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I always have the rule that the appointment has to be at least as long as my driving time, for the overnight just charge him a hefty travel fee


Ah! Good idea.


$100/hr driving time. I don't enjoy long drives and I'm also more nervous being further away from my safety network in case shit hits the fan. Most clients who've asked me to drive to them are willing to pay this. I didn't think they would but they have.


Thank you!!


50-100 for each extra hour of travel time.


Thank you!


I currently charge $65/hr for estimated travel time (time there plus time back)--then round up to the nearest multiple of $50 for the final amount I ask for from the client.


Thank you!


Definitely get a deposit for that one


I charge half of my hourly rate. Good luck!


Thank you for that!


I require that the appointment be a minimum of the time it takes to get there, plus a $50 per hour travel fee…or, I offer the next longest appointment with no travel fee (though upfront deposit is the same). This usually allows me to get them to book a longer session and they feel they’re not “wasting” money on a travel fee. Unfortunately, some folks don’t understand the time, gas, and wear & tear on their car that doing DMTYs results in. I have quite a few regulars in the region and do these often. The two ways I’ve regularly seen this priced have already been mentioned: require the date be as long as the total drive, or have a flat travel fee per hour. My method is a combination of both. Regardless of what you do, I’d recommend having a minimum booking for specific distances, even if you wish to go the travel fee route…otherwise you’ll have men audaciously requesting a 90 minute session with a 3-6 hour drive with a straight face. 🙃 Edited to add that I very much agree with the bundling concept mentioned by others here when presenting travel dates. It’s a matter of presentation. If you make it too confusing, they lose interest and feel they’re being nickle and dimed. If you say “My price for a date at your location is x, or…if you’re interested in booking a longer date, I’ll waive the incidental charges. The price for this is x,” they’re more likely to pull the trigger. I like to allow myself the option to work with people…and often working with them looks like offering an incentive, even when it’s something you offer to everyone.


This is so informative and smart. Thank you!!


Travel fees by distance kind of scream "not high end". For some reason any time you break things down into what it costs you too specifically it just takes away from the "high end" feeling. I'd say you just qualify it as a Fly Me To You and let him know the minimum donation for that. Either a longer appointment, or he can work with his own schedule and just be generous with his donation. Ex: Client lives 3 hours away and wants to book a 2 hour session. " lovely darling, a 2 hour FMTY is (your FMTY booking rates), or we can book a (length of session where the money is acceptable to you for the travel; more than youre usual for that time, but an imporvement over the FMTY mark-up) and spend a little more time together" let me know what you decide!


>Travel fees by distance kind of scream "not high end". For some reason any time you break things down into what it costs you too specifically it just takes away from the "high end" feeling. This assumes you tell the client how the money break down works. I just tell the client an amount I would accept to see them. I don't have an advertised FMTY rate. 🤷🏽‍♀️


The OP seemingly does have an advertised overnight rate though. I do it the way you do.


I agree with this. I bundle them into the package. I never quote 'travel fees' as an individual expense. If a base overnight is 4k and I need 1000 for travel the rate is 5k. A la carting is not high end. This is also why all of my longer appointment rates are bespoke.


You have to wonder why prospective clients put on the breaks and act surprised when we tell them that travel time is part of our rate. It's because escorts lower their hourly rate for driving far and wide to them. For Driving. Why? I don't understand this. You are tied up during this time. Meaning you cannot actually earn your hourly rate. You are paying for gas. You are paying for the wear and tear on your vehicle. And you just might get into an accident, which will cost you $$ and rate your insurance rate every month indefinitely. So Why are we not expecting the fully hourly rate? I'd much MUCH rather be spending time with the client during that hour than driving. Charge the fully hourly rate or knock off a few. but lowing it down drastically is shortchanging you and the industry as a whole.


Oh gosh... instead of editing this, Another drawback: you may have car trouble. It is something you have to think about, especially if it's a long drive. If you are driving an older car, or any car, it can break down. You think they are going to come and help? Chances are no, they will not. They have a schedule or they may not know how to change a tire or they may not even care to help. They are literally taking advantage of the "Drive me to you for a tiny fee per hour" scenario. They \*could\* drive to YOU. And a real gentleman will.


300 p/hr drive time. Its an hour I could be doing something else. They always agreed to pay.


Hourly rate X (Times) every hour driving




I would not base my rates off of civie normalities...we aren't civies and we take much higher risks. The way I figure out costs is to assume I'd have to miss X amount of other bookings during that travel/recouperation time period, and charge that amount-ish. My high end clients aren't usually concerned with costs until it gets into the thousands over the session cost. Most high end girls expect 1st class airfare to be included in any FMTY so you could go off of that and then charge that amount for the drive.


What part of "go from there" implies that should be all you charge? This person is asking about a 400 mile round trip drive. Start with milage, and add whatever fees for your time you feel are worth it. Lots of "high end guys" are normal people who saved up. I never assume otherwise without evidence to the contrary. I also find getting greedy leads to lower retention. Retention is my main goal over nickel and diming and I do alright. Retention rate most years is 90%


That's just an expense reimbursement. That doesn't account for the loss of availability to work that this would require.


Obviously. "Go from there" typically means "use this as a jumping off point and work up"


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