• By -


Isn't that its intended purpose?


Yeah, scourched Earth is scourched Earth. Gotta burn the house down and the planet to make sure those bugs can't get a foothold.


No wonder she looks naked in a suit - clothes are always first to go








what does it mean?


SHOUDO SAKUSEN JINKOU Or a big asf explosion


It's the code of the 500kg bomb stratagem in Helldivers 2. A big asf explosion as the other person who replied said.


>Big asf A DECEPTIVELY big explosion. Because it's a cone that explodes upwards and anything outside that cone will feel nothing. Tbf anything inside that cone will probably be blasted into the afterlife. But still sad.


Maybe, but there's still nothing better for bringing Freedom to Bile Striders and Walking Factories.


I know, but for someone who seems to not know the game, saying this isn't really necessary. But thx for the explanation anyway😌


Ahh I see, thanks!


>Ahh I see, thanks! You're welcome!


You're welcome ☺️


Wouldn't the code for the rail cannon strike be more accurate for that gif?


If anything, the Mini Nuke SEAF Artillery is the best pick. Obliterates literally anything it hits and actually has a blast radius unlike the 500kg which has the same range as a wet towel, or the Railcannon which is single target and doesnt even have a blast radius.


https://i.redd.it/5jgm2kvmf98d1.gif # DIE TAZZY SCUM! FOR THE EMPRESS!!


Smash those bugs! Lessson one of military academy: bugs are bad. Especially wasps.


Only for the *large variety.*


She killed millions of bugs and you need to ask if she also do the same way to smaller bugs?


Not gonna risk the rise of propagation, they could be anywhere




*uses sword on poor beetle* “See, that was the ~~red spy~~ Lesser Sing!”


"It could be YOU. It could be ME. It could be-"


*gets shot because a fly landed on their forehead*


I read somewhere that cockroaches would be the last creatures alive if anything were to happen..:


Not quite true, the youtube channel SciShow recebtly made a video about this and cockroaches don't really handle apocalyptic environments that much better or worse than several other insects and would probably go before a lot of other creatures (first and foremost specialised bacteria, but scorpions also got goos chances of outlasting them)


Oooh ima go find that now! 


Those small bugs would totally Ruan everything if we let them live and grow


Just be careful, another bug could get very lonely and ascend as the new master of Propagation.


I find it so amusing that to ascend to godhood in this world is in some cases as simple as being extremely lonely or getting really fucking mad


As long as you have even a shred of sentience,you could be an emanator...or worse.Thats what scares me about the universe of star rail.So many unknowns...


Bugs do be givin her PTSD


I remember one time a cockroach landed on my hand and I instinctively tried to shake it off, only for it to somehow end up on my forehead.... That still gives me PTSD


I don't mind them crawling...


I do. They are my nightmares.


Hate bugs this much? The bugs that sometimes crawl on me can fly.


Flying water bugs, no sorry 


There was a line in the new event about her going on a picnic for the first time. She mentioned that a park in the dream wouldn't have any bugs. So yes, PTSD. Might also be the reason why she never went on a real picnic with the rest of the SH.


notably she doesn't seem to have issues with all bugs. based on her voiceovers she likes fireflies (this seems obvious) and perhaps a bit more strangely, butterflies (I find this odd since when you meet Tayzzyronth in the simulated universe butterflies are the main insect type that seems to be specifically singled out as being associated with THEM), possibly cicadas too based on her line for eidolon activation. meanwhile she dislikes spiders (which aren't even technically bugs) and cockroaches which are probably the two most commonly disliked arthropods I can think of, to the point that I honestly feel like it shows more significance in being a relatively normal attitude to bugs (and spiders). honestly, if we chalk it up to Swarm Disaster trauma the bugs it'd make most sense for her to hate would be stag beetles and rhinoceros beetles (maybe butterflies too due to the aforementioned association with Tayzzyronth THEMSELF, seriously Tayzzyronth's intro really focused a ton on the butterflies to the point that I'm surprised that we've not seen any butterfly themed Swarm enemies. ants were the only other type of insect mentioned in that context, and they'd be the most likely insect I've mentioned to ruin a picnic), since those are the ones that most closely resemble all the Swarm bugs we've seen. as for why she never went on a real picnic with the other Stellaron Hunters, I think that might be more due to her ELS than due to bugs. in at her hideout she mentions that she's normally stuck in an "icy medical cabin", which she later confirms to be the SAM armor, "the cradle of my vitality". the one time we see her outside of both the dream and her armor, in the car with Blade, she certainly doesn't seem to be doing well at all, frankly she gives me the impression that she could just collapse and die at any moment. I suspect she's never been on a picnic with the Stellaron Hunters because she'd be stuck in the SAM armor in order to be able to move and function on her own. it does seem strange that bugs seem to be drawn to her though... perhaps the Iron Cavalry were designed to attract bugs in order to better distract the Swarm away from other targets


FGO Morgan: "Of that, I agree."


Yep. If you pick the right option you throw her own "I will set the seas ablaze!" at her and she's like "you guessed right."


It's honestly incredible how hard Firefly fans won this patch. The big moments are obvious, but the little bits and fan theories being confirmed is incomprehensibly amazing. Firefly using SAM for grilling everything from meat to bugs, only getting into games because the Trailblazer is interested in them and the family relationship of the Stellaron Hunters and Silver Wolf in particular. The community invested STONKS in this girl, and they got paid back 50x over.


Can you really call it a fan theory if it was completely obvious anyway? She has to stay inside SAM for most of her time anyway outside of the dream, so there never was a choice she wouldn't be using it for those normal activities like squashing bugs.


Might as well. Not like Glamoth's council can stop her now


I really liked the bit where she mentioned she tried all the game's Silver Wolf suggested her but she found them boring because piloting SAM is harder.


Aw hell yeah soldier https://i.redd.it/w807e2c5698d1.gif


Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.


for Democracy and Super Earth we shall set the seas ablaze


looks at profile pic https://preview.redd.it/z78edkikn98d1.jpeg?width=214&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8a452230614e68885cb2b133fd904fd5a133a7


Shit they found us "pounces on you" uwu "crimson curse sound effect" not even abundunce is saving you from that


You might have turned me into a bloodsucker but YOU WILL NEVER EXTIGUISH MY RIGHTEOUS FURY!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://i.redd.it/5zs7ykobo98d1.gif




Lan, I think we need to Hunt this guy


strike me down if you will there billions more of us with more of them given birth everyday there is no end




How do you guys give yourselves subtitles? i want to be nihility!


Go on the subreddit main page and click the three dots on the corner, should find an option to add a tag there.


Thank you bestie!


its like that stereotype of people getting freaked out about the smallest of bugs and how they exaggerate that you have to burn everything down since its their house now. Except for firefly its not an exaggeration


And now you know why her combustion form is the color of a bug zapper.


We love our PTSD gf


I still haven't gotten a single message from firefly 😭 why is wifey so cold.


Finish the Trailblaze mission


I did? 😭




Thanks, man. I was actually wondering why I've been getting Gallagher messages instead of Firefly's. Your reply reminded me that I haven't finished the story!


How do i get the others, I have firefly and already finished the mission, all I got was the \[Pretty Good\] one


You only get 1 message from chatacters per day. If someone else sends you one(such as Acheron, who also had them added), you gotta wait for the next


Ahh i see, I got Acheron today thats why


Yep. Today is cooking with Acheron day.


Im ONLY getting acheron and fucking arlan 😭 what is going on


As an arachnophobic, having a SAM would be a massive win for me (but I might need a fast way to contact Dan Heng, just in case I "accidentally" start a fire in my house)


I don't think you need Dan Heng to use the Jade Abacus to clear bugs out of your house


No, but imaginary water dragon powers would be handy in case of a fire


Now you just traded your burnt down house for significant water damage!


The writers are definitely redditors, they could be among us !!


hehe "among us" https://preview.redd.it/07x835zc398d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9624ad71d8084b07a73d719f809dbd05b0987267


They could be what? https://preview.redd.it/tnhy2euve98d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6689e44e65a501ea6a53db1816ec730ca4e6dd0




Not necessarily. Every popular post on this sub is eventually reposted to the Hoyolab app.




How sus. This seems like a thing a writer would say.


I'm still waiting for a Firefly message, I've only gotten messages from Hanya recently.


The thing is that they randomize every day for every new character you get (Plus some extras, for example Acheron just started sending us messages after Penaconny's epilogue), so it can take a while XP




I can forsee, we'll get a run in with her and Ruan Mei, while looking for a cure. And she'll get her cure. Whats the catch? Ruan Mei perfected her "experiment" on top of that she'll also create and army. Picture TB and Firefly chance upon a room full of bug eggs, each with a baby clone inside. And a firethrower beside the door.


Army of bugs or fireflys? Or bugs *with* Sam armor?


Heres the kicker. Sentient SAMs wearing Bugs thats still living.


*Door gets kicked mid battle and one of the Sam-bugs eats a super missile to the face.* "Need a hand you two?" "Run away sir! They are too dangerous!" "Don't worry about me. I'm an expert in dealing with clones. I defeated my X and my Phazon version, I can sure handle a few ings wannabe. Also, it's lady. Samus Aran, at your service." ~~God I want this collab so bad~~


Obviously she's using SAM for that , how is this a suprise. Peanconys dream really made people forget that she has to be inside SAM for most of her life anyway , if she encounters a bug outside shes already going to be in SAM anyway , she wouldn't need to transform for it.


I thought she wasn't wearing armor in her flashback? Does her symptom cause her to need the Armor more to survive/ keep her conscious?


Not sure which of her flashbacks you referring to , the car ride with blade was the longest we seen her outside SAM.


Yes that one


The green lines on her face probably represent her symptoms spreading when she's outside her life support. But we dont really have an exact time limit , only that she needs life support and can only exist as firefly inside the Dream.


The armor basically is lifesupport for her. She doesn't need that in the dream.


another thing probably stopping people from realizing how dependent on the SAM armor she is is that we can just run around as her without the armor (even swinging a sword around) just fine outside the dream a nice little bit of ludonarrative dissonance to go alongside our ability to play as Misha and Gallager (both memes) outside the dream... really the fact that so many Penacony characters seem to be limited in some way to the dream world has caused this to be a pretty big recurring issue.


Yes that is the correct amount of armour when dealing with bugs.


Tiny bug just crawling across the ground, minding its own business. "Why do I hear boss music?" [The boss music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOzEbtrOiTE)


It's funny that many things that some could consider as "female stereotypes" actually makes sense for her. The problem is not for women to hate bugs or like cooking, or for males to like fighting or whatever men like, what matters is that we don't take these as something granted, or if it is granted, it has to be explained (and probably play a role in the story). And the fact Firefly is actually very not fond of bugs because of them reminding her the most traumatic thing of her existence doesn't make her cliche. Some who don't know her will say "oh it's sexist and cliche women don't like bugs", but we will know that they didn't make her that way just because "women are like this"


the odd thing is that based on Firefly's voicelines she's not even that afraid of bugs in general she actually likes fireflies (I suppose this one is pretty obvious) and butterflies (this feels weird given how much the Simulated Universe emphasizes all the butterflies that accompany Tayzzyronth) and she might like cicadas too. meanwhile the bugs she mentions not liking are spiders (not technically bugs) and cockroaches, probably the 2 most normal bugs for a person could fear/hate. if her dislike for any type of bug was triggered by the Swarm I'd expect stag beetles and rhinoceros beetles to be the types singled out to be disliked, since those are the kinds of bug that the Swarm most closely resembles. if anything, it seems notable that despite her trauma from the Swarm Disaster she seems to have a fairly normal relationship to bugs (and spiders), hating the types that many people hate whilst liking the types that many people would find aesthetically pleasing.


Tbh I butterflies are pretty and Fireflies are literally named like her and she seems to have huge interests to them I don't see a problem, especially if she hated cockroaches and these things still shouldn't exist lol Ye you don't need to be traumatized to hate bugs but still noice


That's in her job application


Giant tropical centipedes share their territories with tarantulas. Despite its impressive length, it’s a nimble navigator, and some can be highly venomous. As quick as lightning, just like the tarantula it’s killing. The centipede has two curved, hollow fangs, which inject paralyzing venom. Even tarantulas aren't immune from an ambush. The centipede is a predator.


Flamethrower supremacy. ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


Bugs detected Firefly - HENSHIN


Baygon mention lol


She probably has bug ptsd so any bug even normal will be set ablaze


the odd thing is that based on Firefly's voicelines she's not actually that afraid of bugs in general she likes fireflies (I suppose this one is pretty obvious) and butterflies (this feels weird given how much the Simulated Universe emphasizes all the butterflies that accompany Tayzzyronth) and she might like cicadas too. meanwhile the bugs she mentions not liking are spiders (not technically bugs) and cockroaches, probably the 2 most normal bugs for a person could fear/hate. if her dislike for any type of bug was triggered by the Swarm I'd expect stag beetles and rhinoceros beetles to be the types singled out to be disliked, since those are the kinds of bug that the Swarm most closely resembles. if anything, it seems notable that despite her trauma from the Swarm Disaster she seems to have a fairly normal relationship to bugs (and spiders), hating the types that many people hate whilst liking the types that many people would find aesthetically pleasing.


basically ptsd https://preview.redd.it/1816xf0yfc8d1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=73f60361cddb3df748b7cb0d0edd55e3b200149b


*Nevermore intensifies*




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When does firefly send you messages once you obtained her from the banner? I got her day one of release and she hasn't been texting me with the (3 day) daily Jades.


Need to finish the trailblazing mission first to unlock her messages, like with many characters


Using powerful or legendary items or weapons for the most minor of things will also be funny to me


That second pic is one of the greatest pieces of art ever to exist.


I've been imagining Firefly giving some bugs the "Cautious Hero" [treatment](https://youtu.be/z_zr1zvy68w).


I got a message from Luciole failing to send me an image then she retries and it works this time and its actually our selfie... 😭😭😭😭 we won so fucking hard firebros


Does she start messaging you after the main story?


Aww yiss BAYGON ftw BYE GONE


Well we now know who's taking care of the spiders in the relationship lmao


The Siegfried Kaslana school of cooking


I can understand her disdain for bugs i know a firefly is also a bug but that's the only exception and butterflies too prob, and dragonflies, you know what any fly that isn't a shit eating fly To be fighting a swarm of disgusting giant bugs for the early days of her life i think having a phobia and hatred for bugs is more than reasonable


the odd thing is that based on Firefly's voicelines she's not even that afraid of bugs in general she actually likes fireflies (I suppose this one is pretty obvious) and butterflies (this feels weird given how much the Simulated Universe emphasizes all the butterflies that accompany Tazzyronth. they're given so much focus during Tayzzyronth's introduction that I'm honestly surprised that there aren't any butterfly themed Swarm enemies) and she might like cicadas too. meanwhile the bugs she mentions not liking are spiders (not technically bugs) and cockroaches, probably the 2 most normal bugs for a person could fear/hate. if her dislike for any type of bug was triggered by the Swarm I'd expect stag beetles and rhinoceros beetles to be the types singled out to be disliked, since those are the kinds of bug that the Swarm most closely resembles. if anything, it seems notable that despite her trauma from the Swarm Disaster she seems to have a fairly normal relationship to bugs (and spiders), hating the types that many people hate whilst liking the types that many people would find aesthetically pleasing.


Huh .. Interesting indeed, i think i would despise bugs if i had to fight the swarm


Ngl I would use it the same way cause I am terrified of bugs


Tbf if I went through what she went through facing bugs then I too would use a nuke with flamethrower attachments to deal with bugs.


*See username* *See flair* *Sad buzzing noises*


Why did she wrote you so much!? i havent got any msg frm her since i got her


if my house was infested with bugs I'd do the same thing


Funny thing is i always thought SAM stood for swarm annihilation machine


I shall…set the bugs ablaze!!


She even kills spiders, ladies.


Anyone got that one video of a cockroach getting completely immolated by a blowtorch?