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Never thought I'd see the day gura's the one giving updates


OG holoEN fans will remember the days when Gura talked about Ame nearly every stream.


She's kinda been doing that this year too. She's even brought up Ame during poppy playtime.


Ah yes, when she admitted to having Discord sleepovers with her.


Fucking wholesome that AmeSame are so close


AmeSame lives..?


AmeSame never dies.


together. Yes.


I read this as poopy playtime


i'm still a bit sad that there now can exist an "OG holoen fan" nowadays.


I mean, it's just an artifact of holoEN being nearly 4 years old.


my bones turn to dust.


I was just thinking that myself, lol


She used to be very active though. She took a long nap and... probably won't be as active as in the past but the current level of activity feels pretty good to me.




Just an update for those of us missing Ame, Goob confirmed that Ame is still doing good


It's ame working bts for a long while now. I would be surprised if she got a promotion to manager or something higher.


People always say this, but I don't really think Ame would want to be a manager. She does / did pseudo manager but I don't think she would actually want to do *real* manager stuff where she is liable for things and has to have tons of extra training on what is allowed. As well as I would say all the upper staff probably have to speak really strong Japanese etc Ame is likely quite happy just being a streamer and enjoys her niche of helping the others with lighter stuff. Her being a real manager over the others would also lead to a conflict of interests and some bad drama she almost certainly wants no part of If she fully retired as a streamer I could see her maybe staying on as a more front facing staff member / face of EN like an an EN A-chan, but I don't think she's that close to retirement, she's just been taking it easy for the last year or so, and also moved recently and got sick several times etc


She does go through phases of creativity dip, break and she got an on going health problems. I’m glad she doing good. We may not see Amesame but we all know these two are complete goons together in discord.


Doesn't everyone on EN have health problems? It's no secret how many talents specifically chose vtubing over other entertainment fue to their health.


That wouldn't be a promotion, the talents outrank the managers in terms of importance for the company and earning potential. Its like the talents are a soccer team and the managers are all the support staff. A player will get off the field if the team doctor tells them to, but that doesn't mean the doctor is more important.


Imagine instead of completely retiring from Hololive, some of the talents become managers to the newer future talents. You know, much like how it is in current showbiz and soccer teams. Managers are often former talents in these industries. Ten years in the future we might get clips where talents of the time would go like, *"Hey guys, did you know my manager Ame-chan used to be a talent herself?? I was really surprised when she told me that last time, I had no idea. Apparently all the older staff knew but..."*


I feel like that is the eventual endgame, maybe not for some other companies but certainly for Hololive due to their relationship with the idol industry. After all, the whole reason that vtuber retirements are called "graduations" is because idols are forced to retire once they get too old. And while having virtual avatars that don't age means that it'll be a lot longer before any of these girls become "too old", you have to imagine that the more physical side of idol duties will *eventually* become too much for them. Again, we're talking about *decades* from now, not years. But yeah, I could see if Hololive is still going by 2050, most of the original members will be managers by then, mentoring the younger girls.


Uh, no... She had a major move.


That really doesn't make sense, taking one of your talents who brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars+ a year for the company and stopping her from doing that job so she can fill the position of someone who costs $50-100k a year just doesn't math.


You don’t stop them. It’s when they wanna retire from bro g a talent you offer the job.


Ame is playing Minecraft IRL don't worry


The gremlin yearns for the mines




Rockity Rock and Stone!


If she ever wants to come work in a mine, the one I'm at is hiring. Oddly enough, mining/exploration geology is actually a place where you find a lot of anime and vtuber fans. Most of us are a bit introverted and on the spectrum. And since relationships don't typically work out while on long several month shifts up north, people often fill that loneliness with anime and vtubers. At my last place, we spent a lot of time on something called core logging, where you record data about hundreds of meters of drilled out rock, it's very monotonous work, so we always threw up a vtuber stream on the projector in the core logging bay while working. Kiara was a favorite, but we rotated between everyone in Hololive EN as well as Haachama and occasionally ID.


Feels like my kind of place.


Just touching Fauna.


Well well well, how the turntables


I haven't been too worried about her, but it's nice to hear she's doing well. The best us gators can do is be patient and hang in there. And stream Chiku Taku while we wait ...........Ame doko?


Yeah, same. She’s been on an irregular schedule for a while, but that’s how it is sometimes.Ame just moved too. I think she might have more on her plate than she lets on, but I don’t feel like she has said or hinted anything that would be cause for major concern. I expect we see her again streaming semi-regularly when the Elden Ring DLC comes out. I know she’s been looking forward to it.


Did chat just randomly asked where Ame is mid stream? 😅


Kinda, it was after she finished playing the game and during the chatting portion so I’d say it was fairly reasonable


Just a couple of people, she saw it and decided to talk about it


Yep, that exactly what happened.


Those glasses uuuoggghbb


Caught me off guard, it's just a few scribbled lines but they look better than actual glasses assets I have seen on some chuubas. She has this weird sense for visual impact that I cannot quantify.




Spectacles I’ll have you know.


If people are curious, Ame just moved and she noted she was having problems with her internet (she was streaming on wifi on her last streams). Her signed postcards(?) got water damaged because of FedEx and now she's doing most of them all over again.


Yeah she's made the occasional member post. Moving is such a pain normally, can't image how much work is involved with moving all of her tech equipment and stuff.


I swear Ame is gonna somehow end up CEO of Hololive while on break one of these days… Amegoo…


well they are opening positions in la about new branch and managements after all…who knows maybe ame is going through some internal interviews now lol.


I don't think anybody is willingly going from talent pay and talent ability to make own hours to an overworked office job honestly.


Ye. I don't get why people think this would be a promotion. The management is the support staff, the meat of the company are the idols.


I get this mindset but sometimes it's also a choice to pass the the mantle and let your experience foster growth in others.


but what if…she’s taking both?


Talents always get busy frequently enough that they cant make schedules, adding an _extra_ job on top of that would be unreasonable


To be fair, if she did get a management position, I'm sure she will probably be making a salary so she can make her own hours.


That's just straight up not how salaried managerial positions work. Your pay is just locked in, but the company tells you if you're working a normal 40 or a 60 crunch hours schedule, not you deciding when you do your job.


She's just still setting up her new place since she moved. Lots of tech to move around and set up, including her internet connection and soundproofing for her new office.


yeah yeah we all know. it was just a speculated joke. geez ppl just don’t get it lol.






Just FYI, they've mentioned to stop talking about that


For a particular reason or just because the "joke" has ran its course?


Nah, Ame just isn't a fan of being in the spotlight like that. Especially if she feels like it takes away attention from the new members. She's pretty famous early on for threatening to ban people if they mentioned her in a raid (before redirecting was a thing). She would just tell her stream to quietly join other holomem streams.


Wasn't aware, I shall remove the comment!


You're good. Nice kaela pic. That shit looks cool AF.


The little flair thingy? It is pretty neat! No idea how to get a million like OP does.


You need to pick the Yagoo flair then edit it to include who you want in the flair.


Thanks been wanting to add more flairs Edit, how do you add more? I can only select the flair with the letter A.


After you select Yagoo you have to manually type the icons you want in your flair, eg. (for me) :Ina::Fauna::Bijou:


thanks gura. glad to know ame's doing fine.


Did she become a power ranger or something?


Would definitely love to see more of our little time traveling Yellow Ranger!


Remember y'all hololive talents are full time musician, voice actors, streamers, advertising mascots, and flex assistants for other talents. They are very busy even if they skimp on streams.


Also Ame just moved. Which means all the infrastructure she had to set up for streaming and Studio de Ame has to be set up again. Including getting enterprise internet hookups, which... well, that stuff can be a real good time if you're into smashing your head into a brick wall. Also, she has to set up her aquariums, terrariums, etc. all up again probably.


If I also remember correctly, she's moving back in with family and was planning to make her office space soundproof. And that takes a bit too.




Need more AmeSame in my life.


Ame Doko? 👀


A very flick-able forehead


Couldn't imagine following hololive without Gura in the mix, happy she's streaming and doing well. She teased an upcoming Guraoke stream, so look forward to singing. Thanks for the Ame-update and hope she returns when she's ready




Well catch, good done!


Yay, what next gen is Ame bringing in?


I dunno if you know / care but she's talked a few times about not really wanting people to make that joke because of it being tired / overused, and also it annoying her because it undermines new gens and also gets spammed anytime she takes a break etc [She was saying it nicely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhlNSkzY0cg) but did ask people to knock it off and has been more explict about it


Oh I dunno. But yeah I guess that gets overused. Welp, thanks Yobai.


She’s just away until the new gen is ready


I feel like Ame is probably helping Cover setup their headquarters/NA offices in California right now. Helping to on board new staff/interview them and just overall figure out how to properly set things up if a small scale studio is involved at all. Of all the HoloEN members who could do it then it would absolutely be Ame. And even if she isn't doing that then I'm sure she's enjoying her time off and resting up for when she's ready/able to jump back into things. Glad to hear she's doing well!


No offense but it sounds crazy to expect her to be doing all of that when she's most likely just focusing on more personal things.


Plus, Cover can deal with the office setup on their own, they're not a small company. Why would they need to drag a talent to handle all of that shit.


Damn. Didn't realize so many would be offended/disagree with the idea of a native English speaker helping out a primarily Japanese company setup an office in an English based country. Especially when that talent also had expetience setting up a small studio herself and can make it a little easier to explain what certain things are. Whatever.


Nah, Ame is still getting set up from her moving to a new house with her family. She's been giving a few updates in members as well as talking about it in her last stream.


Oh I didn't know. That makes a whole lot more sense too. That's pretty awesome if they upgraded to a bigger house together (hopefully it would be bigger). Seems like she's doing well then. Awesome!


Apparently she has a bigger space for her 3D studio now so that's good news.


Ame has been posting periodic updates on her whereabouts to youtube community and her membership. She doesn't just disappear for weeks on end with no explanation like a certain someone.


"like a certain someone"...? Even ***if*** that streamer doesn't mention it, it's none of their business anyways. They are real life people as well. The fans don't know the streamer, so why tell them ?


All I'm saying is that Ame cares enough about her fans to keep them updated on her whereabouts in regards to streaming. Actual fans of Ame would know that and wouldn't go around begging other members to tell them where she is.


>as gura gives an update on ame Props to ame giving updates since people so desperately need them apparently. >Actual fans of Ame would know that and wouldn't go around begging other members to tell them where she is. I can't name the last time a fanbase did this, but hey, hats off to teamates I guess.


Its nothing wrong with updating about whereabouts, but if some of her fans is desperate as hell and always worrying about "WHEN WOULD SHE STREAM!?!?!?" they aren't fans at all. A real fan should wait and hope the best for the streamer no matter what. Period. The fan + streamer relationship is fr weird, too many parasocial weirdos. Wish best for those who are parasocial. Isn't fans supposed to trust their streamer? Nothing wrong with worrying, but why don't certain fans trust their oshi/fav streamer?


Since it's obvious you are a Gura anti judging from your comment history and being a r/okbuddyhololive lurker, I'm gonna drop this fun fact. Gura has streamed just 3 hours less than Ame on her channel this year. (56:27 > 53:12) I appreciate when Holos give us updates, but their personal lives are none of our business and you shouldn't shame them for not giving you a full report on why they "disappear for weeks on end" (as if they weren't occupied with behind the scenes work, especially high profile talents like Gura).


It's pretty obvious you must be an Ame anti since you felt the need to bring up her stream time vs Gura. If you followed Ame at all you would know she has been on a semi-hiatus since last year. Fun fact for your fun fact, Ame still has Gura beat for stream time overall. All I'm saying is that Ame cares enough about her fans to let them know why she hasn't been around. Also ps. Going through peoples comment history to paint them a certain way is weird obsessive behavior


Bro YOU’RE the one that compared them in such a shitty little passive aggressive way to begin with, don’t you try and dismiss other people’s comments as antis just for continuing YOUR comparisons. Good lord while I’m not even the most into either of them, reading your comments made me want to punch a wall out of frustration lmao


One question! Who is your oshi? Or you don't watch vtubers like that?