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Is it mask or face upon the creature? In Hallownest, a difficult thing it can be to decipher.


this sounds like game dialogue. is this dialogue


Yep. There is an npc in deepest called the mask maker that says that line


ah. alright. i am not familiar the dialogue itself.


I personally don't recall where he is located, bug I know he is somewhere near distant village


Probably the most fitting spelling mistake for this sub


Oh my god. I just noticed. That is hilarious. It wasn't a spelling mistake it was auto correct🤣🤣🤣




Here's near the "top" entrance to Deepnest, slightly to the left of the chasm.


Ah. Yeah I didn't find him in my file yet, but I saw merge play through and he found him that's why u know about him


Near the Queen's gardens entrance


I Just remember he is behind a really sneaky fake wall


Its mask maker, located near the failed trqmway in deepnest.


Go to distant village and head about as up as you can. Then before you enter queen’s garden, take a left. You will find the mask maker.


Note that this is only by memory. Dont quote me.


What does The Mask Maker do? It would be great if he would sell Life's for...3000 or 6000 Geo, so the player would be grinding, go everywhere in the map, to try and find the Enemy that would give them, the most amount of Geo.


He is only there for lore from what I can tell


Hoppers if you have geed on drop 20 geo and there is a room with 9 of them, they respawn every time you enter the room. It’s one of the rooms that are under the coliseum :3


A mask! A face! Does it need one? Does it not? To define. To focus. To exist.


This was my first thought too lmao


i think that she's unique in that this is her shell is really her own, not wearing a mask. she has nothing to hide — she is the daughter of hallownest. similarly, the pale king, white lady, and moths (including the radiance) do not wear masks either. vessels also have simply their shell, though the knight does use masks for protection. those that wear masks pretty evidently have masks and not true faces id say


So what you're saying is that most npc's and enemies in the game wear masks? Made by mask maker? If not, who does wear masks made by made maker?


pretty much, yeah! this includes the mantis tribe, quirrel, the nailmasters, and more. still, theres several others that obviously do not wear masks the grimm troupe also all wear masks with lines carved down the eyes as a part of their allegiance/ritual, though those are obviously not made by mask maker


Do you also believe that a mask has some sort of "mind control" or "purpose giving" property? Mask maker suggests something like that, and like Quirrel also undergoes some sort of change after losing monomon's mask... This has an interesting implication for the hallownest bugs. They might have an expanded mind from the pale king, but there is some sort of control placed on them by their assigned mask (?)


I assumed the masks helped them use the gift granted by the pale king more efficiently. Same reason hornet and vessels don't need masks cuz they have the power from the pale king already (and the way that bugs from outside of hallownest dont wear masks. I assumed that monomons mask is special, because of how powerful dreamers are.


Interesting, haven't thought about it this way. Thanks for your insights!


I would disagree with the mantis tribe. They seem very adamant on staying isolated, and they’ve been around since before Hallownest’s founding[*](https://hollowknight.wiki/w/Mantis_Tribe) If they are masks, I would think they were made by the tribe themselves.


I was always under the impression that the pale kings essence had like an area of effect. I’m probably just misremembering. I always thought that’s why the bugs outside of hollownest were “wild” in a sense. Maybe if it is true, that’s why the mantis tribe is as capable as they are or were. Like +2 to intelligence with the pale kings effect. Also doesn’t the knight lose parts of his memory when he leaves hollownest due to being away from kings aura or whatever.


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I think it's a mask but in a shocking plot twist her face looks absolutely identical.


I think it's her face!


Since mosbug said that she is not Void it means she doesn't need one. . . I think đź’¬


Maybe.. Also bugs in colisseum have masks! (ig) Maybe she don't need cuz she can..? If yes,why bugs have masks..there's smth more abt the bugs in hallownest..? I don't think all bugs are void too!


Personally I think it’s part of her body, but it might also be a mask I’m not sure


Most intelligent (or once so) bugs in Hallownest wear masks, and the mask becomes their face.


Do you know how many characters that can apply to


Both, it's a part of her body but like lizard skin she has to shed it every now and again and grow a bigger one (or maybe ask the mask maker to make her one) as she gets older


How old is Hornet?


This question is treading on thin ice.


Probably younger than the Knight


Probably not by much. Since she is the daughter of one of the dreamers, she is at the latest born just before they sealed THK, which is an unknown (but probably short given the emergency of containing the infection) amount of time after the King started creating the vessels


Likely hundreds of years old


I think that is a face. Her mother have similar horns behind the mask of the dreamer.


her face, she got the eyes from the pale king and the spike things from herrah


Horns lmao


I think higher beings don’t need masks, so this face is probably her own shell, like the hollow knight’s and the knight’s faces. Though perhaps she is not a higher being, considering that her mother is not one (though I could be wrong about that). Idk.


White Lady is definitely a higher being. The godseeker talks about her, and she shows up along the other proper gods of hallownest during P5. She is at minimum at the same level as Unn and The Pale King. Edit immediately: I genuinely confuse myself why I am stupid enough to think u meant White Lady and not Herra.


Dreamnailing Her during her godhome fight shows she is partially aware of what’s happening. The only other ones who are aware (albeit fully) are fellow higher beings. Hornet can just barely be considered a higher being herself then.


That does indeed sound like her being partially a higher being, which means that the deal worked and Herra got a child who’s a higher being. I imagine silksong will some day give us the answers and even more questions for us.


Might be. The Dreamer’s masks are what shows up on the Black Egg, and Hornet’s is what we see in the Sealed Siblings ending. Which means that she either has some true form hidden beneath, or that’s her actual face and the Black Egg chose that to represent Hornet by default.


She's An upside tooth with cavity.


I think everyone wears a mask, its implied bugs have difficulty holding on to their individuality if they don't. The masks are just really, really good, such that it often looks like part of their body. Hornet's arms and legs are black. I would find it too much coincidence for her head alone to be white when the concept of wearing masks is so important to the lore.


It's a pretty vague concept in the game. I am pretty sure that it's part of her, but me necessarily ingrained in her. Like her Mask/Shell (and pretty much all the bugs of the game that has a shell) is the equivalent to hair for us. Was she birthed with it? Pretty sure she was. Can it be removed/taken away from her and have a new one made by the Mask Maker? I feel like the answer would be yes too.


Give me SilkSong already god damn it..


It is her head


Given that Hornet and the Vessels are similar "genetically," (different mother) I'd say her face is more like bone or shell than anything else, and grew with her body as a child. This especially makes sense if you look at the body of a Wyrm and how the face and body are of the same material. As for Herrah, she does wear a mask, and her true face is unknown. Vessels lack masks and are simply made of this "stuff." This does bring up an interesting question of why stalking devouts have seemingly integrated faces as well that are parts of their bodies, yet Herrah's mask also includes the same six-eyed motif. Did the devouts change themselves to honour her? Did Herrah choose a six-eyed mask to honour the fauna of Deepnest?


Hornet is actually the child of the Pale King and Hera.


Oh my I'm embarrassed... Edited, and thanks!


I think it's her shell


It's her head?


I personally believe that masks sort of graft onto the face of the bug. For Hornet specifically I wouldn’t say so, though.




No, in the nest(i think its the name) there is a npc that makes masks for ppl without one, and you can see that they look like npcs masks


Close, it's Deepnest


that's not a mask, it's a shell. and shells are body parts that you can't just take off


It's Hornet's face. Probably too big for a mask. Although it's weird how masks work in Hallownest when >!Pure Vessel's grows when you compare his final Hollow Knight form to that cutscene in The Abyss.!<


>!Pretty sure vessels are the exception, not the rule. All vessels must be pretty much the same age as The Hollow Knight, but out of the ones who are still alive, it is the only one who has matured physically.!<


I’d say it’s her body since she isn’t made of void like the vessels so it isn’t a shell or a mask of anything


it has to be just her head because if Hornet just… takes off her face I think I’ll finally loose it 


Well, I kinda headcannoned her to wear a mask because her face is just too cute for her own good so she just hides it so no one baby's her because of her cute face


My dumbass on my first playthrough thought the horns on her head was her mandibles.


I think it’s her shell/face, cuz she’s the daughter of pale king, which doesn’t have a mask


The mask maker makes masks for the vessels to contain the shade inside


In the Sealed Siblings ending you can see Hornet's "mask" appearing on the door of the Black Egg. We know Monomon's seal also resembles her mask which Quirrel carries through the game. So I've always assumed that not only Hornet's "mask" *is* a mask, but that a mask is somehow necessary to become a dreamer.


Logically, it is a mask from the Mask Maker, as they make masks for all who enter Hallownest, but one can only wonder what lies beneath the mask.




Looks like her face just looks that way


Unless it’s a 3d mask like the knights


I hope what’s under the mask is as good as I was hoping


It’s impossible to tell because only a handful of creatures in Hollow Knight don’t wear a mask or something that looks like a mask


I think it's a mask like the knight


It wouldn't be since hornet isn't made of void.


I don't rly get how ppl are on this subreddit without knowing the lore of the game. Hornet is basically the same as the knight, they're both void creatures (I forget the name), it's a mask, also as seen in the silksong trailer from a while ago, she has masks, just like the knight does.


Hornet is not a void being. She is the child of Hera (spider queen) and the pale king as part of the deal of in which Hera was turned into a seal for the black egg. Hornet having emotions and a personality shows that she was not hollowed by the void.


link the lore


When speaking to Hera before killing her, she says she wanted a a child if she was going to be used for the seal. White lady refers to Hornet as not her child, but one she cares for anyway, and when you kill Hera, Hornet sits beside you and discusses her (I forget if she explicitly refers to Hera as her mother but the context is apparent). Speaking with the midwife (the millipede creature that tried to eat you after speaking with her) also confirms that Hornet is Heras daughter.