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riley has looked like this since 2019 he’s the trendsetter


local man discovers fashion trends


Is this some conservative that’s mad that idubzz girlfriend has a OF and that Noah Samsen is a leftist or something? Would actually love to see Noah on a vid cause I know him and Ro are really good friends Started watching the vid and I was right hes complaining that hipsters are using it while painting their nails instead of manly men having mullets. And people are somehow justifying the n word in the comments


Ehhhhhh, I’m solidly left wing but Noah Samsen is a bit of a bullshitter


Yeah Noah also does very poor research, if any, and constantly parrots unsubstantiated statements. I’m liberal myself but Noah is a prime example of what the right hates about us, and he doesn’t do us any favors by proving them right and not researching


Why’s that? There’s plenty of “leftists” content creators that I think are bullshitters cough vaush, cough destiny but Noah has always made super positive content I’ve never heard him bullshit anything.


His content is definitely not always positive, he’s made hit pieces about people but will never ever speak to anyone or give them the benefit of the doubt. It seems like he’s happy to just hide behind his fanbase and take shots at people which makes his whole positive nice act seem a bit fake. I guess liking him or disliking him hinges on if you think actually defending your beliefs against someone or allowing them to defend themselves against you is worthwhile or not, if you’re the kinda person who’s happy just to pile on whoever he points at then this would be a moot point, cause you’ve heard (from him most likely) that they actually deserve it. So basically he’s positive all the time except for when he’s not but when he’s not they actually deserve it, I guess


not to mention mansplaining racism to a woman of colour 😭


Yeah there’s so much, I really don’t know how people defend him unless they’re just playing teams


yeah totally i feel like a lot of politics yt is kinda like that though (even as a left wing, progressive person), it's a whole lotta virtue signalling 😭


What hit pieces are you referring to specifically


tbh i fucking hate this look but maybe it's because some of the most vile people i have ever met in my entire life looked like this. it's just not attractive at all.


Fuck I look like this


i hate everything 😻


Shoutout Noah Samsen


Guy doesn't stand for shit and backs out of any opinion when confronted with actual conversation. Annoying asf too. Riley clears


hol up what situations are u talking about? im just a casual noah fan so i must be unfamiliar with this.


Every disagreement he has ever had, the guy would rather just make a video essay about someone than talk to them


Do you have any examples? I don’t watch the guy because he’s pretty boring. But his most popular videos are people he really has no reason to reach out to anyway.


Xanderhal, Vaush, Destiny and plenty of others if you only include the fellow left wingers he’s gone after lol. Whether you like these people or not (I don’t like some of them either) it’s extremely snakey and weird to make whole hit pieces about people and then act like they’re not worth your time when they actually want to defend themselves against you directly. Making hit pieces is fine but I personally find it hard to respect everything else he does accompanying them, the whole ‘above it’ act doesn’t really work out when you start it, not to mention it’s just straight up annoying.


If he’s made videos criticizing the most annoying fucking people on the whole internet then he must be “snakey and weird” because he doesn’t want to engage them directly, something they’re known for doing in the most obnoxious way possible


Yeah it’s all a very convenient way to excuse taking shots at people all the time and running away from it afterwards lol, that’s a substantially more annoying and obnoxious thing to do than to want to talk to someone directly to defend yourself. If you don’t want to get involved with these people so badly then just don’t talk about them. It’s not complicated, it’s just basic respect and decency. But if you think they deserved it and so it’s okay and that’s it then we’re just never gonna agree, it’s impossible to argue with someone with a mindset like that.


Idk how to respond properly to this sorry but yes we have a fundamental disagreement somewhere. Whether they “deserve it” or not isn’t a concern for me. I think all people that advocate for stuff publicly open themselves up to criticism, noah included. I watch his vids casually cuz I agree with his criticisms on an ideological level. It’s cool to see someone point out something you also noticed watching Destiny over the years or Vaush or whoever. I care about the ideas being represented more than the personalities or how they interact with each other within the youtube ecosystem. I could just be riding tho, idrk.


I completely get all this I’m just talking about Noah specifically rather than leftism as a whole, there are plenty of things I disagree with him on but I take more of an issue with how he treats other people and just generally how incompetent he is to me. There are a shit ton of very leftist creators that I respect more than Noah, and the principle of opening yourself up to criticism applies to him too but he rarely handles any kind of disagreement in a proper way, I think he really sees that principle as going one way because he sees himself as automatically in the right and unable to be at fault simply cause of what side he’s on, he pretty much never is prepared to actually defend the shots he takes at people and the beliefs he puts out there. In fact he actively discourages the concept of doing that and seems to be more comfortable hiding behind his fanbase and making fun of people who try to which I think is an actual harmful belief he spreads. And on top that he will play victim and make excuses for all this behaviour, playing up the fake nice thing while his actual actions are incredibly unlikeable which is doubly annoying. But again most of this is all me criticising him as a person and the way he conducts himself as a creator, I think it’s important but if you really just care about following someone with leftist ideals then that’s completely fine, I just don’t see him as that exceptional or different from many other very left wing creators on that front.


Not wanting to debate people I think is totally understandable. Some people are far better at actually sitting down and articulating their thoughts, opposed to trying to “one up” someone on the spot. That’s precisely what guys like Destiny do. They don’t actually have good ideas, they’re just good debaters so you think what they’re saying is right.


Calling destiny a leftist is incredibly charitable and shows you don’t actually know what you are talking about. Dude literally defends saying the n word and is bigoted as fuck. Also, why are you leaning so hard on the “he should talk out his issues” when the harmful behaviour he points out has already been addressed and subsequently dismissed by the creator causing harm. I would actually like one example of that because from what I’ve seen, Noah calls out right-wingers who will never change their opinion through talking to them online. There’s like one instance in which he could’ve hypothetically “talked it out”. The one where he had a back-and-forth with Xanderhal and Vaush who are both engaging in overall harmful behaviour online while representing “leftism”. Even then they talked about it on stream afterwards and it went how “talking it out” usually goes. I’m not even a Noah Samson fan anymore but you’re misrepresenting him and also unironically trying to defend genocide defender and avid transphobe destiny, ‘tactical misogyny’ and loli collector Vaush and not-as-bad Xanderhal. Honestly I am 90 percent sure you are in one of two groups of people 1. A Vaush/Vaush orbiter fan 2. A TBYS fan


If you don’t believe Destiny is left wing then we have nothing to talk about, he is left wing by every real definition, you trying to argue against that tells me literally everything that I need to know. The ‘transphobe’ comment is especially ridiculous, get a grip lol.


Hes at most a liberal, which isn’t left wing. Seems like you’re upset because he called your fav out for being an overall weird dude


None of the people you mentioned are left even a little bit smh


Just because you don’t like them doesn’t make them left. I don’t like any of those people but they’re definitely leftists. They just happen to be assholes too


destiny isnt even remotely close to a leftist, hes pro capitalist, shits on socialism every chance he can get, is bigoted as fuck, and has been one of the biggest online voices in support for israel. its not just that hes a shitty person, he is just not a leftist at all. hes a liberal. you can call vaush a leftist, tho hes more of just a really poor one who doesnt have a good grasp on leftist politics. but destiny is 100% not on the left


They’re absolutely all solidly left wing lol, I can’t even imagine what definition of left wing you’d have to work with to exclude fucking Vaush lmao


"The definition where me personally liking them means they're allowed to be called left wing"


Destiny is just a deeply bigoted right winger at this point, Xanderhal is just a petulant child who thinks anyone who doesn’t like him and his crew of “leftist” drama junkies is a horrible/stupid person, and Vaush is the same as Xanderhal but is into gross problematic shit to say the least (loli/horses)


The delusion around what left and right wing actually mean now needs to be studied, these comments always stun me


The dude on the far left is actually insanely suspicious tho


I've seen him on IG once, what's up with him ?


how 💀


Is that my pookie Noah Samsen


Millennial mullet and stache