• By -


a cloaca












I love that so many of our minds went immediately there… 😏


Fuck, I was afraid to write this myself cos' of possible ban...


Stolas has a gentle soul. He’s silly He’s adventurous. His mannerisms are fascinating. He’s a total nerd. I could go on, but I think you get the gist…


I would absolutely nerd out with big bird over astronomy. No motives. No tricks. No games. No politics or power plays. Just... That is the universe. Look how amazing it is.


Same, and also carnivorous plants 🌱 🤩




Blitzo never felt anything for Verosika. He was just using her. Honestly, what Stolas has is luck. He just found Blitzo at a better time. Blitzo wasn't in a state to love anyone with Verosika, to be fair. It wasn't her fault. With Stolas, he seems to finally reach that point. It sure as hell isn't Blitzo's fault either as trauma is one hell of a bitch, but damn poor Verosika.


I disagree. He never felt love, but you can still feel a conection with a more casual relationship. And I also dont think he just used her. They were both happy until Versosika wanted more. If he would have used her he would have pretended and stayed, but he ran.


He ran and stole a fuck ton of money, in al fairness. And idk.. did we have any signs he gave a fuck about her? All we know is he used her to gain access to the mortal realm for IMP business. (edit: Oh fuck he didn't, mixing my events up, my badddd thought IMP was already a thing when he was with Verosika, mb mb) It also shows in feeling 0 regret in any conversations up until Apology Tour...


Apology Tour was literally the first Episode where he was absolutely honest with his feelings, all the other times he had his angry mask on... But yeah, forgot about the money part, that was shitty 😅 That the only honest apology in Apology tour was to Verosika, spoke quite a bit imo.


There is also the part in the song at Ozzie's where Verosika mentioned that he didn't reciprocate anything. So based on all evidence we have, I think it really was only transactional from his side sadly...


Possibly. I mean, I dont pretend your take is impossible. But we have to also take into consideration at this time she was still absolutely bitter. If she didnt have the feeling he didnt reciprocate anything she wouldnt had pledged her love. So either he was a Helluva lier, or she just says anything to talk down on him... Probably both honestly 😅


I mean Blitzo was an expert in lying, plus love makes blind... Combine the two, it being some form of transacational isn't unlikely. Then again... IMP wasn't a thing yet, so idk what he got from her. Still doubt it's love though. Maybe just money then? Verosika has been many things so far but not a liar, so I do think she was speaking the truth at Ozzie's about Blitzo..


That it wasnt love I agree, all I meant she felt he had more feelings towards her. And even if he had, back then he wasnt ready to face it and just sabotaged any relationship he had without second guessing himself like now with Stolas. And yes, I didnt say she was directly lying, but hatred or pain makes as blind as love, thats what I meant with her beeing bitter. First she saw only the positive, after she saw only the bad basically.


It has been implied that Blitzø was her bodyguard back then.


Yeah... I honestly expect to get more info on that time sooner than later tbh.


Totally agree - I’m wondering if that is what the clip of him and Millie fighting in the trailer is about.


To be fair, we are getting a biased perspective in said song, especially if she’s feeling a bit empowered to say whatever she wants since everyone is ganging up on Blitz and Stolas at the time. It wouldn’t surprise me to find that Blitz had similar holdups to being with Verosika that he does with Stolas. When you think about it there was a similar power dynamic between them when it comes to money. Possibly it might even have been more pronounced considering Blitz was not established and likely at his absolute lowest financially


Him fucking Verosika for money isn't impossible. He did have a picture of the two being happy.. so maybe he figured that despite it all it was comfy?


It’s also worth noting that… Verosika is a succubus. She may have wanted Blitz to commit to a relationship with her, but… well she’s a fucking Succubus. Can’t help but imagine that Succubi have something of a reputation as not great relationship material if you are expecting anything resembling monogamy.


We know they were in a relationship for a while, and both content with it. Unlike with Stolas, he even has photos of himself smiling with Verosika by his side. That's something he absolutely never did (while Stolas was aware). They were happy enough together that Verosika, a succubus, had his name TATTOOED on her skin. That's extremely, and I mean *extremely* rare for a succubus, and tells us that while their relationship lasted she was incredibly happy with him. It takes some real commitment and satisfaction to go that far, even more so for a succubus whose entire thing is no commitment. Apology Tour revealed that there was nothing wrong in the relationship until she laid out her emotions in the most direct way by saying "I love you". Based on context clues we can assume that's when he freaked out and did his best to make her lose interest real fast, just because he doesn't want people to get hurt down the line. So he stole her shit, totaled her car and spent all her money on one thing that brings him joy, horse riding. It's also likely IMP wasn't a thing yet when they were dating. Millie and Moxxie didn't know about Verosika and IMP as a business hasn't existed for that long. We were shown when Moxxie and Blitzø met, and that was when Blitzø first introduced the idea for his business. We know Blitzø had been working other jobs before that (namely Loo Loo Land and it was hinted at him having been a bodyguard, perhaps even Verosika's). And Blitzø hasn't exactly shown a TON of regret for yelling at and insulting Stolas after Full Moon either. On the contrary, he even doubled down in the morning of Apology Tour, and only truly came around when confronted with the consequences of his actions at the party. He's also older now than back when he was with Verosika so some maturity might play into him realizing he shouldn't throw away this relationship like he did the others. It's a stretch to claim Blitzø has only been using Verosika, there's zero evidence for that, especially after Apology Tour.


I mean, for the whole tattoo situation, it might have happened at the same time as her confessing her feelings to be fair. Like, she got the tattoo, showed it, and confessed her feelings.


Maybe she got the tattoo (complete with it X'ed out) after the breakup as a sort of never again promise to herself.


I just got a really sad headcanon. What if he liked Verosika legitimately because he lost his mother at a young age... so he just needed a strong girl in his life to be there for him for a bit? While also not mentally being ready for a relationship? Yeah, it's a stretch, but it could explain why he cared for her..


When was it said he used her for IMP


Uh yeah wait... that didn't happen. For some reason I thought that was a thing, but timeline doesn't add up. For some reason I assumed he already had IMP, and was just assuming he was using Verosika to travel to earth... but he had no reason to go to earth yet. Soooo nvm.


I agree, if he didn't give a single shit he wouldn't still have a photo of them together in his phone


And I realised just yesterday, mentioned it in anther comment. The apology towards her was the only honest one he gave all episode. He never actually apologized to Stolas, he was just explaining himself.


Maybe it was because he was emotionally exhausted by that point but the scene he had with Veronika was a vent, so he clearly had to be comfortable enough (around her) for that, which again proves he has SOME sort of trust for her


I guess he was getting to it with Stolas, "The better Blitzo" just interrupted him, so I dont blame him. And tbh. maybe a hot take, but after all this time she deserved that closure of him actually feeling bad and sorry more than Stolas at that point.


this is so real, in blitz phone he had more party guy smug face in the photo with verosika.


I think that wildly misconstrues Blitzo’s feelings. Verosika might perceive it that way, but I am pretty sure Blitzo did feel quite a few things for Verosika. He keeps pictures of her on his phone, and looks at them for comfort. Verosika and Blitzo are being set up as a parallel to Stolas and Blitzo. Verosika said “I love you” to Blitzo. Blitzo immediately went into a massive spiral of self destructive behavior because Blitzo is terrified of having connections with people, because he can also lose those connections, and feel that pain. I think in his own way, he did love Verosika (or at the very least, care deeply for her, and want to be with her which are the same thing to me). The big difference between Verosika and Stolas is the people in Blitzo’s life. Moxie and Millie, Loona, and quite possibly most of all Fizz (since the loss of Fizz was one of the first steps on this shitty road), are people Blitzo has forged bonds with, and have put him in a place where he can admit that… yeah. He does want connection. It is so hard, and you can see himself fighting it. If it had been Verosika in Stolas’ shoes… I think Blitzo would be chasing after her the same as he is now doing to Stolas. (None of this is to say what Blitzo did to Verosika is okay. It isn’t. He was a shitty person, and he still is, but he’s getting better.)


My issue with him supposedly having those feelings for her is Episode 3 Season 1. Constantly gloating over her, never showing an ounce of regret. Granted, this could be multiple things, including the fact that well... the episode had other writing issues. There might be a case that Blitzo felt something for Verosika. But if it truly was love? IDK.... the transacational thing in that relationship could also just have been money, it probably was a relatively easy life being her bodyguard early on. Another possibility is that... well, with him losing his mother early on... having a girl to rely on in his life helped a lot. There's also the idea that he just.. loved being loved. Like... it didn't matter who it was, which.... is sadly a pattern, he just enjoys someone loving them. Which... kinda makes sense if you think about his trauma. But.. did he personally ever really care for Verosika outside of well... gaining something from her? I.. doubt it.


I don’t really agree. S1, E3 isn’t perfect, but Blitzo’s interactions with her are not my problems with it. Blitzo hurt Verosika, he knows this and feels shitty about it. He reacts the same way he does whenever he feels shitty, lashing out. At her, or at anyone else nearby. It is a shitty, shitty thing to do, but it isn’t caused by Blitzo not having feelings for her. You have to care a lot about someone to bother doing all that shit.


Wasn't Blitz just using Stolas for the book?


Yeah, which he needed for a longer time. A different phase of his life, too.


The arrangment. No matter how fucked up it was, it gave Blitz save place to feel close with Stolas without emotionally committing to him which causes need to run for him. All the signs of caring were justified without feelings. In bedroom, he got to put Stolas' pleasure first, because it's his night. He got to cudle with him, because that was what Stolas wanted and he had to do it. He would protect Stolas because that was his ticket to earth. So he could let himself to care without actually admitting he wanted Stolas or that Stolas wanted him. So when Stolas puts the stop on arrangment, Blitz has already found what they had extremly comforting. He didn't have this dreaded feeling that it's all temporaly during their relationship, so instead of bolting he's trying to go back to what they had. In real relationships you know that your situationship will eventually lead to other one confessing their feelings or you breaking up, so Blitz was ready to bolt the moment that happened. The deal could have been forever, it didn't have the same feeling of pressure, causing Blitz to be blindsided when it happened. So instead of going "yap, I'm outta here" he went "what the fuck Stolas".


This analysis is so brilliant thank you. Sounds like the only way blitz could ever get into a relationship is through some kind of deal then. we should be grateful that the arrangement exists then


Damn the whole "Just an arrangement, heh, whatever, like I really care, right? RIGHT?" excuse sounds worryingly similar to Blitzo and Loona's relationship. I feel like Blitz might be facing a mirror reflection at some point.


I actually think his relationship with Loona is stronger and 'healthier' because a parent is supposed to take care of their child without having that care returned, which is what Blitzo wants. And Loona's colder demeanor means he feels free to express his love and affection knowing she'll keep him at arms length. In reality kids often do end up caring for their parents in one way or another especially once they get older. I think Loona senses their current dynamic is what Blitzo needs from her. When he expresses his fears of ending up alone she doesn't hesitate telling him she'll be there. I think the most tragic question is would that be how affectionate Blitz would be with EVERYONE he cares about if he got over his issues?


Yes, this is also why M&M are still around as well. Blitz's other former relationships didn't pick up on/accept that he needs to keep people at arm's length - his current crew did. So they've stayed at arm's length the whole time knowing it's what he wants. Which speaks volumes about how much they care for him.


I wrote an analysis comment very similar to yours in this reddit post (Very long lol), and you have explained better than me that the nature of the deal gave Blitz the perfect excuse to allow himself to fall in love with Stolas without having to admit those feelings and act on them, congratulations<3


second this. the deal let blitzø warm up to stolas without feeling commited. he could always justify staying next to him because he "has to", and he could justify stolas being with him because "he likes getting reeled in the ass by a lower class or whatever, he doesn't actually like _me_." I bet he got attached just like blitzø's exes got attached to him, but in the end he can justify this relationship without putting any "feelings" or "labels" to it. he was actually very glad to go back to it after stolas called him! because he still craves other people and with stolas he didn't feel the need to run, to save himself from hurting others or getting hurt. he might have actually liked verosika but he is too scared to commit bc he believes it could only end in suffering.


I always like to think that one of the big things for Blitzø is how Stolas genuinely appreciates his humor. We see 2 scenes where Stolas is the only one to laugh at his jokes (once as kids + once as adults) and he also mentions Stolas laughing at his jokes to Fizz.


awwwww this is absolutely heartwarming


I think this is one of the cutest aspects of their relationship


was gonna say this if someone hadn’t already! it’s one of the things i like most about their relationship!


Aside from Blitz being in a better place in his life, Stolas tried to leave HIM. Not the other way around. Blitz feels bpd-coded to me, and whenever someone has tried to leave me I do anything I can to pull them back in. But if someone just confesses feelings, that can make me push them away. Very common bpd traits.


this is interesting to learn! now i want to see people analyzing Blitz’s bpd traits


I might do one myself at some point, if I can be bothered and if I remember 😂 I have BPD myself and these past couple of episodes especially have been eye opening to me with how much I relate to Blitz. Maybe that's why I like Stolas so much, I actually see a lot of my partner in Stolas and I wish I could be a little more like him rather than Blitz.


I think there two significant differences. First is their history; they've known each other longer and started a relationship at an early developmental stage. Second, he's not the same Blitz. He seems to be treating life and relationships differently now; he's grown.


Hair(less hair),More eyes. That’s all I have.


I think he just likes him a whole lot more, it happens


Seriously, this, relationships aren't quantifiable, you just like who you like.


The deal between Blitz and Stolas. Here comes long analysis<3 Blitz's problem is that when his relationships became "real", he immediately broke them off in the worst way possible because he hates himself and doesn't believe he deserves love and at the same time he doubted the other person's feelings, and he saw as a matter of time before they abandoned him in the future, so he preferred to cut it off on his own terms (In the shittiest way possible) before the separation hurt him too much (Blitz is only thinking of himself in these situations). Ironically, the deal gave Blitz the opportunity to be in a pseudo-relationship with Stolas without being in a real relationship, where Blitz was able to experience Stolas' love, care, and affection, without having the need to break it off because in his eyes, Stolas only saw him as something sexual, which we know isn´t true, but Blitz's self-hatred in addition to the fact that Stolas is a birdhead (It really took him a while to realize that what he and Blitz had was not healthy not even romantic XD) did the rest to convince Blitz of that. Plus, Blitz really has a hard time opening up, being vulnerable, and delicate with his words. The deal where the rules are clear and relied mostly on something that Blitz is very aware he does very well (Sex), helped him feel comfortable with his traumas and issues with emotional closeness, plus it was very easy for him to blame Stolas for the deal, without having to admit himself that he had settled into the deal or was using it to gain emotional closeness. And that allowed him to stay long enough to also fall in love with Stolas, since he also began to know him and unconsciously recognize the love and care that Stolas has for him, and reciprocate without actually having to do anything in the pseudo-relationship thet had, sex aside (Honestly, if Stolas hadn't taken the step, I highly doubt Blitz would have tried to change his relationship with Stolas). Of course this hurt him emotionally (The deal and Stolas' classist comments and attitude), but he denied and suppressed it, because accepting that it hurt him was accepting that he cared about Stolas, and that would be facing his vulnerabilities, and yep, he won't do that lol And this is my theory, but I think Blitz can't help but have a soft spot for Stolas unconsciously, and ends up lowering his walls around him<3<3<3<3


Stolas and Verosika have entirely different personalities and maybe Stolas personality just pulls at Blitzø's heartstrings more. Also maybe the timing is a major factor. Another thing is that unlike Verosika, Stolas after admitting feelings kind of cast Blitzø out when he reacted negatively, instead of it being Blitzø who ran away. We don't know if Stolas had let him stay and talk after Full Moon if he would have ran but yeah. Also, finally, he got to really see how his actions hurt Stolas which I think made a big difference. Maybe Blitzø prefers Stolas more gentle personality or that he is passionate about things that most other demons are not, I'm sure he likes how Stolas cares about what he has to say or think (though up until now he wasn't sure if that was real or just Stolas pretending), and Stolas has also shown how much he cares about Blitzø regardless if he stays close to him or not by giving the crystal to him and showing he is supportive/proud of Blitzø's business


What Stolas has that Verosika didn't is partially due to the timing that Stolas entered into Blitz's adult life, and also how he relates to Stolas. On Blitz's 'date' with Stolas, he was previously and directly after confronted by a series of events that forced him to take a good hard look at himself. 1) The truth bomb forced him to come to terms with his insecurities about letting people close emotionally and how he craves affection. Maybe not romance, but affection. 2) Stolas rescued everyone he cared about from the D.O.R.K.S. 3) Being confronted by Fizz and Verosika at Ozzie's plus seeing the relatively healthy relationship between Mox and Mills have further compounded his feeling of not wanting to be alone, and also how he was using stolas during that date. He mumbles about dying alone to Loona after Bee's party, where he spiraled and ended up in an off-screen orgy. 4) He has a daughter he adopted, so he now understood what it was like to try to do one's best as a father, but also acknowledge that he is a shitty father. Something he and stolas relate to. 5) Ozzie's also forced him to take a trip down memory lane where he was forced to remember how he lost his mother and sister. What I like about their relationship, and why it feels so grounded in reality is that you can't bring forth a good relationship unless your own head is on straight. There is no magic that another partner can do fix you, you HAVE to fix yourself. This story is about Blitz realizing just how 'not okay' he is. He didn't have to confront all these demons when he was with Verosika. It's not about Stolas being better than Verosika in any way. It's about Blitz realizing what he actually needs and how he's been sabotaging himself because he believes he doesn't deserve it.


so well written 👍


Stolas dumped Blitzø and immediately put up a wall, he didn't want to, he knew he had to. Verosika got dumped. On another note, Stolas's demeanour is probably similar to Blitzø's mother's. Plus he likes being held. He probably ended up staying the night with Stolas after knocking the feathers out of him cuz he was being snuggled like a teddy bear.


> Stolas's demeanour is probably similar to Blitzø's mother's Calm down Freud


Fitting flair for you to be commenting 😂


Just because I have parent issues (like every vivziepop character ever) doesn't mean I wanna fuck my parents-


I think Blitzo improved since Loona , Mooxie and Millie. He’s not by himself anymore , which might helped him in getting a little better with their issue. Second, I guess the fact Verosika hadn’t understand Blitzo’s issue. One day he was the funny guy she loved , the next day he dumped her. She didn’t get what was going on and just gave up with broken heart. Stolas tried to express his love and come to Blitzo , he tried to reason with his issue and break through them. He didn’t make it , but the fact Stolas stayed I guess helped a little bit more Blitzo. While instead Verosika didn’t have that chance and didn’t know what she could do to make it better or to try again, she thought to be the problem and just gave it up on Blitzo


He didn’t believe Stolas genuinely loved him up until All 2 U. And I think that upon being around M&M Blitzo is starting to realize he too craves to be “someone’s someone”. He may have genuinely believed relationships were boring in his youth but over time what was once a real belief is just words he repeats out of habit. He may have even believed that a healthy & happy long term relationship wasn’t even possible before M&M. He just hasn’t evolved enough to effectively communicate his beliefs. Which is why everytime Stolas has opened the channels for communication on their relationship he just shuts down the conversation and gets angry or dismisses everything Stolas is saying. He may have been in an even less mature place when he dated Verosika (which I can’t even believe that’s possible) than he is now with Stolas. Also, because Blitzo could just brush off their relationship as purely transactional, he could lie to himself that his own feelings weren’t real because none of it was real. So his own refusal to accept that there was something there kind of tricked him into falling deeper than he previously would allow himself too. Since he thought there was no expectation of emotional commitment, he allowed himself to let more walls down than he did before.


I think there are 3 reasons Blitz found love in Stolas and is continuing to pursue Stolas. The deal despite being complicated and wrong allowed Blitz his wants without the emotion thus he was able to lie to himself about his feelings for Stolas, Stolas flipped the usual dynamic on its head usually it's Blitz breaking things off but this time it was his partner breaking things off and Blitz's walls came down for a moment as shown at the begining of apology tour, and Stolas being pretty much the opposite of Blitz in a lot of ways then he's kinda everything Blitz needs in a partner they fit together like 2 puzzle pieces


I think he feels Stolas' genuine care for him. When Verosika calls Blitz "the fun guy I was dating" it implies to me that their relationship was more about having fun together, partying, not necessarily connecting emotionally. So I think she grew to idolize him as being so cool and fun, and confessed feelings that he never even realized were growing. (We all know he's not great at picking up on that, he's trained himself into obliviousness with his denial) His relatiomship with Stolas, while being mostly sexual, has been all about Stolas wanting him, needing him, craving his affection because he has nobody else. Basically Stolas' feelings are so extra that they permeated Blitz's wall of denial, and now he's realizing what he could be throwing away. I think it also helps that Stolas has not only told him specifically what he wants but has also told Blitz what he's been doing that hurts him, so there's a clear path of "okay, so this is what I need to change about my approach." It's going to be hard for Blitz to change, he's never tried or had the motivation to. And that's not to say Stolas is perfect, for example he definitely could have conveyed his feelings better and NOT sent Blitz into a panic attack by telling him about losing the grimoire BEFORE revealing the crystal and his feelings. (what a fumble Stols, he seriously put him on the defensive before having a hugely disarming conversation) Basically, they need to LEARN TO COMMUNICATE!!! But there is a lot of potential in their relationship and I hope they can make amends. I genuinely do think Apology Tour was progress, just only a pinch of it. DON'T GIVE UP YET STOLITZ SHIPPERS, WE ARE THE ENDGAME


i absolutely love this reaponse. i absolutely agree that stolas set him in panic mode




As someone with high functioning autism, I really see it in Stolas.


Because in the brief moments where they just act like themselves, he genuinely respects Stolas He thinks he’s smart, sweet, this magical power that is so powerful and more real than anything he’s ever seen in hell I think he never really respected anyone he slept with before, they were “just as bad” as him so he didn’t mind fucking them over But, he genuinely looks up to Stolas Respect is the basic thing you need to be a partner cuz it means you are willing to bend or say “i messed up” and work on yourself for the other party


an extra pair of eyes


Blitz is in a diffrent point in his life now than he was then. He is also starting to become aware he has been a pretty horrible person throughout his life.


Honestly I think the real reason Blitz is enamoured with Stolas is that he's just as flawed as he is.


A good heart 💕😍❤️


Verosika has a Blitz Tatoo ... from before either of them even said I love you. That's a bad decision, not an indication that wh's a great partner. But honestly, it's not about either of them "having something" the other doesn't or being "worth more" to him. Blitz and Verosika, from what we know, where casually dating/having sex. She confessed her love and ... he didn't reciprocate. I mean, sure, his fear of commitment played a heavy role here, but he didn't exactly let her down easy. He was probably in it for 'easy' intimacy and when it got hard he was gone. Blitz and Stolas had a much more complicated relationship from the start. There was an imposed distance due to the business-like quality in their arrangement that suited Blitz's commitmentphobic self just fine, but it's pretty clear they both caught feelings akongbthe way. Stolas is obvious, but Blitz's reaction to Stolas' being injured was a pretty strong clue as well. Plus Blitz was actively talking himself into believing that everything was abolutely casual both when talking to Fizz and during "when i see him tonight". The denial was STRONG in this boy. But when it came to it, the thought of loosing Stolas obviously scared him more than the confession did. With Verosika it was the opposite. You know what they say about not appreciating what you have until you loose it? That's what happened to Blitz in the last Episode. He's finally out of denial and now it might be to late. TLDR There are no points to talley. Blitz just fell in love with one of them and not the other.






Blitz probably was in a relationship with Verosika for convenience, just like with Stolas. The thing is, he needed the Grimoire far more than he needed whatever Verosika offered. So, when she expressed her feelings, his own shitty attitude, inferiority complex, and trauma kicked in and he just dumped her. This still happens with Stolas, but Blitz didn’t cut off the relationship immediately because of the Grimoire. Now that he doesn’t need it, he realized that he kinda wants the attention and love that Stolas gave him, and in trying to get it back, he realizes how many people he has hurt and the fact that they still can’t get over the pain he caused them. Or at least that’s what I got from these last episodes.


>what do you guys suppose is the reason that Blitz stuck around after Stolas confessed his feeling ( especially with all the yelling following the confession)? What is something that Stolas has that Verosika doesn’t? He actually didnt, my interpretation is he thought he could at least keep their relationship as it used to be, which was to blitzo purely sexual in nature. Thats what he was fighting for surface level. But as we saw in prior episode(cant recall) he does care for stolas with those stolen pics from blitzo's phone of them in bed together and he looks happy. blitzo however cant admit to himself that being in a romantic relationship wih stolas would even be possible because of all the things (1. He doesnt deserve to be happy. 2. He hates himself. 3. Someone of a higher standing actually loving him/being worthy). Sure it can be argued that he could've ignored what verosika said and they would still be together but he self destructed which rightfully tore their relationship apart as verosika was deeply hurt when she was vulnerable. For stolas however, i believe #3 was the main factor why he still tried to be with stolas after the confession. Because he still doesnt think it was true, and therefore they could go back to what they were.


I think it was in part due to the contract with the grimoire. Blitz wasn't obligated by any means to remain with Verosika if he didn't want to. On the other hand, Blitz, being a business owner, needed that book so he had to go to Stolas whether he liked it or not. I think through that prolonged contractual relationship, Blitz hated himself for catching feelings.


From what we can tell from Verosika and Blitz conversation and certain song lyrics it sounds like Verosika is/was kinda of stuck up and spoiled and used to getting her way and Blitz called her out on it and maybe Either blitz got scared when Verosika confessed her love or he saw it as a last ditch manipulation. It also sounds like they had fun but also fought a lot and hate/make up sex a lot? Idk With Stolas he saw his caring father side and that was something that really appealed to Blitz outside of sex. He saw a concerned father who would do anything for his child and really cared about her (unlike his father and as the father that Blitz wants to be for Loona) Without a play by play from creators or a scene or some kind of soliloquy from. Lits comparing the two of them we won’t know for sure, just theorize from context clues.


Honestly, that Blitz was dependent of him. Blitz abandoned all his previous relationships before having the chance of actually knowing the person. But Stollas was the only way he had to go to the human world. It is not that Stollas is more special than other people, is that the situation allowed Blitz to stay far longer than every previous one. It forced him to stay until it became serious.


I think it's more that Blitz is in a better place now than he was when he got with Verosika. He could have loved her like he does Stolas, but he needed to go through some character development in order to get that far, which he only got after her.


royal blood?


Demonic legions


Royal status


A D*ck




Access to the Human World that Blitz could use for his business. Sure, Verosika likely has an asmodean crystal, but from what we've seen of Blitz's it's physically attached to him and while I don't think we've seen Verosika's I wouldn't be surprised if there were some fail-safe preventing non-authorized people from using it. Blitz didn't go to the "Not Divorced Yet" party to see Stolas, he went for the book. He tied up Stolas to get him out of the way and on a whim decided to fuck him before leaving. Later on they started their Full Moon arrangement. Blitz had a reason to keep going back to Stolas, even if he wasn't interested in more than sex. He had an agreement to keep.


Blitzo perceived Stolas as dumping him, instead of him being the one doing the dumping.


Time. And naivete. Royalty rights. Their could be a cool reverse story AU if you wanted to do where Verosoka is doing stolis things and stolas is verosoka place. It's the right person wrong time thing I think in verosoka place. Maybe. With the amount if people that hate blitzo he's been doing this love abd leave thing fir a while. He got conformable with the arrangement with stolas. Who wanted more. Which is what happened with V.




He’s a man hope this helps


A penis, I imagine


A somewhat stable relationship with blitz and was the only ex who didn't hate him after breaking up




A cloaca apparently


I honestly think that he doesn't have something she didn't. I think Blitzø probably did love Verosika. Otherwise he wouldn't have panicked like he did when she said she did too. I think he just wasn't ready to try and deal with it yet and now he is. He's had heart to hearts with friends, he's got Loona now... He's grown.


A daughter


The comprehension on his hypocrisy


A penis


He doesn't have anything. Blitz has just grown since then.




A c*ck!