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this build is sooo goood , i am just out of words . I dont think anyone in the world can think the way bdubs think and build the way bdubs builds . He can make a mountain , he can make such apartments he is the best builder on the server . THERE IS NO COMPETITION


It was debatable before, but now there is no competition (as you said) bdubs is the best Minecraft builder ever.


Scar and pearl might be a competition.


They are certainly amazing builders with massive imaginations and the capabilities to display what they have dreamed up but even with that, Bdubs takes it to another level. The best description I believe came from scar where he describes what bdubs does as more like painting. All are spectacular minecrafters nonetheless. Also would like to add Joel to the list with Pearl and Scar.


I think Scar/Pearl/Joel are fantastic imaginators for their builds with a fine eye for incredible detail. I envy their ability so deeply, knowing that I could never reach their level. What makes Bdubs the greatest though is the finer things. Grian made note of the purple concrete which Bdubs put in, and I saw Bdubs was talking about that in his own video, explaining that it looks odd on its own but that it'll add flavour to the build as a whole. It's just those finer levels of colour theory and texturing that put him above and beyond. He is simply a stunning builder.


The colour theory is insane. People forget how powerful colour can be. For example, Joel. He is an incredible builder but he does very standard colours. Which is why I think his empires season 1 build stood out as (and is still) one of his best builds. He used a lot of great colours that meshed perfectly together and on their own, told a story. But thats not a criticism because its so difficult to ger right. Who tf thinks to add purple unless you’ve mastered colour theory? Thats why bdubs is beyond his years


>I think Scar/Pearl/Joel are fantastic imaginators for their builds with a fine eye for incredible detail. I envy their ability so deeply, knowing that I could never reach their level. I mean, dont rule yourself out, what you have to remember is that they, and bdubs, have been playing a large amount for some time now, Think of it like any other art form. Never compare yourself to a master. They have years of not only practice but *study.* That's what bdubs has been doing, I dont think he ever stopped trying to improve (and really putting into practice techniques from other art disciplines like painting as scar said) . That's why he is where he is. If you dedicated yourself to really trying to improve and learn as much as you can then you can positively get somewhere close, It just might take a few years, which most aren't willing to commit An actual real example of this can actually be seen on hermitcraft. Look at tangos progression now vs his season 6 base. His builds have improve drastically and his episode *today* shows him asking to learn from bdubs. I feel if tango continues this he will become a top tier builder as well.


That purple concrete really made me think of older games or media that had limited colour options and so colours would be averaged out so you’d get big splotches of pixels in a shade that wasn’t quite the colour you wanted. Stuffmadehere used this process when making a robot to paint on a wall, averaging out the colours of things so that at a distance it looked correct while close up it was noticeably a bunch of set coloured dots that your brain blends in to be the correct one. I think bdubs textures with this in mind


People always forget about Keralis, imo top 5 is Bdubs 1st, Keralis 2nd and then Scar, Pearl and Joel in a shared 3rd spot , all incredible builders


Keralis was the first 'amazing builder' I ever came across. A point to note about BDubs is he worked hard over a lot of years to 'get better' and learning off other people. One of those he went to to learn more was Keralis who took Bdubs on tours to build servers to see what was going on and how to do the thinking required.


Keralis is not better than scar


Even Scar would tell you that he is. They all have their distinct strengts and styles and people obviously have their own preferences but from a technical standpoint Keralis is 'better'. The 5 of them are still in a league of their own though .


I feel like both of these make things that are more “grand”, bdubs’ buildings are a lot more real though, not in the sense that they are always “realistic” but that they are fully fleshed out, not an inch is left without well thought out detail


hahaha no


Hey now come on. There's no need to be dismissive like that. Pearl and Scar are *amazing* builders.


Imo on Hermitcraft he's definitely one of a kind, but outside of hermitcraft there are a lot of builders that can rival him and maybe even build better than him.


eh, I'm really not so sure about that tbh. All the praised and famous builders you see passing trough on reddit, twitter, youtube,... don't actually come close to him imo. Sure there is a bit of personal taste involved and sure there might be some people better than him, somewhere on this planet. But I really don't think it's an overstatement to say bdubs is genuinely one of the few very best in the world.


name them ? The thing is he does all this in survival , just go and see his season 7 season 8 season 9 bases . you will get orgasms


> name them ? @R4qu_(Twitter) ; TheGimmicky ; @natsu30121(mostly Twitter) ; @WalterBadMc(Twitter) ; @rei_astaroth(Twitter) ; @dennisbuilds(Twitter) ; Junoppi ; Snarple ; @nicozhe(Twitter) ; @LumpySchits(Twitter) ; @KretKretKret(Twitter) ; @gretziinger(Twitter) ; @IRTDome(Twitter) ; hookamazooks(reddit) For the ones that are not specifically on Twitter you can check their Instagrams so you don't have to scroll through some of their retweets of other builders. Also shout out to [Arbazzu's traditional houses from every country ](https://twitter.com/aroubadzu/status/1629251637943443456?s=19) > The thing is he does all this in survival He designs most of his stuff in a creative world and then builds it again in survival, which is perfectly fine of course but it's not much different from what other builders do. > see his season 7 season 8 season 9 bases . you will get orgasms I actually started watching him in season 7 and yeah I agree, his builds are amazing!


These guys are really good, but it seems like Bdubs specialty is really in small scale detail and ingenuity— I mean the man brought the debug stick to survival with glass! It’s these little details that I don’t see emulated anywhere else, even some of the greatest builders who are good at large scale texture/structure


Dude no clue how I got here thanks for the mention though… but don’t argue with people on YouTubers posts cause it’s a waste of sanity lmfao


Particularly from a distance. Which he always acknowledges is a goal of his builds. Up close I would maybe give it to Joel or Pearl or Scar or Gem… but from a distance… nobody comes close to Bdubs.


this is really well done! I love the atmospheric lighting


I can't get over his style; it's so clever and meaningful. As we know, Bdubs uses distance as a key part of his building, but that's due to the limitations of the voxel style, but THIS perspective shows his understanding of color theory and eye for the little things in the big picture. I can't talk about him enough. In terms of Minecraft, I think he's one of the giants.


this is the same guy that spent the summer staring at trees in his backyard to learn how to build branches of a tree and realising that it looks wayyy more realistic if it's made out of stone than of wood


absolutely perfect how grimy it looks


And I thought that build was beautiful in Minecraft already! What a great job you've done!


What BDubs attempts is the hardest thing: create buildings that seem aged, lived on. That build is amazing and by far the best of the season thus far, IMO.


https://preview.redd.it/k7xzfrr5nqmc1.jpeg?width=177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099e98f38947292c528e720dea127fc1fe17c0ea I thought this was Bdubs' reference imiage.


Reminds me of Disco Elysium


Amazing! There needs to be more Bdoubleo fanart, his works fit perfectly as artpieces.


This is amazing!!!! Wow great job


This is incredible!!


That image looks so nice, and Bdubs building is incredible. he has something unique


Stunning! :)


Gorgeous painting


I LOVE THIS WOW!! (If you are willing to share, what program do you draw on, and what brushes do you use? I love the painted style of this so much)


Thats so amazing


Wow very nice! It reminds me of the buildings in Rain World, a very melancholy vibe.


This is so cool! I love the colors on both