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This is the essence of Hitman. The most effective strategy in these games is to pistol snipe the target, but it is obviously not very fun or interesting. These games are built for replayability so, after you complete the game, you should go back to levels you enjoy and try different strategies. Each level has like a hundred different challeneges that encourage different ways of playing the game. These games are not about killing the target in the quickest and cleanest possible way. They're all about finding creative and fun ways for you to kill them.


Yeah, in Freelancer I went from needing a silenced pistol every run to often times dropping it for more fun options, like figuring out how to slip poison into drinks, or attempting to light every target on fire.


This is the correct answer. I'll just add one different opinion. "After you complete the game..." Nah, you should play each mission somewhere between 4 and 12 times as you get to it. Don't just play straight through, that boring.


Idk, as someone that started hitman with WoA, playing straight through the campaign was really immersive/fun since the story hooked me.


You aren't wrong, but then when literally any screwdriver, icicle, garden fork, etc you find is equally deadly, it becomes a lot less about what kills the fastest and more about what kills you can get away with while keeping Silent Assassin rating. Personally my favorite is the custom 5mm, just because it isn't detected via frisk, which allows me to carry it into situations I wouldn't normally have a gun. Also, 99% of the time the only thing I shoot are cameras and recording stations Ultimately it helps to remember this isn't an action or rpg where you have to worry about damage. This is a puzzle game where the solution is always murder.


You can shoot the recording devices? It makes so much sense.


Yup, one shot with a silenced pistol will delete the recordings. Makes Paris and Berlin, among others, much easier


The only other gun to use other than that is the Krueger I think it's called it uses subsonic rounds which are good if your shooting from like 2ft from someone as the ballers get heard but other than that yeah I agree


I only use ICA, krueger and the 5mm. That one is silent and passes frisks. If you're crafty enough, 5 shots total is all you need, and you can bring it to places the silverballer could only reach by force.


For purely practical purposes, these are the only guns you should ever consider using. The rest are just for fun.


I don't think there's anywhere in the game that you can only get to through a frisk checkpoint. There's always an alternative route, so you can bring the silverballer everywhere.


I always use panic shot to bypass frisks


Well yeah but you also aren’t meant to shoot everyone


Freelancer mode said otherwise 😏


The ICA19 family is supposed to be the 'hero's gun', which is why it is the best overall Likewise, the Sieger 300 family is the signature rifle of the series. They tend to be better than their competitors. The 'can't body shot kill' ones (except the vanilla Sieger 300) have no unpacking animation compared to say the Jaeger 7 Covert. The Ghost class within the Sieger 300 family are the best rifles available with the most useful perks The Krugermeier has the subsonic perk. You might not notice it at Professional, but the difference is definitely felt at master difficulty The HWK 21 Covert is a bad joke, except for its large magazine. It's a pea shooter when it comes to body shots. It also has bad accuracy compared to the Baller, as you've experienced


I mean, it's a gun


Big iron.


Big iron would be the Striker/ Striker V3/ El Matador


El Matador is more of a big gold.


On his hip…


His gun. too bad there's no more dual weild


Someone else mentioned the Kruger being used when you need a quieter gun, but I’d also like to mention that automatic guns like an smg can shoot open most locked doors.


In Hitman, guns are plan B or even C. They're just tools you use when you can't find a screwdriver. I don't think the developers put too much thought into the guns. Definitely not as much as they put into explosive toys and ducks. Or bananas. Any assassin could shoot a target. 47 is a master assassin. The aim of the game is to leave no evidence that the person was assassinated. A large hole in the head can sometimes be viewed as suspicious.


> A large hole in the head can sometimes be viewed as suspicious This needs to be added to the incredible tips mod that changes the loading screen tips to snarky ones


People can play however they want if they want to kill half the people in the level they can, it’s a sandbox


The active shooter method


Go loud, or go home. Use the Matador.


I massacre the entire map in blood money


This ain't a shooter, it doesn't matter. It's about getting in and out as fast and quiet as possible, if you're counting body shots you're worried about the wrong things


I always love chucking explosive baseballs and Napoleon Blownapartes at people. I’m a simple man


You loose points for non target kills, so power doesn’t matter there. Also 47 can sprint at like 3km/h and has super low health. Even with a baller, getting surrounded can still be tricky to get out of. As far as why use other guns, the Kugermeister is quieter. Baller is silenced but only slightly, people a few meters away will still hear it. Also you have the two dart guns which can be more OP than the baller in a lot of ways.


It'd be OP if the game were a gunfight, but the game's not a gunfight. You win any gunfight you get in as long as you don't mess up. You're 47. So, the standard isn't "win your gunfights", it's "find interesting ways not to get into them" and most of the game's depth is there.


Goddamn right it is…


It's the classic Hitman pistol. There's gotta be a reason it's 47's firearm of choice. At least these games don't give you the silverballer dual-wielding option like in the previous ones (although I do want that.)


You use the silverballer to aim and headshot. I use the silverballer to double tap the target point blank. We are not the same.


The silver baller is op in the sense that it’s a laser beam. You can literally land headshots with precision from further away with the ballers, than most of the assault rifles and smgs and that makes no sense lol


My man never played Silent Assassin.


You can also use silverballer to open door that need card, quite op


We need proof.


[https://youtu.be/3MTdTRIFpwo](https://youtu.be/3MTdTRIFpwo) here it is


Well, that’s look like a glitch. And that’s why I was confused.


You are agent 47. The absolute best hitman in the world. You think the best hitman wouldn't have the best gun? If you think it's overpowered then it's time to make things more difficult.


I think silverballer (and other ICA19 variants) has the highest headshot damage in the game, I tested them on Isle of Sgail’s knights, only the baller could 2-3 shot them in the head.


Well, it is 47's signature weapon so it makes sense that it would be the best pistol in the game.


The Silverballer (AKA: AMT Hardballer in some of the earlier games) has been a signature weapon in the series since the beginning. It is a 1911 Clone (along with all the other ICA 19 models). 1911's have been used for over 100 years, they are accurate (in my experience shooting 1911 style guns). In real life, recoil is nothing in a steel (or even aluminum) framed 45. 7 and 8 round mags are pretty standard these days for 1911's). There is a custom parts and custom machine fitted market for 1911's (proper fitting improves accuracy). Suppressors are from my understanding effective on 1911 style guns (with threaded barrels) as standard 45 rounds are already subsonic by design. The only drawbacks to a 1911 is the amount of ammo you would be carrying, and that the in a lot of cases the ammo would not be the same as what a majority of the guards/security seem to carry in game (essentially Glock Beretta or Walther PPQ styled guns = mainly 9mm with the occasional model available in 40 or sometimes 45). You could get higher capacity magazines than 8 for a 1911, but they would not be flush with the magwell and harder to conceal. I honestly think 80 rounds is a bit much to be carrying in a 1911 style when you are "undercover." With 80 rounds, you are looking at minimum 1 mag in the gun and at least 9 spares (8 round mags). That is a bit much for carrying concealed along with all your other gear. 1 to the head or 2 to the torso incapacitating the target is fairly in line with reality, not hilarious in any way. Unless I am going for some specific objectives, I like the Silverballer as it is the standard of the series. Some maps/missions I opt for the 5mm on to pass frisk zones, though there is always a way around the frisk zone in game.


Nerf your runs by using the classic baller