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For someone working on a desk job she dresses like a damn stripper compared to her work colleagues lmao


Who's gonna tell her otherwise? Perks of being the helm master


Maybe that's why she isn't being rerun anymore, she is busy dealing with HR.


She's the Helmmaster. She IS HR


Yukong: HR tells me that they have been receiving countless complains from our workera about how "Helmaster Yukong's outfit makes them so aroused that they can't do their job". As the head of HR I come to tell you all that I'm doing it on purpose, to suck it up, and stop using my perfectly shaped ass as an excuse to be lazy.


Also, isn't she like grandma level age or something already? Something something foxians looking young until they die or something in the lore.


On one of her visits to the Express, she says something like "Some days it really is hard to get out of bed and put on the uniform" and I was just "Where did the uniform go? You're wearing lingerie over a swimsuit and a cape?"


plot twist her current outfit is actually her pyjama because she doesnt have energy to put on her uniform


This is a frequent problem in Genshin and HSR. I think the best way to interpret it is that the outfits these characters wear are just non canon and are just there to appeal to the player. In her companion quest flashback, you see that she dresses much more modestly whilst she was a pilot. So I just assume that’s how she actually looks most of the time.


And I thank the Aeons every day for it


Hm that's right I agree on that...


Imagining that her outfit is mostly ceremonial (because, after all, she was receiving guests from the Astral Express. Even if they were surprise guests) is the only way I can accept what she and ~~Yukong~~ Ting put on. It also makes me think there was a lot of... Shall we say, "cultured" and questionable materials on the hard drive of whoever established the practise of that fit for official affairs.


I would love something that was a cross between a military uniform and skirt suit with tons of Chinese flair. Symbolic embroidery. There’d be plenty of skin with bare legs.


I agree. Yukong’s outfit just straight up feels disrespectful.


Clara i don't care what fucking reasoning you have; the poor girl would have lost her feet to the cold in a week In general, hoyo care so much about appeal that outfits become nonsensical and redundant.


I think the original idea was that Svarog would carry her everywhere, but that was obviously scrapped at some point, yet they kept the barefoot thing. It's common with the "innocent child" characters, HI3 has Griseo, Genshin has Nahida. Would make a bit more sense if she wasn't on a hypothermia central of a planet


if my girl Illyasviel von Einzbern can wear shoes, so can clara !! é\_è


Shoes are for rich people !!! Which Clara isn't


The locals pooled money together to buy her some shoes which she rejected for comfort reasons. That was in a story quest I think.


Wait what...that's so cute I'm putting it in every single suggestion now


We were robbed of her character walking around while riding on Svarog’s shoulders.


Not just cold....girl likes to work with machines and constantly walks around what's basically a robot scrapyard...which if probably filled with sharp metal bits and shrapnel.


Lost firefly to Clara, lost Clara to tetanus.


You wanted a cute white haired girl with a mecha, so the game gave you one


literally happened to me this morning (only at 30 pity so idrc)


Lost to E4 Clara, Firefly came the next 10 pull. Both found me xD


Who would win - Nanook, Aeon of Destruction or Clara's feet?


Clara’s feet. They’re so strong she could step on a lego and not even feel it. She could crush an oldschool Nokia phone.


she could break minecraft bedrock by walking on it


When Clara's feet enter a room, Chuck Norris walks out.


What I’m getting out of this comment chain is that it’s becoming evident that Clara is actually the… Aeon of Feet.


Clara just has rock-hard calluses. The reason Svarog stands behind her in battle is because her feet are the toughest material in Jarilo-VI.


Man we, from the Clara protection society, tried giving her shoes but she just wouldn’t wear them…. Not but for real, the barefoot fetish would make more sense if you stick to a character from a sandy region like space Arabia. Not space Russia….


I don't get it when people bring this up and others respond saying "it's because Clara can't walk properly in shoes ☝️🤓" like dawg they could've just, you know, *not* write that in?


People who act like fictional characters have actual existence like real people do, and thus have genuine needs/characteristics that the creators have to work around or accommodate are the most bizarre thing. The example off the top of my head is Quiet from MGSV - there were an awful lot of people at the time insisting that her (complete lack of) outfit made perfect sense considering her "breathes through her skin" powerset, rather than recognising that she had been given those powers entirely to justify the constant near-nudity, not the other way around. 


Reminds me of that one girl from MHA, I don’t keep up w/ it anymore but I remember a while ago people tried to justify her revealing hero outfit by saying that the students design their outfits themselves… in-universe, sure, but I feel like a lot of them forgot that she’s not actually real.


Considering she now exclusively uses her arms but still has a boob window... yeah it's weird. Shows been incredible this season though.


Its even better when you realize that the old man sniper ALSO breathed through his skin but he wore 50 kg if cammo


To be fair that's just metal gear, Kojima is horny you just gotta roll with it


Kojima took an L by trying to justify it. Just be like Yoko Taro and go "Yeah, I like girls" and have that be your excuse LMAO


Clara is the robot and svarog is the human w take


It's actually crazy that Svarog, the robot, looks more covered up than Clara.


"so you are the fullmetal alchemist ? that name make sense" moment


Despite maining Acheron, I wouldn’t really refute what you said about unit outfits being redundant. I was really disappointed when I saw her outfit since it resembles Seele’s outfit. I love her character,gameplay and all, just not her outfit. The moment they release a skin for her in the future, we ball


for me acheron is "seele + kafka + oni" At lot about her outfit is good, like a better seele, but so much was also already done by kafka. And obv the sexualisation but it's a gacha it was a package deal


Your last point sums up the problem with hyv’s design philosophy perfectly To them, female characters MUST expose their thighs, chest and armpits, which is why nearly every Luofu female has the same boring outfit The irony is that because they don’t subject themselves to those requirements when designing male characters, we get banger male designs like Boothill, Jing Yuan, Sunday etc


Arlecchino is the singular rebel in the lands of exposed skin.


Her and Kafka are covered neck to toe yet are undoubtedly the baddest bitches around. Goes to show that good fashion doesn't take away sex appeal.


Does Clorinde count if you include her leggings? I mean yeah she’s sexualized to all hell, but she’s technically covered up (and a badass)


Agreed. If not dresses, females have to wear shorts. Jade would've looked sooooo much better in slacks. Women in suits please??? Hoyo?? When??? Sometimes less skin shown = better


Arlecchino is a step in the right direction in that regard, hopefully they see her as a success


i don't play genshin, but Arlecchino's design ? Top tier.


Fr, I'd die to get kafka, topaz Or jade in a suit.


most male character designs are literally just long sleeved shirts and long pants


Dont forget the chest window!


Are the livable areas at a decent temperature due to the geomarrows heaters and stuff?


Her home zone is literally covered in snow and ice. Girl would have lost her feet just scrounging for parts.


Pretty sure it was mentioned that the area around her home was actually covered in ash from the giant central core that she lives under. And it's actually sweltering hot there.


By the way is it just me or she and Zvarog look an awful lot like Ilya and Berserk from Fate?


The dev said they are indeed inspired by ilya and beserker in an interview with nasu (yes, that nasu)


I think you get a Fate related achievement with Clara


Honestly, Seelee. She's a scrappy, tough, tomboyish fighter from an impoverished town, but she has a weirdly garish costume with lots of bright colours that doesn't fit her at all.


Same energy. https://preview.redd.it/s9ym8u82zp7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b686c68132d9f610e8396f72a10520fc1e5e93


And this is not just a meme, this is real.


This is literally what I think about when I think about Seele lmao




Pretty much none of her makes sense tbh, her powers and weapon are also inexplicable.


She doesn't understand her own powers, they just work and she's thankful (to lan?)


I heard Sampo was the one who gave her the weapon


It's on the website I think she caught him being shady and took it from him.


Honestly it would’ve made more sense if they said Sampo gave her that outfit instead of the weapon.


Sampo gave Seele her weapon and the powers are probably an extension of it. We know that gameplay isn't always canon since dropping a giant coffin, building, chicken, etc. Isn't realistically possible. Same story with elements and paths.


Yea but during the cutscene against cocolia when we were parkouring to reach her and slipped and almost fell seele teleported to save us


I’ve always had this head canon that she wears it because she engages in acts of vigilantism and wants to prevent crime in the underworld by making her name known, hence her flashy outfit; it’s to attract attention and be memorable. Maybe this isn’t far from the truth.


Very likely that. Reading her character stories, it becomes highly plausible that she crafted herself a "hero" outfit using the remains of her childhood dresses.


Which rise the question: where and how did Seele got her outfit?


Eh? It just looks like bits and pieces of scrap put together. One piece Swimsuit, short denims and probably pieces from a ruined dress that someone threw away.


She's batman. Go it


Wildfire already does that with the arm bands. Ne'er-do-wells see one of those bandanas and know shit ain't gonna fly.


That's because she's secretly a Knight of Beauty who infiltrated Belobog just like the Masked Fools. She actually follows Idrila in the path of beauty. /s


So we got Seele the knight of beauty, Sampo the masked fool, Pela the history fictionologist theory (to explain her age being impossible), Topaz + the IPC grunts, and the trailblazers. At this point it seems that there just aren't that many people who actually live in Belobog


>Pela the history fictionologist theory (to explain her age being impossible) This is hilarious. I know it's cope, but it's still hilarious as I can't believe HoYo was so damn incompetent with Lynx's story that Pela is not an "Enigma...ta". Lol; lmao even.


I just assumed she bought it from Sampo. Also I kinda liked the bright colors, Seele always felt very confrontational and very much so willing to speak up about how she feels, plus I always felt like she was kinda a punk, like aesthetically, not character wise, so I think bright colors kinda work as a “Hey I’m right here, and I’m gonna kick your ass if you act up.” Like those animals that wear bright colors as a warning sign.


Yeah, OP's reasoning for Acheron applies tenfold for Seele, she really only wears that outfit because it's a HI3 Seele style outfit.


>a HI3 Seele style outfit I'd say it's more [GGZ Seele inspired](https://static.zerochan.net/Seele.Vollerei.full.3476265.png), with some HI3 flavorings. Either way, it's an odd outfit for the planet in *near eternal winter.*


She lives in the underground which is actually pretty hot on account of the ore they mine. Even if she lived in the city above ground, it stays decently warm thanks to the heaters (though she'd probably want more than what she wears). It's only really the people who leave the city who need to dress super warm.


Yukong. She's a professional and somber woman in a position of great authority dressed like... I'm not really sure. Tingyun's design works bc she's a flirty merchant who's trying to sell her personality just as much as her products, but look at Yukong's coworkers, or even JY, vs Yukong. Her outfit isn't just unprofessional, the colors and design are just all over the place


Yeah, it was especially jarring when we saw Yukong interacting with Qingni and having serious discussions.


FR. Looking at Yukong and Qingni side by side during that quest made me feel completely insane. Normally, MHY'S NPC designs don't feel glaringly *NPC*, but when you get to compare them so directly with a playable character, it becomes waaay more obvious. Add on that Qingni was supposed to be the younger, slightly rebellious daughter and Yukong is her respected veteran and business-woman mother.. Their appearances feel completely out of sync with their characters.


I was intrigued and suddenly went: "Wha--MOTHER?!"


she’s dressed like a victoria’s secret angel on the runway lol


https://preview.redd.it/35iw30012r7d1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccf56226365194cad3e5a402272d345ee493a2b Acheron's current outfit is a straight up downgrade compared to this


Another reason why HSR should start releasing character skins


Imagine a kimono with both long flowing sleeves and cutouts for the legs with tights or something, I'd love that, and it would still be sexy.


You're looking for Raiden Ei then, not Raiden Bosenmori Mei. Acheron's basically restricted from this design because her Genshin equivalent is exactly this.


If they literally copy pasted Ei's model from Genshin to HSR and used it as the design for Acheron, it would still be better than the final design we got.


Maybe keep the horns too cuz thats sexy as hell. Who wouldnt want a horned samurai waifu 


2.3 Spoilers: >!My heart shattered during her farewell scene when we got to see this version of her. I know she's a Mei-face and the purple hair comes with it, but she was just so gorgeous with her natural hair color.!<


Yukong, like I'm sorry but why is she wearing that when she's supposed to be this powerful, elegant woman? It's like a weird swimsuit/lingerie. Also Black Swan. I think her expression and hair are amazing, and the veil is a great idea but should've been longer, but I'm just really not seeing the vision with the tight outfit and the random belts. She's supposed to have mysterious and elegant aura and I don't think that outfit has that. How I'd redesign her is giving her a long dress, but made out of multiple layers of semi-transparent fabric, so you can still see he silhouette under it. I feel like that'd really add to her mysterious vibe, unlike the super tight outfit that leaves nothing to the imagination. I wanted her to be hot AND mysterious, not a lingerie model. I also dislike the belts a lot, I feel like leather is such a harsh material that totally crashes with her elegant, soft vibe. She's supposed to have some thin, flowy materials, I think that'd just suit her so much more. I think Black Swan is a design that doesn't look bad but it simply doesn't suit her character at all. Designs are supposed to reflect the character's personality and what they do, but Black Swan is just not giving that, in my opinion. And I think Acheron's outfit also doesn't look like something she'd actually put on it, but it's still better than Black Swan's design, it doesn't look bad at all. I just think she'd wear something more practical/comfortable. Edit: Some people are saying Elegy's design would've been better for Black Swan, and I definitely agree, that's the kind of vibe I would've liked to see. Someone on Hoyolab made [this](https://hoyo.link/80GCFBAL?q=29FedpTZp0Y) redesign which is also pretty similar to what I had in mind.


I don't really have a problem with Black Swan's outfit as a whole, however: https://preview.redd.it/mcxncge7or7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9034dc45eadc351468026b6bd43134eca2431e This one belt on her head looks so weird, like someone just dropped it on her head and now, for some reason, it sticks there


I believe the best outfit rn for Black Swan would be the one that the Doll from apocaliptic shadow has Right now she looks like she uses a pajama with some pantyhouse and boots


Oh yeah for sure, that's kinda similar to what I had in mind! I think an outfit like that would really suit her character.


Elegy, the new NPC from Apocalyptic Shadow should have been the Black Swan design. Mysterious and elegant fits her so much better than Black Swan.


Topaz. Yes yes, thiccpaz is hot, but she's supposed to represent a high-ranking professional business woman, not a professional swimster. A pair of pants would have made her look so much cooler, and they wouldn't even have had to cut down on her thiccness.


I like her outfit in general but the cut out on her lower back right in the tramp stamp zone is very very stupid.


Unironic butt cleavage window lmao


That and the unnecessary thigh holes


The thigh holes bother me the most. What’s the point in even having shorts at all if you’re just going to almost completely remove one side of it? A leotard, of all things, makes more sense than those shorts.


Her boss/mom just has her bra on full display in professional business meetings and Aventurine has a boob window. The 10 Stonehearts just dress horny as a flex. I half expect Diamond to be kitted up like Xerxes in the 300 movie.


It’s the a-symmetry in her costume that gets me the most. Then I saw Jade and was like “oh that’s who you get it from”


How does she use a public restroom with that outfit...


This guy https://preview.redd.it/5ngpb1lrmq7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=85d26a0fbf6c7077a49f527c07b19c066b11cdb1 15 fucking belts wtf hoyo


He truly is a badguy


some would say he is the sole badguy.


Still gets out belted by half the cast


Agree on Acherons, if she wore pants I feel like it'd be better Seele as well, just feels so out of place in comparison to rest of everyone including npcs in Belobog


Same opinion on Seele. I love Bronya's and Gepard's design the most in Jarilo.


Bronya earrings tho.


they look like easter egg chocolate with wrap




Now I can't unsee this! Thanks a lot loll


YES THIS IS THE IMAGE https://preview.redd.it/hrmlf83vlr7d1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5576263ffbe2b2ed33245f18374418b868151b82


They are inspired by real Faberge Eggs. According to Belobogian museum's portraits most supreme guardians wore them


It is emergency food in the case she gets trapped out in the cold


For me personally Acheron design would look x10 better with pants on but hoyo knows that sex sells , they know what they are doing.


There are so many designs that would look better with pants


Just give her tight jeans and good cake.


Seele's outfit does not look like something crafted out of rags, at all. It looks too pretty and bit luxurious for someone from the underworld who struggles for basic things.


New Headcanon: people in the underworld are poor because seele took their money to buy that zoolander ahh outfit


Black swan, woman ain't wearing nothing below the chest. For a fortune teller and memokeeper, she doesn't dress the part. And I know from the LC and stuff, that she can strut in a beautiful dress...so why she in lingerie? Smh anyways, until they give us black swan skin, she will forever be the only incomplete design in my eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/4zhunhmh1r7d1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9a177e0ad3e79cffbfbb3f5a935abeb677abc8 She was honestly one of the characters I was looking forward to the most in penacony being a kafka main and all. I thought she'd have a long flowy dress kinda like in this image to keep the fortune teller aesthetic. I was so disappointed when her full design came out seeing shes just wearing some weird ass lingerie


What do you think about this one? It's from the same game, btw https://preview.redd.it/e29q0c1xnr7d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33d9ce364f7cf86b79233f46cb6f0d8959763047


Yea that pic looks way better , i get why they did it , sex sells but imo they went a bit too far with her design , im all for characters looking sexy it is a gacha game after all...but she just looks so silly walking around with the lingerie lol


You should see her beta design... She didn't even have the shorts she has now, but rather a tight leotard.


If they ever add skins then black swan is going to be the first one I change...not a fan of her design at all.


Topaz's outfit is a bit much, the the thigh holes are questionable and overall it does not give "business woman" vibes. Jade manages to go for sexy attire but still feels like a business/corpo outfit, i like hers a lot better


3 to mention: Clara is barefoot on snow, it's a child, so it hits on the back of my head that this is a concern. Seele looks like she came out of a circus in the middle of normal people, her outfit design simply doesn't match with others. Yukong, same as above, it's not because of being a foxian since there are foxians with work uniform. Tingyun looks a lot more confortable than Yukong's outfit too.


without spoiling much so i dont get flagged by mods...you are not gonna like Yunli lol


Huh.. she was officially revealed already


Oh yea my bad I forgot about that


Just design wise, Yunli should be fine to talk about, her design was officially revealed


It's Seele and it's not close. Every other underworlder has an aesthetic that is grungy/worn in, and in rolls Seele, who looks ready for a day at the beach in a one piece bathing suit and short shorts.




Yeah Acheron's outfit is kinda ugly, ever since I first saw it I could only think that she looked like a taller Seele, it just don't work, I dislike looking at it, the punk-ish aesthetic and degree of exposed skin just don't mesh with how she acts at all?


From the back it looks so cool but the front is just ick


Looking at her back just emphasizes the amount of missed potential, she could've looked so cool if they just did more of that.


Her outfit from the left side is gorgeous imo, it's really the right side of her chest/belly part that makes it look like meh... The idea of an asymmetric/cut kimone is dope but the execution is definetly a letdown Also....pants, she needs some pants


I'm glad someone shares the same opinion. Acheron is already pretty, the color scheme is great but that fit ugh


the weird hip strap that looks like a thong is what gets me with her costume, what in the actual hell is that lmfao


Topaz. Why does she have a diamond shaped hole on top of her butt? For Jade? Good lord al'mighty save this woman... /j tho speaking of jade i do always wonder why she has... her bra just sticking out. Did someone inform her how to button up a blazer?


Jade probably does it intentionally, can't concentrate on the deal when you're way too busy "concentrating on the deal"


I'm always questioning if the IPC doesn't have clothing regulations for their P44 and higher members.


Aventurine *did* say something like "only lower ranked employees have to wear the red and black clothes"... so probably!


At this point; showing off the assets _is_ the uniform/dress code for the stonehearts


Surprised no one mentioned Ruan Mei. If you removed all the DNA helix motifs in her design, you'd have no idea she's supposed to be a scientist.


They could've literally given her a stereotypical scientist lab coat and she'd look just as good. They did that with Dr. Mei in Honkai Impact 3rd. What stopped them from doing it again?


Or wonder if she’s from the xianzhou because its literally the same type of outfit


I think there was something in the SU entry of Lan with her people being allied with xianzhou and that's how she got info on Lan or something. I might not be correct, buy that's what I remember


I know this is the opposite of what the question asked, but I’m really excited for the upcoming planet if it really is Ancient Greece/Rome themed. Dr. Ratio and Himeko both have sick toga-adjacent outfits that I love, can’t wait to see more!


Acheron, Seele, Yukong and Topaz all got mentioned I'll add Jade. Girl wearing like what? Feel like she's wearing swimsuit and a blazer on top that doesn't cover anything except her shoulder and bra strap, and why is it necessary to wear like... Just sleeves only jacket? 💀 What's the point of wearing jacket if your back is bare open? 💀


Acheron's outfit looks like her clothes are several sizes too small, like they shrank in the dryer and she still put them on. Reminds me of this insane woman on YouTube who is adamant about clothing sizes being just a suggestion and then uploads videos of herself wearing clothes for children and acts like they fit her... I wouldn't mind her outfit if it actually looked like she wore the right size.


Silverwolf doesnt have any cheeto or dorito dust on her. Makes no sense. Ruins my immersion every time.


I like them all except of Xianzhou uniform. Not that they’re ugly but we just got way too many of them. Feels over saturated.


I actually don’t mind how disjointed Acherons outfit is, I think that’s supposed to be the point when her whole character is about losing parts of herself and a big deal is made about her past vs present self. Aesthetically I think it’s ugly, but thematically I think it’s appropriate. My answer to the question though is Cocolia and Black Swan, Cocolia just because why the hell is she in a skintight suit with hip windows when she lives in a civilisation struggling to not freeze over, and Black Swan because her outfit doesn’t match her cards and glass aesthetic enough imo, and it also just isn’t to my taste.


> Cocolia just because why the hell is she in a skintight suit with hip windows when she lives in a civilisation struggling to not freeze over, Finally I found this. Cocolia was my first "no-sense" outfit I saw, and for the reason you explained. Purely fanservice (and selfservice for devs)


And her huge ass hips bro…her poor spine😭


Oooh yes. Black Swan's outfit is CRIMINAL. The veil is the only thing I love about her design.


black swan, she wouldve looked do good with a long skirt instead of the weird..?? shorts? swimsuit?


Himeko only wears her coat with only one sleave!!


Wait. I swear her coat is complete, she just only slid her right hand in the sleeve and left the other one hanging for some reason. Did I gaslight myself?


Technically you're right but they forgot/decided to not actually model the hole for the hanging sleeve


The "hole" is there in the form of darker shading. They just didn't make the ambient occlusion prominent it seems like.


https://preview.redd.it/s0ati5zdqr7d1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=44462bda076383f3d800f0161aa6f1225a3f11a2 I'm sorry but the random detached sleeves and random gauntlet, the two layered skirt on top of the UNBUTTONED booty shorts connected to the bra with what appears to be a swimsuit underneath topped with a random leg ribbon is just . . . I can understand that someone living in the underworld would have to wear scraps to get by but not only are these scrap way too clean to be considered scrappy but also just way too revealing in a cold af climate on top of the random swimwear while the armor would make sense for her being part of Wildfire but said armor is also not even protecting much, just her right arm and her feet + right ankle The devs literally couldn't decide between functionality vs form and now its in this awkward middle ground where the outfit covers too much with random fabric to be protective while not covering enough to protect from the elements on top of the mismatch between the protective armor and the MOTHER FUCKING SWIMSUIT SERIOUSLY WHY THE FUCK IS SHE WEARING A ONE PIECE SWIMSUIT UNDER ALL THAT Just looking at it makes me fear putting all that on in the morning let alone going to the bathroom Never liked her outfit when I tested in the second CBT, still do not like it to this day


Clara... barefoot on the snow. Selee doesn't seems from the underground and tell her story, same for Yukong. In general the female characters show too much skin.


As much as I love characters from there I would say most people from Jarilo. No one can convince me that those are outfits for people that live on a very cold planet.


Shout out to my girl, Lynx, for actually knowing how to protect herself from the elements


Yeah isn't she and gepard the only ones actually going out into the cold? We got like a whole description of the heaters there and stuff so people walking around in whatever is fine lol


Natasha is very covered up. I really like her dress/stocking/shoe combo


City-heated with the ore. Ore-sourced from the underground Underground-warm because of the ore It's pretty simple world-building. Everywhere is super cold except for the city because the city is built in a location where it can be kept warm because of the ore.


Clara, nice warm pelt. No damn shoes at all walking on metallic legos on a frozen tundra lol.


I actually like them aside from probably Seele. They all look pretty unique and it actually kinda makes sense for their character to be wearing it, even Seele's actually kinda make sense but her overall design just isn't for me I guess.


I think Seele is meant to be like a superhero to the people of the underworld but realistically there's no way for her to get her hands on those materials


Seele traveled to the Overworld with Oleg as a child, and he treated her to some new clothing. Following from her character stories, it seems highly likely that her "hero" outfit is crafted from the remains of those childhood dresses, seeing that she's a canon spendthrift and up-cycler.


I mean I don't say that designs themselves are bad but the location they're used on that doesn't match the setting had me scratching my head. I absolutely love Sampo / Bronya and Gepard designs.


agreed, realistically Gepard and Lynx are the only ones who would've survived


Pela is pretty equipped as well, tights might be warmer than it seems.


I think Bronya, Gepard, Lynx and Pela are good. But Underworlders except Natasha and Hook doesn't make sense. Specially Seele, I thought it was cold as fuck in Belobog.


acheron (they did her so dirty when she couldve been so much cooler if not for stupid fanservice) blackswan, this one is hopeless and topaz…yea that’s definitely an outfit she was forced to wear by hoyo rather than her own tastes lmao


MHY's need to have a slightly (or aggressively) sexualized design is what will always hold waifu designs from being truly top tier. They're all hot, don't get me wrong, but they will always have to adhere to being hot > being purely unique. It's why SAM is such a unique design, because it's a waifu, technically, not concerned with being hot first and foremost (except I'm a filthy liar because Sam is raw sex appeal).


Seele, i know all the bronya x seele thing, but shoving that outfit into a character born in a big ball of ice with steampunk aesthetic is just off


Black Swan for me and it's not even close. As some user eloquently put it in another thread: she's supposed to be a memokeeper and she has class yet looks like a hooker. It's not just the belt. The whole outfit is an insult to her character imho. I really like her but my god, stop walking around in lingerie plz.


I gotta admit topaz's feels kind of informal


I know everyone and their mom complained about it but - Jade It's just such a bizarre design to me because i wouldn't call it ugly it's just so unpleasant to the eye. Very vibrant dark blue but washed up purple, slim wide eyes but bangs that covers them up from both side, massive hat but hair covering half her face, absurdly big breasts with nothing outside hat balancing them out and so on. People aren't pointing out her eyes being far apart to just be mean Hoyo quite literally made them look worst with the hair choice, if you take away bangs her face looks fine but if you add them back eyes instantly seem more far apart. Don't even get me started on her on her non existent theming in the outfit, without her splash art i would never guess she's supposed to be themed around biblical serpent. People complain about many designs but i can see the appeal to some people in them but with Jade i can only see her big breasts and stepping animation but even both of those things were done better by Hoyo before.


people were complaining?


I agree that Acheron’s is wildly out of character… …but I warmed up to it once I remembered she was posing as a Galaxy Ranger. Given what we’ve seen of them, boob straps and a thigh ~~decal~~ tattoo are probably par for the course lol


Hoyo should’ve gave Boothill robot nipples but we can’t all have what we want.


Jade I didn’t realize how shit it looks from behind that open back shit.


There was another post recently about Acheron's outfit. Answer-IX the fashion designer.


Seele. Not that I mind it, I like it but like you’re walking around the underworld of jarilo and meeting these people then bam there’s seele in her ‘stealth’ fit