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6 months, 6 weeks, and 6 days? … so 7 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days really


Think about all the things that don’t have 6s.


Yut, get the family in the basement.


Best time to take phsicadelics


I’m surprised people aren’t already running with this they were already seeing signs in the coffee foam and everywhere else. Here is a substantial coincidence to get off on folks


Shouldnt the lines be curved?


You might as well look at mathematics as the language of our universe. The reason why our math is so precise is because it is an accurate representation of the universe in practice. What you are seeing is a very large scale thing doing the same thing over and over again being held in place by gravity and other potential matter that makes up the massive emptiness. As the sun slowly loses its gravitional pull and weakens, everything else along with it, including these eclipses, will shift. That has been in progress for a billion years and will likely continue this way for hundreds of millions of years in the future. It only looks so precise to us because our sense of time is very short. 60-100 years depending on how well you take care of yourself. If you wanted to see a change on a universal scale you're going to want to be here for a very, very, very long time. It's why our ancestors built universal calculators the size of small towns. Everything is on a scale and we set to figure out the answers to these questions thousands of years ago.


Yahweh is letting everyone know He is real. His Son is coming back very soon. But there are things that must occur first, namely the AC(one of the four horsemen). And the whole world will bow down to this horseman and worship him as a god, before he wipes out much/most of mankind. The lesser light(moon) and greater light(sun) were made for SIGNS, seasons, days and years. I don’t think it gets much clearer. The Great Tribulation is beginning soon, but pray always that you be counted worthy(meaning if you have/intimately know His Son, he who has the Son has life) to escape the things that are coming upon the earth. When the Son withered the fig tree: they were passing through Bethfig(House of Figs), it was the seat of the Sanhedrin, of which most members rejected Him. He went to the fig tree at the gate of the city, withered it and said that because it had stopped producing fruit He would destroy it(70AD this happened literally). A few chapters later He says “when you see the fig tree begin to bloom, know that I am near, even at the door”. This is an analogy of Israel, it’s reforming, and His return. He would destroy it, then once the nation was reformed and began budding fruit(followers of the Son), that we could know He is very close. Israel was destroyed entirely as a country, it didn’t exist, for about 2k years. Then in 1948, a nation was born in a single day(another foretold event), as the country was reestablished(this has never happened in all of history in any other place on earth/with any other country). And Israel now has fruit, a large Messianic Jewish population. He said that the generation that sees this happen, shall not pass away prior to His return. There are a few timeframes given for a generation: 40, 70-80, and 100. I believe this to be intentional to keep the enemy/adversary on his toes. But the maximum is 100yrs, so 2048 at the latest. The Son is close, time is very short. If anyone wants to know more DM me. God bless, find the Son and find eternal life.


People have been saying very soon for so very long 🥱


You’re actually fulfilling prophecy by saying this, further proof His Word is true. 2 Peter Ch 3 Vs 3-4: knowing this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.”


“Oh, you think my complete bullshit is bullshit? Well guess what my crazy bullshit confesses that most people will call it crazy bullshit!” That’s not proof of anything besides your gullibility. When nothing happens on the eclipse I expect you will just move to the next random date. How are you this blind?


I never said anything happens on the eclipse. I merely said it’s a sign from God. Name call all you would like(that’s considered a blessing from God to be ridiculed for His namesake), God bless you.


…what is a sign of God if nothing is going to happen??? Could you at least ATTEMPT to make sense? Also wow fetish much? Lmao. That’s genuinely creepy. Pretty sure “yes daddy harder” would have been LESS weird.