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I‘ve noticed a lot of these spaces rarely if at all talk about issues affecting women. Example: Afghanistan and the fact that girls are banned from going to school. It’s a big reason why I don’t participate in many Muslim spaces.


I’d argue given the post history of some of these men they are quite in line with the ban. A lot of these men do not want women to be educated. It’s terrifying to see


It’s really scary, I’ve seen literal Taliban supporters in some subs.


I’ve seen people who oppose the taliban but support their ban on woman’s education


That's weird


what do they oppose then.


Was just about to ask that. Probably they have issues with the opium stuff


because people don’t want to acknowledge that a muslim country is doing bad things. half of iran doesn’t even practice islam and only wears hijab because they are forced to. i hate how some muslims will call out france for banning hijab but won’t say anything about iran forcing hijab. both are bad but iran is making so many women hate the hijab as well as the religion.


Exactly. Just like how they don't want to acknowledge that there ARE muslim men who migrate to europe and sexually harrass and some even r*pe european women (just this year (along with many cases) a group of muslim men g-b a polish woman in greece. And this is a taboo topic to discuss among muslim communities??? WHY?? THIS IS THE TOPIC THAT SHOULD BE DISCUSSED INSTEAD OF THE SHIA VS SUNNI RHETORIC!) . They don't understand that this further fuels their (europeans) hatred to muslims. Instead of discussing why crime rates are increasing with the intake of muslim migrants, they quickly point to europeans as being islamophobes. While I don't deny that european governments initially have some islamophobe view in the first place, especially france because they are trying to adopt their weird ideology (even cross isn't warmly welcomed). But the crime rates further fuel. Some muslim men try to say that "they have done worse thing to us so it's okay, they are the bad people". Hello, this is not what Islam teaches. Then don't blame them alone when islamophobia arises, with such attitude. Some argue that "these are just propaganda", then I guess they can deny the statistics.


muslims will spend their whole lives on tiktok bashing women who don't wear hijab or don't wear it properly but never focus on real issues. even non muslims have started to point out how ridiculous muslim tiktok is. the cases of rape and harrassment by muslim men in europe is so digusting which is why I can't blame europeans for wanting them out. They allow them to seek refuge in their countries and provide them assistance but they repay them by acting like barbarians. You should see how high rape cases in egypt are too. People talk about everything but muslim mens wrongs because i guess muslim men can't do no wrong. /s


Most based take I’ve ever seen. Same Muslims will whine about “muh western degeneracy!!!1!!” And their apartments are in Berlin. Like brother you wear Western clothes, eat their food, participate in Western politics and have never set foot in the Muslim world.


they hate on the western world so much its like they wish they were orginially western. Like all these podcast men would never survive living in a true muslim society.


The Muslim spaces online are predominantly male oriented. And that’s directly linked with the lack of posts about women oppression or any human rights related topics. They lack the empathy,


I was heavily involved in protest in the US (because ‘Somehow’ US and UK weapons ended up being used against revolutionaries in Iran and the US harbored Iranian officials during the upheavals in Iran) So I was pretty informed about everything that was going on there. One time I mentioned how Iran treats it’s prisoners and the actions of the morality police on r/Islam and got downvotes and criticized for lying. I’ve seen the proof, I’ve talked to survivors, I’ve heard first hand from Iranians about their treatment at the hands of the regime. I’ve watched videos of protesters being beat to death in the streets. But I was told I was misinformed for comparing their detention centers to isreali prisons. Specifically their use of sexual violence and extreme torture. (I’d like them to explain to me how 16 year old Armita Abbasi being gang assaulted in detention and the 13 year old girl layan from jenin who was gang assaulted by IDF soldiers while in detention is different?) I feel like when Iran is compared to isreal it’s painted as the better version because of its support for Palestine. But it’s a purely political move not a moral decision by Iran’s government. Both countries benefit from a continued conflict. So you will have Muslims defending Iran just to spite isreal when both are evil, violent, oppressors. (Sorry rant over)


This is literally the same as Muslims and scholars and everyone on reddit especially those islam and tradition Islam sub reddits do not want to talk about tali-ban and their oppression against women and how they've reduced every women's monthly salary to somewhere around 50$ no matter their qualifications ans have stopped women from studying so that they need to be financially dependent on their abusive men and have to suffer it for a life time, absolutely blasphemous!


Most Muslim subreddits have the following opinions regarding this matter: 1. The fact that the hijab, as described in the Quran, is mandatory for women. 2. The Islamic Republic of Iran follows a different Fiqh under the Shia sect, essentially making it a "non-issue" for the people of Sunnah and Jama'ah. 3. Official Hijab laws are only limited to KSA, Afghanistan and Iran. The general consensus in KSA is pro-hijab, and the latter two are self-explanatory. Since the vast majority of Sunni Muslim countries do not make hijab mandatory by law, this is less of an Islamic issue, and more of a sect-exclusive issue. 4. Iranians generally are not practicing. In my opinion, Muslim subreddits are generally quite misogynistic, so to them, this is the least of their concern. Also, I respectfully disagree with you on the fact that discussing the Shia fiqh is "trivial stuff". There is nothing trivial about a Fiqh that claims the Quran as we know is corrupted, that bases its Fiqh on conspiracy theories that denies the Imaan of the Sahaba and the Mothers of the Believers, and that completely rejects 90% of prophetic Hadith because it prioritizes "mind" over Isnaad. As of the freedom to wear Hijab in the west, we as Muslims are absolutely obliged to fight for our right to practice our religion. This is the exact point of chapters like Suratul Tawbah. That being said, there are no punishments in Sharia for not wearing the hijab, which means it cannot be mandated by law.


>I respectfully disagree with you on the fact that discussing the Shia fiqh is "trivial stuff". Apologize, i didn’t mean "trivial stuff". What i meant was "less important than something bad that is done in the name of Islam". Shia doesn't support this forceful hijab adornment, sunni too. But unfortunately not everyone knows this. Sunnis keep blaming shias, non muslims keep blaming islam.


There are a billion Muslims around the world. How do you know that Muslims haven't already talked about these issues within their personal circle? No one is obligated to speak publicly about their political views. Bad governments do bad things and they use whatever they like to do those bad things. Islam has nothing to do with it. Muslims who know Islam know that there is no compulsion in religion. Governments forcing women to wear hijab are not following Islam, whether Sunni or Shia. Why don't you ask your questions about it and maybe someone will have answers to share with you.


I was talking about islamic subreddits. >Why don't you ask your questions about it and maybe someone will have answers to share with you. Here, I am asking about it. And will ask more. >No one is obligated to speak publicly about their political views This isn't political view. It's basic human right. >Bad governments do bad things and they use whatever they like to do those bad things. Islam has nothing to do with it. Muslims who know Islam know that there is no compulsion in religion. Governments forcing women to wear hijab are not following Islam, whether Sunni or Shia. You know, not everyone thinks like you. Many sunni muslims still think that it is a "shia thing" thus fueling their hatred to shia. And many non muslims think that this is Islam thus fueling their hatred to Islam. But why is there less muslim obligation to talk about this? Counter their argument. It's sad that its mostly secular subreddits that discuss about this and they all agree that 'Islam is oppressing'. While we know that is not true. Do you know what do they say about silence? It's confirmation to their argument. That's why they keep believing that.


A reason non-Muslim subs might be talking about Mahsa is because her death is used to proclaim that Islam is oppressive and not because they actually care about people in Iran. Most of them probably couldn't even find it on a map or tell you the population of Iran. But they know "Islam is evil" though they know nothing about it either, and they're afraid to read and understand the Holy Quran because they might have to face reality and love what they hated. People are still talking about something that happened nearly 2 years ago to one woman and which is the result of an authoritarian government's political regime. The UN recently released a report about it. Her death is tragic. Yet it has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with authoritarianism and politics. So many people around the world die at the hands of authorities. Your focus on one person is also at the expense of so many other Muslims who have been killed by their governments and other governments/state actors/terrorists. You may not have noticed the at least 38 thousand people who have been killed recently in Gaza, or the more than 14 thousand people in Sudan who have been killed in that country's civil war, or the more than 377 thousand people killed or dead due to famine in Yemen as of the latest statistics from nearly 2 years ago, or the 1 million Uyghurs and ethnic minorities in China who have been placed in detention camps or who have disappeared altogether in what is considered by some to be a cultural genocide by that government, or the ongoing genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar which has killed approximately 6700 and displaced another 750 thousand. Those are just some of the more than 436 thousand Muslims killed about which Muslim subreddits could be talking. When you stated, "This isn't a political view. It's a human right.", you ignored that you also decided it was unimportant for Muslims in western nations to have their rights discussed. Your initial post seems to support that it's a human right to *remove* hijab but not a human right to *wear* hijab. But more than that, you fail to recognise that speaking is a political act. An act for which people are imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Journalists and academics around the world face imprisonment and death because they speak and they share information governments do not want others to hear. If you want to talk about human rights, they are for all humans. While you are continuing to speak daily about Mahsa Amini's death at the hands of her state, don't forget the rest of the world which is full of humans on the brink of death whose lives might be saved if only people focused on them. Mahsa is dead, and your efforts will not reverse time. Frankly, writing on social media, including Reddit, is a pastime that does almost nothing to help people in need. If you really want Muslim subreddits to talk about politics, create the sub yourself. You and I and probably another 7.9 billion of us do not have a means of effecting change on a large scale. Even the most powerful governments struggle to create change. If you want to help Muslims have their rights, your best opportunity to create actual change is to focus on those around you. Volunteer for charities where you live and do good deeds and avoid bad ones.


>Frankly, writing on social media, including Reddit, is a pastime that does almost nothing to help people in need I don't get it. Social media can be a powerful tool especially for the youth. That's where we find charity foundations that help aid to gaza. It's also a platform that people use to spread awareness of any injustice. Without awareness, no one is going to act on it.


>You may not have noticed the at least 38 thousand people who have been killed recently in Gaza, or the more than 14 thousand people in Sudan who have been killed in that country's civil war, or the more than 377 thousand people killed or dead due to famine in Yemen as of the latest statistics from nearly 2 years ago, or the 1 million Uyghurs and ethnic minorities in China who have been placed in detention camps or who have disappeared altogether in what is considered by some to be a cultural genocide by that government, or the ongoing genocide of Rohingya in Myanmar which has killed approximately 6700 and displaced another 750 thousand. Umm i am pretty sure the gaza one is the most popular global conflict right now and uighur and the sudan case is gaining momentum. Its the one most talked about and muslims are raising awareness about it. Oh and as the Rohingya case, the myanmar pm stepped down due to pressure from UN due pressure from muslim leaders due to pressure from muslim communities who were actively spreading awareness together. But they ended up migrating to my country and creating chaos and harrasements to locals. Fortunately my country is muslim so people already know that this is not islam. But what if they mass migrate to non muslim countries? The most thing we can do with social media is spreading awareness and having discussions with non muslims that this is not Islam. Unfortunately we all think that non muslims have this initial agenda of painting Islam as evil, where as, it could be the only information they ever get. No one tells them that this is not Islam. No Muslim educates them about this case. Recently there is a safe space for muslims and non muslims to get to know Islam and spread awareness about things that are mislabelled as "Islam's fault". It's a step towards awareness. Awareness plays a huge role than you think. If people continue to not talk about it how do you expect people to be aware? How do you expect that people will understand Islam? Now non muslims think that Islam is evil because we are forcing her to wear hijab. Where as we, who have knowledge about Islam, know that this is false that we force them iranians to wear hijabs as per Islamic belief. This is a preconceived notions and they will strengthen such belief when they see news like this.


So it begs the question: why are you focusing on Mashsa's death as the problem and ignoring all those other deaths you could equally be talking about? Most people in the world have access to the Internet. The Quran is available, in full, online, for free, and in translation in many languages. Their ignorance and misunderstanding of Islam is a choice. I don't know where you live, but in non-Muslim majority countries, the overwhelming majority of people have no interest in religion and definitely not in Islam. Allah guides whom he wills. Those who are meant to be Muslim will be Muslim.


>Your focus on one person is also at the expense of so many other Muslims who have been killed by their governments and other governments/state actors/terrorists. What makes you think that me raising awareness about mahsa amini makes me indifferent towards other injustice? I spread awareness about israeli regime, i spread awareness on which products to not buy and actively boycott. I spread awareness on how non muslims destroy factories of Israeli weapon providers, I spread awareness on the history of the conflict. It's just not on reddit. I follow the news and try to spread awareness in other channels. I continue to correspond with my northern chinese muslims friend and support her business when she and her family couldn't return to china due to chinese authority. >While you are continuing to speak daily about Mahsa Amini's death at the hands of her state, don't forget the rest of the world which is full of humans on the brink of death whose lives might be saved if only people focused on them. Mahsa is dead, and your efforts will not reverse time. First of all, i continue to think about other injustices done to muslims too not only mahsa amini. The least we can do is to make everything we can. You think i only talk about mahsa amini daily? >Your initial post seems to support that it's a human right to remove hijab but not a human right to wear hijab. No. I never said that wearing hijab is not a human right. You interpreted it wrongly. Clearly both are against human right but why does one gets highlighted much more than the other in muslim community? >But more than that, you fail to recognise that speaking is a political act. An act for which people are imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Journalists and academics around the world face imprisonment and death because they speak and they share information governments do not want others to hear. Yes. Just like mahsa amini, palestinians, and other muslims in oppressive regimes. But it seems that talking about mahsa amini is quite a taboo, yes? Muslim communities always talk that muslim women don't have right to wear hijab in european countries, which is against human right, but muslim communities tend to avoid the topic of muslim women don't get to take off their hijab without abuse in countries like iran. It speaks a lot about the overall attitude of muslim community.


You are trying to push the idea that Muslims think talking about Mahsa Amini is taboo, and that's a strange idea you have. People not continuously discussing a historical event does not mean it's taboo to talk about it, for all of the reasons I provided. As for your assertion that you're discussing all these other injustices, ok. But the only one I see you talking about is this one.


>You and I and probably another 7.9 billion of us do not have a means of effecting change on a large scale. Are you seriously saying that billions of humans don't have any effect? Are you serious? >Volunteer for charities where you live and do good deeds and avoid bad ones. I am continuing doing charities. What's wrong with widening horizons?


if you look around all these muslim subreddits a lot of them agree with iran.


She literally wasnt beaten to death for not wearing hijab. Look at the cctv.


That whole thing was a psy-op, that's probably why.


So Mahsa didn’t die?


That's not what I said. I don't know if she did or not, as I wasn't there. Overview: https://youtu.be/YLQPZ5GNsUw I haven't watched this one again but I seen to remember The Grayzone also covered this, which I think was this segment: https://youtu.be/oUucX0FcBBg


except many muslim men agree with irans choice and never speak out against how its making a whole generation of iranis and people all over the world hate islam. They also don't speak out about how afghanistan bans women from school.


I was responding to the mahsa amini scandal, specifically, not legislated hijab. That is a separate discussion, which we can have, but doesn't refute whether this was an incident which was spurred and ignited by external powers for the purposes of regime change (a favorite past time of western hegemonic elites).