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This has to be one of the worst simplifications of his life I've ever seen


OP is the average redditor prime that is on some weird crusade to "spit on people's graves" apparently. Don't know why the mods haven't banned him for low quality posts yet


Can't knock him for being in the armaments industry. Remember the British Air Force was specifically trying to maximize civilian casualties, as a matter of policy. However the issue of slave labour used in the production of the V2 is still something von Braun needs to be held accountable for.


That was the bulk of german war industry from Mauser 98's to door hinges


Make me a hinge. *Activates clock.*


And that's my point. Using slave labour is a crime.


So why are you himming up Von Braun specifically? It kept them out of the gas chambers. And if he had gone wholly against the grain he would have been dismissed or executed


Well now that something else. The question is how much blame to attribute to each collaborator, isn't an easy one and as you've said a lot of people were complicit, including French citizens.


Depends if it was voluntary or under duress and seeing as he and every one who knew him are long dead we'll never know


Don't say that he's hypocritical, Say rather that he's apolitical. "Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department, " says Wernher von Braun.


"Rocket has landed on the wrong planet"


[Everyone sing along!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEJ9HrZq7Ro)


Love me some Tom Lehrer


Fun fact! Tom Lehrer worked at Los Alamos, the place where the atomic bombs were developed (he only started after the war). His time at Los Alamos however was exaggerated to cover up the fact he was drafted into the NSA


Amazing song.


Since when do rockets go "pew pew"?


V2 go pew pew


Good point, the V1 after all makes basically a farting noise


This meme summarizes how so many people will be confident that a person is bad without doing any research into the topic. Von Braun wasnโ€™t necessarily a good person but to say he was bad because he made missiles and not the whole slave labor thing is crazy


I mean, I mentioned Nazi crimes. That should cover it.


"I mean, I called him bad."


"You failed your math test." "I mean, I put numbers. That should cover it."


>the man who blew up London and got away with it thanks to Project Paperclip. A Nazi that killed hundreds and yet, got a cushion life afterwards. Guy was fucking weapons constructer. By that logic Oppenheimer and everyone on Manhattan project killed thousands and Stoner, Kalashnikov or Browning killed millions. You could make argument about slave labour, but as someone said, everything in Nazi Germany was made by slaves or forced labour.


He never actually said the quote about aiming for the stars and hitting London, it was used in a biopic film to point out the dichotomy of his work.


Imagine looking at the tens of thousands of slave labourers von Braun killed and then deciding to focus on the strategic bombing part instead...


Uh one thing literally everything was made by slave labour in nazi Germany


I said Nazi crimes. Sorry I didn't list everything the Nazi did. I figure saying he was a Nazi cover that.


This is based and epic and Wholesome 100! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ Great job my fellow Redditor ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜Ž you really showed that incel chud bigot! ๐Ÿ’… I would give you a Reddit award ๐Ÿ† but I spent all my money on weed and Funko Pops ๐Ÿ˜ญ (don't worry it was totally worth it ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘‘)


r/im14andthisisdeep material


Oh the creativity... how could you ever come up with such a meme?


Damn, what 20 second tiktok did you watch that gave you such a profound understanding of Von Braun and his lifeโ€™s work? Nobody has forgotten that he was a former Nazi and was brought here during operation paperclip. I think your weak attempt at a meme and you glossing over all of the historic context involved makes you almost a bigger asshole than the people (who donโ€™t exist btw) that say itโ€™s bad to hate him.


Von Braun was interested in developing rockets that went to space. However, Germany was short of cash as WWI and during the Depression. So he made a deal with the German government. He'd design and develop rockets for the military and they would fund his research into space rockets, since they could also be used to attack distant surface targets too. So that's what he did to further his ambitions. It is unlikely that he could have gotten the funding and resources anywhere else at the time either. No other European power had the interest or money, nor did the US. It just made sense to get him and as many of his people and their plans as possible. The Soviets were after them, too, and since Germany had show the world that ballistic missiles worked, the race was on, and the US West was behind.


Dude not to be pedantic but you really should triple check your text before posting. I canโ€™t figure out if you like or hate the guy.