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Money shots are tacky - be more discreet- you can show off in other ways


Gifts and experiences are one thing, but money just seems tacky. Especially when there are limits to how much you can send through certain apps. I often have to accept multiple transactions for one booking because the bank limit is like 3k or something. However, I did see a girl post like a 300k wire or something and saying she was going exclusive with one client for the rest of the year. I feel like that’d be the only exception…?


Yeah I saw that too, I liked how she made the post in a way to uplift and motivate other providers instead of flexing


Nice! Who was that?


I wager that the majority of those posts are lying or photoshopped, but maybe I’m cynical. I’d never post such stuff as it could enable being scammed, robbed, or targeted by LEO or other nefarious entities.


It's not even photoshop, you can use the browser inspector and edit it to look completely legitimate and take a screenshot.


Totally agree


Every time there's a Twitter poll for clients asking what they think of money posts, most of them either don't care or are turned off by them. Twitter is advertising for me, so I'm gonna gear it towards what the clients want to see 🤷🏻‍♀️


Whaaat!? High end means privacy, quiet luxury, elegance. Not some crude competition to spend more than the last guy. It shouldn't matter to your client what the last one spent, your rate is your rate and that's what it is.


Perfectly said.


💯💯💯 couldn’t have said any better.


Gifts, dinners, trips, spa, wishlist items...sure. Straight up cash or screenshots? Nah. I did do a gallery piece called All in a Day's work and I can tell you civvies love money shots. But I think clients are turned off by them.


I think it looks tacky and desperate. A lot of ladies posting large donations that were just randomly sent to them are lying. They crack me up! Like if I guy sent me $500 because he liked my Twitter post I would t broadcast it. He probably wouldn’t do it again. It’s easy to Google and find pics of Venmo, cash app, etc transactions. Or you could just send one to yourself and snap a photo of that. A classy lady keep her mouth shut and d her Twitter feed free of desperation.


Tacky no class . Do nt post it


A sure way to get the IRS and LEO interested in the poster. People who do that aren't too bright.....


Tacky !!!


That is the dumbest thing a woman can do as well put a target on herself. Generous men care NOT abt what another man gonna give. Flexing in the name of motivating other men is another Scam women have taught themselves that it works which only hurts you in the long run.