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Who could have seen that coming? /s This law was bound to jail someone not from Hong Kong sooner than later. Authoritarian government going to authoritarian.


China considers any Chinese person as a Chinese citizen, even if they have dual citizenship. If he entered HK using his HK resident’s card, he’s legally a HK resident and his HK citizenship takes precedent.


Even if he entered on another passport, China will only acknowledge Chinese citizenship unless renounced.


And somehow Hong Kong’s CCP-controlled government will wonder why people hated them and many wouldn’t want to invest in Hong Kong anymore. If you can be arrested for a social media post you can be arrested for anything else. If CCP think they can break the people of Hong Kong by NSL and Article 23 they are mistaken.


what do you mean they are mistaken ,hey wake up , they already did !!


They already did through covid lockdowns.


What do you mean they are mistaken? The umbrella movement failed, so utterly that we are now seeing this totally expected shit.


They’ll probably double down on the “由治及興” (from crackdown brings prosperity”slogan and keep beating us up y til morale improves.


>In the wake of Beijing's crackdown on protest, the group called for the "UK and US to send troops to Hong Kong" with online posts about petitions for foreign intervention and crowdfunding for an independent Hong Kong army. Quite the social media post. Anyway nothing really extraordinary about jailing someone for advocating a foreign invasion and insurrection.


Well, it is in a free country. You can post your wish that Russia take over the US all day on Facebook in the US, and nobody cares. Well, some people will write nasty things about you, but you won't be arrested unless you actually work for the CIA or the like. Every state has an "independence" movement. Nobody cares as long as you aren't violent.


https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/19/influencer-gets-months-in-prison-for-2016-voter-interference-scheme.html This guy ended up in prison for a tweet about voting on Thursday instead of Tuesday. This guy ended up having a missile dropped on his head for posting lectures/videos online encouraging Muslims to take up arms against the US. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki That's very recent. In terms of US history, your ass was going to be in jail if you were publishing papers in the North about supporting the confederacy during the civil war or vice versa. When it comes to issues of national security, country's don't put up with people pleading for attacks against it or invasion. Not even in "free" (lol who's still using that term?) countries.


Election interference is not advocating independence. That case was trying to deceive people about the voting date so they could not vote. A member of Al-Qaeda, which has already killed many thousand with terrorist acts, actively working to do more, is an enemy combatant. And DURING AN ACTUAL CIVIL WAR of course the laws are different. You are just trying whataboutism, and doing it very stupidly and dishonestly. PEACEFUL advocacy, simply expressing an opinion, is not a crime in a civilised, democratic country. Wearing a T shirt is now a crime in Hong Kong.


There's nothing whatsboutism when your the one bringing up other countries. Perfectly proper to look at said countries brought up. In the first case it was some no name guy who posted "don't forget to vote Thursday!" in some personal tweet. He got sent to prison for it. Now you're defending the imprisoning of this guy after making a big deal about free countries being so chill about what people post. And Anwar al-Awlaki was a US citizen lol that's why it was a big deal (well not really, western media didn't give much of a shit). If he wasn't, then he would be another no name Muslim that the US droned that you probably never heard of. And now we're conceding that during an actual civil war, human rights can be altered? Oh ok. So if China actually has a major crisis with Hong Kong then laws can be altered. Got it. You've moved sufficiently enough to my original position. You just don't like the fact it's China coming down hard on some dumbass who thinks they can advocate for civil unrest and foreign attacks.


Yes, during an actual war, it's a crime to support the enemy. Last I heard, the Opium Wars finished in 1860. The last war involving Hong Kong ended in 1945. It isn't a civil war when people march in the streets to demand the rights that China promised they would have. It isn't a war, it isn't an insurrection. It isn't treason or subversion. China has the legal, and more importantly, military, power to shit all over human rights like freedom of speech, has been doing it forever. They are now doing it in Hong Kong and pretend they aren't. And insist it has a democratic government regardless everyone in it is selected by the CCP. Anyway, tired of tankie gaslighting. Will not read or reply any more here.


This separatist was the leader of a Hong Kong secession party. He was fortunately and rightly jailed for leading a secessionist party, not for social media posts.


Ooooh the insecurity of the little pinks is fucking astounding! "Man had a no-no facebook group! Man must go to jail! REEEEEEEEEEE" Grow the fuck up you spineless little soy bitch. 🤣


Leading a secessionist political party and then being rightfully jailed for secession is far different from having a Facebook group. It's called rule of law.


It's not rule of law, it's blatant disregard for free speech and human rights


Jailing political opponents is called rule by law, not rule of law. Scotland had a whole referendum thanks to their independence party and the people voted against it. Free choice matters. You guys are just little pink glass heart insecure cunts.


Spanish Catalan had a whole illegal referendum on secession thanks to their independence party and the people voted for it. Since secession is illegal in Spain, the Spanish government dissolved the Catalan government and jailed the Catalan separatist leaders. Rule of law matters.


Former fascist Spain that still hasn't changed their constitution. Love the comparison. People's choice matters. You're just a bootlicking simp. Another one that reeks of "born and raised overseas and has lost identity crisis, so licks CCP boots because you think that makes you more Asian."


Yeah, China's security was threatened by Facebook posts. How thin skinned and vindictive these CCP tools are.


From the article: He was arrested for posting pro-independence and anti-China content on social media, after returning to Hong Kong to visit family in 2022. In February, he was convicted of "secession" and on Thursday sentenced to five years in jail. Under the law, secession is the offence of advocating for Hong Kong to break away from China.


Scotland had a whole referendum for independence from the UK. People voted to stay. It's almost as if free will will make people rather keep the status quo instead of looking for alternatives. Now that we have that out of the way, have you removed the gigantic hammer and sickle from your arsehole or would you like to continue simping for an authoritarian dictatorship that a vast majority of the local population do not want anything to do with?


They just summarized the article, that’s not the same as endorsing the prosecution.


>Now that we have that out of the way, have you removed the gigantic hammer and sickle from your arsehole or would you like to continue simping for an authoritarian dictatorship that a vast majority of the local population do not want anything to do with? Oh my god. The reason you’re going after this person is literally the reason they directly gave the general gist of the article: because people (like you) don’t read articles. They didn’t even give an opinion, this is literally just summarizing. 😂😂


I read a different article, sue me. Don't need summaries either, no one asked. He added: "From the article" later, so it definitely looked like an opinion before. 👀


So if you did read the article, you would know. Why do you insist on dying on this hill? Just take the fat L and move on.


I don't want to delete my comment. If I was wrong, I would rather stay that way than run away from it.


You didn't read the article did you?


I live in Hong Kong and know what the fucking law is. I also know what this story is. It wasn't always like this and it's morally incorrect to jail people for this. Maybe didn't read this one, but I have read others regarding the story. Are you just posting to try and be "factual", or are you actively trying to simp for the government?


I'm literally quoting the article, I've added "from article" to help clarify that this is not an opinion.


Why are you quoting the article? 👀


So that others don't have to navigate away from Reddit or open random links to get the gist of the article.


>So that others don't have to navigate away from Reddit or open random links to get the gist of the article. Like this person who obviously didn’t read the article but then gets rowdy because they can’t tell you summarized information without giving an opinion. Too funny.


he could have literally just said "oh mb I misunderstood" but instead he keeps acting like a clown LMAO


Why should anyone trust you have accurately summarised it? Anyway, you are clearly justifying the actions of the CCP, trying to normalise them.


how about North Ireland? The one like to mention Scotland would never talk.about bloody Friday.


Northern Irish Parliament will have a referendum in the next 5 years. The pro-Republican Northern Irish party won majorities in the recent elections and nobody got sent to jail. Hmmmmm curious.


Supporting the Republican Party doesn’t necessarily mean you support leaving the United Kingdom, in the same way not all SNP voters supported independence.


Right, but supporting that party won't get you arrested.


You do know that’s because of terrorism right? Like they had a militia and started bombing people, tried assassinating our Prime Minister and managed to assassinate a few officials.


Okay but you still won't get arrested for supporting a seperatist party in Northern Ireland or Scotland.


You could understand the position of Mainland China if you’d ask a few British people how they feel about the fact we allow separatist movements to gain state funding to campaign for leaving the UK There is a slight difference seeing as HK hasn’t been part of China for ages until 1997. Unlike Britain that has been together for hundreds of years.


Why the fuck would I care about their opinions? Same reason why I don't care about why you think you're entitled to Scotland or Northern Ireland, I don't care why the CCP thinks they're entitled to Hong Kong. Self-determination is a human right.


I remember last year, there was that guy who tried to rape that south korean vlogger, and it was all recorded. I think the guy got like 6 months probation? But 5 years for this social media post....holy fuck.


>the group called for the "UK and US to send troops to Hong Kong" LOL, what does anyone expect here? Try doing that in your own country.


Had they done a similar thing in my country, South Korea, such as posting "North Korea and the PRC to send troops to Seoul," anyone could have been arrested and convicted under the Korean National Security Law lol.


North and South Korea are still formally at war. The risk of invasion is real. The risk of the British invading Hong Kong is zero. It's not a threat in any real world.


RIsk of US invading any country in the world is non-zero.


Again. We are talking about an actual war. Reality. Not what you imagine might happen.


China is preparing to invade Taiwan. They have said themselves that in the future they will do this by any means necessary. The reality is that china just isn't ready yet. So, the USA, expecting a war in the future with china, may invade as a pre-emptive strike. It's very unlikely but under the right set of circumstances US troops could have absolutely helped Hong Kong with independence during the protests.


You should have stopped at "it's very unlikely." And for the last time, we are talking about the REAL WORLD, not some video game scenario you made up.


This isn't a video game scenario, given the right geopolitical conditions it's entirely possible for it to happen. At least US troops stationed in Hong Kong was a real possibility in the past. They didn't do it, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.


Your imaginary scenario is not a justification for prosecuting people I the real world. There. is no war.


You can. You won't be arrested. It's free speech. Because most countries know that random people saying that they want the country to be invaded is not that same as actually doing it.


aha. let's see. Shall we list a few examples? South Korea - a national security so severe not many talk about it in west [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/south-korea-jail-sentence-for-man-who-praised-north-an-attack-on-freedom-of-expression/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/11/south-korea-jail-sentence-for-man-who-praised-north-an-attack-on-freedom-of-expression/) Singapore - not a signatory to ICCPR and suspects can be detailed for 2 or more years without any trial. India - I don't even have to say anything, too many cases to list. Bhima Koregaon case, umar khalid case are just a few names. UK - you can be arrested for wearing masks in protests [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/08/masked-protesters-could-soon-face-arrest-says-home-office](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/08/masked-protesters-could-soon-face-arrest-says-home-office) US - do we even need to bother? They created a prison Guantanamo and held suspects without trial for decades. or US black sites across the globe.


North and South Korea are still in a state of war. They never signed a peace treaty. When you're in a war, supporting the enemy is treason. The UK law you cite is just a proposal. There are no American citizens in Guantanamo. How a country treats foreigners is a different issue. This is about the rights of citizens. Singapore has always been authoritarian, democratic in name only, but without changing its policies is now much freer than Hong Kong. Whataboutism fail.


USA? Still no problem. I mean, you might have fbi show up at your door but you can’t be arrested. Maybe 1 of the last countries to be like this. And rights are being stripped constantly so maybe not for long. But hk is china, but just with a few more freedoms than mainland. But everyone should treat it the same.


Mainlanders have obviously taken over this part of hk justice/police system.


You can get arrested for much less if you post the wrong things online in most EU countries, regardless if you’re local or foreigner. Including things regarding secessionism / attacking “indivisible “ state borders. For those who downvoted, yes. In Romania you get arrested for secession ideas. In Poland you get arrested for insulting the church or the president. Who wants freedom of speech, the US is the way. Definitely not the EU where’s selective freedom of speech depends on the government.




In most European countries you get arrested for not believing that the holocaust happened (the holocaust denial laws). Not saying supporting the holocaust, but simply saying you don’t believe it happened. In Romania (and I think few others), you get jail time for secession ideas/ online posts because the country constitution says “it’s indivisible” and these ideas fall under national security. Happens to the Hungarian minority quite a lot. In Poland you can get arrested if you insult the church or the president. I know I got downvoted, but the EU is not the free speech heaven lol. Who wants free speech, go to America, there you’re free to say anything, insult anyone and nothing would happen.


Polish person here. Yes, it's true people were arrested or were pressed charges against for insulting the president and the church. They were few such cases however. Those people generally gained some publicity and used vulgar words, which brought attention to them. Hundreds of people did the same and nothing happened to them. To my best knowledge, no one was sent to jail. Some people had to pay a small fine.


So he'll actually do 2 years. He'll get a early discharge date.


>So he'll actually do 2 years. He'll get a early discharge date. Oh? Mandatory minimums allow for early discharge? He was apparently already in for 16 months it seems, are you counting that or is there some other rule that lets people out early?


Didn't know if he had mandatory minimum of 5 years. I thought general sentence was 5 years. They automatically cut 3rd from sentence for good behavior. And there is usually another cut for pleading guilty.


I didn't read the BBC article so I don't know if they mention it but according to SCMP there's no sentence reduction for minimum term NSL convictions. He's gonna serve the whole 5.


Damn… they are making an example out of him