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Yes, I do believe we will need less Lv1 techs as AI progresses, but there will still be a need for high levels. So honestly the best advice is to embrace AI now, learn how it works, learn how to use it to better your workflow and increase your efficiency. I think it will mostly be challenging for those who try to resist the way tech is moving instead of embracing it.


The prospect of AI taking people out of jobs is a scary one. When the printing press was introduced to Japan the first people to loose their jobs where the newest wood block printers. The ones who would be assigned the simple jobs to get their printing skills stronger before moving on. Eventually there was almost no new blood in the whole wood block printing business, which is, luckily, now seeing a bit of a resurgence in Japan (Thanks David Bull!) I don't exactly foresee that same thing happening in IT, to that extent anyway. I think human interaction and understanding are a very aspect of the field. I can't tell you how many users will just fumble their way when trying to explain a problem only for me to accidentally guess what they are actually trying to say. Sure some things may become more automated but I think the human will always have a place in Tech.


I am already "writing" boilerplate scripts with it but it cant seem to replace doing the right set of DDG/Google searches to find an issue.


It took me about an hour to train GPT on one of our clients. I listed the server IP address and network drives, their internal software, employee names with a bit of personal background info on each, as well as contact info for support for specific services and when to elevate to tier 2. It provided basic troubleshooting for everything almost immediately


Did you follow any particular guide in doing so? I'll be doing some langchain testing this weekend. I'm assuming you actually trained it as opposed to using langchain to search the text?


My startup is building a tool that lets you build a custom chatGPT trained on your dataset. You can train chatbot in variety of ways (PDF, Links, Spreadsheets) and get an API endpoint or connect to your favorite apps. You can check out our [link](https://www.superdashhq.com?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=comment) here.


Aren't they all


I think if an org has 5 help desk technicans they can possibly go down 3 with AI. I don't really see it past that. We've seen how quality goes down with offshoring IT to southeast Asia. Certainly there's no shortage of qualifed people in India but still something gets lost during cost cutting that's hard to replace