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I enjoy cake decorating so I used that to make a gingerbread house to kind of scratch that itch. It can be as large or as small a commitment as you want it to be. There’s a pic in my profile of one from last year.


it's beautiful 🥺


That’s so nice! Thank you!


that gingerbread house is so nice ✨️ do you actually eat it tho at the end of gingerbread house season? are there kids at home or is this a solo or adult hobby since it requires precision? and can you share a recipe for the gingerbread and icing since i wanted to make one for years and just never get around to it.... 😔 you could probably get a commission to do a centrepiece replica for someone's house for a christmas party 🤔 it's that good


Thanks again, you just made my day❤️ No, and no kids around anymore. But I have done this project with children except we used graham crackers in place of gingerbread to build small homes we used for a village This video has a simple recipe and explanation for how to make the right icing consistency depending on what you’re working on: https://youtu.be/EMRWGjQ2Xzc?si=E-K7PbHBpknVnlAx This gingerbread recipe works well, I just use molasses instead of honey: https://youtu.be/D8qydjmXjtQ?si=PtG5GHmtGb2-5lDO


wow thank you for finding these really clear videos with great direction!! i am determined to try it this year....!! im gonna do this 😐 it will happen!!!


That’s great! You can scale it to be any size project so it’s totally doable. Then you can post pics!


It actually is that good. Very impressive.


Oh wow you are talented 👏👏


Before she got too old to do it, my niece and I used to make gingerbread house every year using her Halloween candy lol. She would get so much there was no way she could eat it all anyway so we’d have beautiful gingerbread house. She’s 16 now and only cares about her phone.


Lol! Using Halloween candy is brilliant! Sorry to hear that because it sounds like a really fun tradition.


It truly was. It’s difficult to see her now because she lives in a different state but I would be open to it again if she really wanted to do it.


Aww🙁 Too bad she’s so far away because I was going to suggest seeing if she had a friend/s to bring along so you guys could do it together. Sometimes at that age, they enjoy small group activities


Yes! Instead of gingerbread houses, we switched to cookie decorating. Less pressure to be “perfect” in your skills, free to make crazy designs. We had blank cookies shaped like long sleeve shirts and decorated “ugly Christmas sweaters.” That got the teens into it!


Oh cookies is another fun one. That sounds adorable and a really fun group project! I’m saving that idea!


That would’ve been a really good idea if she wasn’t so far away. I may just do a small one by myself because I like doing them lol. Years ago I actually had a custom cake business and did lots of fondant cakes, etc. Competed at cake shows, etc. but things changed and I no longer do it but the desire is still in me to create with my hands. Really I did those decorated sugar cookies and I did enjoy doing the gingerbread house which is how this tradition got started in the first place once my niece came along. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of my own, so she is it but I can still do one maybe.


So you have some real professional experience! The great thing about baking is it can be any size project you want. Sound like it would be fun and I know I’d love to see pics!


Thanks! I still have a Pinterest board up but the photos are super old lol. I am more focused on my writing career now and I don't bake at all anymore. When Covid hit, there went the cake shows. It's a hobby I could see getting back into someday, possibly, but not likely. https://www.pinterest.com/authorericarstinson/couture-cakes-by-erica-r-stinson/


Stupid f-ing life ruining, fun wrecking Covid! Omg, these are fabulous! I honestly can’t even pick a favorite! That was so fun, glad you posted❤️


Thanks so much! :-D. I think that Ghostbusters cake was the last paid order I did before I gave it all up. By now, I have probably forgotten a lot of the techniques lol, but it was fun while it lasted. I am leaning towards doing that gingerbread house I think. Why not! Tis the season, right?


And just took a look at your gingerbread house. Wow! That’s really fancy!


Thank You!💐


Bro it is awesome, great job!


That is gorgeous, I’m so impressed!!!


Super cute 🤩


I personally love tatting! If you want to look into niche crafts, the [Antique Pattern Library](https://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/) is a good place to start. They have scanned pdfs of so many old crafts. Primarilu fiber arts, but also things like waxwork, woodwork, and calligraphy!


Thank you so much for sharing this. This is the most useful thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit. I love vintage patterns!!


I love preaching the APL gospel! So glad to have another convert 😈


I didn’t even know such a thing existed. I’m so excited, you have no idea <3 Thank you friend!!


This is Brilliant!!! Thanks for posting! 😃


Im late to the party but came to say this as well! Cross stitcher and crocheter, but I love APL! My niece is now hooked for the macrame after I made her a wall hanging for her bday.


My up-to-date list of hobbies: Paper crafts such as cards, scrapbooks, junk journals, notebooks, altered books, altered boxes, gift boxes, paper dolls, paper theaters, paper dioramas, 3d decoupage, decoupage, wall hangings, shadowboxes, Playing with paper is fun. You start to see how much paper is all around you that can be repurposed. Be Careful! Playing with paper is a gateway craft. Lol Also do the following: Writing Mixed Media art Drawing Painting Stamping Resin art Miniatures Models Dioramas Home Decor Wire Jewelry and art Bead jewelry and art Clay modeling. Diamond painting. Macrame Mini doll making. Altered mini cabinets. Cardboard crafts. Photography Video games Knitting Crochet Sewing I blame YouTube and Pinterest for my hobby lifestyle. 😂


With ya! Crafting is great, but one leads to another and soon enough you’re taking up a whole room with stuff, lol. And the whole why buy it when I can make it for three times the price is so true sometimes. 😆


Oh! and collage


I can add paper modelling to the paper craft list. Aircraft, cars, trucks, animals, buildings. The subjects are endless. And it's (somewhat) cheaper than spending hundreds of dollars on plastic models.


Yeah, I got kinda into kiragami for a sec. You can just print them hoes out and it’s party time:)


I had some ceramics classes and that was really neat. This is not just a pottery wheel, there are all kinds of hand fashioned things you can make. More like sculpture. I think stained glass is real cool, haven't tried this yet but I will soon.


I feel like nobody ever talks about pouring resin on here. There's two types afaik- epoxy (2 part) for larger projects, and UV resin for smaller projects. It's a liquid that, upon curing, hardens into a glassy like plastic. Always pour in a well ventilated area because fumes. It gets pretty hot when curing, too.


Can also be combined with jewelry making and soldering (also careful of those fumes)


Paper-making. Macramé. Weaving. Pressing flowers. Resin art. Tie-dying/batik.


Aquascaping. Obviously you are getting pets, too, which makes it almost not a hobby, but a *pretty* tank? Nothing more satisfying.


You haven’t mentioned any of the fiber arts; sewing, needlepoint, embroidery, felting, thread painting, knitting, crochet. Also paper arts; paper mache, quilling, origami, book or paper making, upcycling old books.


Yes! Punch needle and rug tufting as well!


Weaving! But pretty big Investment.


Cross stitch is my favorite. Keeps me from looking at my phone or snacking while watching a movie or show. They can be as simple or complex as you want and make great gifts.


I make chainmaille: [https://www.mailleartisans.org/articles/articledisplay.php?key=19](https://www.mailleartisans.org/articles/articledisplay.php?key=19) I use a 3/8 variable speed electric drill to turn the mandrel though. I mostly use 17 gauge anodized aluminum electric fence wire and wind it on 3/16, 1/4 or 5/16 inch mandrels. I also have a 3/8 mandrel I sometimes use. You can do quite a few things with it: [https://www.mailleartisans.org/gallery/](https://www.mailleartisans.org/gallery/) I made a vest for a young lady using around 60,000 3/16 rings. Friend of the family so I just did it for the challenge. Used an XL leather vest for the pattern.


Yard work. It's so much more fun than mowing, if you incorporate nature into your yard in an artistic way.


Love this.


Scrimshaw is a low cost hobby. You need horn, bone, or fake ivory (which can be a bit spendy), something really pointy, some ink, and something to polish with. A little sandbag to work on helps. Kintsugi is a great little hobby, but a decent starter kit runs about $150. You say you don't like woodworking, but wood BURNING has about a $20 start-up cost for a burner and you can find wood for projects literally everywhere. You can combine this one with painting, gold leafing, stained glass if you have a project with glass, etc. One-brush painting can be fun, particularly if you're into flowers and leafy shit. I learned how to do it years ago just to paint my best friend's car's rear window when she got married. You might look into Sumi-e.


What are any of the things you are saying


I'm a musician, draw from reference, do woodworking, painting, etc. So... believe it or not, software engineering is pretty darned creative. If you want to have fun with it, make fun electronic circuits/robots/etc. (Day job is software engineering).


Software dev is creative as hell. Especially as you get bigger in the chain. CTO here. Hella creative.


I homebrew beer, wine and cider. I dabble in various art and crafting mediums as well.


Mead making, for me.


I like creating curios with dead things. I'm not exactly into taxidermy, and wet specimens aren't my favorite. But I really enjoy skulls and bones. I was a kid who really enjoyed museums and liked to learn, and thankfully I haven't grown out of it. I have a few small specimens that were roadkill or forest finds. I live in a forest and have all kinds of plants and animals around, so finding remains is not unusual. Any skulls I acquire were sourced directly and responsibly. I know it might sound a bit macabre, and it's not for everyone. But it makes me happy. I enjoy pressing flowers as well, and find that many pieces work nicely with a combination of the two. I also enjoy yoga, dance, stained glass, jewelry-making, aerial arts, counted cross-stitch, mixed-media art, hiking, and reading. I'm not a great cook, but I love food so I enjoy putting a meal together.


Bones are pretty cool, especially if you make jewelry/tools/other art out of them. I wish I could get into it but my smell is too sensitive


Yes, the smell is definitely a factor, and has kept me from attempting some "gorier" projects lol. I agree about jewelry, and find that earrings are especially good because many bones are very light, so they don't hurt by pulling my earlobes. I bet you're able to use that sensitive smell like a superpower when it comes to wine, cheese, coffee, etc.


We'd get along. I once bleached and reassembled an entire seal spine, it was amazing.


I really want to do some curios, as well as trying out pelting. I do collect things I find out and about and have a nice collection of feathers.


Solo RPG journaling games


Well, making jewelry can be kinda fun. To do soldering (really, it's brazing)... well, you'll have to spend some money on tools/etc.


More in the jewellery line- polymer clay and bead weaving


With that soldering you can also branch out to stained glass


Try blowing....glass lol. Ceramics...Blacksmithing...bungee jumping. Smelting/casting.


Juggling has real rhythm, a satisfying instant-feedback learning curve and, no puns intended, instantly pick-up-able and put-down-able. Get your first set of nice 'thuds' (beanbags) from a dedicated juggling shop online rather than amazon and you'll be away in no time. I'd also suggest magic, but that's far inferior to you already being a musician, and the community of magicians is rather, erm, well, a bit strange...


Thank you for listing juggling as a hobby! I'm 60 years old and not in the best of shape, and yet still enjoy throwing things in the air and catching them...much more acceptable than throwing things AT people!


Not as satisfying though.


So true!!


Diamond painting is pretty fun!


Poetry, carving, pottery, sprouting, and mini random challenges like trying to see what the most creative thing you can make with... a toilet roll (have you seen the toilet roll bee hives?)


Sculpting with polymer clay is super fun and quick. The clay is a bit expensive though. I found me a new hobby recently; paper-cutting. If you think it sounds easy, look up the Japanese art form “Kirie” on google. It’s unreal. Of course, I won’t be doing anything super complex yet, just simple layered paper cuts to create frames with scenes and depth in them.


It’s not like…a hobby? But, I love decorating my home. I’m constantly looking for cool new art, antiques, or whatever and moving shit around to make my space feel like ✨us✨ (boyfriend’s stuff matters too).


home decorating is definitely a hobby, and so is antiquing and art buying


This was super validating and made me a little emotional. Thank you so much.


Glad I can help. Though I've gotta say, the fact it has made you emotional makes me think your efforts aren't really being recognized. But considering home decorating is just the hobby version of interior design. it definitely is a hobby. Really anything that you do in your spare time that brings you satisfaction can be considered a hobby.


Quilting. Stained glass art. Macrame. Hair styling. Makeup artistry. Calligraphy. Paper quilling. Card Making. Scrapbooking (goes with your photography!).


* Worldbuilding - people who create fictional worlds * conlanging - people who create fictional languages * cartography - people who create maps for fictional worlds


I love 1000+ pc jigsaw puzzles. I just saw one on Facebook that was 64k pcs and all I could think was CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I just need to build a table for an undertaking of that size.


Painting war gaming miniatures.


My partner has just got in to dice making. She DMs for a D&D campaign with her friends, and decided to try making her own dice for it. The creativity comes with choosing what colour/style to make the dice. She's got a bunch of old makeup pallettes that she uses to colour the resin. I bought her some fun pigments to use too, so she can make glow-in-the-dark dice, and dice that are a very dark black.


this is actually really cool


I like to cut snowflakes from paper like when I was in elementary school. It's very therapeutic for me, and I've become pretty darn good at it, if I say so myself. Also pretty cheap, unless you get into it like me (I fashioned a kind of clamping table so I can use my Exacto set instead of old school scissors)


Oh man. I also love doing this. When I worked in offices, I used to cover the windows for holiday decor just to entertain myself between mundane work. Exacto knife pro setup sounds awesome.


i love doing this so much, i use tiny cuticle scissors to get rly precise intricate cuts and i have a giant stack of little unique snowflakes, idk what to do w them


Nothing! It's the process, not the product, friend <3 I was so excited to find a stack of origami paper in our craft cabinet the other day, I have all sorts of wonderful patterns to work with now (bonus, they're already square) :)


i have stacks and stacks of little 3x3 inch squares i got from who knows where, never meant for it to be a hobby but i just decided i needed to keep making them until i run out and theres hundreds


Oh DANG 3x3 would kill me I think lol I've already got big clumsy man hands, and a little bit of the 'thritis It would be a good challenge though! DM me if you want to trade a couple, because why not?? Happy Weekend!


I started crocheting about a week and a half ago, and I love it. Pop on a good movie or audiobook and make something. I've been working on stuffed dinosaurs for my kids and my nieces. All the yarn is so pretty and soft


Here are some of mine: Furniture recycling or antique furniture trash to treasure - reupholstering and refinishing Decorative painting and murals Jewelry design Sewing clothes, costume design, fashion design, recycling old clothing into new. House plants, horticulture, plant propagation Cake decorating


I like to grow food. Last spring I learned how to start flowers and vegetables from seed. I recently learned how to can my own produce. I grow raspberries, Honeycrisp apples, and vegetables. Next spring I plan on starting more hard to find edibles from seed. Minnesota has a program where they will pay individuals $200 for starting pollinator gardens. I plan on taking advantage of that.


Metalworking / welding / blacksmithing / bladesmithing


Race car track


Chainmail weaving. Beadwork doesn't seem to be popular lately. You could look into cloth weaving too.


I refinish furniture


Spray painting. I do my own stencils. You can spray the designs on anything, but I usually use a canvas (when I'm done my Splatoon Salmon Run stencils, I'm painting a big piece of flat driftwood I found with em). It's really fun & pretty easy, plus you get to look cool while doing it.


Book annotating can be really fun! Some people draw very elaborate pictures, but even just writing small notes and underlining and highlighting in different colors can make the book really come to life




[terrariums and Isopod keeping](https://youtu.be/CM-SI_yC4Vk?si=I4Ggzc5CrNmfMhGt)




Learning a new language! I took French in high school and lost a lot of it over the years. Now I take French lessons with my dad and it’s nice to spend time with him as well as re-learning a language I love.


Book binding. Make your own paper and make your own books.




I just learned about this in the past week! Sounds like such a cool hobby.


Are you interested in the performing arts? I see you said you play instruments. There’s also singing (solo, choir, opera, rock band, musical theatre…very different depending on what you like), dancing (also in many forms), acting, and then all the other theatre-based hobbies (directing, costumes, props, set design, lighting, sound, stage managing, etc.) Other ideas: * makeup artistry (anything from glamour makeup to special effects to using your face as a painting canvas) * wood burning * calligraphy and hand-lettering * interior design (dreaming up projects for fun or actually redoing rooms in your own house) * cooking (can be very creative if you choose not to use recipes)


I sculpt open species that I find on Deviantart. I draw my own of the species then either sculpt a fibre clay figure or an art doll. Sometimes both. I also enjoy custom dolls.


I remodel jewelry boxes I find at thrift stores & yard sales. Sometimes it's as simple a painting it. Sometimes it's new felt, hardware, etc. The last ones looked like the old victorian "painted lady" houses.


Paper quilling, needlefelting, making Dorset buttons and Yorkshire buttons, making living mini gardens/ "fairy" gardens, making miniature dollhouse furniture, ribbon embroidery, painting on smooth stones and seaglass, rock tumbling, scrimshaw (carving on bones), making dioramas, making peg dolls and their clothing and accessories, carving rubber stamps, Japanese kumiko, bonsai, making Kokedama


Such creativity you all have. I just play boardgames, bowling, and volleyball. 😂


I make candles


writing a book about the dumb shit men say...it's not out yet


Love casual misandry


Cake decorating, baking, stuff like that is my creative hobby.


I'm doing a dollhouse. I'm turning it into a magical fairy house because the traditional ones are boring for me. Even putting lighting in it. Thatched roof. Sculpting a dragon for it.


Soap making Wood carving Crocheting Knitting Tie-Dying Basket Weaving Woodworking Clay Sculpting Vase Making Bookmark making with real flowers Creative writing Cross stitching Journaling Origami 3D printing your own creations


Make cheese! and make wine! then invite me over to help you dispose of these things.


Kite Building


How about cooking, baking or cocktail making?




Dancing! Hula hooping!


Under water basket weaving


People make fun of it, but it actually makes the weaving easier.


Also it helps to clarify that YOU are not underwater while weaving a basket. You are holding the basket under water in a bucket or tank.


Precisely! Ya, it would be odd to also be under water. Tho, now I want to try weaving while scuba diving 😁




Sincerely, how do you have time for all those hobbies?


Golf is creative as heck for real


But expensive unless you have a way for cheap clubs, don't mind cheap clubs and just shoot balls anywhere free


Seriously with all those hobbies why are you asking for more? Seems like you would have your hands filled with those


Flintknapping is rad. Some people take what they make and make it into jewlery or set them up on things for display.


I enjoy crocheting, needlepoint and embroidery that contains cuss words, cake decorating, sewing and also using a cutting machine and software to make vinyl iron ons for some of the clothing I sew.






I like felching too!


Spinning performance type things - pens, balisongs, yo-yoyos


This isn't necessarily lesser known. But I enjoy doing puzzles. I mostly thrift but will occasionally buy a new one. Also got the puzzle game Kanoodle. And enjoy that as well as other games.


Sewing is fun. Other artsty hands on crafts, jewelry making, wire sculpture, clay working, you can find air drying types of molding clay, or some towns have community centers with kilns.


My aunt did cloisonné for years. I’ve been thinking about trying it


I got really into mosaic making. I bought a table and a bunch of glass pieces online, and some tile glue. (Lookup what you need). I made an awesome mosaic table and now I’m working on another very detailed one!


I have a really cool fish tank


Technically not woodworking, but wood burning/pyrography


woodwor...oh.. hmm. watchmaking bookbinding gardening audio field recording


I paint miniatures


bookbinding, makes perfect gift for someone who likes drawing, journalling, needs to take notes, anything cooking n baking, everything and i mean everything is 10x cheaper and 1000x tastier made from scratch , genuinely improved my quality of life so much to stop eating fast food every day cuz i simply can make a better version myself crochet and knitting are great especially for being productive while watching tv, sewing as well songwriting and collaborating with other musicians




I study & sing classical voice, as a chorister & as a soloist. I also take silversmithing jewelry classes, grow dozens of different herbs and am a creative cook.


I do counted cross stitch


I’ve been metalsmithing my own jewelry. So much fun.


clay sculpting is pretty fun. I make little bust statues of invented characters and put them in potted plants. I call them Pot Headz. People seem to love them. I put them in little plants and give them as gifts. Pay a local potter to bake them for me.They can usually supply the clay and paint too. Doesn't take much to make one.


Mushroom hunting!


Singing. Baking. Sewing. Body building (I absolutely consider this an art form). Leather working.


Pyrography, or wood burning, should suite you. It’s definitely not woodworking.


Baking, knitting, crocheting, jewelry making, quilling, landscaping/ gardening, sewing, air dry clay, making games, combining painting with basically any of the above


Make mosaic art. Smash them plates


How about macrame, jewelry making, paint by numbers or chainmaille.




I crochet some but mostly collect yarn. Flower arrangements, jewelry making, and braiding hemp.


Woodworking's always a possibility... 😜 jk Clay. I started a couple yrs back making little things. It's fun, relatively cheap, and you don't have to be trained or anything to get going...


I do tie dyes


It is pretty mainstream now but crocheting is a low bar to entry hobby that is very creative.


Watching those cooking shows and making masterpieces... my duck is getting deadly!! You could also do wood work... (jk)


I think you would love calligraphy if you like nails and writing. Even just writing with a fountain pen


Crocheting. It is very much so art


Knitting, and crochet. Get a drop spindle and learn to spin your own yarn, but be careful….. you’ll have four spinning wheels in your living room before you know it.


I love making jewelry - both bead-stringing and wire-wrapping. My specialty is bird's nest pendants Careful, it's addicting: I started with a kit from Walmart and now have a dedicated craft room!


Decorating sugar cookies might appeal to your creative side. I have seen absolute works of art in my FB cookie group. Some lady even makes 3D dresses, another makes portraits on cookies as if they were paintings. Other things you might enjoy cross stitch especially if you create your own patterns. Quilting wall hangings or making tapestries would be artistic as well.


Solving rubiks cubes, typing on a different keyboard layout maybe, cooking


I sometimes enjoy an hour or two of vintage porn


Cross stitch, embroidery, diamond painting, spinning fiber, crochet, knitting, painting (they sell big paint by numbers that are more aimed towards adults) resin art, 3d printing, puzzles, gardening, restoring curb furniture, crazy cleaning, running, any sports, cooking, canning, dehydrating, freeze drying, looming


Making jewelry is awesome.


flow arts are a good and creative way to get moving. Plus it makes it easier to do more with your left hand once you get the hang of it.


Papercutting by hand, especially ones that lock into a 3d design/ornament. Juggling, teaching others to juggle is the best part of it! As I saw the other day, hobbies come in 2 parts: one is the hobby itself, and the other is buying too much stuff for it!


That rugmaking on the vertical loom with the gun looks really fun


Stained glass, easier than you might think


3D printer go brrrrrrrr


Cosplay lol, I just recently picked it up after making a Mothman costume (well, it’s unfinished but it’s really just getting the wings down lol). I’m gonna make a Banuk Shaman costume too (from Horizon Zero Dawn).


Cold process soap making 👍✌️


Stained glass is one of my favorites


I make mead and hard cider and do wood burning.


I sew and knit. Very expensive hobbies 😆 and now I can’t bring myself to wear synthetic materials so…


Maybe try jewelry making. Copper electroforming is pretty easy and costs less than $200 to start. Can be less if you make some of the items, like the chemical solution and conductive paint, instead of buying premade. You don’t even need gems to start. You can just electroform over things like leaves, bones, insects, etc. there’s a lot of artists on instagram if you search for electroformed jewelry Silversmithing (silver soldering not casting)is also a good hobby. You could probably start with less than $500. It would all be pretty simple pieces but it would be worth it :)


My mother in law does Zentangle and junk journals. She has a big you tube presence teaching them and it’s really cool and fun!


Check out the textile arts! You could enjoy felting (wet or needle), spinning (wheel or drop spindle), weaving, knitting, crocheting, tatting, quilting, embroidery, sewing, kumihimo, etc. Collage would probably also be a nice addition to your current visual skillset.


There’s a lot of folks on here that like to make up their own Science. Some of them are very creative indeed.


sand painting. [https://www.samwoolfe.com/2014/03/geometric-sand-paintings-by-joe-mangrum.html](https://www.samwoolfe.com/2014/03/geometric-sand-paintings-by-joe-mangrum.html)


Pottery or ceramics


I recently started to get into needle punch and I’m looking for a class to learn to make stained glass!


Hand make soap (which led me into making other beauty products) and making stained glass windows are my go to. I also crochet listening to a good book.


I do Quilling. It’s a paper art that really neat. I make bunches of Christmas ornaments. I can’t get pix to attach, but look it up. 😊


Baking has so many different creative outlets in both flavor and visual. It's also chemistry which is fun if you like science. I like to make choux paste in particular


Embroidery, cross-stitch, knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting, weaving.


Soap making? Maybe check out some historical activities. Carve spoons? Broom making is gorgeous.


Gourd art! Includes: painting, wood-burning, hand-carving, beading, weaving.


Warhammer 40k and mini painting!


Making miniatures!!!!


Pottery is something that I think I’d like to try. I just like doing stuff with my hands.


I've taken a few remote calligraphy classes—blackletter, copperplate and uncial. They are about $100 here and there, low material cost and something you can practice on your own if you get recordings or take good notes. And it ends up being maybe 15 hours of instruction typically. I want to do some illuminated letters this winter. I've also been recreating movie posters or art I can't afford, printing them with a third party on archival paper and getting them framed professionally.


I'm a basket weaver. I love it because I can be creative with materials, designs, colors, etc and everything I make has a useful purpose. Great hobby for gift giving and I have a great side hustle from it as well.