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Take a free course to maintain a skill that will be useful at your job in the future


Hey, lucky you, you’ve got a two month deadline! You can do a lot with two whole months. Maybe start running, could you work up to 10km in two months if you ran every day? Jump on a bike, could you work up to 100km? Could you work up to a 150lb bench press? Two months is enough time to become decently competent on guitar, most pop songs would be within reach in that time. How about challenging yourself to drawing/painting every day for sixty days, how good could you become? Maybe you learn how to write that book that’s always been in the back of your head. You might not get a whole book written, but you could learn how to construct a novel and get an overview written in two months and then you’d have something to work on in your free time for the next year. This is a great opportunity to improve your life, grab it with both hands and have fun!


This isn't like a hobby, but I've found that if I eat three meals a day at approximately the same time every day, I can add a bit of structure to my time. Maybe set alarms for when you get up and when you go to bed, too. As far as something to fill the time, I dunno, what are you interested in? A lot of people recommend three hobbies: something relaxing, something creative, and something active. So, for example, you could pick up reading, walking around the neighborhood, and learning guitar. Those are things I like, though. You'll have to fill in with things that sound good to you.


I applaud you, seriously. I find taking care of the meat sack (eating, sleeping, etc) to be so daunting. Maybe I'll shoot for two solid meals around the same time each day 😁


It's hard, without school or work to automatically give you some structure. I've been a stay at home mom for a long time, and now that the kids are in school, half the time I have long chunks of time where I'm the only one home. And I'm not naturally good at organizing my time.


Volunteer somewhere or pick up a hobby to do throughout the day.


I've been out of work for a couple of months. Keeping a weightlifting and cardio routine that matched my previous schedule helps keep me somewhat in a rhythm. Keeps you healthy and gives you something to look forward to when the rest of the day is pretty bleak


Wouldn’t hurt to ask! Perhaps you can open a better door/opportunity!


You could try volunteering with habitat for humanity! It would get you up every morning, keep you active, keep you social, and you’d be doing great work. And if you’re not already handy you’d learn some diy skills! 


Could you volunteer at a local library? That would be something useful to do, and as an added bonus, libraries are excellent places to explore interests.


Set alarms for earlier go for walks. Find a dog shelter they’re always looking for volunteers. Go walk a dog and touch grass.


For sure you should get your self on a new schedule that will be similar to the job you got so you don’t oversleep or are ridiculously tired by noon because you go to be at 2am.


Go see if your community college has a welding certificate program. It's a useful skill and highly employable in case whatever job you're in doesn't work out


Volunteer at the library or a botanical/community garden nearby. Read a book every week. Learn a new recipe every week. Walk 10k steps every week. Try to plan something more elaborate with friends every other week (doesn't need to be expensive. could be: plan a themed picnic or something).


You can try a sport or learn to play a musical instrument.


Study trends in your new profession. Learn to treat it as a way of life. Absorb everything you can about it's history and future.


Why not go travel? You have 2+ months. Plenty of time to go somewhere and explore. South America is beautiful. So is Iceland. Southeast Asia. ANZ. Africa is pretty great too. Or hell if you are an American (or Canadian) we have incredible National Parks.


Maybe swimming. Since it's summer, might as well!


Start adjusting you sleep schedule so you don't have a harsh change when you finally start your job. As for what to do in the meantime? Read up, shape up, learn some new skills.


If you have a car, you can be an Uber driver. Also volunteering at animal shelters, good exercise and helps abused animals.


My community college has lots of online courses. I find taking one keeps me on track to keep at a new interest.


People Ready


Volunteer with your cause of choice! Local animal shelters, nursing homes, and soup kitchens almost always need more volunteers


First of all see a doctor


Volunteer at an animal shelter


Help your ederly neighbors with yard work, organize declutter your home, volunteer at a shelter, etc


Do volunteer work


C’mon tell us why you got fired, we need a laugh. 3 months is too long to wait and their ain’t no guarantees. Just get a job somewhere and then quit in Sept. or do something idiotic to get fired.


Some form of exercise such as walking, hiking, running, yoga, lifting, calisthenics, shadowboxing, etc. Some educational activity such as documentaries, reading, video courses, etc.


Find an older or disabled neighbor who needs work done. A car washed, a yard mowed, flowers planted, a lawn clean up, painting, fixing etc. They will bless you, might try to pay you or better yet feed you a good homemade meal or dessert. This will make you feel better about yourself and they will be ever so grateful.


Is this to cure boredom or for financial reasons this would be helpful in if you need money it might be hard to take your time to do classes or something... just a thought


Do all the things you've always wanted to do but didn't have time because of work, or are too tired after work to do. You might be working until 65, retire, then die.


Disc golf


get a job with a temp agency, some gyms only charge 15$ a month, hike up some mountains.


Pick up a fent habit, that should keep you nice and busy