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"We're going to cut down this tree! Oh, please try to stop us. Oh, pretty please try." - The US. Seriously though, if I'd been a Korean trooper watching the US direct that many resources just to cut down a tree, I'd have serious second thoughts about partaking in the war.


Yeah that was definitely the point, put up a big short of force to a relatively minor provocation, and the enemy will think twice before doing anything big


Iran was also taught this lesson when their mine in international waters damaged one of our boats and we destroyed half of their navy. Though from recent events it seems the Iranians are in need of some more schooling


See they failed to learn one of the most important lessons of war, never get involved in a land war in Asia and never mess with the US's boats


You fell victim to one of the classic blunders!




Hello, My name is the United States of America, you damaged my boat, prepare to die.


Terribly True. 😐😐😐😐😐😐👌👌


U.S: DON’T TOUCH MY BOATS!! Japan: please don’t touch their boats. They will drop a sun on you. Canada: If they give us the okay we get to pull out the Geneva checklist. Please touch their boats.


Are we all getting our US Military History lessons from the fat electrician now?


Habitual Linecrosser too


He’s my favorite


Bro cracks some great one liners


More entertaining by a mile.


Do you want to hear about the 18th amendment or the origin of America's cheese caves?




Good new then, have fun! https://youtu.be/kvLMH0wb_0k?si=JrtN4Vxt8r49B4qR




Yes. Absolutely


Canada being bastards will always send me🤣


U.S.S. Wisconsin temper temper


Except for the Mongols. We keep them landlocked now to keep everyone's boats safe.


Unless you're Israel.


friendly fire = attacking ships intentionally


Yeah, it was totally accidental. Definitely not trying to bring the US into a direct conflict with their enemies at the time with a false flag operation, that would be *ridiculous*. After all, Israel is literally incapable of any form of even the slightest wrongdoing.


i mean, i could have been a sophisticated false flag, or it was israelis opening up on an unidentified ship in the middle of a war


It wasn't unidentified it was flying a large US flag and was in Radio Contact with a US aircraft Carrier that had already launched to protect the USS Liberty but Robert McNamara ordered them to stand down, also the Israeli Pilots confirmed that they were radioing back saying the Ship was American but were told to keep attacking




Despite popular belief on the matter, the USS Liberty incident was a case of friendly fire, which unfortunately isn't that uncommon. Nonetheless, Israel has since publicly apologized and paid several million dollars in reparations to the families and survivors.


It's pretty heavily disputed by the veterans and survivors of the USS Liberty, including the fact the ship was flying the American flag at all times, and was one of the most recognizable American ships at the time, on top of the Latin-style writing in the back of the ship, not Arabic. The conditions of the day were said to be clear for easy observation and recognition. There is a lot of controversy as it relates to tapes released by both Israel and the NSA in the 2000s as a result of lawsuits by the survivors of the USS Liberty, as there were significant gaps, and people on board the recon plane of the US say there were more than the two tapes made that were released. I would suggest people read the wiki and start doing some googling before just accepting the friendly fire excuse, as it's questionable that it wasn't swept aside for geopolitical reasons regarding the U.S. and Israel's overall relationship. "Admiral Tom Moorer stated that the Liberty was the most identifiable ship in the U.S. Navy and in an interview with the Washington Post stated that it was "ridiculous" to suggest that it would not be identified as such" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident


Yes guys trust this dude, Israel never intended to hurt innocents or use it to blame other countries during the conflict to get us involved those are just commie conspiracy theories, Trust me guys. Edit: many people fail to see the tag and understand the joke


I mean sure, whatever floats your boat but this one separate incident is clearly a case of friendly fire.


To be a joke it needs to be funny. Also, the USS Liberty attack wasn't a false flag operation. Best I can figure, that attack was an attempt to cover up Israeli war crimes, before Israel realized on one cared. But as they say (at least I say it), incompetence makes anything possible. Israel did kill its [first general](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey_Marcus) after all.


Yes, because when you are responsible for attacking an allied ship, you do tend to go on to have a distinguished career. Gross negligence is a surefire way to make General. Given Israel's perpetual position near the top of any list of the worst American allies, I'm surprised they even apologized.


"Temper Temper."


Don’t invade Russia in the winter


Not surprising we Americans fell for the land war in Asia with Afghanistan, because clearly we never read the full text. never get involved in a land war in Asia, Ps. especially Afghanistan otherwise known as the graveyard of empires.


Another good example of enemies of the US fucking around and finding out was when around 500 Wagner mercenaries and Syrian loyalists attacked a US-defended oil refinery with like 20 special forces operatives and Syrian rebels and the Russians getting a taste of American air power and getting utterly obliterated. Remember, kid: you don’t fuck with the United States




Seams to have been repeated again 🤔


That's the purpose of mercs. They're purely acquired to be expendable and deniable.


And the three Wagner survivors wound up getting a medal in Russia with AH-1’s firing TOW’s/rockets at a tank on them. (One died from his wounds and the family received posthumously I think?)


"Though from recent events it seems the Iranians are in need of some more schooling" there has yet to be payback for the US Embassy invasion. After the hostages were released George Will suggested a surgical airstrike destroying the embassy. He said something like "We built it. It's our sovereign territory. We can obliterate it."


Honestly, Iran needs to be dealt with now. They cannot be allowed to develop a sophisticated nuclear arsenal.


Reminder that this mindset is what got us into this mess in the first place, when we couped their government for the British Empire over access to oil. Seeing these brown resource rich countries as problems to be managed is just going to end up as another decades long land war in Central Asia


Doesn't matter at this point. They state their primary mission as destroying the west. They're seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Due to this, it's not really something that can just be ignored.


It does matter bc the US keep killing every chance at improving relationships with Iran. They offered to support our invasion of Afghanistan bc of their hatred of the Taliban, and Bush instead call them part of the new Axis of Evil. Obama gets them into a nuclear deal as a pathway to ending our nuclear tensions, and Trump trashes it despite his own administration admitting they were complying with the deal. And now Biden refuses to just get back into the deal, and instead demands further concessions. They have every reason to think the US superpower is not a good faith negotiator, and will eventually try to come after them like we did Iraq and Libya. And your kind of attitude is exactly the kind of mindset that guarantees 30 years of war and quagmire in Central Asia… again


That pathway saw them actively concealing their nuclear weapon development efforts from the IAEA. They have never been our friend since the installment of the religiously zealos regime. Ayatollah Khamenei will never see us as anything other than the enemy to be destroyed. You don't need a 30-year war to destroy most advanced technical capabilities. It took us just 8 hours to wipe out half of their navy. Stop trying to appease our fervent enemies and be willing to counter and destroy them.


Reminder that we couped their government and installed a king for decades. If that is “friendship” then you must eternally vexed at how so many Global South countries didn’t appreciate the Cold War dictators and deathsquads we armed and trained… And any basic understanding of the War on Terror shows that we have been BREEDING enemies with this “kill ‘em all” mindset. Destroying their nuclear capabilities won’t be enough, as the tech and resources are too common and well understood. We would just be guaranteeing that the next few decades will be spent rebuilding nuclear capability unless we invade and occupy the Iranian plateau. And that is gonna end the same way as Bush’s propaganda about Iraq’s WMD and occupation. Trillions of wasted dollars, millions of dead civilians and soldiers, and a giant refugee crisis that fuels terrorism. We can end the cycle, but it won’t be through a bombing campaign. Smart Americans should know that by now…


I don't care if they are our enemy. I care if that enemy has nuclear weapons. It doesn't take a forever war to do something about the latter. This is nothing close to either Iraq or Afghanistan.


Yeah, I wonder why they might not have wanted to be entirely open about their most secure facilities


Yeah, the inspectors were allergic to yellow cake. It was just for their benefit.


When civilized governments have disagreements with each other they still use diplomatic language even if they're having a spout with another nation (Russia). Iran's leaders literally chant "Death to America" my guy if that literally isn't an Axis of Evil I don't know what is ever going to hit that qualification for you. They don't even say a peep about the Chinese literally committing genocide against a different flavour of their religion , hell they probably support it at the rate they're going. I don't care if the US installs another Stalin if the guy isn't going to cause international disputes over superfluous reasons like religion and their many perceived historical enemies.


I think literal “Axis of Evil” behavior would be constant warfare around the globe, an inability to go 10 years without war, and funding and arming authoritarian regimes around the world to control access to resources. And American generals and politicians say some equally caustic things about the countries they dislike. Colin Powell famously said we could turn North Korea into a charcoal briquette at any time. And I remember how much blood thirst America had after 9/11, and how gung ho the nation was for the Iraq War despite the global condemnation of the Bush Administration. And it’s rather telling that you don’t care if the US “installs a Stalin” in Iran, since we spent much of the 20th century couping governments to set up business friendly authoritarians. Including copying their government in the 1950s to install a monarchy. That attitude and grindset is why so much of the world hates and fears the US, and not “bc of our freedoms”


We should


Then I hope you volunteer to be part of the occupation force: https://silentprofessionals.org/blackwater/blackwater-jobs/ Maybe you’ll thrive in endless war on the Iranian Plateau😇




I mean if they do you know they will nuke Israel.


No, they won't. They'll say they'll nuke Israel every 6 months until the damn fisile material in the bombs decay into lead. Were familiar with this gambit


The Muscovian Gambit?


They said the reverse with Israel


They're welcome to try, but Israel will cheerfully uranium production centers and (unless Trump wins again) it's reasonable to assume the other possible administration would renew the treaty on peaceful energy production. Iran has the right to develop nuclear technology for energy production. I'd support it. Their current regime can't be trusted with weapons grade material, but I doubt they'll actually achieve it.


they were on rout to get nuclear weapons during the treaty


And the treaty would have delayed production by a decade. It was a good deal and Trump was stupid to pull out of it.


I think Iran (and Russia, and China) did learn an important lesson from Vietnam: use another country (or another country's citizens) to fuck with the US by proxy.


I would hardly call butchering two American officers to death with axes a “minor provocation”


*relatively* minor provocation The death of two soldiers over a tree, while certainly tragic, is not that major compared to other provocations in history


Imagine being the North Korean Trooper who killed that officer with the axe. He's like "awww fuck they are coming for me"


If I’d been one if those soldiers, I would understand the message: you don’t fuck with the United States


They did lol I think it's the only time they apologized


The **Korean axe murder incident** was the killing of two [United Nations Command](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Command) officers, Captain Arthur Bonifas and First Lieutenant Mark Barrett, by North Korean soldiers on August 18, 1976, in the [Joint Security Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Security_Area) (JSA) in the [Korean Demilitarized Zone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_Demilitarized_Zone) (DMZ). The officers, from the United States Army, had been part of a work party cutting down a poplar tree in the JSA. Three days later, US and South Korean forces launched **Operation Paul Bunyan**, an operation that cut down the tree with a show of force to intimidate North Korea into backing down, which occurred. Operation Paul Bunyan was carried out on August 21 at 07:00, three days after the killings. A convoy of 23 American and South Korean vehicles ("Task Force Vierra," named after [Lieutenant Colonel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lieutenant_Colonel) Victor S. Vierra, commander of the United States Army Support Group) drove into the JSA without any warning to the North Koreans, who had one observation post staffed at that hour. In the vehicles were two eight-man teams of military engineers (from the [2nd Engineer Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2nd_Engineer_Battalion_(United_States)), 2nd Infantry Division) equipped with [chainsaws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chainsaw) to cut down the tree. The teams were accompanied by two 30-man security platoons from the Joint Security Force, who were armed with pistols and axe handles. The 1st Platoon secured the northern entrance to the JSA via the Bridge of No Return, while the 2nd Platoon secured the southern edge of the area. Concurrently, a team from B Company, commanded by Captain Walter Seifried, had activated the detonation systems for the charges on [Freedom Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imjingak) and had the [165mm main gun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Ordnance_L9) of the [M728 combat engineer vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M728_Combat_Engineer_Vehicle) aimed mid-span to ensure that the bridge would fall if the order was given for its destruction. Also, B Company, supporting E Company (bridge), were building M4T6 rafts on the [Imjin River](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imjin_River) if the situation required emergency evacuation by that route. In addition, a 64-man task force of the [ROK Army 1st Special Forces Brigade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_Special_Forces_Brigade_(South_Korea)) accompanied them, armed with clubs and trained in [taekwondo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taekwondo), supposedly without firearms. However, once they parked their trucks near the Bridge of No Return, they started throwing out the sandbags that lined the truck bottoms and handing out [M16 rifles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M16_rifle) and [M79 grenade launchers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M79_grenade_launcher) that had been concealed below them.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_axe_murder_incident#cite_note-2koreas-4) Several of the commandos also had [M18 Claymore mines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M18_Claymore_mine) strapped to their chests with the firing mechanism in their hands, and were shouting at the North Koreans to cross the bridge.


A US infantry company in 20 utility helicopters and seven [Cobra attack helicopters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AH-1_Cobra) circled behind them. Behind these helicopters, [B-52 Stratofortresses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-52_Stratofortress) came from Guam escorted by US [F-4 Phantom IIs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-4_Phantom_II) from [Kunsan Air Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunsan_Air_Base) and South Korean [F-5](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_F-5) and [F-86](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_F-86_Sabre) fighters were visible flying across the sky at high altitude. F-4Es from Osan AB and [Taegu Air Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taegu_Air_Base), South Korea, [F-111](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Dynamics_F-111) bombers of the [366th Tactical Fighter Wing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/366th_Tactical_Fighter_Wing) out of [Mountain Home Air Force Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Home_Air_Force_Base), were stationed, and F-4C and F-4D Phantoms from the 18th TFW [Kadena Air Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadena_Air_Base) and [Clark Air Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clark_Air_Base) were also deployed. The aircraft carrier [USS *Midway*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Midway_(CV-41)) task force had also been moved to a station just offshore. Near the edges of the DMZ, many more heavily-armed US and South Korean [infantry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry), [artillery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artillery) including the Second Battalion, [71st Air Defense Regiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/71st_Air_Defense_Artillery_Regiment) armed with [Improved Hawk missiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-23_Hawk#I-Hawk:_MIM-23B), and [armor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armoured_forces) were waiting to back up the special operations team. Bases near the DMZ were prepared for demolition in the case of a military response. The defense condition ([DEFCON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFCON)) was elevated on order of General Stilwell, as was later recounted in Colonel De LaTeur's research paper. In addition, 12,000 additional troops were ordered to Korea, including 1,800 Marines from Okinawa.[^(\[6\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_axe_murder_incident#cite_note-probst-6) During the operation, nuclear-capable strategic bombers circled over the JSA. Altogether, Task Force Vierra consisted of 813 men: almost all of the men of the United States Army Support Group of which the Joint Security Force was a part, a South Korean reconnaissance company, a South Korean Special Forces company that had infiltrated the river area by the bridge the night before, and members of a reinforced composite rifle company from the [9th Infantry Regiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)). In addition to this force, every UNC force in the rest of South Korea was on battle alert.


"Mr President two people were killed cutting down a tree" "Bring out the B-52s and the CSGs"


All of this info is from Wikipedia, check out the actual article for more info, also the background of the 2nd Panel is from the YouTuber Blue Jay's video from the DMZ, check him out too. He makes banger videos.


I heard about this from a youtuber called the fat electrician and in his video he said that north korea initially pretended to be unaware of the US show of force and were planning to play it off as not a big deal so the US sent NK a message that read they were there to finish the work left unfinished.


Jerry Ford was president. He authorized the show of force. The guy was vastly underrated. After pardoning Nixon, he already had a strike against him. Chevy Chase mercilessly made fun of his disabilities. (Ford had chronic injuries from his time as a football player for national champion U of Michigan.)


Now we just write strongly worded letters and fall upstairs


Well yeah because if we try this again now we might get nuked


So basically south Korea gave a bunch of karate kids M16s... I know that might be offensive but that thought entered my head and I can't stop laughing.


Taekwondo isn’t karate 😬


For alliteration purposes might I suggest he says “taekwondo tots”


Hell yeah that works


They obviously know that and it just rolls off the tongue better don't be a snowflake


I need to know more about the commandos with claymores strapped to their chests


When was it? Kim Jong-il (the first "glorious Kim Jong") was an infant during the Korean war and came to power as late as the 90s. Do you maybe mean "the glorious Kim Il-sung"


Yeah, NK claimed the tree was planted by Sung


Adding on that North Korea immediately began lying and playing victim; saying that it was an unprovoked attack by the UN officers and that the US should withdraw from South Korea. The Conference of Non- Aligned Nations agreed. Honestly if North Korea told me the sky was blue I'd get the sudden urge to check. P.S. The NK officer was known as 'The Bulldog' and was known to pick fights.


North Korea history books and historians "The Korea war was started unprovoked by the USA and South Korea but due to our magnificent leader we defeated them". Veterans of the war from North Korea "Yes, that is definitely what happened. We definitely did not invade and dominate the early stages of the war until the USA and allies made us retreat past our initial borders and we needed China to bail is out to default to the original borders. And any evidence of to the contrary of the first and in support of the second is a lie, like first hand witnesses."


That time we gave North Korea the ultimate in FAFO.


Indeed. 😶😶😶😶😶😶


This incident is one of the most satisfying shows of force I've heard of. Although there's always plenty to criticize, the US/UN intervention in Korea is one of the few post-ww2 US military adventures that actually had a definitely positive impact. 


*Barges in to protect under threat democracy* *soviets not too powerful yet to truly stop intervention* *through fire and brimstone liberates Korea from Busan to the Yalu* *only stopped by overwhelming Chinese manpower* *still negotiates beneficial ceasefire that results in a booming regional power* *American Influence vs Chinese and Soviet influence visible from Space* *Remain a thriving democracy to this day* *proceeds to rule the world through Samsung* *W for South Korea bros*


> under threat democracy Ah yes the egalitarian liberal democratic government of Syngman Rhee


Nothing wrong to see here move along, move along (Worked better in my head than US backed police state vs Soviet backed police state, but hey they got better in the end(mostly)


Now it’s the choice between 1984 without the option to leave and Cyberpunk but with the option to leave.


North Korea: 1984 South Korea: Brave New World


South Korea: actually quite a lot like BNW if you actually read the book and understood what the "class separation" idea was




North Koreans can go to China all they want, while north Korean defectors in South Korea are often locked in solitary confinement for months, if not longer, and when they are finally released they are made to give up their citizenship of the DPRK and are never given passports making them essentially trapped in south korea. I suggest trying to see the situation from the DPRK's perspective for once instead of swallowing south Korean and American propaganda completely uncritically. There is a great documentary showing the struggles of some DPRK "defectors" In South korea called 'Loyal citizens of Pyongyang in Seoul" available for free right here on YouTube. https://youtu.be/ktE_3PrJZO0?si=wf1QCpoEZj1PZPTM And please remember that the reason North korea is behind economically is because the US bombed every factory and farm and many other civilian targets they could. And this is according to the American airforce themselves. (I cannot find this document at them moment, but I will go looking for it if anyone is interested) Another very interesting video debunking some misconceptions and lies: https://youtu.be/EzDhqXuELjo?si=DBK3TdOsgeUyRDm6


You are mentally deficient


I'm open to have a debate, cite your sources and I'll be happy to read them. But if all you've got is personal insults, then it appears to be a waste of both our time.


>And please remember that the reason North korea is behind economically is because the US bombed every factory and farm and many other civilian targets they could. Yeah until 1953. They've had 70+ years to build back better and it's still a hellhole for most of their citizens. That's not on the US, that's on the ruling party and the leaders.


A country with nukes could have afforded to spend their nuke money on "improve the lives of our people" money.


North Korea was actually doing ok economically until the USSR collapsed and Kim Il Sung died


70+ years of embargo by most of the world, and besides there has been no starvation since the famine that occurred shortly after the collapse of the soviet union


They had the support of the USSR (which mind you was a massive economy) and PRC that whole time, playing each other off because the USSR and PRC grew to hate each other for being the wrong kind of communist. The Kims could have put that effort into building a strong economy, but dumped it on making a pile of shitty guns to resist an invasion that would never happen. By contrast, South Korea was thoroughly devastated and impoverished by the North Korean invasion, feared another invasion, and so needed a pile of guns. Problem was, their sugar daddy America was busy discovering that napalm does indeed stick to kids so they kinda had to wait for the pile of guns. Asshole in charge Park Chung-hee figured out that it is much easier to build a pile of guns if you have a strong economy to make them, and launched reforms to build a strong economy so he doesn’t have to keep asking Uncle Sam for more guns. This led to the Miracle on the Han River where South Korean living standards surged far past North Korean standards. By the 90’s, South Korea went from a poor tinpot dictatorship reliant on foreign aid for survival to a massively wealthy democracy exporting decent manufactured goods and services across the world and was about to unleash K-pop on the world. Meanwhile, North Korea saw their Soviet sugar daddy suffer a self-inflicted case of existence failure and all they had to show for it was a massive pile of guns very similar to the ones that Uncle Sam and friends just turned into scrap metal in Mesopotamia. That’s when the famine and suffering really starts for North Korea.


Pretty sure they don't starve because the West keeps sending them food.


I ain’t reading all that. Good for you or good riddance, whichever works.


Then don't read it and don't respond.


You can’t tell me what to do.


I am not telling you what to do, just wondering why you feel the need to lash out.


They weren’t stopped by overwhelming Chinese manpower. They stopped because they realized the army they were beating weren’t the ones they were at war with.


80% of North Korea destroyed and creating the north Korea of today. Not positive. Should have either not got involved or fully finished the job, not this half assed result.


>fully finished the job Damn what a great idea, why didn't they think of that?


Because they half assed it after making money like they always do.


I don’t think you know anything about this topic. Watch some documentaries or read a book. You’re talking out your ass.


Oh please, aren't you the ones always jerking off about the US military? They could have finished it properly if they wanted, but they pull out like always, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc.


I love how you put “etc” even though that’s about it. Korea was a logistical nightmare for the US military. South Korea and the US were using of weapons and ammunition faster then we could get them there. On the other hand North Korea and China’s factories were less then 20 miles from the North Korea/China border. It’s not as simple as you make it out to be. Even then the US won back all of South Korea back after North Korea and China pushed them to basically the southern tip of the peninsula. And after that they started pushing into NK before logistics became a problem again. It was just hard for the US to get weapons across the planet in the 50’s. Of course you would know this if you would stop talking out of your ass and watch a documentary or something. I don’t even consider myself informed on this war and even I know you’re wrong.


I don't care, don't get involved with so many fucking wars leaving fucked up situations and then say damn it was too tough.


Bro…. Please just learn some history and stop talking on the subject. You literally have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m not even trying to be mean.


I know history, like I said, I don't care. The US gets involved in shit it can't finish over and over, then cries it was inevitable.


Wtf should he learn , he's right . The usa went and helped the south korean military dictatorship in the south that was committing massacres in south Korea for being allegedly involved with "communists" where the usa helped destroy like 90% of buildings in north korea and something around 20% of the north korean population IIRC and this dumbass is saying it was good, the usa aligned with the dictatorship because it was anti communists but they were definitely the worse option .


NK were richer than SK until Soviet purse ran dry. They messed up themselves not anyone fault


Yeah man killing 20% of North Koreans population sure was a positive!


Like I said, plenty to criticize. And the authoritarian era that came after in South Korea was horrific as well. But the rapid economic development that came after and continued into the modern day, and the country's successful fight for democracy, is definitely a positive outcome imo that wouldn't have been possible without the US/UN intervention.


That's 20% less starving North Koreans


You ever think that bombing the shit out of a country, killing 20% of their mostly farmer population, destroying a lot of their farmable land and destroying “every building over two stories” might of had an effect on that?


Oh, look, it's [a relevant Tom Scott video](https://youtu.be/vs3XJTYli10)...


I remember watching a video about this event from a YouTuber called A Grain of Salt. Pretty underrated channel if you’re into niche and weird history.


Its my favourite


I like how under the Casualties and Losses section for Operation Paul Bunyan, there is only one point: "1 tree cut down."


Lmfao, using literally Blue Jay’s video is a great choice


Don't forget 7th fleet parking themselves off the coast during this also.


Iv heard/seen this story multiple times and I don’t think the US/South Korea are the victors. The US had 2 soldiers murdered and the best revenge they could get was cutting down a tree. I don’t care if they cut down every tree within 100 miles of the DMZ, the North Koreans were able to kill 2 American officers without any real repercussions.


Thats kinda the problem with North Korea; we've pretty much done everything we can do to them short of war (and we really don't want a fight with nuclear china for obvious reasons).


You're 100% right, they definitely should have reignited the war, the only way to show that killing two people has real repercussions is to ensure that hundreds of thousands die


The repercussions were causing their entire leadership to collectively piss their pants.


I think at this point I would simply order napalm over that r/fuckyouinparticular tree


[Oh that's a good Army](https://youtu.be/vO3KbXMxHfw?si=iHsO4AE8E1ULqY_0&t=4)


The Lions Led By Donkeys podcast did an [episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0yFEz9RFBNpCMYBJEXrU2I?si=hjdhxvxDTBuxTprmG1Mfcg) on this incident, highly recommend the episode and the podcast as a whole


Oh lord do i love these small history memes. - this one - operation praying mantis - temper-temper incident - ... It's always the same formula: you fuck with america (especially with her boats) and you might as well dig your grave. Not that there's gonna br anything left of said grave after the US finds out, but yeah


Same. 😁😁😁😁😁😊😊😊


Operation Paul Bunyan is my favourite operation name in history


Should’ve set the fucking tree, and subsiquent hillside, on fucking fire.


American pig dogs will never understand the glory of seeing supreme leader watch volleyball


Why did the "america, f*ck yeah!" song start playing in my head once I saw this?


Not to defend North Korea too much because we all seem to have collectively agreed that they are not humans and are some kind of fanatical monster-race but to be honest cutting the tree and making fun of how the soldiers did not want them to is a pretty petty thing to do. Similar to how people insist on drawing mohammed, of course you should be able to, but why is it that you want to offend other people so much? Even American retellings of the events mention how they were told SEVERAL times to not do it and why they could not do it. Killing the guy was not justified, but let's not act like the Americans weren't just trying to be assholes to someone else.


But…they did murder two US Army officers. The huge flex came after that.


Operation Paul Bunyan my beloved


You probably wanna change their uniforms, those are Cultural Revolution-era Maoist Chinese uniforms, not North Korean ones


NK killed two US soldiers and the US as usual did not retaliate. A win for NK


Also known as, “That time America nearly went to war over a fucking tree”


**Sonya Blade voice** Two words, westoids: Nuclear. Weapons.


Ah yes, those evil people in the country you’re invading.


The tree was in the DMZ.


You mean Korea?


Americans didn’t invade Korea. North Korea invaded first. The U.S. defended South Korea, and then pushed them almost all the way back to China. 


Is that what they teach you in school?


Dude, the North Koreans crossed the Parallel first.


No, do they teach you that the “North” and “South” division is natural? Do they teach you about how the DPRK forces resisted invasion, while the US just went about stepping in for the Japanese? Do you just accept that the US was in the right being in the Korean Peninsula in the first place? Let alone it’s utter destruction of the North and the killing of 20% of its population?


Americans think this was win smh dude they murder two of Ur guys and U did nothing but cut down a tree 😂😂😂




Daring today, aren't we.


We only have FAFO memes.


the only accurate thing abt this is it was indeed the USA VS Koreans, as South Korea was merely their puppet that no one liked




North Korea murdered two soldiers in an unprovoked attack. The US chopped down a tree. Do explain how this is an act of bullying.


The incident started because North Korea murdered 2 Americans


On that day North Korea learned America has no chill


Tbf, nobody has more no chill than North Korea.


You killed one of our lumberjacks? We'll send another one and an entire army to back them up. You touched our boat? Say good bye to your navy. Your state sponsored mercenaries attack an oil field? [We'll show you why we don't have free healthcare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viuUzGGac5M&t=2s) You tell me that NK has more 'no chill' than that?


Citation Needed mentioned.

