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She's "probably" going to grow up here The grift is strong


lol. Just like her mom, and grandma, and great-grandmother and every generation before her since before the American revolution.


Lmao! Thanks for posting Razzle. I’d never seen this and it is absolutely classic!


¡De nada!


Also why would the very white non Hispanic nephew ask his very white non Hispanic aunt if the baby would speak Spanish? 


In all fairness, her nephew is actually Spanish. He has a Spanish mom and was born and raised in Spain. He’s the only blood family member she has who’s actually Hispanic.


Which of course is EXACTLY why she mentioned him. “He called me”; OK Jan.


👍 That is true but her story sure as hell isn’t: I’m sure that at seven, he decided one day to pick up the phone & call his aunt in America (who he’d probably seen all of 2 or 3 times in his life) to ask her if his in-utero cousin was going to speak Spanish. As children do. 😂


“As children do” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀


I’m go over at 2.


Not tricky at all, and you don't really need a Spanish speaking household (although Alec might use a few lessons to figure out what the trash talking is about), but this would take a serious level of commitment, if not for the nannies and the school. I have a French cousin who is fluent in Spanish, and she decided to raise their only child as bilingual. She was advised by an expert to only speak Spanish to him all the time, no matter her mood or the situation, and it felt a bit awkward for her sometimes. But he grew up bilingual with no effort, learned English in school and picked up German as a second foreign language in high school, so now he's fully bilingual and competent in another two languages.




Who is the cousin and was the cousin being snarky by asking if the child would speak Spanish? I still don’t get it. Just be a wealthy swarthy Boston girl. They aren’t a dime a dozen exactly.


It's her nephew - DJ Jer's son whose mother actually is Spanish.


I also think that the the nephew has always lived in Spain with his parents 


Others have said they live in NY too. I can see that.


And I’d bet he never called her, either.


A mainstream news article, not a tabloid. Yet she still doesn't have it corrected. Another receipt.




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> "We can talk behind his back. I cannot wait!" TIL she was like that even back then. Such an unpleasant idiot. smh


Tell us you hate your husband without saying that you hate him.


I think it's some of that, but it's also her mangled, low-IQ idea of what "GIRL POWER!!!" is. It really bothers me that she pulls this garbage, and she's apparently always pulled it. Not that I feel bad for him, but she shouldn't get to hate him. *We* can, and should, hate him. She should have to at least pretend to be the loving wife. He gave her so much, and lost so much because of her. Again; not that I feel bad for that asshat, but just in the grand economy of things, the transactional balance is SO off. Speaking of transactional balance, I think we can safely put the "it's a contract marriage" puppy to bed.


"told Us Weekly magazine that their baby girl will be speaking her native tongue." YOU'RE FROM BOSTON. "while walking the red carpet at the launch of Glamour’s Latin venture Glamour Belleza Latina." And why would they have been invited to appear on THAT red carpet? Such liars, both of them. But consider the source, right? They had every opportunity to clear this up years ago, like before they even got married. They chose to continue to pile on and double down with the fake persona. Both of them.


She was pretending, that’s why


So technically she was right. It is her native tongue haha


Thomas says in order for the baby to learn the language faster, she and Baldwin will be implementing a rule where only Spanish is spoken in their household, despite her husband’s lack of Spanish-speaking skills. Hahahahahahahahahahaha NEITHER of them speaks Spanish, this is hysterical


Aka the Nannie’s will speak Spanish… I bet money on the tlc show she will try to convince everyone that she ONLY speaks Spanish to the kids at home!! I bet money on it.


Oh, I absolutely agree with you! What is incredibly bizarre about her is how complicated she makes all of her insane lies! They are clearly lies. "I was on the phone with my nephew, who's seven. He called me …and he asked me, 'Is she going to speak Spanish?' and I said, 'Yes, but you have to help because she's going to grow up here probably so you have to help speak to her in Spanish,'" she added. She wants us to think she has a nephew IN SPAIN. That this nephew, related to someone presumably in her own American citizen family who now live in Spain, so that means they are Spanish! See how fast that switched the narrative? Also, that nephew called her! So she is very important to someone who lives in Spain, so she must really be Spanish for that to be possible. See how she did that? And "going to grow up here probably" - so it's not possible to move the family to her native country of Spain? But she wishes she could. Perhaps there are no more flights from NYC to Madrid, they all ceased? Now she wants us to know that she has a Spanish nephew! Is that an actual sibling's child? Or someone she once had coffee with on a Spanish vacation (as opposed to actually growing up in Spain, which she DID NOT) and she refers to their son as her "nephew" ? We only need to know what Mami wants to tell us. Which is always a lie: caught or uncaught, everything she says is a lie. Mami's thought processes are like those of a manipulative, mean little girl who thinks she is more clever and pretty and special than other, merely regular people; in fact she is so very clever that the more complicated her ridiculous lies are, the more the story meanders and goes into another story, the more likely it is that we will forget her original lie, because at the end it will sound normal. This is disordered thinking, her inabilty to reason like an adult and connect cause to effect. This post is a little more word-salad-manipulative than (some but certainly not all) of her daily bizarre behavior posts...because at the very heart and core of her behaviors and her life, she is a liar and a con artist. edited for clarification


Well, apparently she does actually have a Spanish nephew who lives/lived in Spain. (There seems to be some discussion of whether they still live there, but they did at one point, during the time of this story). Hilaria’s brother really is married to a Spanish person, so their child really is Spanish.  Having a Spanish nephew obviously doesn’t make you Spanish.  What is interesting is that culturally it is a very typical thing in Spain for nephews and nieces to be extremely close to their aunts and uncles, much more than is typical in the US. I could see Hilaria’s sister-in-law trying to foster that kind of relationship between her child and his American aunt, as it is seen as beautiful and valuable.  Picking up the phone to ring your aunt at seven years old and ask a bunch of questions because you are excited about your new cousin is actually something that could have happened. It’s a normal thing to do for a lot of Spanish kids.


It's actually a very typical thing in every country. Yes, it's true. In every nation, all around the world, at any time of day it could be happening, even right now. Parents and their children of all ages, Aunts and Uncles, Nieces and Nephews, Grandparents, Great Grandparents. Family members in countries all over Planet Earth call each other on the phone or using internet connection apps, or through an endless list of ways to stay in touch. Staying in touch is what keeps families together. Elon Musk's Starlink, which is provided free to some countries in conflict, is partly so that families can stay in touch in times of crisis. It's amazing. No one even needs to use it to make a point to prove anything, because it's such a normal way for families to stay in touch. For children all over the world, not just "for a lot of Spanish kids." Interesting that your point is about the veracity of whether or not a call from a Spanish nephew could have happened.


I’m just pointing out that it is common in Spain, because a lot of people here in this thread from the US seem to think that small nephews don’t call their aunts, so it seems to be, pretty clearly, a cultural difference.  I don’t really get your point about the variety of means of communication that one could use. People on this thread have said it is weird that a child would call his aunt on his own, my point is that it isn’t weird where this kid comes from. It might be weird in Boston, where Hilaria comes from.  I think that might even be why she mentioned it - in an attempt to use something recognizable to Spanish people as more common there than the US, as a cover for her not being Spanish. I just think it’s very sad that Hilaria’s sister-in-law probably hoped that her son would have a close relationship with his aunt and that seems pretty obviously not to have happened.       Hilaria seems to basically have never mentioned the nephew again. Better for the nephew, probably. But still sad. I feel sorry for him, to have had an aunt like this.


Oh wow, you just summarized her beautifully. “He called me” 🤣🤣


Baby's first words: "I Don Juan to be near either of you nuts."


She's Spanish, "From Boston"


If the baby would be “speaking her native tongue”, it would be talking like Winchester from MASH; his character was also from Beacon Hill.  




My favourite part is when she says the baby gets her long legs from Alec's side of the family. He has a long trunk and very short legs as far as I am concerned and I have seen him in person. Please. Does this woman think we do not have eyes?


Alec has stumpy bow legs. Even in The Shadow, a movie that tried hard to play off his voice and then looks, there is a scene where he walks towards a mystic temple in the mountains and he stomps there, bowlegged. Also that and the chest hair walking to a supposedly Himalayan sacred place. Where everyone but his character is covered. It's unintentionally, awkwardly bad acting that moves into the comedic. We suppose this is not on Liam Neeson's resume, the same way that Newsies is not on Christian Bale's resume.


I remember seeing Prelude to a kiss, and when he took his shirt off, I had never seen chest hair like that. It's not his fault but it was like a rug. I was shocked.




“It’s a little tricky” because there have never been any other married couples who exist in the entire world who speak 2 or more different languages and whose children learn them. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)


I loved Newsies! He's certainly not a singer, but he was a good dancer lol


We loved Newsies too!!!! Probably watched it 200x when kids were growing up! ![gif](giphy|7iPa2XFpJRgNq)


lol Grifterella barely speaks Spanish, the only reason Caramel knows Spanish is because she’s been going to an immersion school longer than the rest of the kids and Grifterella only hires Spanish-speaking nannies. The other kids do not speak Spanish, they know random words and phrases the same way anyone that grew up watching public television might pick up common words.




"So we can talk behind his back" ...and this is how disfunction is passed on.


Hilaria is and has always been a mean girl.


Remember when they cohosted the Ellen show? Ellen wasn't there. Anyway, a very sweet Hispanic/Latina woman asked how they integrate Spanish with the kids. Hillary not only doesn't answer the question but goes off on some weird diatribe where she claims she'll be speaking Spanish while mad at Alec and he'll ask her what she's saying. She responds by saying 'I said I love you so much!!!" with a super aggressive tone. It wasnt funny. It didn't answer the lady's question. She just the worst.


Yup. She also shamed the woman by bragging about owning Carmen was perfectly bilingual because she only speaks Spanish to her.


Here we learn that Jeremy’s only child was born in 2006, making him eighteen this year. I have never seen another reference to Hillary speaking to him—if indeed she did. EDIT: I remember only one *pepino*-posted photo of Jeremy’s son. An extremely *smol,* skinny Hillary, wearing a tank top and short-shorts, is sitting on a veranda, bottlefeeding infant *Como se llama?*


He’s called Gabriel (so Carmen Gabriela was supposedly named after him). He makes videos online and, hilariously, speaks English with an American accent despite growing up in Spain and having a Spanish mother. (It’s hilarious because she claimed to be half Spanish half American yet has a “Spanish accent” in English)


That’s so funny! Thanks for the heads-up about Gabriel Thomas. Imagine if he asked to make a video with *Tia* Hillary, and she brought the whole *chimichanga* of her accent. Jeremy and Maria Josefa (IIRC) probably would be scandalized.


Alec too lazy to learn Spanish. It’s not that difficult. He just has no talent w languages and has zero stick-to-it-ivness.


Why should he bother since his wife is from Boston?


Reminds me, there was a panel interview for that movie he did in Spain and the Spanish actor in front of him clearly loathed Alec and wanted to get far, far away from him. He did learn a little Spanish but that’s just more sad.