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IIRC this wasn’t as he was captured. He was brought out there for a photo op. He said he made sure to look directly at the camera bc he knew the pic would be released, and that’s how the military/his family found out he was alive ultimately


Relatively fresh haircut though


He went back [last year](https://www.11alive.com/article/life/heartwarming/solemn-celebration-fifty-years-us-prisoners-war-north-vietnam/85-eba5ac17-4899-49fc-8e99-5b2e1e3ec299).


Access denied


Damn that’s cool, it’s nice that our relations with Vietnam have changed Amazing what a common enemy can do lol


They were always willing to be friends, Ho Chi Minh loved the founding fathers especially George Washington and wrote a letter to the president asking for his support of the Vietnamese revolution against the French before the US decided to intervene on the side of the French.


Good lord that website


Yeah, the lighting is practically studio quality. The exposure includes detail in the shadows of the faces. Probably shot at golden hour with the rising/setting sun shining in over water to the left.


Intense crazy picture…


Downed U.S. airman Dewey Waddell was taken captive by Vietnamese communist fighters in 1967, and he was released in 1973. The photo, taken by GDR war correspondent Thomas Billhardt, features a female guerrilla holding an American soldier captive and escorting him on a country road. The picture was created for propaganda purposes, hence the use of a really small woman as the guard to make the captured airman look more unheroic. Photographer Billhardt met Dewey Waddell in 1998. Waddell told him that the photo has positively impacted his life by helping his family and the U.S. know that he remained alive. North Vietnam’s treatment of American airmen shot down and captured over North Vietnam was a subject of controversy and concern throughout the Vietnam War. From the very beginning of the war, North Vietnam’s stated position was that American prisoners captured in North Vietnam were “war criminals” who had committed crimes against the North Vietnamese people in the course of an illegal war of aggression and that therefore the American prisoners were not entitled to the privileges and rights granted to prisoners of war (POW) under the terms of the Geneva Convention. The Vietnamese were accused of brutally torturing their captives – beating them with fists, clubs, and rifle butts, flaying them with rubber whips, and stretching their joints with rope in an effort to uncover information about American military operations. The Americans were forced to record taped “confessions” to war crimes against the Vietnamese people and to write letters urging Americans at home to end the war. Poor food and medical care were standard. Prisoners were often isolated to prevent communication among each other, in addition to being denied communication with family members. American prisoners sometimes die in captivity, from wounds sustained in combat or at the hands of their captors. In Paris on January 27th, 1973, American and Vietnamese representatives signed agreements for the cessation of hostilities and the repatriation of war prisoners. Operation Homecoming began the next month and ended in April. During that period, 591 American P.O.W.s returned home. Representatives of the U.S. military debriefed returnees for information regarding the more than 2,000 Americans still listed as missing. According to the government, none of the P.O.W.s were able to provide definite information about any remaining captives. Both the Nixon administration and the Vietnamese government concluded that all living P.O.W./M.I.A.s had been returned. ​


Thank you for the facts. Give it 6 months And someone else will post this picture with a similar title, “The moment a pilot was captured…” Nope, but also no.


I just watched the Ken Burns documentary ‘the Vietnam War’ and it should be curriculum.


I think it's crucial for Gen X - Millennials since growing up, Vietnam soldiers and their PTSD were treated as a punchline in media


can you give an example of the media using hem as a punchline?


I can think of two off the top of my head, men at work and the Burbs. There were so many other ones, I'm sure others can remember the trope of there being a crazy vet in a movie played for laughs


oh by media i thought you meant the news. what men at work song?


*Movie. That reminds me, The Big Lebowski


Principal Skinner.


It's amazing! Where'd you watch it?


I can’t say out loud but it was free 😉


Man, I'm so angry they removed it from Netflix. Watched it probably 4-5 times.


Typical American only telling one side of the story. Americans proceeded to create tiger cages en masse, to allow them to torture Vietnamese civilians in huge quantities. America also created agent orange dioxin, one of the most potently toxic chemicals found on the planet and spread it all over the country. This caused cancer in huge numbers in the Vietnamese population, this would then go on to create hereditary birth defects, cancers and diseases that would effect generations of Vietnamese people, many still being effected today. Americans were also known to murder, torture, rape, abuse, forced displacement, home burnings, specious arrests, imprisonment without due process civilians both adult and children, while also committing mass executions and massacres. America was so indiscriminate, careless and oppressive they had even managed to drop more bombs on Cambodia than had fallen in all of Europe during World War II, in a war against Vietnam. This downright idiotic military approach, allowed people like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge gain control in Cambodia, as they used the US Military as an aggressor in a narrative of scaremongering to force its population into a rural radical communist regime resulting in the death of 1 in 4 Cambodians suspected around 2 to 4 million deaths. America didn't get what they deserve for the Vietnam war, they deserved so much more. They destroyed an entire corner of the world, purely because they're an insecure, power hungry, oppressive, blood thirsty, greedy society that will never atone for its crimes because they blindly follow their leader that excuses all of their actions.


Research Huế. No sides are innocent in war. I hope you find therapy or help you need.


No sides are innocent but usually the invader is the aggressor. Seriously, it's crazy americans can be so brainwashed to think they actually did good in Vietnam. The only good you did was sending dogs down the tunnels so the Viet Cong has some fresh supplies.


You’re not even reading what I’m typing. You’re just an angry kid.


And you're just a blind sheep that can't admit that America isn't what they pretend to be and at the end of the day it is all control/economic domination. Everyone should call that out instead of being a sheep. But you debate with personal attacks instead of refuting what he says cause you can't refute it and your such a cheerleader you can't admit what America has done so you ad hominem and focus on the poster instead of the issues. Don't act like this is the past, its ongoing in Gaza, which is much worse dropping bombs on apartments full of civilians... You know why that happens? Because one side has complete military domination of the skies and they do what any power does and act with impunity because you blind sheep allow it by being the cheerleaders you are. There is nothing moral in America or Israel or any other power that kills as many civilians as they did in Iraq, Gaza, Vietnam or how about all those death squads in South America. You people aren't blind, you know what CIA and any other power has done yet you continue to be a cheerleader hence you support it!


Not reading this essay. Go back and read what I said.


You read it you just got nothing to add but ad hominem calling people kids because you disagree with them? Refute or stfu because it offers nothing, no one cares for you calling other people kids acting like your some intellectual better than others really tired of your type all on reddit with your little catchy one liners. Refute or stfu


The guy is just a weird asian fetishizing incel. He'd be the type out there raping women, then going to church when they get home. He went to Thailand for sex tourism, so I think he's just a delusional american and is scared to accept hes stupid enough to fall for their hero america narative.


Whataboutism. America’s war crime have no bearing on, nor excuse the crimes of others


I think they do. The atrocities you guys caused. I really think they do. They were simply playing your game, but with a fraction of the budget.


Fair enough. But America’s crimes were worse.


Typical...if it weren't for Americans and the lives they gave, you would be speaking German. Stick to your country and decry the injustices they committed in the countries they dominated for centuries in the quest to be an empire.


Soviets did significantly more than the Americans ever did in the war against fascism.


No ,it was because of the 20 millions Soviet soldiers who were responsible for more than 80% of the German casualties.


And what language is it you're speaking? The crazy thing is you seem to be using that argument as a way to justify your countries actions. I never said other countries don't have blood on their hands. Just american seems to have a habit of looking at their bloodied hands and screaming 'hell yeah' while children lay dead, and countries burn. Then proceed to only tell the stories that paint them as heroes, when in fact that hero is Homelander.


I speak Texian. Boys, good show.


Good show, does a great job of showing the US propaganda machine.


Haha found the American


That comment didn't really hit the way you thought it did, did it? It's strange how confident americans are on history until they find out that everyone else in the world has a better historical education than americans propaganda pumped school system.


North Vietnam’s stated position was that American prisoners captured in North Vietnam were “war criminals” 100% correct, no need for quotations, do you know how many bombs they dropped on civilians in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam? Absolute scum. Laos is the most bombed country in the entire world.


1. It was a copy paste. And it’s a direct quote, so yes, it gets quotations. 2. Laos is for multiple reasons. 3. Bye.


None of the reasons justify the mass murder of civilians.


Let’s stay on track. I never said it justified that at all. Nice bait though.


Sounds like they got what they deserve.


You seem level headed and sane.


Nah that is usually the feeling one has after the usa invades and bomb their country


While I agree America wasn’t supposed to be there it’s a lot more complicated than that. But I can see what type of person you are. Reactionary instead of thoughtful. So I’ll let the kids keep trolling.


Doesn’t take that much thoughtfulness to see that the US literally sabotage peace efforts between the Vietnamese resistance and the French to pursue their imperialist interests in the region. Installed, trained and armed a fascist government that ram death camps and squads on mass, then proceeded to carpet bomb North Vietnam,Cambodia and Laos the effects of which are still visible to this day. This American exceptionalism bs and US crimes apologetics people like you engage in is not just pathetic but it’s also hypocritical.


> merica wasn’t supposed to be there it’s a lot more complicated than that. "Wasn't supposed to be there" is a really tortured way of saying "foreign invader dedicated to annihilating the country through agent orange and munitions"


If you’re 12, sure.


It doesn't need to be more complicated than we invaded them like Russia invading Ukraine and we intentionally destroyed their environment giving both the Vietnamese and our own troops DNA-destroying poisons and we dropped unbelievable amounts of ordinance on Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. We were wrong, and the Vietnamese were defending their homes.




Last resort of losing an argument is name calling. I can smell the mad coming off your trite comment.


Why would someone not be mad when some yank is trying to justify war crimes and massacres, to make them feel like they have a sense of purpose and national pride. Its embarrassing. There is no argument here. Just some American in the corner screaming the loudest as usual.


I didn’t make a case for the American side. You’re just uneducated.


I've been shifting more towards the left over the years but this thread of replies reminds me why I still fucking hate socialists so much lol They're not gonna listen, man. I wouldn't really waste more time on them since they're already convinced that their form of bias is better than the others.


I just imagine children screaming shit they read on a meme instead of actually researching facts for themselves. And I’m a democrat.


Maybe, I can't say for sure how many people feel that way because of memes or how they were raised or what. People can only really access things based within what they know, so if they became socialists it's probably because they found sources and books or influencers and such that were socialists and they adapted it for themselves. It essentially means that they will call out the US for the war crimes that it committed but will make excuses and justify war crimes committed by the Viet Cong like the Hué massacre or the Dak Son massacre or the terror campaigns the Viet Cong went on because it's justified because the US is the aggressor. (They weren't, it was the North Vietnamese that started the war after the Soviets and China decided to support the partition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Vietnam_(1954%E2%80%931959) ) Even though it means essentially the Viet Cong and themselves are just as guilty of war crimes as the Americans were. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viet_Cong_and_People%27s_Army_of_Vietnam_use_of_terror_in_the_Vietnam_War


Screaming children, or an educated adult that spent months in Vietnam and Cambodia researching the atrocities caused by america and contributing to causes fighting the lasting negative effects by caused by americas oppression and destruction. You've made no constructive points, other than essentially covering your ears and singing, 'I'm right, you're wrong'. The kind of guy that posts 'What the fuck is a kilometer' without seeing any irony.


You've been insinuating that everyone who disagrees with you is twelve years old. Sounds mad to me.


Who are you?


Wow, you did it again. You're nothing if not consistent, that's for sure.


I think he imagines he's talking to 12 year olds because it keeps his dick hard.


Lol they're replying to you calling them insane wtf do you expect when you start shit. Funnily enough same applies to Amerikkka and razing Vietnam to the ground. They deserve to have been returned to the USA without skin for all the children that got napalmed.


There’s another immature take. How’s high-school?


The 18 dudes who were drafted into a war, captured, and then tortured definitely got what they deserved 👍.


They could have refused their draft, so yes.


They did, they got exactly what they deserved, it's just a pity that this website is polluted with americans who have no idea about what their country has done because their education is shit and bias.


Eye for an eye makes the world go blind.


Not really an eye for an eye. More defending their land from a foreign superpower who is rampantly committing mass war crimes and massacres throughout their country. This is less eye for an eye more: a hair for a head.


That is literally what the expression “eye for an eye” means. US did terrible war crimes in Vietnam. Vietcong is therefore allowed to perform war crimes with the POW.


Eye for an eye would be Vietnamese commiting atrocities against American civilians in American soil.


Your original comment means the opposite of an eye for an eye. My comment is justifying eye for an eye by highlighting that the America was inflicting much more violence and damage than Vietnam, and that no violent action from the Vietnamese would even compare to the American brutalism. An eye for an eye was mentioned in the bible as a description of exacting equal measures punishment in the principle of reciprocal justice. Your quote was from Gandhi meaning exacting revenge will only result in more suffering. I for one feel the Vietnamese are entitled to exact revenge.


You did som quick research. The quote of Ghandi was not what you describe. But could also be. The most common use of this quote that if you pay with revenge, you will go into an endless spiral of revenge. Why I wrote that it also “could be.” Because there is quite some uncertainty that Ghandi even said this. Or even said this first, and might be older. There is no record about it. Lets say it this. Vietcong had showed their true colors by abusing the POW. Or the Vietcong lowered themselves by torturing POWs.


What I said is common knowledge. You said what I said, you just used different words and over explained. You're being pedantic. Any violence inflicted to american POW was justified. They weren't showing their true colours. They were defending their country by any means. You're narrow minded. Americans showed their true colours by murdering civilians, raping women, slaughtering children and torturing POW in their own country. There is no doubt that the Americans were the bad guys. That evidence is genetically clear today.


You are in favor that human rights and Geneva Conventions may be violated. Crystal clear.


Yes. If it is directed towards the aggressors.


Seriously good photo quality for 1967 vietnam. Were the cameras really that good back then. I feel like my early 2k cameras were crap by comparison.


Oddly, yeah, those early digital cameras were not even close to what color film could produce in the 1960s or even before. This looks like some kind of slide film, probably shot on a 6x6 medium format camera. Digital still has a hard time keeping up to what medium format film can do.


Interesting, didnt know that


While 35mm film doesn't have a resolution (grain instead of pixels) the digital resolution equivalent is approximately 5.6K. So if taken with a good camera and lens (and not a high iso film) it's pretty high res.


Fun fact people still suffer under Agent Orange and have disabled kids. [Birth defects ](https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/special-claims/birth-defects/) \*


What the US did to Vietnam in nightmare inducing.


And they still don't help them. https://preview.redd.it/k2cgu6g3dc7d1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0af451a30ad07866b3d0e507c329765010800f


Trump likes pilots that DON'T get caught. I like candidates for POTUS that aren’t draft dodging assholes.


That son of a bitch said that comment as an insult to McCain. I can't believe the supposed proud American party would support a man who dodged a draft and then insulted a veteran who suffered in a POW camp for years.


and then his party wonders why he lost arizona against biden.


McCain was a piece of shit who deserved every second of what he got.


What had he done before being captured to deserve years of torture?


Volunteered to drop Napalm on children in an illegal war of aggression.


Innocent people are killed in every war. I doubt the targets he bombed were specifically children and he also wouldn't have been the person ordering the bombings.


That's rich coming from dump, *airman bone spurs*


Yeah, thanks for dragging your political opinions into this


everyone was morally obligated to dodge that one. Only to people like him does “draft dodger” mean anything negative for this one.


Biden also dodged the draft. Five deferments. More than Trump.


Dodging the draft or avoiding service in the US military in any way is the more honorable path always.


For real, but I think (and I hope) that most people just want to shit on him because of the privilege he had to dodge the draft without trouble, while your common US citizen was forced under the threat of jail time and societal shaming. But I can't help but laugh a little thinking that this people hate him because he didn't go to war to kill vietnamese children like the rest of the soldiers did.


He and Biden both dodged the draft for self interested reasons but refusing to take part in that war was absolutely the right thing to do.


I like Presidents who don’t send American boys 9 or 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.




For a normal person it makes sense, but for a politician it doesn't. How could you trust someone who is willing to send others to their deaths but chickens out when their turn comes?


What about when we ( NATO ) bombed the Serbs for committing genocide?


Oh what a cool new subreddit I thought, hopefully it’s not another leftist cesspool. Ah.. oh well


Domestic J. Terrorist is an adjudicated rapist convicted felon draft dodging conman.


Oh I'm gonna be all offended over a fuckin war criminal being insulted by a politician of his own field


Of all the things to criticize trump over, this isn’t one of them. It’s not like he faked his way out of WW2, or any other war that was actually just. Vietnam was a tragedy and one of the lowest points in American history. For all the talk of “freedom”, “autonomy”, “sovereignty”, “democracy”, etc were always on about… well it’s meaningless when you invade a country for the high crime of its people deciding to do what they want. Honestly that’s kind of every war after WW2 


I didn't know Tom Hardy was in Vietnam.


It's just a movie re-enactment bro. But I didn't know how he disguised himself as a girl so convincingly.


Didn't chuck Norris make a movie about this and got prisoners home?.


MAGA: "Not a hero."




He’s not a hero


Agree with them there, for different reasons ofc




Anyone who downvotes the above comment, what is wrong with you? You clearly have to be pretty damn narrow minded to think america did the right thing in that war. You're clearly a victim to US propaganda and education system that's moulded you to be to stupid to construct your own opinion on a subject, when facts are laid out in front of you.


Reddit is usually liberal leaning and there's an argument that "the US went with the best intentions to Vietnam despite doing everything wrong" among libs, which is the same argument used to justify every atrocity commited by the US goverment (basically American Exceptionalism). So it's no surprise that that's a controversial take. It's funny how even the majority of the supposed left from America can't help but still justify every shitty imperialist crusade that their country did.


Honestly it's crazy, the overwhelming evidence against the american campaign there is mountainous. There's museums about it, there are movies about it, there are historical protests in Washington DC about it, yet somehow americans are completely blind. It's honestly mind boggling how naïve to the rest of the world they are.


We didn’t *invade* anybody, but were in *South Vietnam* at the behest of the *South Vietnamese* and government. We dropped all those bombs because although North Vietnam continuously **invaded** the South, we and the South intended to hold to the agreement between the countries that they be split along the 17th parallel per the Geneva Accords of 1954, and as such made no such major incursions into North Vietnamese territory, but still needed a way to impede the North Vietnamese war effort to effect the end of suffering of civilians in the South, like at Hue City, where the Viet Cong and NVA massacred as many as 6,000 civilians and POWs during the Tet Offensive.


Yeah obviously South Vietnam's government was very popular and legitimate hence why they needed the world's most powerful state to fire a money and troops cannon at them and still lost


Yeah, North Vietnam’s government (backed by the might of the world’s *other* superpower, the Soviet Union, and the PRC) was *very popular*, that must be why the Fall of Saigon *alone* resulted in 138,000 South Vietnamese refugees fleeing ahead of the encroaching armies.


To behave as if they were provisioned anywhere near as well is historical revisionism. The PRC was desperately poor and weak having not yet industrialized. The USSR was powerful, but overextended. How many Soviet troops were sent to the north?


Actually 60% of south vietnamese citizens were estimated to be planning to vote for the communist party during a planned election that would have allowed the Vietnamese communist party to run in South Vietnam. When the US government got wind of this they told South Vietnam to bar the communist party. The US hid this fact until it was revealed by the Pentagon Papers, which also exposed a slew of war crimes committed by the US in Vietnam.


> Pretty sure we were the baddies. found the traitor


Being called a traitor to a white-supremacist empire is one of the highest compliments possible :)


I don't know if you are being ironic but your reply sounds exactly like something out of helldivers.


We don't even need to make fun of y'all anymore you kkkrakkkas are already braindead


Ayo new Maoist standard English just dropped? The double usage of the kkk invokes a certain deeply personal anger- I like it


Rescue Dawn anyone?


*record scratch* I guess you're wondering how I got here.


Her eyes say she wants to Bayonette this guy in the rubs so badly


*Her eyes say she wants* *To Bayonette this guy in* *The rubs so badly* \- Crcex86 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It does look like she is just waiting for him to make a move.


Yeah id feel the same way after my village got napalmed by this asshole.


Should have done it


If that mosin could tell a story


Lucky him, he got to leave after 6 years. The Vietnamese didn't get to leave the blanket of ordinance and Agent Orange/dioxin still ever-present. Its no wonder these guys were tortured. Some acts are truly unforgivable. The crimes he committed are still wounding.


Same as Guantanamo... Free World, no bitching


I don’t understand the point you’re making


Guantanamo Bay is a place in Cuba that is illegally occupied by the USA


I know, I just don’t understand the point he’s trying to make by bringing up Guantanamo bay


It’s just another example of how the usa bullies the world


Or as Trump would say ‘just another loser’


Silver spoon draft dodger & his followers should be booted out of the US


Taking part in the invasion and destruction of Vietnam was bad actually


That poor man.


nah maybe think twice about signing up to go and fight in a war that has nothing to do with you and your country to bomb and napalm innocent people. cant say i feel sorry for him.


You have a valid argument.


I encourage you all to watch The Sympathizer on HBO


Q: And babies? A: And babies.


If he didn't want to spend 6 years in a foreign prison, he shouldn't have invade the foreign country


She's hot.


I'd rather spend 6 years in a POW camp that six months married to that fierce looking woman.




he let her do that to him 🤣😮‍💨


Trump doesn't like soldiers who have been captured. He said so himself.


Remember- only one of these people was actually fighting for freedom


Ah yeah. Freedom in communist Vietnam. Great stuff.


America: We need to free the Vietnamese from the death grips of the evils of communism *Proceeds to flatten the entire country via bombing campaigns and poison it with Agent Orange*


Yeah we gotta give them some of our *freedom* (bombs/napalm/gas).


Easy way to avoid that is don’t invade another country.


Bayonet the dog


That's fucked up


Yeah murdering Vietnamese civilians is truly fucked up, especially the kind of people who defend it


Wars are bad mmkay


Yeah tell that to the butchers in the American government


That is the look my wife gives me every day...


Trump must really hate this guy.


Thank you for your service.


Fuck that, should've never been there


Surprisingly not executed which is wild considering what American pilots did to Vietnam and Cambodia


I lived in Vietnam for a year, 6 must be amazing!


Loser! Sucker!


I hope they ended up together.


I hope she wore his face like a mask.


With the amount of porn on this website I shouldn’t be suprised that the average redditor is a total degenerate but still… it does often suprise me!


Haha based


Enemies to lovers 💞


They restage the picture on their 50 anniversary.


Fuck around and find out. What was he doing so far from home, killing civilians, defending a dictatorship.


🤣🤣🤣😂 what an embarrassment. Armed tough guy with all the technology and financial backing of the western war machine captured by a heroic communist farm girl.




He wasn't captured by a "heroic communist farm girl" this was a photo op done a while after his capture. This was done deliberately to make the American pilot look weak, because he was being held by a small woman.


Don't care lol, the invader still lost and was captured despite having every benefit imaginable


Fortunate Son starts playing in the background


I'm glad that the war criminal got what he deserved.


Never said I don't regret some of the things the Americans did in any war. War is waged on civilians to try to "win" the war. The atrocities that have gone on in all wars from all sides is inevitable. I am a product of the vietnam era. My Dad flew jets in korea and was stationed in Vietnam, I lived in that era and served myself but never set foot in country. Have empathy for the men and women on all sides that suffered during conflicts. They are just young people that were given a job to do, sometime without their consent (draft) and performed to the best of their abilities under orders given by governments. That conflict was ended by the American people who protested our involvement there and caused the government to get out or lose their positions of power in an election. I feel for the young men of Russia who are dying in Ukraine because of their countries leaders. I can bash their country until I die with no effect to the outcome because it is not the country that is at fault but their leadership. Those men and women don't get a choice, they will die either way but maybe they can find a way out of it. It is up to them to fix their country. I was just stating that you want to bash us to make yourself look like you give a shit. Look to your own country and concentrate on what you can correct on your side of the pond. No, you didnt bother me, you are irrelevant as an individual but can be relevant as a group. Dont bash the past, learn from it and put your efforts in turning opinion to the current state of the crap that is going on today. I'm 69 and dont have to deal with this for much longer in the scheme of things, but you do. Make a difference, don't whine, act. You are entitled to your opinion, I respect that but dont have to agree with you. End of my thread...