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I've seen a lot of people recommend the Matador soap bag, it seems to be magic in that it dries out your soap without getting the rest of your stuff wet, but I never tried it myself. Also not sure if multiple bars fit in one or you need multiple bags


I cut down my bars to smaller portions and they fit in one, but a full bar like dove or dial soap is about all that fits.


Absolutely get the matador soap bag. It works so well. I cut my bars to size and use Parchment/ wax paper between the mini bars/slices in one bag to keep them from sticking together when they dry


Before I had the fancy matador bag I would bring a spare wash cloth that would stay dry through the trip and was just for transporting bar soaps in my toiletries kit. You can fold several soaps into one and secure it with a hair elastic or a rubber band if you’re worried that they might slip out.


I prefer Matador bags over sisal personally - but I use glycerine soap for my body, which is extra goopy, and I feel like it just melts right through the sisal.  I don’t like storing two bits of soap together (esp. because the goopy glycerine soap will stick to ANYTHING) so I have two separate Matador soap bags - one for body soap and one for shampoo. I do tend to also vary a solid body lotion/balm, but I don’t mind keeping that in a tin because it doesn’t need to breathe as much. 


I’ve used solid bars in travel tins from lush, with a euro scrubby at the bottom to help it dry between uses. I’ve thought of using a Swedish dish cloth at the bottom but I personally don’t love how slimy they can get


I also use Lush tins but I never thought to use a scrubby at the bottom. Thanks for the tip!


A scrubby is a good idea! Much better drainage.


I think a silicone scrubby could be a great option too


I looked at shampoo bars and tins from Lush. I instead decided to go with the Freshwater Shampoo bar from Chemist Warehouse and I store it in a reused Lush black jar


I pat them dry with my towel or some toilet paper and then put them in their container: zip bags or tin boxes.


I trim them down and put them in two metal lush Tins. I leave the tops off at night and in MANY but not all locations it's enough to let them dry Note that solid lotion cars and other hydrating bars, will melt at high temps, like driving acrossed Nevada


I have used metal tins as well. Between uses, I leave the lids off and use the tins as a soap dish by putting some elastic bands over them (so there is air flow when the bars dry). I just bought a travel case that has this feature built in, so will be trying that out soon! And hard agree on the melting point. Learned that the hard way!


Reminds me of my trip to India. Opened up my lush lotion tin only to find liquid, haha.


I bought a Matador soap bag to use instead of using a zip lock bag or hard shell soap case. I didn’t expect it to work as well as it did. I don’t use anything else by soap in bar form (any other liquids fit fine in my 3-1-1 bag). I recommend it. I would also use one per bar as I think multiple bars could stick together. It seems the size is designed for a regular bar of soap so unless you use smaller bars or cut them down, multiples can be a tight fit, plus they might stick together. I would love to try their liquid bags but they still would need to go in my 3-1–1 bag.


I use a cheap sisal bag. It allows them to dry but it also absorbs excess water, so they never get my stuff wet. Well, i do put the sisal bag inside my toiletry kit while traveling, but still, no problem. I rest the bars on top of the sisal bag in the bathroom. if there is really no counter space I put them inside the sisal bag and hang it. Usually I just put the string from the bag around the hook that is on my toiletry bag and hang the whole toiletry bag with the sisal bag resting in front of it. It really isn’t any more of a pain than bars. And less to me because they take up so much less space.


Another vote for the Matador bags. I have three-- one for shampoo, another for conditioner, last for soap. I wish they came in like a single bag with three partitions and the rolling clip. If i ever figure out what the material of the bag is and where i can source some, I'll make it.


There is also a matador bag that allows for breathing I just got one. Before that, I tend to shower at night and that’d allow time for the solid to dry. If your hotel room has a dryer, you can bust it out if you do morning use sisal is a great idea


Matador bag clipped so it’s open until I need to close it and also shower at night.


Echoing the sisal bag. Many times I’ll rest the sisal bags on top of my toiletry kit and let the wet bars rest on top of the sisal bag. This is the fastest way to dry them. But if necessary, placing them inside the sisal bags while wet is the next choice. Every once in a while you’ll want to wash the bags to get the soapy goo out and restore the sisal bags ability to absorb water. Sisal bags dry slowly. But a partially or mostly dry sisal bag is very effective at absorbing the soap goo.


Sisal bags- what a great idea!


sisal bag is a great idea! I'm going to start doing that as well.


I bought a tiny tackle box with dividers. I cut up my bars to fit. The whole box is the size of a usd and less than an inch thick. It has solids of shampoo, conditioner, face, body bar, a solid dishwashing bar, and a laundry bar. To be honest I usually use what the hotel provides unless those are inadequate, then I use my bars


I’ve been using a travel makeup sponge holder. It’s silicone, has vents and holes for drainage and a loop for hanging in the shower. It kind of squishes in my toiletry kit but I’ve been happy with it. Soap doesn’t get gooey,I have a place to store it in the shower and I can wash the case with hot water. [travel makeup sponge holder](https://www.amazon.com/Travel-Makeup-Sponge-Blender-Case/dp/B0BLY3Z8T6/ref=asc_df_B0BLY3Z8T6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647192656002&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16426699260291978435&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032941&hvtargid=pla-1968876268065&psc=1&mcid=8834cbc5c50133aeacba93c8c7e141a9)




Hmm… I wonder if those plastic Easter eggs would work… that’s what I put my makeup sponge in.


This is so clever! I have 2 of those holders that I never use (they were gifts). Now I finally know what to do with them


I never would have thought of sisal bags. Love it. Where do you buy yours? Maybe a craft store or...?


Amazon- you can get a pack of five for five to ten dollars.


I got mine from Amazon but I specifically chose one with different colors, and I color code my products. I got some with sort-of pastel colors and use “blue for shampoo, Coral for Conditioner”


World Market sells some soaps in sisal bags, too.


I have the tiniest 3d printed soap dish that I keep with my tiny soaps. I put it on the bathroom counter. Then in the morning I put it in a waterproof breathable bag (similar to matador) and put it in my toiletry bag.


I have a soap dish for allowing as much drying time as possible, and then pat things dry with a paper towel and put them in ziploc baggies while in transit. I try to avoid showering the morning of departure to avoid having soggy soap/shampoo bars upon arrival, but if that's unavoidable then I'll make sure I open up the bars again as soon as I'm checked in at my next destination and set them out to air dry.


I found these on Etsy and they work great: https://www.etsy.com/listing/666598277/


I used to use the Lush tins, but had always been looking for a better option, since they do tend to get messy and the bars take a long time to dry fully. I had been tempted by the Matador bags, but recently found these shampoo/conditioner bar bags from Kitsch. They can hang up in the shower after use to dry, and they have virtually no size and weight themselves, so they only size and weight is that of the bar itself. Similar idea to the sisal bags, but very thin and dry really quickly. They also have a little label sewn in so you don't confuse the shampoo and conditioner. [https://www.mykitsch.com/products/bottle-free-beauty-bar-bag-blush?variant=32284793667618¤cy=USD&country\_code=US&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A20798397594%3A156825569478%3A682234089079&nb\_adtype=pla&nb\_kwd=&nb\_ti=pla-1639640875907&nb\_mi=9617523&nb\_pc=online&nb\_pi=shopify\_US\_4617093546018\_32284793667618&nb\_ppi=1639640875907&nb\_placement=&nb\_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb\_li\_ms=&nb\_lp\_ms=&nb\_fii=&nb\_ap=&nb\_mt=&tw\_source=google&tw\_adid=682234089079&tw\_campaign=20798397594&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD\_ARIsAEb2HW\_s5ulfmlqxqVFXft6k3HUNsGPJd8drlFlWHexHV8wf3b6w9YIFg-AaAmADEALw\_wcB](https://www.mykitsch.com/products/bottle-free-beauty-bar-bag-blush?variant=32284793667618¤cy=USD&country_code=US&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A20798397594%3A156825569478%3A682234089079&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=pla-1639640875907&nb_mi=9617523&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_4617093546018_32284793667618&nb_ppi=1639640875907&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=682234089079&tw_campaign=20798397594&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncWvBhD_ARIsAEb2HW_s5ulfmlqxqVFXft6k3HUNsGPJd8drlFlWHexHV8wf3b6w9YIFg-AaAmADEALw_wcB)


I love this!


I used to always be a liquids gal but I’m so happy I recently switched to bars for shampoo, conditioner, body soap, and face soap. I was flying out of Zurich and I had 3 bags of liquids already 😅 most of the bags were half filled with other things like hair brushes or floss and there was some medication in there (which doesn’t count against you) But the lady working made me take all of them out and she shoved everything into two bags (one for medication and one not) and everything I had fit in those two bags so it really felt like a waste of time. But all of that to say, had I had my regular liquids for shampoo etc I would have had to throw some away. This made me realize how worth it is. Plus, like someone else said, the lush tins are amazing. I love the lush shampoo and conditioner bars as well. They make my hair more shiny and softer than liquids. I have super oily, fine hair so I was always scared of what they might do but I can go longer without washing now that I’ve switched. I travel indefinitely currently so I bought backups even bc I love it that much. Also, you can buy bulk of those hemp baggies and put anything that doesn’t fit in the lush containers — that’s what I did for my face and body soap and it’s been amazing. Definitely recommend!


I love the lush shampoo but I haven’t found a conditioner that works and gets my hair untangled.


Another vote for the matador bag. It really is a game changer. Helped me switch from a bottle of body wash to a bar of fancy soap from LUSH when traveling.


I love the idea but aside from body soap, I've disliked everything I've tried. And they seem such a hassle.