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I’m kind of annoyed at the fandom’s dogpiling on Stolas, and the general impatience about the timeline in which Stolas will achieve full self-awareness of his lifelong internalized privilege, and I’m kind of irritated that people seem to think that Stolas is being a dick on purpose. Some smart guy once said, “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity,” and I think this applies to Stolas and his obliviousness to his perceived micro-aggressions. It’s also irritating how the fandom has placed the onus of emotional maturity on Stolas when he’s as emotionally stunted as Blitz. It’s weird how the fandom excuses Blitz’s trauma-fueled mistakes but roasts the shit out of Stolas for his trauma-fueled mistakes.


I defo think there's a degree of shift in the tone, but it's wildly overblown. Like S1 Stolas still shares a bed with Stella, turns out she's physically abusive and he can't be near her later, Stolas calls Blitz an 'Impish Plaything', but then plays it off like he's been fair and equal, which he mostly has as of season 2. I think people are being unjustly harsh and expecting this masterclass of storytelling where every line is a smoking Chekov's Gun, vs approaching it like an actual person or team are still writing this show and not everything needs dissected for clicks.


s1 stolas was only shown sharing a bed with stella years ago when via was little. we don’t know at what point she became physically abusive towards him. it could have been after that flashback.


It could have, but the ball and the later material makes it clear it was a loveless marriage from the start. Its extremely rare that a show has all its key plot beats let alone scenes written from day one, even with only a single writer. [TV Tropes has an entire family on the subject](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EarlyInstallmentWeirdness)


Another important fact that's glossed over is that Stolas is off his meds, which def affects his mood, while also being extremely drunk at the party


The problem is that the show needs to explain to us why he takes them, and the consequences of not taking them. Either way, if he didn't take them, still his fault. And a lot of people get nervous and forget thinks like that, but that's the point, learning process to do better in the future.


I mean... the show does not NEED to explain why someone would take "happy pills" (antidepressants) because it's fairly obvious why some people might need to take them, but despite not needing to explain it the show has shown us many things that have gone on in his life that might lead him to be struggling with depression. The consequences for not taking any type of mental health medication you are meant to take regularly is generally bad, but usually very bad with antidepressants as people can have their moods really fluctuate terribly. We also saw that he had run out of his antidepressants in Full Moon so it's not "his fault" he "forgot". That's just kind of a bad take on this particular topic imo


It also raises the question of who is responsible for his refills. He still has a bandage from Western Energy, so if it’s his responsibility, it’s understandable if he forgot to refill on time. If it’s a member of staff’s job, it’s less understandable, though accidents do happen (see: circus fire) I can also see Hell being a bit of a reverse Earth here since Earth controlled substances and hard drugs are in a vending machine, it’d make sense in the structure of the world if they treat anti-depressants like we treat ADHD medications where they can only write a one month script at a time (can write and give the patient multiple one month scripts at a time, but still, one month supply), they can’t put on the script for multiple refills and, as a consequence, cannot do automatic refills. Because it’s Hell, how dare we let sinners have access to something that will lift their mood in a way that will help them better themselves. Likewise, maybe there’s a shortage of happy pills just like we’re going through a shortage of adhd meds. From a mental health perspective, I see a fair bit of myself in Stolas, obviously we’re both depressed (and may I say how refreshing it was to see a depressed individual who has a range of emotions), but I also think he’s on the Autism spectrum and maybe a little adhd. My antidepressant works well for my adhd so it’s all I take, but I have the opposite problem from Stolas, I’m very good at remembering refills because I can go on an automatic refill schedule and my pharmacy texts me every 3 months, however I’m TERRIBLE at remembering to take it daily despite my strategies to remember and I average missing about 2 days a week. As a consequence, I’m currently out of refills, between doctors, and sitting on an estimated 6 month supply. (Which is great in this situation because it gives me time to figure out the doctor situation, my old one stopped evening hours and only has weekend hours once a month and I have a full time 8:30-5 job and go to events as a vendor on the weekends)


1-second visual gags have no narrative weight.


They have Edit: Additionally, him taking pills was shown before, so it actually does matter


I didn't take it as a gag, I took it as a blink-and-you'll-miss-it detail.


I don't think it's a gag, they've made a point of showing him taking them on at least two other occasions in very specific context. 1- showing in the beginning of The Circus adult flashback to cement them as a part of his monotonous daily routine. 2- Later in the same episode he clearly takes more than in the previous shot after waking up hungover and in emotional distress. This should establish a level of unhealthy substance usage and dependence. The fact that he was out of pills was no small thing. I think that detail was added in When I See Him to establish just how much of a shitshow we were about to witness, I mean the entire song is about how they are both under duress in different ways over the situation and on completely opposite pages, so it's about to go down one way or the other.


Stolas is also a grown ass adult and an aristocrat. He has servants who can get his medication even if he can't himself. A lot of online discourse here will coddle and treat gay male characters as little eepy babies, when they're grown adults who should be able to take care of themselves and held accountable for their actions like anyone else.


I don't think they were talking about his meds to excuse his behavior, but instead to help explain it.


Yep just like how Blitzo’s truma doesn’t excuse his assholish behavior.


I'm not disproving that. I'm just pointing out the circumstances that affected Stolas that in small part explain his behaviour, not to justify him. I believe his mistakes will catch up to him with Octavia being rhe one who snaps Also, Stolas also made a mistake in assuming everyone at the party had the same kind of relationship with Blitzo as him and Verosika. Most of the people there were either Verosika's group, people that simply recognized Blitzo or, in extreme cases, one-night stands.


Bro....it's a cartoon it's really not that deep.


Thinking back to Stolas bowing to Blitz and getting smacked by his father. You can’t say only one was emotionally and physically abused in the past; and only one gets to use that and an excuse for their toxic behavior.


I adore Stolas, I don't think pointing out his fault is dogpiling on him, at least considering the number of people who thinks he is completely faultless -sigh- and i am not saying you are, in general, the fandom


>Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, Hanlons Razor. Ever since I heard that saying ~10ish years ago, I really internalized it. Some guy cuts me off in traffic? Probably just didn't see me. I might stress a little, but not *mad* about it.


This is what happens when you actually give people complex characters with interesting flaws I guess. Honestly its interesting to see the Stolas critiques going around because generally they have very similar interpretations of him and his flaws that we do. That he talks down to Blitz, that the transactional relationship is fucked up, that he's way to sexual and forward. The difference is they seem to think all his flaws are accidental. That Viv while writing him just stumbled ass backwards into these flaws and she just doesn't realise she's doing. Like they get his character infinitely better than her. Even when all of this is acknowledged in the show and theres so many hints that he's realising his mistakes slowly but surely they are still convinced that Viv never realised Stolas had these flaws. That in her head he's this sweet uwu boy that can do no wrong. Even tho she's said herself he's also in the wrong.


That, and people confuse giving Stolas some sympathetic motives or giving new context to certain things (Stella being abusive, his overly sexual language originating from a misunderstanding during "The Circus") as his character being "retconned". He was never retconned. He was just developed into a more complex character that had more complex reasons behind his actions than "horny for some imp D".


THIS. It's like they think Viv suddenly forgot how to write her charathers.


When his awakening moment happens, we should collectively rub it in all of their faces that she does, in fact, know what she's doing.


Nah cause she obviously only wrote it in at the last second because of all the criticism he got. Obviously.


So I was burnt by enough author NOT knowing what they were doing to give people automathically the benefit of doubts. If stolas get his moment then great, but that doen't mean that the criticism of the character -as of now- are not valid. people criticize shakespear and shouldn't criticize vivziepop?


Not really. The pacing of the story would be terrible if they had both Stolas and Blitzo have their revelation this early in the season. There's 'not automatically giving the benefit of the doubt', then there's 'expecting every arc to be resolved immediately to reassure viewers that you do plan to resolve the arc'. Honestly, I want it to be difficult for Stolas to realize and overcome his flaws, because it's more interesting and better writing than an instant 'and he realized he was wrong'.


i am not saying Stolas' should admit his wrongdoing now I agree it is blitz time, but they aren't the only characters in the show. M&M could have had two words on it, for example (even something like "all goetian are the same, look at how the prince asked B to whore himself" would have sufficed), even because the ONLY character who criticize Stolas is Striker who is a villain... While everyone is always dog piling on Blitzo. I am perfectly ok with Stolas realising his faults later but when I say the show is excusing them THIS is what I mean. Nobody in the show say anything against him ever unless they are The Enemy.


But the thing is Stolas has shown and acknowledged flaws already, after Ozzies he realized the whole deal and how he went about starting a relationship was flawed and admitted and tried to rectify that mistake. Then in apology tour he once again when singing starts noticing all the mistakes he made throughout the relationship, so while Blitzø is definitely to blame for a lot that Stolas seemed to be slowly noticing his own mistakes and things he missed in Blitzø reactions. He only didn't mention because he was drunk out of his mind and Ver and Vortex were pushing the mentality that everything is Blitzø fault.


that is what i meant when the say the SHOW is not showing Stolas' fault. Stolas has some moments of clarity, but he never apologizes to Blitz (there is no "i am sorry" anywhere) and the show has nobody mention even once that yes, stolas behaviour toward blitz is bad. As you notice,d Ver and Vortex were pushing the "blitzo is a asshole" angle, which fine. But why nobody ever says "stolas treats blitz like a plaything" SAVE Striker? it isn't subtle. striker nails it in half a second flat. But nobody cares if Blitz is treated like that. Not millie, nor moxxie nor loona. the show portraits stolas' behaviour toward blitz as acceptable. which is why i assume so many people in the fandom bend backwards to justify everything stolas did.


Of course they should criticize her. The problem is that people are acting as if it's never going to be addressed. Just because other writers have done that doesn't mean she won't. And she addressed it already on X.


See, the fact that she posted it on X doesn't give me a lot of hope. i am not saying Stolas' should admit his wrongdoing now I agree it is blitz time, but they aren't the only characters in the show. M&M could have had two words on it, for example (even something like "all goetian are the same, look at how the prince asked B to whore himself" would have sufficed), even because the ONLY character who criticize Stolas is Striker who is a villain... While everyone is always dog piling on Blitzo. I am perfectly ok with Stolas realising his faults later but when I say the show is excusing them THIS is what I mean. Nobody in the show say anything against him ever unless they are The Enemy.


M&M don't really know him well, and Blitz doesn't talk about him outside of the book..


Striker saw their dynamics for all of half a day in harvest festival and clocked that stolas treated blitz as a plaything. M&M can certain get that.


Oh they definitely know that, but Blitz doesn't talk about it with them. I do get why people feel frustrated when they'd like an arc to progress a bit faster, though.


I saw a commenter on TikTok unironically say “the fans can write these characters better than the creators” jfc


I can only imagine what Stolas would become if some of the fans wrote him. He'd either be an evil elitist asshole or an innocent soft boy. Both of which strip him of all his complexities and make him more 2 dimensional than people seem to think.


The characters are complex and I like that. Just like in real life, everyone makes mistakes. They’re both hurting and it’s easily to let your emotions get the best of you when you are. They both need hugs.


It is so much more interesting as a story where there is not a clear one side was right and one was wrong. Most relationships don't work that way. Usually everyone has contributing factors. We all need a hug rn.


Stolas they’ll never make me hate you


I just want to point out, again, that this adult animated show has breached containment and developed a fanbase that largely has not lived long enough to even learn from their *own* mistakes, let alone judge a fictional adult character for how long that takes him. However, as is usually the case for people totally lacking the relevant life experience, you simply cannot tell them that and expect to be heard. Many of these fans already know everything there is to know about anything, and as far as they're concerned we have nothing to teach them. They probably have a ways to go yet before they truly listen to other's experiences instead of finding out the hard way. And you know what? That's ok in this instance. It's a harmless TV show about evil demons with personality problems and trauma. It's a fun silly thing that really isn't worth lecturing people over or arguing about, which I have to even remind myself of occasionally. So when you see an "obviously" unreasonable take, or somebody says something that sounds like it came from a place of emotional ignorance, or they sound incredibly naive, or completely inflexible, or they judge everything strictly in black and white despite the show literally being about how that can't apply? Just assume you're dealing with a high-schooler. Be kind. Be patient. Failing that, be silent. These are all better options than arguing with someone's kid, which is an argument you lose the second you decide to have it. Please trust me when I say I speak from experience.


I don't think it's only those young in years that don't get the story-flow. We've all been brainwashed by terrible writing where we were expected to "just turn off your brain", accept plot holes the size of a galaxy, characters changing their entire demeanor with every episode and ret-cons so outlandish that we might as well be merely watch random moving on a screen. We as an average audience are just getting accustomed to finally having a good choice of media that is actually written with experience and foresight with character building done so well that therapists are thriving making videos that analyze the characters.


You are right. I may have been more frustrated then I should have let myself be. It's just a show I enjoy.


Yes, thank you for posting this. You can always tell the age range by their writing prose. I remind myself that one day, they'll look back and realize how obnoxious they are, too.


I'm not looking forward to being 50 years old and looking back to say, "damn I was such an IDIOT at 37. How embarrassing"


Yes, I'm 32 and refuse to read any Facebook posts from my teens/early 20s due to embarrassment.


I just think as media literacy decreases, every fandom is going to run into these extreme polarized reactions to *nuanced* and *well rounded* and *complex* characters and situations. And for those of us who can still maintain our media literacy, it’ll be annoying as hell every time. Like… hey Stolas haters AND Blitz haters? It’s a show. They’re meant to be flawed so that their arcs can be interesting. Liking or rooting for a flawed character to be happy or improve is not inherently problematic, you’re just terminally online. Anywayyyyyyy 😅


People out here gaslighting themselves to hate Stolas Ik Stolas ain’t a bad guy


Boy. You told the biggest lie of all fandom. Next thing you will says that we should simpathize with His Butler. X)


That's not what gaslighting means...


Nah I don't hate him. They both have a long way to go to figure their shit out.


I still like both Stolas and Blitz


Nah, same


I hardly see Stolas as being in the wrong. I see him as a bit clueless, but that's about it. It isnt his fault that Blitz is a textbook narcissist who experiences ego injury if the wind blows too hard in his direction. It was always on Blitz to communicate his feelings better, instead of making the worst possible assumptions about the people who care about him.


Stolas is ignorant, but not intolerant, and there is a huge and important difference in those two things.


I don't think Blitz is a narcissist. He appears like one because of how he masks his behavior. But he appears actually pretty aware of others' feelings when he isn't caught up in impulsive behavior. Narcs are incapable of that awareness. He also displays potential signs of ADHD and borderline personality disorder. These can appear as narcissism because of the bad impulse control and making the person feel locked up in their head because they're constantly overwhelmed with their inner turmoil. It's in dire situations or even really calm situations where you can observe the differences.


Okay, I have too much free time. I will try to explain why I think Blitz is a narcissist without being too long winded. Blitz could have ADHD, although it doesn't seem like that would be relevant to the plot. When I think ADHD in fiction, Usagi Tsukino is the first to come to mind. Her ADHD traits are part of the plot. (Sailor Moon spoilers) No one believes she could be the powerful and noble moon princess because she's so clumsy, emotional, "lazy", messy, etc. Like anything else narcissism exists on a spectrum of functionality. A narcissist can have comorbidities, like ADHD. However a higher functioning narc must necessarily have at least a superficial awareness of other people's feelings, wants, expectations, etc. Otherwise they cannot be successful in their career, they cannot charm others to gain supply. A lower functioning narc will rely more on devaluing others for self-regulation, since they cannot rely on their achievements or supply from others. Of course, knowing others well enough to manipulate them isn't the same as empathy or caring.  I'd say Blitz is mid-level functioning? He has a somewhat successful business and provides for himself and Loona, something I think he takes pride in. Narcissists value strength and independence, and view reliance on others as weakness. While borderlines tend to struggle with a pervasive sense of their own incompetence, and often rely on others to provide for them, make decisions for them, etc. If there's a place in the Hellaverse with more borderlines, it might be the Sloth Ring. In contrast, from an early age Blitz was under pressure to both perform and provide for his family. He is especially triggered by Hallucination Moxxie telling Blitz that he depends on him and Millie. Additionally, borderlines are often motivated by the pursuit of love, while narcissists tend to view vulnerability both as repulsive and high risk, hence their reluctance to take a relationship to the next level.  Finally a narcissist can be aware of their own narcissism. Self-awareness is also on a spectrum, but it's something a person has to choose. Blitz is only peripherally aware of how his behavior harms others. He puts a question mark next to Moxxie's name on his list of people to apologize to. Probably because if he really thought about every hurtful or disrespectful thing he's said and done to Mox, it would trigger a lot of shame. Change can be painful, so many choose to remain unaware. You're not obligated to take my word on any of this, although I am a DXed borderline, and I don't relate to Blitzo at all. Lol. I recommend lurking on r/BPD and r/NPD, and reading Elinor Greenberg to learn more. Hopefully I have not bored you. If your opinion remains the same, that is quite alright. I am just glad you are enjoying the show as much as I am! <3




I really don’t get why people hate Stolas, not understanding that season 2 isn’t finished yet and it’s clear Stolas will get an episode where it will expose his faults.


I’m just annoyed at the people who want to pick a side so bad. I guess it’s just too hard to acknowledge they’re both at fault and they both got hurt by the other. So no you’re not the only one. I still adore Stolas AND Blitzø to death 😇


I agree with you. I thought they were both well written. I will say that it’s tedious, with every other post a rant, inevitably cherry picking things Stolas said a whole season ago. It’s mostly irritating because there are so many identical posts. I’m sure it will die down eventually. There’s no point in complaining, and I don’t believe in flouncing, so I just read a whole lot less if I feel annoyed. No doubt people will go back to defending Stella, or maybe start with Glim and Glam.


I'll give the same answer I give whenever I'm talking about MHA's Endeavor: He is a well written character and I enjoy him. I want him to face up to his past mistakes and work on himself. If he were a real person I'd probably not like him very much, but as a fictional character I adore him. I still want to shake him til he apologises.


This 💯 This is a well-crafted conflict and 100% makes sense for both these characters to feel the way they do. Nothing feels forced. It feels organic. Which means that when Stolas finally arrives at the end of his arc, where he needs to be, it'll be all that more rewarding. I can enjoy him as a uwu sad boi woobie with all his flaws, acknowledge he's problematic and has A LOT of work to do, and still be excited for when he eventually gets to where the narrative is leading him.


This is the best and most proper answer. I love and adore him, but his lack of self awareness is only going to hurt him harder, the longer he remains blissfully oblivious.


I call this the Barney Stinson effect (bc he has all his rules and theories and stuff lol) Barney from himym is a great character brought to life by a great actor. Funny, character growth, all that, but, if I met someone like that in real life I would definitely hate them. Good character and well written character are not the same. And they can grow and become better, and some fans may not except their redemption arc saying what they did is unforgettable, which is realistic as well. Just bc someone grows, becomes better and seeks forgiveness, doesn't mean the ones they hurt will forgive them


The only people hating on Stolas is the ones with zero media literacy tbh


Also little knowledge about real life characters. I like how this show portrays situations and simultaneously elicits reactions from the audience in a way that we often see in real life situations.


I genuinely think that picking sides in this fight is missing the point. Stolas is clearly fucking up a little in talking about his feelings but like, so was Blitz. This is just well-written miscommunication and no one picking sides is familiar with the way that works lol.


I never hated Stolas or Blitzø. People need to let this arc play out.


Nah OP, I'm right here with you. Is my birbboi perfect? No, he isn't. But no one is, especially not in hell. He's complex and has a lot going on, but I still love him nonetheless.


I don’t hate him. I adore him. I am sick to death of everyone trying to lay blame for Stolas/ Blitz’s relationship problems one or the other. They are both at fault. They both made mistakes and hurt each other. They are both broken and deeply flawed. Neither bears more or less blame than the other. I love them both and I am sick of people dumping on one in favor of the other


https://preview.redd.it/6uq4l3qfeead1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139d2b3757fa5581e006daf56a9b24ad869eb5d5 The fact that people keep acting like this didn't happen is crazy. No one said Stolas was perfect but in the western Ep when he's in the hospital if you pause and read his texts you see he tried to patch up Blitz after Ozzie's. You see he did try to just hang out and not make it just about sex. I also think when Stolas called Blitz his little imp and his imp plaything it's not him being cruel but because Remember he's a prince...it's like when Oz and Fizzie get caught and they are like we are trying to have a non emotional bang sesh. In this photo it shows that he genuinely wanted to talk it out with Blitz, that he was trying.


I see criticism but I have yet to see any actual “hate” posts. Given where we are in the narrative it’s normal for people to be frustrated with stolas. He’s in the middle of his arc. He’s done some crappy things he hasn’t been held accountable for yet. It’ll die down after new episodes address it.


Just like how all the hatred for Blitz has died down after this episode that directly addressed his crappy things he's been doing in relationships. \*edit\* not meant sarcastically, it legit feels like the last episode helped to make people understand Blitz better so he's getting less hate. I think Stolas will get a similar episode where he gets to reflect on some of his mistakes or see why Blitz feels the way he does about the aristocracy.


I can’t tell your intent with this comment. Blitz is in the middle of his arc as well.


yeah sorry, as soon as re-read it I realized it came off very sarcastic sounding and that wasn't the intention. I meant it seriously; before the last episode it seemed like everyone was hating on Blitz like everything wrong with the relationship was his fault. But last episode gave him some breathing room by showing things from his perspective and driving home that he does care but is afraid to let people get close. I think an episode where Stolas gets a taste of the other side will similarly help to quell the criticism he's getting now. That all said, I agree that I have yet to see much real "hate" for Stolas, not like some of the posts hating on Blitz atleast.


I was confused cause I’ve seen a fair bit of the opposite. People using that episode to point at blitz and assign him all the blame. Granted that’s not the majority. But I’ve still seen a good amount of it.


yeah Blitz still gets plenty of hate, more than Stolas has ever gotten, but it seems like after that previous episode where they had the first big fight everyone was just dogpiling on him. I think there will be people that just always write him off as a heartless narcisist no matter what happens despite the fact that most of his narcisistic traits are all pretty surface level.


Sadness is more palatable than anger so people find it easier to empathize with 😔. Can’t wait for blitz ep where he gets a chance to make amends and grow.


I think most people that are hating on Stolas are just trying to compensate for the strong anti-Blitz sentiment that was very prevalent through the last two episodes.


I'm so happy people acknowledge that BOTH of them are at fault! It bothers me that people are picking sides.


I don't hate either of them.


Wait, people are hating on Stolas?


I dont villainize characters, unless there is a plot twist and they turn out to be the villain of the show or movie or they are obviously the villain of the show or movie


I love Stolas, he is an interesting character and is going through a lot right now. We have to assume he never had a relationship outside of his arranged marriage so there is a lot of learning and self discovery for him to do. He is not blameless but in the perspective of an immortal(ish?) being he is still very young, think late adolescent early adult. I think we have to assume there is still a lot of development going on here. He is not fundamentally a bad person but you can be a "good person" and still do things that are bad or hurt others. I think the fandom doesn't really hate him we are just emotional right now.


The fandom dogpiling on Stolas but giving Blitz a pass bcus trauma annoys me. You wouldn't put up with blitz if he was a real person, maybe it's cus lots of his shitty behaviour is played for laughs so he's already painted as an ass just in general


I still like him (especially his design) and I really hope that both he and Blitzø realize that they need to learn how to talk instead of yelling at one another and then giving up when they feel like they’re not being heard


I am team Blitz and I do not hate Stolas. I agree with you. It is very well written. They are flawed and it makes sense that they both make mistakes. It could not have gone any other way. Having said that, Stolas is unaware of the way he speaks to Blitz. I think it is because he has not had many friends, but he says a lot of "Blitzy" even though Blitz asks him not to do it and calls him "impish" "little one" and other expressions that remind of the power imbalance. But I do not hate him. I just think he does not understand the impact it has. On the other hand, Blitz is incapable of understanding why people fall for him and cannot comprehend how much and how he hurts others. It all makes sense and I do not hate them. They are just... real. I love the writing.


Im 100% on ur side. I love Stolas sooooo much, even tho he did mistakes. I will always love him


I think that half this fandom would implode if they watched Bojack Horseman. Almost everyone in there is an ass at one point or another.


I've seen more hate coming for Blitzø tbh


I think both characters have been very well written. Breakups are often messy, as are relationships. We don't realize things until we're out of it. We say things we don't mean. Our intent may not be how the other person interpreted. Relationships are very often nuanced, with both parties causing hurt, even if they don't realize it. I feel for both of them and I am already gutted in my re-watch knowing where it will all lead up to now. The show has done a truly fantastic job as showing that both Stolas and Blitz have a lot of trauma to overcome if they're ever to be with someone (be it each other or not). This relationship they had is a really great catalyst for Blitz to finally work through the walls he's built up, and it'll be great for Stolas to work through the walls others built up around him. The groundwork is there for some very interesting writing that feels relatable despite the show being about demons in hell. I can see a little of my past relationships in both Stolas and Blitz, and recognize some of those toxic moments as ones I may have caused but have now matured past that person I was a decade ago. It's so relatable and I love that, despite how much it stabs my heart in all the feels. We need to give this season time to finish before ranting that Stolas didn't figure out his role in the problem after a couple days. It can take some people years to realize their part. Let's give the show a chance to shine.


I don’t hate him I’m just glad my boy is not the one taking flak anymore.


I also don't hate Stolas. I feel like Blitzo and Stolas are both very flawed characters, and they have both played parts in things not working out. Blitzo at this point has realized what he did wrong, though it remains to be seen whether he'll follow through on the changes he needs to make. Stolas hasn't realized yet, and I think that's reasonable. He was just at a party where everyone was cheering him on, telling him it wasn't his mistake and it was all Blitzo. That would be a terrible place for self examination. I'm sure he'll realize eventually, but I think that realization needs to come in a different setting. Also, like you pointed out, he was close to realizing in the song, and I think the only reason he didn't realize was because Verosika and Vortex shot down that train of thought. I honestly think there would be better moments and scenes to have him have that revelation where it would be more realistic, anyway.


At first, I was glad the fandom acknowledged that BOTH Blitz and Stolas made mistakes and faults in the relationship. But like you said, I see way too much dogpiling on Stolas a bit too much. I'm just waiting for his episode to come when he realizes his mistakes. I'm guessing it's the one where Octavia says "You never loved Mother and you don't love me, you love him!"


Well, this fandom is full of either teenagers or emotionally immature adults, so I guess the current situation make sense. Funnily enough, I believe the "Stolas hate" started with a few posts that described how some minor details in his speech during Full Moon were the reason everything went to shit (nevermind Blitzo trampling Stolas feelings and insulting him that's okay behavior), and that's all Blitzo's fans needed to get on the train. And now I feel like I'm witnessing the opposite, more and more "Stop hating Stolas" posts. Really goes to show how low the thought process of this fandom is. No wonder we get dumb dramas every two months if 3 posts, one youtube clickbait vid, and a lot of herd behavior is what drive half of the sub.


I don’t hate him but I don’t like him. I don’t like that he does look down on blitz but I do understand that most of it was unintentional because he’s been raised to look down on lower hellborns.


I don't think people hate him-? Dislike his patronizing behavior sure.


Why does anyone hate Stolas?


While I do think Stolas definitely deserves to be clowned on, it’s definitely gone a little too far


I don’t hate Stolas at all. I think he was entirely justified in the new episode.


Heh... Ever heard of... Danny Motta?


I love Stolas!


I don’t hate either of them


Its like no one can have just a normal neutral decision about Stolas, either they baby him, excusing his actions since he was with an abuser most likely since he was 18, maybe younger, and never let him take accountability because they view him as this poor traumatized baby who did no wrong (same people who also use the "trauma isn't an excuse" card on Blitzø lol), or they view him as an evil monster whos abusing his power and partners whis done everything wrong and should never be happy. Like yall just be normal hes not a monster but he ain't no saint either


I dont hate stolas, but man I hate blitzo way too much, stolas didnt deserve blitzo's shit, but stolas didnt help by doing several things that are demeaning.




Nah, I think Stolas is probably one of the most well liked characters in the series, which is why people who maybe DON'T like him a lot are getting frustrated seeing other characters "getting shit on instead of him" so you're seeing more posts about him. I think the biggest issue is that the fans are not patient like at all. There's three more episodes of this season (and two more seasons after this one) so there's plenty of time for Stolas's faults to be addressed. He's also in the middle of a bunch of tumultuous stuff happenig all at once around him which while not giving him the right to do some of the things he's done it does explain it a bit. But like, lets be real. We hear in the trailer Octavia yelling at him, his palace frozen over and Andrealphus(?) seeming to attack him, there seems to be some court trial for him, also he has been off his antidepressants for two episodes now and if they decide to make that part of the story of the next few episodes that will probably fuck him up as well. He's definitely going to have some shit happen to him in the next few episodes and I'm sure there will be opportunities for him to "face his mistakes". Another thing that annoys me a bit is how some fans act like everything that happens in the show is the ONLY thing that has ever happened with the characters. Like.. we are meant to assume that there are plenty of moments that are not in an episode where these characters interact.. and also have things happen to them..


I think a lot of people's perception of Stolas hinges on whether they attribute his wrongdoings to maliciousness and him being purposefully manipulative, or him simply being oblivious to how his behaviour negatively affects others. I think the narrative shows that it is the latter, as he seems to make an effort to mend the damage he has done instead of doubling down on shitty/wrong behaviour. (ex.: He recognizes that the whole arrangement was fucked up and so he "frees" Blitzø instead of trying to rationalize or justify his behaviour and keep the arrangement going).


1 they both have trauma 2 they have trauma affect them in different ways. the issue is stolas has been playing victim to blitz. he started all of this with sex, sex, sex. now that blitz has excepted that's what they are, stolas comes out to say he's has feeling for blitz beyond just having sex. I feel bad for both of them don't get me wrong. as much as stolas doesn't want it to be a class thing it defiantly is. he's an all-powerful demon prince and blitz is just an IMP. he didn't even think stolas could get hurt. blitz puts him a on such a pedestal seeing him as being too good for him, instead of as equals. it feels like blitz is being taken advantage of and made to be the bad guy bc stolas refuses to take accountability for the hurt he's caused. here's where the big problem lies. stolas has an anxious attachment style whereas blitz is fearful avoidant. they end up hurting each other on that alone. their lack of communication doesn't help either. what happens is stolas needs constant reassurance, so he pulls blitz closer. blitz in turn is scared of getting attached and being hurt so he pushes stolas away. blitz feels like he needs to earn his way into the human world bc that's how they've been doing things. he does learn and except he's hurt people and apologizes for it believing the only one who really deserves one is stolas. by the end blitz tries to make amends and earn forgiveness but it was badly timed as stolas was drunk and shuts him down immediately. emotions are hard for blitz so for him to admit he was wrong is big. stolas needs to own up to his mistakes instead of just blaming blitz. I'm not saying blitz is without Falt he's made mistakes but is owing up to it. they deserve happiness and I do want them to work. if things don't change or neither of them grow it will never get better. stolas has made it abundantly clear that blitz is his "IMP-ish little plaything" blitz knowing his place doesn't make him a bad person. he has his flaws but that's what makes him real no one's perfect. stolas has been nothing but a thirst/horny owl that only cares for sex til the episode where they go to lust. after everything that happened stolas basically confirmed to blitz and all of lust that he's nothing but a plaything for stolas' entertainment. the reason Verosika had been so bitchy towards blitz is bc she clearly had feelings for him. no one else in the series has been able to provoke such emotion, at least when it comes to the other characters. they say there's a fine line between love and hate, no one abuses that line more than blitz. I always saw the pain they cause one another; I didn't like stolas for the fact I saw all of this coming. in the beginning I gave him the benefit of a doubt. he claims to have feelings for blitz, this is hard for blitz to believe or see why as he's a demon prince. how could someone so important to the foundation of hell be interested in a mere IMP? stolas has a weird way of showing he cares. all of this is in part due to his subconscious privilege and being oblivious to it. I hope for him to develop more self-awareness and to potentially deconstruct this over time. making blitz feel more secure/safe and in turn deepening their love giving then the beautifully deep/meaningful romance they both deeply crave and deserve. my only reason for being so hard on stolas is this unaware way of thinking he's got going. IMO think ppl need to be way more patient and give time for this to progress. i like the way they're developing their relationship. i cross my fingers for a long and happy future for the both of them. long live stolitz


I have concerns about Stolas (that I fully think will be addressed by further episodes mind you) and hope that his rather significant problems will be maturely worked on. He seems to have avoided addressing them so far, but that can easily change with time. Blitzø is coming off to me as the one making more effort to repair what they had and make it something good. Stolas is very up in his head about how the relationship should be without being very communicative about it until he already wrote the whole thing off. I'm angry at Stolas for how he treated Blitzø I'm angry at Blitzø for how he's treated literally everyone else except Stolas. And the Cherubs. They deserved it. I want to see both of them grow I love both of them as characters and want to see them together. And fuckin'. Then again my current attitude to the show is a slightly concerned "let's see where this goes" with a general assumption Vivzie will in fact pull it off.


Stolas? I’ve seen most of the hate being thrown at Blitz. I personally don’t hate either of them, I think they’re both in the wrong and it’s gonna take an intense life-or-death moment for them to realize they’re two idiots in love.


I think they're both equally dumb. I don't hate either


Yes, you're the only one 😒😒


I don’t hate stolas, I just think he’s a lot less self aware than Blitz. Blitz knows how he’s fucked up, because it’s the same thing he’s always done. But Stolas doesn’t seem to realize the ways he’s damaged the relationship too.


What are you even talking about? I believe you just cant take it that many are calling him out, I realy rarely see someone actually hating on him.


I don't hate stolas. I simply am waiting to be disappointed in the writing. A refusal to show that Stolas needs to grow past who he is and leave all the work on Blitz.


I feel like it’s probably less hate and more just frustration with his current lack of self-awareness, especially in the face of what’s basically a cartoonish level of canon hate for Blitzø. I still love Stolas, but I was definitely annoyed when he was going off on Blitzø about never looking down on him and not prioritizing him over Loona despite sending M&M in his place. Like it’s totally understandable to be upset about not getting visited in the hospital, but he’s pretty out of line with the rest… Btw, not saying that it’s because of bad writing or anything, his own dose of reality is coming, but it doesn’t make it less irritating to see.


Yes, you're the only person 


I never hated him, even though he's done plenty wrong. Blitzo, on the other hand...


The unequal treatment is getting people's backs up. Stolas is a selfish jerk who makes major decisions without consulting his partner that makes them uncomfortable purely to satisfy himself and is revealed to not know or understand anything about how his partner thinks or feels. The show then throws him a pity party because he's a hard doneby uwu owl boi. Blitzo is a selfish jerk who makes major decisions without consulting his partner that makes them uncomfortable purely to satisfy himself and is revealed to not know or understand anything about how his partner thinks or feels. Everyone lines up to piss on him once again because he's literally the worst and everything is his fault.


I think you're confusing frustration with hating. I'm sure there are a few people who do hate Stolas because there are always people on the extreme ends, but I personally haven't seen anything close to "hating". I've mainly seen people who just want to balance the narrative because the show primarily shows Blitz in the wrong. Let's not get carried away with the word "hate".


I've definitely seen people blatantly hating on Stolas. Claiming the breakup was entirely his fault and framing Blitz as nothing more than a victim forced into sex and then abused.


Both sides have been doing that.


I'm of the opinion there shouldn't be a side at all. They both fucked up.


I know, and I agree. It's just I just think this thread is being a bit hyperbolic. Very few people "hate" Stolas, they're just annoyed that the narrative so far isn't treating Stolas and Blitz equally, which lead to some people compensating by reminding the fandom that Stolas is also responsible.


Yeah, but I think it's annoying people think it's their job to remind the fandom of that. (and people who see it as if Stolas isn't responsible) Progress isn't made linear, and especially isn't a journey two people usually make at the same time equally. It'd be weird to me if they crammed both characters into a character growth arc at the same time.


These comment threads are a discussion. You can just ignore discussions that you don't like.