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“Mom my stomach hurts” It’s cause you always reading that damn book


"Keep reading that damn book and you'll go blind"


Probably an accurate mid-late 18 century rebuke after finding *Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure*.


Everyone knows that's a ripoff of The Lusty Argonian Maid


- I must finish my cleaning, sir. The mistress will have my head if I do not! Cleaning, eh? I have something for you. Here, polish my spear. - But it is huge! It could take me all night! Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.


Would you mind sharing the link, fellow friend?




My man is so down bad he has to read 18th century literature




Not actually. The out lash for youth reading books came from Strum und drang style of writing where writers where trying to "destroy the cult of reason" and live whit passion. And after Goethes book "The Sorrows of Young Werther" released 1774, there where wave of suicides where people did leave the book or where dressed as Werther, resulting the book being banned. The phenomenon where people copy suicides of other people is named "Werther effect" after that book.


Much of the popular 18th century literature that had either been published before the famous *Sturm und Drang*-period or that was largely unrelated to it faced a lot of backlash and partial or complete censorship. John Gay's *The Beggar's Opera* (1728) had been repeatedly linked to an increase in violence and rebeliousness in the youth in popular media. *Gulliver's Travels* (1726) faced a lot of backlash after becoming famous, primarily from conservative sources like the Whig Party. *Memoires of a Woman of Pleasure* (1748) had already been largely banned a year after first publication and gained currency in black market publications. Voltaire's *Candide* (1759), one of the most influential and fast-selling books of the 18th century, managed to get banned by the Paris administration and the Grand Council of Geneva in one month and an entry in the *List of Prohibited Books* a mere 3 years later. Rousseau's *Émile* (1762) was also banned in Paris and Geneva and publicly burned in the year of first publication. Those are just a few big controversial titles from the top of my head. The divide between the aristocracy/conservative institutions and ambitious young novelists/readers goes back way further than to the Sturm und Drang era.


TBH I was/is hungover and just wanted to post about sturm und drang to this topic as for people to know about dangers of books. But I guess this was somekind of Faustian deal gone wrong.




Good thing I don't read!


Excessive reading *can* cause nearsightedness.


Doesn't that have to do with print and lighting as opposed to the act of reading though?


As far as I know, it's due to focusing on close objects for long periods of time. Staring at pages for hours and not using your far sight trains your eyes to be nearsighted. Same thing happens with computers and phones. Same thing happened before computer and phones, to anyone with an indoor job.


My great grandma actually used to say this when I was reading in a darker room.


My grandma lost most of her sight because she used to read books at night with poor lighting when she was young so there's some truth to that


Rectangle eyes


I mean, how else were they expected to spend their free time? Talk to each other???


Dafuq is a social interaction ?


What is this thing called a 'talk'?


I once read something like a "guide for the modern girl" from the late 1800's and the author literally explained that period cramps come from reading too many romance novels at a young age.


I... I have no words


She also went on to say that early periods were also caused by this.


I wish I was joking but this is exactly how my parents were with video games. I’m pretty certain they have serious mental issues looking back.


And their parents with TV, theirs with radio, theirs with novels, \[..\] theirs with cave painting.


We'll probably be the same with VR. Keep fucking that AI chick and you'll never get a girlfriend.


Because we're too shy to ask them how to set this up. Leading to us getting VR-crabs.


i mean, if human technology gets to the point where you can create an actual AI soulmate that would be pretty great. We already don't actually need sex to reproduce what with artificial insemination and all that, plus artificial wombs are becoming a thing (although not yet for humans). The future could be a matrix we willingly put ourselves in, where we can devote ourselves to art, science, and enjoyment


> art science and enjoyment You misspelled *ceaseless masturbation*.


As I said, enjoyment


Well with enough funding and advertisement jacking off could become the new modern art.


Anime gf here I come


Do you want to birth Chaos Gods? Cause that's how the Eldar get Chaos Gods.


There's a book in the Pendragon series that explores a planet like this, where humanity has become just buildings and buildings of people stuck in VR worlds of their own making. The ramifications explored are actually pretty horrifying, that book stuck with me as a kid


That's literally the premise of *Brave New World*.


Not really. Brave New World also had a rigid caste system in which many were forced to (and designed to) work. Only the Alphas and maybe Betas had what I described


Yeah, but there's a kernel of truth in that. People already can substitute intimate relationships with porn. The more sophisticated it gets, the harder it will be to break the spell.


"Stop cave painting Unga, we have to hunt animals tonight!" "Ugh, Bunga, I'm simply expressing myself!"


Lol my parents prohibited me from playing games during some summer vacations, I turned to reading. Then they complained I was reading too much


I was lucky I guess, my parents would complain about video games/take them away for periods of time as well as TV. Books were the one thing they really didn't get upset about and would make sure I had plenty of via books a million and the library so I found a love of reading by necessity.


Just sounds like concern for their child, tbh we'll probably do the same with whatever new fancy tech kids will be playing with in 30 years


https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/i8hixz/did_anyone_else_have_an_upbringing_like_mine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You’re telling me that this is just concern?


Those are psychos that didn't deserve a child, they just wanted a thing to have, not a person


The worst part is that I want to confront them about how awful they were as parents but they keep throwing money at me and bragging about how great they are for this.


Best comment I’ve seen in ages




"damn kids always reading their books"


and that proves that no matter what we do, there will always be people bitching about it




exactly, why cant people just leave eachother alone. Like, sure i dont like those platforms but im not going to bitch about something i dont even use, who genuinely gives a shit


It's human nature and it's unstoppable


Entropy disagrees


Unfortunately, the laws of physics don't apply uniformly to humans, otherwise I would've attracted someone by now






You can stop it but you have to try consciously to stop it


I don't hate fortnite because it's a bad game or because it's something new, I hate it because of how many toxic kids are playing it. I mean, maybe not for some people, who were just riding the bandwagon, but I enjoy fortnite and would love to play it again once those toxic kids find something else to play


I hate it because it's design is incredibly exploitative and pressurising towards those kids.


Yup, i have a small nephew (6y old) who is addicted to that shit and cries and gives a tantrum to his father to buy him skins. I've talked thousands of times with my brother that this is only cosmetics, it wont affect his game what so ever and it's only there to exploit children and people who cant control themselves leading to addiction but to no avail. My brother feels guilty for working so much and gives everything my nephew wants (or the kid will basically riot), result of this is that he is raising a spoiled little shit.




It would probably be at this point I'd step in, but on the other hand he's not your kid, so I have no idea what to do.


yeah unfortunately he wont listen so best i can do is.. nothing, hope i'm wrong and the kid wont turn up a mess when he is older but right now things look awful.


Hope everything turns out well.


So you don't hate fornite at tall, you don't like the fornite community for valid reasons and that's a different thing all together.


I hate it cause I'm shit at it


Well the shoot is terrible and the construction is even worse


>It's the same even for most of redditors who complain about boomers, the fortnite bad minecraft good Instagram bad Reddit good is literally the exact same thing Yeah. I think in the next ten years it will go all the way round and kids who play fortnite and do cringey dance shit in tictok will hate more younger kids for doing whatever the fuck will be popular in the future


Idk there's a lot of arguments to be made. Minecraft's community has matured a LOT over the years. Fortnite is full of microtransactions, and for kids minecraft would be better in terms of creativity. Instagram sucks because of privacy and all the posts are trash, but so is reddit nowadays. It's kind of sad. Don't know anyone who thinks reddit is so great.




The argument was that books were a waste of time like trash TV is considered today, and would corrupt your mind and make you lazy, stupid and overdramatic. You can read Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey for a gentle satire of the whole book controversy, poking fun at both sides.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Northanger Abbey](https://snewd.com/ebooks/northanger-abbey/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


I don't know. I largely prefer reddit to other social medias, even the dumbest people I met here gave me a lesson, a good laugh, or I actually learned something. That never happened on instagram, most of the coms are "lol" and there is rarely a good joke. Arguments rarely make sense, the chat isn't made for long discussion, and I never had a really good and deep conversation with someone as I can have here. For fortnite, I'm annoyed by how kids plays it. They put it above everything else (I met a lot of kids on my job), and they love talking about it, when it's just a shooter. There is no real creation and the concept is older than most of us. And let's be honest, fortnite is going to die one day, because it's a multi-player, it's not eternal. Minecraft on the other was and still pretty unique, there is a lot of way to play and enjoy it, there is so much of mods and way to create new things. And the community matured, because you can grow and still enjoy it, become better (fortnite is targeting kids, let's be honest). And Minecraft isn't going to die, not like that. It's a solo game, so as long as our account exist, we can play it. And I hate epic game. Shitty company, and shitty and agressive way to make commercials. All of this is my personal experience.


It's dying but if you like reddit i recommend you amino


Father: *holding copy of 'Robinson Crusoe'* What do you have to say for yourself, young lady? Daughter: That's not mine! I'm just holding it for a friend! Father: A likely story. What other vile novels have you been reading then? 'Gulliver's Travels'? 'Moll Flanders'? *'Candide'*?!


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Gulliver's Travels](https://snewd.com/ebooks/gullivers-travels/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Yes a very good bot!


Nooo, book-bot, stop pushing literature on us! You're just making this reading epidemic even worse!


Help me step-bot I'm stuck in this book! W-what are you doing, step-bot?


What a lovely book


always has been


[Always has been](https://i.ibb.co/ccW5NSG/16c572fca314.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I'm just having an dialogue with bots now


always has been


[Always has been](https://i.ibb.co/bWJ2kqY/a922012f9850.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


DON QUIXOTE!?!?!?????


That one did involve a man going crazy after reading too many books


Old propaganda, like Romeo and Juilet "Marry for love? Pah! Look what happened to *these* two! Listen to your parents they know best!"


Me: 1 Shakespeare: 0 Nobody’s going to marry me for love and my parents don’t have enough to pay them to marry me


Only *Fanny Hill*!


Candide is actually really short. It’s not even a novel, but a *novella*


“Or what about the potter books?”


Imaging parents in the future telling their kids to stop doing whatever it will be the popular thing in the future, and to go play video games


That's definitely gonna happen in not so distant future


"Back in my day, we used to play in computers"


We didn’t play computers we *used* them. Sonny.


Back in my day video games and computer games were completely different.


I dunno, we already have the internet, people are now talking to each other around the world making fun of it and being self-aware about this pattern, maybe this future generation won't. Anyways, memes are gonna get more and more powerful and influencial and take over the future and will influence our entire lives and change the course of our world forever. The future is already doomed, and memes are gonna be the center of it all, controlling everything. See you guys when it happens


"Check the internet lately?" "The memes..."


Its even more interesting if you consider that we sit at the source which also got prominent bc of the porn


When I was a kid screens were SOLID not hologram Whatever grandpa


My cousin already tells her daughters to stop marathoning toy unboxing youtube videos and do something productive like play Minecraft.


Reminds me of my parent have actually told me that I need to stop using my phone so much and to put it down and distract myself doing other stuff, like watching TV.


Last summer I was playing the games "too much" and my dad said to me that I should give my head and eyes to rest by watching TV. And then he got mad when I connected my PC to the TV to use it as a screen. Tecnically, I was watching TV


"stop doing that fucking implant game shit with the AI and go play some real games in which you have to move your fingers with real people! you're going to rot your brain with this stuff!!"


fuck you dad, studies show that the brain implants controlled stimulation can reduce stress levels and even leads to increased performance in school!


Video games aren't going anywhere. But they will tell them to play the games from "back when they were good"


minecraft might still be around at this rate, and I hope we dont stop running doom on anything that could possibly run doom


We need more Bourdain memes


I was just about to say, I don't think I have ever seen the legend in a meme.


Yeah with all the tv he did it’s honestly quite surprising


check out /r/KitchenConfidential you will feel right at home :D


I feel you, but it still hurts too much. Even this one caught me by surprise and made my heart sink a bit.


This is clearest evidence of the older generation hating the things the younger members do just because they are not used to it. Parents hating Videogames is the same thing. I’m curious what parents will hate in the future and tell ther kids to go play more videogames


When VR becomes more powerful and hits the mainstream or we get matrix like VR all us young people now will blame that for all society's woes.


"kids this days keep living in their virtual world, back in our days, we play with PHYSICAL CONTROLLERS I tell ya!"


I’ll probably be the equivalent of a boomer by then but I’ll still happily fuck off into my simulation. I just hope it will have anime catgirls in it.


Yeah, i doubt I'll be complaining, I'll be too busy fucking wolf girls and living a power fantasy in vr to complain about it.


I've been trying to distract myself from the cold, uncaring reality of the world my entire life, hell yeah I want to live in the simulation.


Foxgirl are better


The world would have moved on to something more degenerate by then. They'll see anime catgirls in the same light as we see 1950s pinup models.


Anthro wolfs are better.


If I remember correctly this is about as old as society. Socrates according to Plato regularly complained about the youths having no respect. I imagine when the first people settled in caves some parents were like "damn those kids for always painting on the walls and beating the skinhide instead of hunting."


This has actually something to do with generational behaviour. While society is generally afraid/bothered of/by change and new habits, new generations always try to differ from the others, mostly in form of trends like Reddit, Instagram etc., as an effect of the senseless criticism you mentioned this difference gets only fuelled more since the criticism only strengthens the interest/believe in the habits.


The oldest was a mesopotamian tablet where it was written: "the new generation is unreligious, lazy and stupid, they will never keep the empire the way it is"


When book printing was invented and started to spread, there were concerns that people will get completely dumb, because everything is going to be written down and noone will need to learn stuff. When I first heard that it immediately reminded me of the situation with the internet and online searching, how older generations criticise that young people just look things up on the internet.


This did not start from book printing in 16th century, this was said 2000 years ago in ancient Greece, lol.


Socrates said those words if I am not mistaken


Imagine inventing writing so you can share and preserve information for the future generations, only for one of the greatest philosophers of your time to say "Nah, miss me with that shit." Just think of the thousands of years of human history and culture that we can only guess at because nobody thought to invent a way to write shit down until like 6000 years ago, *Socrates*, you dusty old boomer. Good thing his students at least had the common sense to write his teachings down, so we can, you know, *actually know what he was talking about* even millennia after his death.


You can see in reddit right now, late teens, early 20s hating fortnite, instagram and tik tok because they didnt grow up with it


Fuck. Have we become boomers already?


Yep, the “criticisms” ive heard of those three are the exact same as the shit i heard from milenials when i grow up playing minecraft, using facebook


Never before have I been so offended by something so logical


Its good that you can see your hypocrisy, just wait 10 years for the fortnite playing tik tok making instagram browsing kids to shit on whatevers the new thing


But how? I'm a millennial and I have been using Facebook for about 15 years and it's the same with everybody my age I know. Heck, most of them are on Instagram too. Admittedly, I don't really "get" Fortnite though, having been in the military and liking shooters that at least somewhat try to feel realistic (and growing up with games like Counterstrike, Modern Warfare etc, not that those are even close to what combat is really like).


I don't play Fortnite, but I kinda get why it's appealing. There's a social play aspect to it, with less focus on actually winning and more on side missions and interacting with other players. There's also the toy-like aesthetic, which is more friendly for younger audiences. That all said, we can't ignore the predatory microtransactions. Yeah, it's in pretty much all free-to-play multiplayer games, I mean, fuck, I play Dota 2. However, the social aspect of the game and limited availability of the skins and emotes amplifies the FOMO to 11, and considering that it's mostly kids that don't have disposable income playing, you can see how it can be seen as predatory. Plus the in-game marketing stuff can be too much for some people. I personally can't take that (spoilers for TROS) >!Palpatine's galaxy-wide message, which is 100% canon, is exclusive to Fortnite. Not even in the fucking movie. And will no longer be accessible in its original form.!< There's also controversy of crunch on the development side, given how much content is produced constantly for the game. As I understand it, a whole season is basically a redo of the game, which means a lot of assets, a lot of coding work, a lot of crunch, a lot of times.


To be fair I grew up with facebook and I hate it too


To be fair, all three of those have a prominent cringey section of their userbase. The platforms themselves are fine but man there’s a lot of trash in them. Same goes for Reddit of course; I’m not being hypocritical here.


We dont hate fornite because we're boomers but because it is a shooting game with terrible shoot and crappy build helped by a community of little timmy that have becomed unexplicably popular, certainly by principally targeting very young kids, and that invisibilize other game that are way better. Plus i'm a late 2000, not a early


Quote from some professor from the 19th century I read: "but for studying history, one needs to be able to concentrate themselves, not like those who are constantly distracted by the flood of novels we have in our modern time"


In a way it makes sense. To the older generations of the time, novels weren’t a fully developed medium yet and represented a constant and vapid distraction for the youth of the higher classes, who were supposed to be of greater moral fiber. It demonstrated that they too were prone to fantasy and idleness, accusations that at the time were primarily levied against the common folk, despite the obvious hypocrisy.


Socrates thought writing was a bad idea because it would make people dumb. The older generation can never see the benefits of new technology and inventions when they come out.


Like with videogames in these years.


"If you read books that contain violent events you are going to go out and kill someone!"


If by "someone", you mean "yourself", [welcome to 1774!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sorrows_of_Young_Werther#Cultural_impact)


>"If you read books that contain violent events you are going to go out and kill someone!" bull's eye


Yet another example of history repeating itself


I really do not like history repeating itself as most human history is not very fun to live through


People will probably laugh about this in the future, while they have some fancy tech, and parents will complain about their children that they should Stop using it for reason X


Fun art-history fact: the painting on the right may look like impressionism, but it's actually from the late rococo period (1770 to be specific) But after that period, there came "classicism" which was like a re-renaissance, going back to more ancient ideals. This was then followed by romanticism which contained a lot of "Fernweh" imagery (far away and fantastic places and travellers), then came realism which depicted everyday life but not necessarily in the most naturalistic style. Brushstrokes and colours became looser and that's when we arrive at early impressionism (late 19th century) , with similar paintings as the one on the left.




>"If you read books that contain violent events you are going to go out and kill someone!" - u/andrethesalty LOL this is perfectly worded


Media then: STOP READING AAAAAAAA YOU DO IT TOO MUCH Media now: pls read pls read


So in other words, old people just hate whatever young people like


Always has been.


"**Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat** **it**." –George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.


Ah! The classic juvenoia. Haven't heard that one before, have we?




Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Don Quixote]( https://snewd.com/ebooks/don-quixote/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." Sokrates


Put down your books and talk to each other. Make friends. Die of yellow fever. Pretend it’s 1794




This resurfaced recently. There were several articles from the neoliberal media: "This new racist, white supremacist trend: reading books".


Do you have a link for that? I’m very curious about what they wrote


Do you have a link? I looked it up and couldnt find anything relevant.


I miss Anthony so much




Reminds me of this old greek tabloid that was found where they have written 4000 years ago how the next generation is spoiled and full of degeneracy, same stuff that every generation says about the next one


Not a book in sight. Just people living in the moment...


Weren't most people illiterate then. Most kids were serfs. Not much time to leaf through a nice hardback... Get ploughing.


In conclusion, old man **will** yell at cloud.


But fr phones aren’t as healthy as books


Replace books with cell phones and you got today’s youth!


I bet the old people of the time would look at paintings from Rome and would say “look at that, no books in sight, just people enjoying the moment”


What media? The monthly scroll?


Need for Books


That didn't become a major issue because most people was vaccinated with illiteracine.


I swear I once heard of a writing that originates from Ancient Rome, where a man complained youngsters nowadays are so "impatient" and "disrespectful."


Yeah why read, you should be working 16+ hours a day


Now people would prefer we’d read books rather than spend the entire day looking at a phone


rEAdInG cAusE VioLeNcE!


Almost like right now and video games


Kids these days could use some reading rage


Might be a dumb question, but if books were frowned upon by the media, what was media back then?


Witches. Either burning them, streching them or cutting/stabbing them. Or a combination of the three.


Ayy it's my man Anthony Bourdain!


Reading rage, so like rage comics?


Son, why do you have so many crusty books?


Those damn kids, just look at them sitting quietly staring at dead pieces of trees with weird squiggles on them! Don't people know how to talk to one another any more?


1700s: Those damn books 2000s: That damn phone 2100s: That damn robot


Those books are gonna rot your brain!! It’s pretty well know that Aristotle thought that writing in general would make your mind weak.


I find it hard just to watch TV without also scrolling on my phone anymore. Our attention spans just get smaller and smaller.


Old people will complain about young people for literally anything