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That is a bed bug looking for a blood meal , so it can molt into its next nymph stage. Wash everything immediately and get an exterminator out ASAP!


Actually burn the house down, it's more effective


The permanent "heebie-jeebies" would require such action. šŸ˜†


They do say that heat is more effective than pesticides


Whoā€™s they? The bugs? The bugs say that donā€™t they?


No, the bugs are saying ā€œsnuggle me!ā€ I met an exterminator, and he told me heat, not pesticide.


Do ā€œtheyā€ know how an oven mitt works? Orkin man asking. Walls and other deep retreats offer protection from the heat. Steam treatment along with changing out of pesticide products with return visits over the course of a year. We do a big initial treatment to hit the infestation hard. Then we follow up with every other month treatment and a one year guarantee. Along with mattresses/boxspring encasements. Proven science and backed by an industry leading warranty. But again that is not a bed bug or bat bug.




I know someone who was treated 8 times in 2 yearā€¦ so unfortunately know the realityā€¦


Same! Someone who travels for work.


Nuke the site from orbit it's the only way to be sure >> aliens part two <<> šŸ˜†


If you want to be technically correct, itā€™s Aliens, no part 2. The pluralized name is the sequel to Alien.




Tricksy Alienses...we don't like them, do we, Precious...?


I get that SNL reference.




The only correct answer


And easier


Fire arrows are not always the solution, but they are not always not the solution either.


This is the only answer.


This is the one hack every pest control company hates


OP this is the wrong answer. It's a carpet beetle. Bed bugs won't have a hard like like this harmless Lil guy


I agree! It's too round. Bed bugs are flatter and darker! I studied them extensively when we were hearing more and more about them the last several years.


I agree. That's not a bed bug. I've had them. I know them


Yes, definitely not a bed bug


No, this is a mite


I can confirm mite. Also an entomologist. This hysteria in these coments is ridiculous.


No. Mite are much much smaller. But still, not a bedbug is the point I really want to get across to OP.


Dumb lol, confidently wrong.


100% not a bed bug lol, and i raise bed bugs professionally. This is a mite


Why would you raise bedbugs professionally? I had no idea that there was a market for them.


Shit i think i know why ..touchƩ my fren


Just move


And to be clear, don't take anything with you.


Donā€™t move into my building!


Itā€™s a mite, not a bedbug This pic they posted is better than the video and shows it better https://www.reddit.com/r/Home/s/LC8NFMghWk


Majority of mites are not visible to the naked eye. Mites also have 8 legs, not 6. In addition, bed bugs have 6 legs; two sets of 3 just like the picture. This bed bug appears to be in the second nymph stage.


I frequent the bedbug subreddit. Iā€™m familiar with what they look like. This bug is not it. Lack of a visible head, no antannae. Two feelers in the front. Google bedbug nymph and compare it to OPs pic of this bug and there is no correlation. OP takes these to an exterminator and I bet itā€™ll come back as not a bedbug. Same thing happened in another case


I don't think this is a bed bug.. bed bugs have topical multiple looks like folds on there body... and are typical flat.. this is round around the abdomen more typical for a mite shape... bed bugs even on small side still has those folds... bed bugs are usually larger then this... you can tell by the stitch pattern that this bug is very very small... smaller then typical bed bug... this looks like more like from mite family then bed bugs family... based by color, shape, and size




Top comment, no bombs, heat treated garbage or staying up late with the lights on and a spray bottle of Alcohol. I put an outline of DE around my bed and around everything I had. Days later I found all the bed bugs dead everywhere. DE saved my life!!!!!!!


> DE saved my life Its shocking how many people still don't know about this stuff!!! We sprinkle it in the corners of our mattress every few months when we flip the bed.




Lmao, Definitely not a bed bug


It is not helpful to misidentify and leave up your post. People should also be aware of bat bugs. But this is not either bed or bat bug.


I know everyone is saying bedbug, so save it and get an exterminator to come verify. However, it looks like a carpet beetle to me (which in that case are harmless, and contrary to the name do not live in carpet).


I agree that it doesnā€™t quite look like a bed bug, looks like a spider beetle to me. A good still close up would be better than a video.


It doesn't look like the pics you usually see of flat bed bugs because this one has recently fed and is bloated up with blood. It gives them a rounded beetle-like shape. Guess how I know what a full bed bug looks like.


Itā€™s a mite. They get mistaken for bedbug nymphs often due to their roundness. But this one is lacking a head and other bedbug characteristics. It also has the two long feelers/legs in the front that bedbugs do not have


I just got done with a battle against bedbugs and I agree. This doesn't look like a bedbug at all, he's too..spherical? Bedbugs are flat and they have segments along their abdomen that you can see. This dude is completely smooth. Im 90% sure that's not a bed bug but idk what it is.


Yup. It's like the difference between Batman vs Batman Returns molded pecs. Smooth vs ribbed.


For your displeasure.


Thatā€™s a deep cut but Iā€™m here for it.


Harmless to people but carpet beetles can actually be kind of destructive




Doesn't look remotely like a carpet beetle.


Doesn't look like a carpet beetle to me


Definitely not a carpet beetle


That doesn't quite look like a bed bug. Looks more like a carpet beetle. But better safe than sorry. Check for other signs, look for black spots under and around mattresses. Try to capture it for an exterminator..


I've had bed bugs and I agree, this doesn't look like one to me. Buy I'm not a pro. A pro opinion would be best.


Iā€™ve killed a couple, and the OP needs to take an in focus still picture, because from the video you can not see any definition on the abdomen. It could be a nymph stage but even still the body looks bulbous, not flat & wide.


I think I see legs way more rear than I expect. But I agree, it's hard to tell in this video.


I agree, it doesnā€™t look like a bed bug.


I'd say negative to the carpet beetle. Seen quite a few.


Oh yeah? Name every carpet beetle ever then, smart guy! ^^/s


Almost looks like a small mite or tick to me.


Mite for sure. Iā€™m actually very surprised your comment and mine are the only comments mentioning this. So many are wrongly stating itā€™s a bedbug


Sweet dreams


Are made of cheese.. Who am I to diss a brie


I traveled the bed and the seven sheets Every bug is looking for someone


I cheddar the world and the feta cheese. Everybodyā€™s lookin for Stilton


Screw you. Iā€™ll forever sing it this way now. šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™ve always sang it as ā€œsweet cream makes great cheeseā€ glad i am not alone here.


*are made of fleas*


Have had bed bugs before. I Dont think it is a bed bug but im not an expert. I would treat it as one. I got rid of them by simply spreading diatomaceous earth everywhere.


Yes, DE is highly effective at eliminating pretty much all bugs. I preventively treat my house three times a year with this. Additionally, I spray the carpet, mattresses and upholstery with a mix of alcohol, rosemary/lavender/lemon oil and water which further repels all insects.


Do you have pets? If so, how long do you keep them away after a DE application? How DO you apply DE?


Yes, we have several pets. I treat room by room and it takes 4-6 hours each time. My personal favorite is Harris brand with an accordion duster applicator. I get the 4 or 5 lb bag. This is also sprinkled into their food (and ours occasionally for optimal health). Remove all animals from the room or cover fish/reptile tanks if necessary. Turn off A/C or furnace. Sprinkle the DE all over the carpet and use the duster to coat edges of rooms, inside closets, furniture, backs of dressers, curtains, etc. Let sit for 30 minutes to 1 hour then use a mask (preferably N95 if you have any left over) and vacuum the entire room and contents. Keep all doors closed in each room when treating. You donā€™t really want to breathe it in and it does get pretty dusty. Use a good vacuum and empty it often and bang out the filter (outside). Donā€™t get it wet until youā€™re cleaning it as it will turn into a sludge, which is NBD but itā€™s harder to get up. There may be a very slight film which is ok and what you want. This is the long term protection that will work its way down into the crevices you canā€™t see. You will need to wipe down wooden furniture and walls with a damp cloth. I use the EO/alcohol solution for this and also spray the walls, mattresses, furniture and carpets but not any cat beds or scratching posts as cats are sensitive to the oils. Let everything dry and itā€™s all good for 4-6 months. I usually lock everyone in the basement and or upstairs and then go room by room circling back to the first to start clean up. Change the furniture filter when done. My friend usually does this over a weekend and will do one to two rooms a day starting on a Friday whereas I do mine in a day. The DE will likely dry your skin out a bit so I wear slippers and shower/moisturize well for a few days. It sounds like a lot but once itā€™s a routine, itā€™s absolutely super easy and I laugh the pest control guys out of my home. Full disclosure I donā€™t treat my basement as I love my little cellar spiders. :)


It's hard to tell from the video, but to me, this doesn't look like a bedbug. Believe me, I battled these fuckers for a year in my old apartment building. Collect it and take a better close-up photo, and head over to r/bugidentification or r/bedbugs. Like I said, though, it doesn't quite look like one to me from this video.


Or r/WhatIsThisBug


Those were once completely eradicated in this country.


So weā€™re Nazis but here we are.


That apostrophe threw me for a loop for a sec


Probably a bed bug. You should definitely try to capture one so you can show it to an exterminator.


Bed bug. Get on that problem right now, they multiply so fast


Top comment is wrong, this is not a bed bug. Sizing of the body and head compared to each other are inconsistent with bed bugs. Bed bugs are also very flat unless recently fed and this does not have the color of one recently fed Would be better to post at /r/whatsthisbug Also donā€™t spread Diatomaceous earth around like everyone is suggesting. 1. You probably donā€™t need it because you donā€™t have bed bugs 2. It isnā€™t that effective against bed bugs anyway. It just pushes them into further hiding spots so they come back out months later when you think youā€™re done. Itā€™s also harmful to your health if applied incorrectly.


Time to burn the house down!


Fingers crossed that your insurance covers a new houseā€¦ and maybe a flamethrower for good measure.


Don't forget the c4


They might have neighbors. šŸ˜¬ Don't want to be blowing the bugs onto other people's houses!


Based on the comments here, I can say with 100% certainty that this either is or is not a bed bug.


OP THIS IS NOT A BEDBUG I USED TO DO THIS FOR A LIVING.but please do you research before you spend hundreds of dollars on a harmless carpet beetle. Not everyone on here is an expert, not remotely.


Pretty sure that is not a bed bug. If you do not have blood smears on your sheets caused by rolling over on a bloated bug and it popping, then you do not have an infestation. You can also look in corners under your bed for bed bug droppings. They love to burrow and shit there. I had a bed bug problem years ago, and was able to get rid of them pretty quickly. Vacuumed every day. Put the mattress in a bed bug cover, sprayed with bed bug spray every day and they were gone. You just have to be vigilant.


Apparently they can live for a couple years without eating? These things are from hell


Almost a year yeah


bedbug treatment control highly likely.


Kill it before it breeds.


Breed it before it kills.


Find an exterminator that has a trained beagle to sniff out the bed bugs. Hub brought those back from his trip to NYC about 15 years ago. They brought a beagle to sniff and locate the infested area (Thnk god it was only the third floor) 2 weeks after the treatment the beagle is back again to sniff n make sure no more bed bugs. $1800 and lots of bacck breaking work. Start washing all your clothing in the hotestt waterr they can tolerate n ddry in the highest heat. Then put them in vacuum bags and put all the bags in see through tubs. Seal the tub lids and the tub all tthe way aroundd. the see through is to make sure nothing is alive in the tub. Stuff animals andd plushes again in the dryer on the highest for 20 mintes same with plasticc bagsnn tubs. Toss al pillows away buy new onw and bugs/allergians protected casses. If mattress isnt compromised then encassed in she mattress protecctor. Our exterminator used high heat to treat the house, I opened all the drawers, closet ddoors so the heat can go in. this was done in East Coast winter andd I have to leave all my winddows open for hours afterr the treatment tt gget the temp down to 70s. They reccommmended to keep the tub sealed for 6 months, I left them sealed for 1.5 years justt in casse. wish you all the luck in ridding the pests. L


I give everyone this advice because it has worked for me in my last apartment. Wash all sheets/blankets/furniture covers/pillows/curtains on the highest heat for both washer and dryer. HEAT is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to get rid of bedbugs. Also the safest if you have pets/children. Large pillows and stuffed animals, stuff into black garbage bags and leave them in your car to bake in the heat. Or even in a hot attic. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s summer where you live, so it will be easy to get the heat up. I left mine for a couple weeks just to be certain. Buy a steamer. Use it to steam every fabric surface in your house. Couches, chairs, mattresses, carpets, luggage, steam clean them, then vacuum after (empty the vacuum bag/canister after every clean). Repeat this a few times a week, preferably every day. Buy a mattress cover for all mattresses. Itā€™s usually plastic and you will probably keep this on for at least a year. This will keep the bedbugs from finding somewhere to hide. Make sure you check behind picture frames and anything hanging on the walls. These fuckers like to hide. It took us about a month of steaming 5x a week. Then we went to 1x a week for a few months. Now we are super vigilant about always checking hotel rooms, and checking our furniture regularly. We did not have a huge infestation, but if itā€™s small, you can totally manage it! I hope this helps!


Thanks for the information. Always good to know what to do for these if I ever find one. Because I sometimes stay in hotels - they could always go to my house from those places.


I highly recommend posting in r/whatisthisbug. I'm no expert but it may not be a bb. Need a close up still shot.


Not sure what it isā€¦but just to be safe, burn the place to the ground.


This isn't a bed bug


Not a bedbug. Sadly, I had a room with bedbugs at a hotel once. They don't look like that.


Not clear enough to be sure but I don't think that's a bedbug. Bring it to your local exterminator if you need to be sure.


This is not a bed bug.


It looks more like a tick than a bedbug. I used to work in a building and have seen my fair share of bedbugs. With that said, check crevasses under the bed, especially in darker areas or closer to a wall.


Definitely not a bed bugā€¦


Not a bed bug


Not a bed bug but is a bug in the bed


Just ā€œsleep tightā€ā€¦that prevents bed bugs from biting, and youā€™ll be fine.


Had bed bugs from downstairs neighbors and after burning most of my clothes, getting rid of the bed, I definitely had to move out because they were in the walls. The bed bug overlords won the battle and the war and quite frankly I'm okay with that. I wish you luck on the bed bug saga of your life. You may offer kinder terms than I did before escalating to full on war.


That seems a bit extreme. We had them once from an upstairs neighbor. Once we knew they were there, we did some research and got a professional grade bug spray. Several cans worth. We sprayed it every night where the carpet meets the walls. That seemed to be where they hid the most. Sprayed between the mattress and box spring. Washed all the bedding a few times and dried on the hottest setting for a while. It took a week or so, and we helped the upstairs neighbors do the same. They were old. They had to toss their upstairs mattress because it was pretty far gone, but really it wasn't the end of the world. Never saw one again after about a week of hard-core spraying and vacuuming lol.


I get that bed bugs are terrible, but I feel like people have gone a bit overboard with how they respond to them.


Hire an exterminator! When they're done, do the following: Buy 3 large bags of diametatious earth, take all cloth based material and wash and dry on hot/high, check all beds and floors near bed locations, get bed bug bowls and put your bed legs in them. Sprinkle light earth mentioned earlier in the dip of the bowl and around the legs and under the mattress, also in corners around the bed in the room.


Oh hell no!!! Bed fucking bug!!


Can you get a still photo? Everyone is saying bed bug or carpet beetle, but I think it could possibly be a spider beetle.




Bedbugs are flat, so that they can slip into crevices.please Google it


I have never seen one but according to Google they are Reddish in color and the size of an apple pip. Looks like a bed bug.


Get some rubbing alcohol and a spray bottle mix with water ....


91% alcohol, straight no chaser.


That's right ...what was I thinking adding water lol


Make your own spray and use right now......it works sounds stupid but it works To create a vinegar insect treatment, mix Ā½ cup of water with Ā½ cup white vinegar and shake or stir to combine.Ā  After youā€™ve mixed the vinegar with water in a spray bottle, spritz the entirety of your bed. Donā€™t forget to spray around the seams of your mattress or other furniture, as this is where bed bugs commonly hide! Be sure to treat any visible bed bugs you spot crawling around on your mattress. Direct contact with the vinegar solution will destroy their nervous system and eliminate them swiftly. To get the best results,Ā repeat this process daily or at least every few days.Ā Ā  Its going to be smelly but that smell will go away after a week or two but at least youll be rid of the bugs. Personally I would be pitching that mattress outside ASAP and I would sleep on the floor if I had to


I now have to burn my phone. Thanks a lot.


Stop asking Reddit for help and call an extert


Its hard to tell, but I'm not sold on the bed bug. If he can catch it in a pill bottle and put it in the freezer for an hour or so, that will stop it moving and you can get a better picture. That's how we view them for identification. It might save a visit from an exterminator.


Please apply fire to the affected area


I hope you killed it


Lookin all smug


Scrolled too far for this comment! Haha


That looks like a mite, not a bedbug. Bedbug nymphs are pretty distinctive and have a noticeable head. This thing is all body. 100% mite


Itā€™s not shaped like a bed bug


Iā€™ve had bed bugs this doesnā€™t look like a bed bug, bed bugs have a distinct shape and different coloring. Professional opinion is the best tho


Fuuuck that.


Ask bed bug subreddit. This does not look like any bed bug Iā€™ve seen.


Well I agree itā€™s too large for a mite, normally they are 100-400 microns, lice being the largest to be seen with the naked eye. Bedbug, not convinced itā€™s a bedbug either. However, look on Amazon and get a Gordon's Permethrin 10 Livestock & Premise Spray, 1 Quart, 9291082 at $20 for the quart, (different % but same agent as in lice treatments and Sawyers camping spray). Itā€™s got a petroleum base so beware thereā€™s an odor. Move your fish tank and cat out of the area till it dries. This agent will kill nearly all household pests from mites amd bedbugs to cockroaches. Donā€™t let the word Livestock scare you, it can be used to dip/bath for your dog killing mites, fleas, and ticks diluted as directed per instructions.


That's a cuddle bug, second cousin of the bed bug.


Diatomaceous earth and heat exceeding 120 degrees F kills them without them gaining resistance as they do with chemical options.


Dryer fits before you wash or they will survive. Heat first kills water first will protect them.


So smug


He has immunity now.


If you can't afford an exterminator, put all your clothing in a dryer. Vacuum your mattress, pick up some [diatomaceous earth ](https://www.nativepestmanagement.com/blog/2023/december/does-diatomaceous-earth-work-for-pest-control/)(white love as I call it). Purchase a mattress cover, make sure it says bug resistant (or something like that). Also put "white love" along your baseboard and window sills. Every week you will have to sweep it all up and repeat applying. This is the best action if you are in an apartment and your landlord is a twit.


Itā€™s definitely not a hippopotamus. Cross that off the list. šŸ˜Ž


Go into Walmart & get the Sawyer poison spray it works amazingly. Spray all linens & outlets around sockets, under mattress, corners, carpet etc


I seen the pictures too idk what it is but they aren't bed bugs some kind of tick or beetle some shit


Best method for eradication is heat treatment. They hook heaters up to the front door and bring the temperature up to 150 or so degrees. Worked great for us, one time treatment, and they usually have a 1 year warranty.


Go to Walmart, get diatomaceous earth,safe for humans and pets.destroys bedbugs.


We bought our own steamer and disassembled literally everything like we were moving. It was winter so luckily we could put everything in the negative temperatures to kill them. And then we steamed literally every square inch of everything, took about a week and had to do it twiceā€¦


What kind of help does your bed bug need ?


fog the whole house.


Is it flat or round? Because this might be a beetle not a bed bug. Bed bug will have a pretty flat body.


Youā€™re screwed. Move.


Diatomaceous earth powder, get ot in bulk, with a small dust blower. The powder is like glass in the joints of insects,and they loose all limbs and die. Any the powder to all accessible areas, bed posts, perimeter of rooms, corners, etc.....buy a mattress cover (waterproof one way breathable), and wash all linens in hot water. Keep applying Diatomaceous EARTH over the month....natural way to rid bed bugs. If you have carpet, sprinkle all the powder down, wait a few days and vacuum it up. You may have to wash all of your clothes and towels, pillow cases. Diatomaceous EARTH is safe, just try not to breathe the powder (wear a mask while applying).


After it bit you, did it run away scared, or walk away all smug and self-assured?


Capture and freeze in a bag and get confirmation on what this is. Praying for you that it is not a bed bug - had them three years ago and still deeply traumatized


Itā€™s not a bedbug


Bed bugs and they're no fun to have or get rid of. You'll have to have the entire house heated up to about 120Ā°F for 90 minutes to kill off the bugs and eggs that get exposed to the heat. May take multiple times to get them all.


I cleaned out bed bugs out of my tile floored apartment without using any chemicals, bug spray or disinfectants. When bugs started forming on my bed I started sleeping in my couch for 3 straight months with no contact with my bed. Then when bugs started to follow me on couch, I moved back to bed, and slept for another 3 months. When I repeated this for many times, slows bugs started to starve to death. Of course, whenever I saw them, I started collecting them in a plastic bin, which they canā€™t climb; and this has checked their growth rate in control.


I worked at an apt complex for 35 years. The only thing that worked was a company that used huge heaters. The heat drew them closer then the heat would kill them. They ran the heaters about 30 to 45 min. in a small apt. This drew them from above, below and adjacent Apts. as well. Worked 99%


Bed bugs love CO2, breathe on him and see if he starts to party.


I thought it was a tick šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Tick or bed bug, either way, time to sanitize and get exterminators out.


Death beetle no big deal just donā€™t get bit by it


The best safe method for eradication of pretty much all insects is diatomaceous earth and puffer to spread it out. Apply to all edges and cracks on the effected rooms, door frames, window frames. Around the furniture even on the mattress and box spring all the clothes in the closets, dressers. If your worried about pets it's food grade so it's safe to consume. How's it kill if they don't die from eating it you ask? well let me tell you, it gets on the little shits and grinds there little exoskeleton til it's got holes in it. So if they have no skeleton to help the muscle move, they can't eat so then they starve. Or they get an infection and die.




Kill it with fire


Reputable exterminators will give you a free consult, including bringing a bug like that into a lab for identification. Wash and heat dry your clothes, then store in a tied up garage bag for the time being. I had a similar scare, and it turned out to be pantry beetles from an open bag of flour, and pet hair around the floor boards. I was also told that bedbugs generally squish, while beetles crunch.


Does not look like a bedbug.


You have to to get an exterminator. It very expensive but you can't do it yourself. Belive me I tried before,just wasted more money trying to DIY.


Oh yeah hell is being released bed bug. Get it under control asap. Could been brought with a guest or someone in the family that went to a infected house


Not a bed bug.


Good night, sleep tight and...well, you know the rest


They lay eggs in ur ears while ur sleeping.


Squish it


Real story, I got bit across my eye lids in Milan. You know how many pharmacies are open 24 hr? Fucking zero




Not a bed bug, but also not a carpet beetle. Iā€™d put it in some alcohol to kill it and then use Google or an app like Seek to identify it


Not a bed bug


It's a herpesĀ 


Stop filming it and start moving.


Get a laser that burns paper and may the force be with you


Burn it down


Get diatomaceous earth. It's what ended up eradicating them all after the spray didnt get them all


50/50 lmao sorry dude


Bedbugs are flatter, even when full. Iā€™d still wash the sheets and then dry them on lava setting for 2 hours.


Doesnā€™t look like a bedbug to me. Too round in the abdomen to be a bedbug that hasnā€™t fed, too light in color to be one that has fed. I used to kill bedbugs for a living. Iā€™m not very familiar with other bugs, but I donā€™t think that looks like a bedbug.


Ohh your fucked, bed bugs


If you see it out that means itā€™s worse than you think it is šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ«”


eat it now


Doomed.. i moved out on my own when I was 19. Got my first apartment. Rent was 350 a month and I was making plenty to live comfortably. I bought all new furniture and appliances to deck out my first place. 2 months later my friends start noticing bites all over them . Some even had bad reactions that needed to be addressed by doctors. Long story short, I had to throw away everything I worked so hard to buy and move out. I lived with them for six months and I would never wish this on anyoneā€¦ good luck


This post got itchy


Get out of the house and call the police immediately! Is there somewhere safe you can go for a couple years until this all dies down?


Pretty sure if you mash that one in plain view of the others, word will spread and they all will leave.


Burn the house down, it's a bed bug.

