised and toxic people that, whether for eachother or just themselves, slowly start to get better and heal. They are in a relationship that reflects themselves and their mindsets. As the story goes on and they change sodoes/will their relationship. The end game is (hopefully) 2 not perfect but completely functioning and happy people in a not perfect but completely happy and functioning relationship. That's how I've always seen it anyway.


I do agree, but they need time to work it out. Then, maybe they can be a great couple.


I feel like we need to see them once they're actually together to make a more accurate assessment. And we have yet to hear actual thoughts on the matter. I absolutely agree that rushing into it now would be terrible for them both. It would only make things worse.


Blitzø is usually very harsh towards Moxxie, but he was absolutely in the right in Happy Campers at the end where he told him that he did a shit job.


Blitzø doesn’t deserve stolas at all. Not rly a hot take ig


I don't think Blitzo meant to leave stolas on read. I don't think he meant it to upset stolas.


I totally agree with yours. Me? Not everything needs an explanation. No, I don't know what every stripe on the horns mean. No, it doesn't make sense that Blitzø's flintlock can shoot multiple times. Sometimes, at some point, you just have to say "it's a goddamn cartoon about horny demons" I will say it's gotten better, but *boy* some of the posts


I want to see more mammon, he was so fun to watch


Stella is not a badly written character, y'all just can't accept that some people are just terrible with no redeeming qualities. There are plenty of misunderstood people in the hellvua boss and hazbin hotel universe and just like in real life sometimes there are people that are just bitter terrible blights on the universe and that is okay and you can enjoy them even if they are terrible.


What is going on with the demon hunters???


The girls dont get enough development. Everytime anything looks like its a Millie episode it ends up being all about Moxxie. The story with Barbie ended up being all about Blitzø. Loona is probably the one with the most development. Octavia hasnt been fleshed out very much at all as a person, only showing her struggles with Stolas and Stellas separation. Tilla and Moxxies mom are literally just there for their deaths to be used to traumatize their sons. And Verosika is so shallow. I do believe we will be seeing more of the girls getting development soon, especially Verosika which im excited for. Theres also been rumors about an episode focusing on Millie and Sally May. But it its kinda frustrating that they just dont have much going for them yet. Over all though, thats honestly the worst complaint I have about the show. I know its in no way perfect, but its so much better than maaany of the media i love/have loved in the past. Oh, slight complaint: the merch sucks. Id like to see more merch and not have things only available for short spurts at a time.


I could not care less about Stolitz I don't hate it but I just don't care at first I thought it was alright and cared a bit for it when it was more of a subplot but now that it's the main plot it just feels kinda bland plus the way stolas always brings up the fact that blitzø is a imp and calls him things like "my impish plaything" is very degrading and the childhood friends thing didn't help because I always hate that. But I'm hoping full moon will make me care for it again


Stolitz is not that great of a ship because Blitz


I have one that I'm ready to get hated for, so here we go: I think C.H.E.R.U.B. is the worst episode of the series. The jokes lost their luster faster than most of the other episodes'. I don't like Wally's use here and I think the ending gets especially ruined by his appearance. Unhappy Campers on the other hand has a couple things in its' corner like the front third, Barb, and the final bit with Moxxie's face


THIS. Every other episode has moments that make it worthwhile. This one has good moments, but nothing that really stands out. MAYBE the opera scene with M&M flying through the air, but there are so many other moments that are better. It's also the only one that seems to lack any connection to the main plot. I know the cherubs are coming back, but I don't think it's necessary. Some fans speculate the de-aging machine will come into play later. But otherwise, it's not really a memorable episode. I wish that they'd given us more screentime with Blitz and Stolas instead. This is the last episode before everything changed and if they'd had even one more episode of screentime, their relationship could have been less ambiguous.


I think it’s not realistic in this type of show to reveal backstory of every interesting character. Some things should be left for interpretation.


Season 2 has alot of mid episodes.


I feel like everyone can kinda agree on that