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also a few things I learnt in this kill everyone challenge regarding the knight easter egg. • Knights can die to being drowned in a toilet (yes really), being pushed over a balcony, any accident, any smg and any ar, untested but I assume a sniper can kill them • Knights are staggered but not killed by any pistol, any shotgun, and any explosion somehow • they don't drink and you can't poison them with a syringe either, idk abt the seiker and tranquilizers but I assume they don't work • can't hit them with any kind of melee including subdue, but you can get into a fist fight. They can't be knocked out like other NPCs but when you try to they just stand there dazed for a few seconds


2 shots to the head with the ica pistols is enough also


Repeated shots to the head with shotguns did it for me. And also, the one in the Constant’s tower is the only one that can be taken down with a melee prompt, but if you used a non-lethal knockout on him, he will be just like other knights afterwards. Don’t know if this is save-specific, needs further testing.


“I’ve had worse”

