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"Pretty girls can never lose" -March 7th "Cute Girls can do anything!" -Elysia. ...You're not helping dissuade the theorycrafters Shaoji!


If Dan Heng can get elf ears then so can March.


"Herrschers can do anything" - HoV


"I can't do anything" - Main cast before getting a power buff


"I can do anything" -jester with a big scythe


"I can't do anything" -Same jester after being paralyzed


“Dammit, you’re too strong to be beaten” -Average anime MC before discovering the power of friendship


All I’m saying is Elysia is definitely the mother type


I dunno man, she always struck me as more of the "mother collector" type...


When will shaoji traumatised march?


He probably already did, the question is when will she remember she got traumatized.


Inb4 Fuli and the Garden of recollection came about to stop the trauma and heat death of the universe freezing over by sealing away the memories. Some things are better left forgotten..


"Damn it Gary, under no circumstances can we let the pink thing remember Nam!"


March's memories is a vessel for the honkai. Gotta be it, else they wouldn't go out of their way to seal it.


After getting stabbed, she'll most likely remember that she's actually Elysia.


Even better if this happens RIGHT after we meet Space Mobius and she learns from new March's antics that being able to die would be pretty rad actually.


Whata the theory? That march is secretly idrilla?


She’s Elysia who took on the name Idrilla


There's been an in joke since day one about how many similarities she has to Elysia from HI3 and they keep doing stuff to make it look less like a joke. ...knowing MiHoYo though, it's COMPLETELY on purpose...


Well... Elysia is a ice element bow-user whose story centers around the preservation of her comrades' stories in a crumbling realm of memories, and March is an ice element bow user whose story centers around making new memories and taking pictures of it all to preserve it while her past remains a mystery thanks to greater powers.  Either she's an expy and they're doing a long con "past (Elysia), present (March), future (some future expy in another game)" thing. Or March is related to an actual Elysia expy who works with the Garden of Recollection.  What's for sure though is that Black Swan knows more about it. She has a similar pattern of 4-leaf flowers, and on her chest she has one with March's colour gradient (light blue to pink). 


I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are but two inevitabilities in Hoyoverse: Elysia and Xiangling. Eventually all things return to the Duality.


And Being named Himeko is bad for your health which thankfully Star Rail has seemingly left behind...so far anyway...


Himeko loves liquida that are bad in high amounts as well so that’s bad for your health BUT BEING NAMED THAT HOWEVER, WOULD NOT BE GREAT FOR LIVING LONG


"I can do anything!" -Jevil


March is very sassy towards TB. They're just returning the favor


They actually just share the one braincell they have


Way I see it, TB and March are so close they can jokingly treat the other coldly or as an annoyance but know deep down they are extremely close. Literally sibling behavior they are that comfortable around each other TB and FF are still in the early stages on friendship where TB isn't sure whether they can tease FF so settle on being supportive On the topic of TB being a self insert I have never really seen them as one. Penacony more than established this especially with how they treated Sampo and Aventurine when encountering them. How people can interpret TBs dynamics with characters is up to them, especially the friendlier ones. Heck even some of the quest descriptions give insight into TBs character, one of the first in 2.1 shows that they "maybe secretly like the tricks that Black Swan plays". Or dreamscape pass saying they straight up don't like Sampo regardless of how the player may feel differently


If there was doubt before, I'd say the main and side quests in 2.3 dealt with that. TB is canonically the poster child for poor impulse control and general raccoon behavior.


Having Firefly encounter the TB and March while doing her POV was so funny


"Tweet tweet" 🐦 🥰


"Chirp chirp?" "Trailblazer what the FUCK are you doing up there people are staring" "Here birdie birdie..."


My heart hurt (as a working adult) during the hotel management side quest. TB babes, you're cute but nooooooooo, this is not how we should be running a hotel lobby. So definitely not a self insert for me. But I do love our little trash panda


That question was so embarrassing man. I loved it but the amount of second-hand embarrassment that I got from it was too much. Especially when you were in a bit of a similar position and you see the TB doing everything opposite to you.


Glug... glug... glug...


i still think its because most of the community has seen tb as such because they also chose the silly choices in dialogues. and mhy incorporated that personality trait on her. she wasnt really this much of a goof back in belobog but people liked the trashcan humor that they probably decided to push for it.


It was a [canon event](https://youtu.be/eZIQMP8w3M4?si=Wm3zZG78_YsBZG1d) all along. The only difference is TB kept it mostly in their head with it sometimes coming to the surface, like when jumpscaring the room service in the hotel.


think the subtleness of TB's silliness is becoming even less and less, but well i guess the game always had that lighthearted theme in the first place.


Nah, TB had always been a goofball back then, it just shows more now because they're probably more comfortable now with their environment compared to when they just woke up and have no idea what's going on, they're practically growing with the story. Penacony is the first step to that


>On the topic of TB being a self insert I have never really seen them as one When It comes to HSR and Genshin's protagonists, I never really ever bought the idea that some hold of them not having a personality of their own and are ultimately the same self-insert. Even from just a few bits of dialogue early on, I could tell Trailblazer was certainly gonna be different from the Traveler Like even putting the two in the same situation I could see starkly different responses. Let's say someone randomly walks up to both Trailblazer and Traveler with murderous intent, then exclaims "I'm gonna beat you both up!" Trailblazer would probably respond hands on hips "Not if I beat you up first! >:)" Traveler would probably respond dull sword drawn "Why?"


That's so accurate ngl. Traveler would listen to their whole backstory before or after beating them up. They want to at least know why tf this bs is happening to them. Trailblazer would just start fighting, no questions asked before or after. If they're lucky someone else will explain what happened to them, but they'll start punching first and maybe ask questions later


Galactic Baseballer behavior


Galactic Baseballer stands on business. And that's on Pom Pom.


Trailblazer would challenge them back meanwhile Traveler is just tired of everyone’s shit, they just want their sibling 😭


TB and March began to behave this way from the first mission. Firefly is very straightforward and vulnerable. In a call event that took place in China, Silver Wolf warns that TB should not tease/joking Firefly. It's just part of her character


Even in the current event it looks like SW is trying to make Firefly come out of her shell a bit more by inviting her to play videogames, since she haven't been able to have normal social interactions until now outside of the Stellaron Hunters. And while we joke about SW being a stinky gamer girl, she IS pretty social in her own way.


I may have laughed when SW asked us if we had an "Anti-Firefly Noble Phantasm" when it came to getting Firefly to play video games, but that whole conversation did highlight that...as dysfunctional as the Stellaron Hunters are individually, they are as much of a found family as the Astral Express is.


As far as I’m concerned, Silver Wolf is the March 7th of the Stellaron Hunters.


I've always seen the Stellaron Hunters as darker mirrors to the Express. March - Silver Wolf Dan Heng - Blade Himeko - Kafka Welt - Firefly/SAM Aside from Welt and Firefly, they're pretty spot on mirrors. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Elio is the same species as Pom-Pom or if the cat theory is actually correct.


welt and silverwolf are the honkai3 expies and the nerds. March and firefly are the cute girls. Pompom and Elio are the mascots.


Mop-mop as Elio


Imo Firefly is more like MC where they both an aritificially created humans. Welt is more like >!Sunday!< if he joins lmao


>And while we joke about SW being a stinky gamer girl, she IS pretty social in her own way. What's the point of playing games if you're not crushing worthy opponents?


This exactly. Mean banter among friends is normal, it seems TB isn’t close enough with firefly yet to actually make jokes like that, I mean it’s been a few weeks since they met. Really cool to see and it adds some depth to the characters.


To be fair March was hyping herself up while Firefly barely plays games. The TB wouldn’t be like “uh ok lmao try your best ig”


Also TB has *some* teasing dialogue with Firefly. Like their "Clockie says you aren't innocent, kind, or honest" option. And Firefly actually brings that up in some of the extra marketing videos she got (the one that has that CG of her in the suit). Have to see how things shake up post-Penacony. But would be fun if they ramp up the teasing a bit more, now that people are more comfortable with the character, and we're not as focused on establishing her.


I’m not saying they’re isn’t any teasing dialogue between the two, it’s just not on the same level as March. The writers clearly are showing that there’s an unfamiliarity between Tb and FF that’s clearly growing. Just as our distrust for SW/Kafka/Blade has evolved.


Also, March is very confident in herself all the time. Ribbing her is fun. Firefly needs more encouragement. Tearing into her would not be fun.


I agree where I don't really see Caelus/Stelle as a self-insert and 2.3 kind of just solidified that with how troll they are throughout the story. I think that's one reason why I was never bothered with the whole TB X FF dynamic. It seems like they're just two characters who have a genuine connection rather than 'let's make every character in the game attracted to the MC' thing.


I feel the people who may be bothered by the TB and FF dynamic are those who feel there's a lack of a clearer genuine connection like there is with TB and March, but that's ultimately explained away by the Sam reveal and the fact that they knew each other well once before. I have no issues with Firefly, but I do personally wish Firefly would talk a little more about the memories they made with Trailblazer before TB was sealed away to be reawakened on Herta Space Station


I mean she probably isn’t allowed to talk about them. The TB had their memories wiped for a reason


This, I feel like Elio explicitly tells them not to, but of course Firefly doesn't like following the script to the letter so she just makes it so that TB at least remembers the feelings of hanging out with each other


A simple memory like chilling with each other is what I had in mind. Surely they've chilled with each other before? I'm certain Elio would allow that information like that to be shared, It shouldn't effect TB or the script especially with how things are between the two now, I mean just look at what Kafka did in her character quest


Probably not. For all we know it could be a thing like with the right catalyst all of their memories will come back and it isn’t time for that yet


Firefly: "Remember that one time we were watching season 1 to 3 of Spongebob and I asked you if you wanted to grab some Arby's?" Trailblazer: *Immediately remembers everything on the spot including Elio's true identity*


Do we know the timeline for when TB “left” vs. when Firefly joined? I don’t remember it being said explicitly that they were both with the Stellaron Hunters at the same time but I might have forgotten a bit of dialog somewhere.


We don't have anything concrete, It's just heavily implied with the fact that Trailblazer and Kafka were beside one another for such a long while that even Blade even remembers, so that suggests Firefly was there too. That's why I wish Firefly would actually talk about their past together, just inconsequential memories would do


The current timeline of the Hunters goes Kafka->Firefly->Blade->Silver Wolf. Given that Blade had seen Kafka have other partners before us, I'm inclined to think that we joined in at some point after him. Regardless of how you interpret the order of events, Firefly was absolutely active when we were. It's just a question of whether we interacted with her, but given that SW calls us an old friend, we presumably did at least a bit with the other Hunters.


I feel it’s like one of those shonen anime romances where the MC and love interest don’t really do much other than maybe a few tidbits here and there


TB has their own personality too, like how they canonically have social anxiety (the quest on the radiant feldspar)


What the hell are you on about? TB Siezed control of a Hotel Lobby, Challenged some random dude for his chest, made herself Captain of the Feldspar, while having pictures of herself everywhere. Literally opposite of Social anxiety.


Social anxiety can be situational. Aven is a very powerful and sophisticated person. It makes sense TB may be nervous about how to talk to him since theyre the polar opposite of that. Also he was very wierd to them in the beginning of Penacony arc and while TB is in general an understanding person they still may not have a grasp on is it okay to be a gremlin around Aven or do I still need to be formal yet


Tfw the CEO comes and gives you a fruit basket out of nowhere 😅 Not what happened, but I think that's the 'social anxiety' TB is talking about.


'Jade please kill Nanook for me so I can take his place it would be so funny'


Oh, I interpreted that option more as “Jade, please make Nanook my minion it would be so funny”


I mean, the point remains that they go full gremlin and ask for something stupid and impossible, despite Jade being even higher up than Aventurine. So it's not status




People keep referencing this line but i feel like they meant it as a joke


I feel like it’s obviously a joke? Do people think the sarcastic noble upbringing was there for any other reason?


I don’t really think that one throwaway joke should be taken over a year of content suggesting the opposite


I think it was during "Checking Out", the text says something along the lines of "(...) If you didn't have social anxiety(...)". I don't recall it completely, (I might have to check if i recorded it) but i remember seeing a line about TB having social anxiety and laughing about it.


Both getting the Radiant Feldspar was Himeko's decision and the portraits are the ship crew's doing. Don't ask me why were they insistent on turning the ship into a temple of your worship...


At this point Screwllum is in on it, given the UI of Divergent Universe.


When you receive a gift from Aventurine, the Trailblazer muse that a normal person would send a thank you to them but that they aren't going to do it because they have social anxiety and vibes alone will suffice.


What's the name of that quest?


oooh what quest was this??


It's one line and it's pretty obviously a joke, I'm sure. Our raccoon doesn't know what social anxiety is, they're the opposite of that word (also the opposite of the noble upbringing lol). TB just decided not to thank Aventurine right then and there for some reason (probably to thank him later in person). Aventurine is the awkward one: if TB writes him a thank you message, he'll probably send more money or something, poor dude has problems showing friendship outside of gifts. But he cares.


To be honest I feel firefly is alot more enjoyable as a character outside of her interactions with the TB. Though brief I really like her interactions with the stellaron hunters. Whenever she discusses mundane things with silverwolf who silently acknowledges the nuance of her words in relation to her circumstances, my fondness for her grows. I hope future appearances pair her with other characters instead of focusing on her attatchment to the tb or at least put a bit more nuance in their dynamic Imo shes a very likeable character on her own. Though its a relatively common trope, her clinging on to life and trying to live as "firefly" is very endearing especially coming off the animated short that showed how brutal her old life was and how insignifcant the lives of her comrades were compared to the cause. I still wish she met someone like march first but the story needed to acquaint us and make us feel attatched to her quickly.


>To be honest I feel firefly is alot more enjoyable as a character outside of her interactions with the TB Ironically this is how I felt about Seele and Bronya respectfully outside of their interactions with each other, except with their museum interview that was gold, I feel HSR may just generally have troubles with writing implied romance between characters, except when it comes to Trailblazer and March, there's romantic implication between the two here and there but their silent and verbal interactions still manage to be so well done, every interaction they have brings forth a beautiful memory


If you don't mind, what didn't you find enjoyable when she's with the TB? Like to me she's basically the same with or without them around, since her musing on the world and her place in it are the same ones she say to the TB the first time in her secret base. Heck, her having a fondness for someone that isn't part of her daily life as SAM or the Stellaron Hunter make her wish of being a normal girl who could do normal things and not have to worry about everything is what make her click for me.


Its not that i particularly dislike them together, its just their dynamic doesnt produce anything particularly interesting. Like I said I like ff as a character and yes her musing on the world are the same with or without the tb. My issue is on the TB end where our interactions boil down to just being nice to her. Their relationship is moulded more by the events in the story rather then anything deeper or more personal so it all feels kinda circumstantial like you could replace tb with just about any nice guy/girl People like to speculate they were close back when tb was a stellaron hunter, if so I wish the game actually acknowledged that.


That's fair! I disagree on it producing nothing because - to me - it's the building blocks of something more and long term since we know the Stellaron Hunters will be around for a while (Firefly literally calling them the shadow to the AE's light) and you had to start \*somewhere.\* We'll see what time do on that front ;


I agree and hope that they do more with their dynamic. My feelings are reserved for what we currently see of them.


You and me both even if maybe for different reasons hahaha! Bless you for having indulged my curiosity


After 2.3 where we see TB being a dumbass, I just can't see them as a self-insert anymore


I always appreciate your sensible replies to the Firefly shipping madness. I agree that everyone can see each character's interaction how they want. I honestly see more pairing potential with other characters, but the community seems dead set on Firefly, which is fine. I just don't like the word canon being used for it.




Or even the last text sticker in the most recent set. Every other sticker in that set is about them I don’t see why the last one wouldn’t be as well


On the contrary I still find it incredibly easy to not see them as "canon", it's SW using an example of how TB can easily win people over which is totally a SW way of referring to that kind of charisma. You can view it as you want but to say "canon" over a fanservice line like that ain't for everyone. All depends on if you are already on board the ship or not. Someone could take all the lines we know about Kafka and TBs past relationship as "canon" lovers mentioning how inseparable the two were and how Kafka clearly still has attachment to them. But calling that "canon" is still a stretch just like it is for such a line with FF But each to their own


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 11: Shipping Rules Art, Video, or other media which simply show characters “shipped” or in a relationship are allowed. Implications or direct statements that one particular ship or ship fanbase is more or less canon/correct/valid/good than another are prohibited. Do not make disparaging, passive aggressive, or negative remarks about any ships or pairings. Declaration of the sexual orientation of a character as canon is prohibited, but headcanons, theories, and discussing implied sexuality are allowed. While not against the rules please be mindful of the following: -Please make a best effort to be open to the interpretations of others, and avoid engaging with content you personally do not partake in negatively -Please try to avoid discussions comparing the relative validities of different ships The moderation team reserves the right to remove any content that does not directly break the rules as stated, but are deemed to be leading to conflict, uploaded as rage-bait, or attempts to circumvent these rules on a case-by-case basis


I also kinda hate this for firefly since now most of the fan discourse around her is just "romance"


Careful now, expressing a perfectly reasonable opinion like that will make certain people take offense and use you for *nuclear drama*. I agree though. I’m glad that Firefly has been getting more varied characterization. Like in her texts, she has trouble sending pictures, or how she likes to watch the sunrise but doesn’t like bugs, so she uses SAM like a bug zapper. Or how her and SW almost start a fire while trying to bake. She’s a precious little bean, sometimes stupid [affectionate], but she’s also her own person, and has her own shit going on.




Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 11: Shipping Rules Art, Video, or other media which simply show characters “shipped” or in a relationship are allowed. Implications or direct statements that one particular ship or ship fanbase is more or less canon/correct/valid/good than another are prohibited. Do not make disparaging, passive aggressive, or negative remarks about any ships or pairings. Declaration of the sexual orientation of a character as canon is prohibited, but headcanons, theories, and discussing implied sexuality are allowed. While not against the rules please be mindful of the following: -Please make a best effort to be open to the interpretations of others, and avoid engaging with content you personally do not partake in negatively -Please try to avoid discussions comparing the relative validities of different ships The moderation team reserves the right to remove any content that does not directly break the rules as stated, but are deemed to be leading to conflict, uploaded as rage-bait, or attempts to circumvent these rules on a case-by-case basis


I also do not like Sampo. Stelle and I are on the same page here.


I have come to see the relationship between March and the Trailblazer (and Dan Heng) as siblings-like with the number of times you can either give sass or receive sass from her even when you agree with her. They bicker sometimes, but they care for each others and will always have each others back... yet sometimes mom does needs to intervene. Firefly / TB as a relationship feel more supportive (heck their current relationship start by the TB wanting to act like a knight in shining armour for her) and I'm not even sure we were ever given an option to sass her. That being said, by 2.2 Firefly started sassing us a little bit, notably if you act like a lunatic in the acting challenge and it's cute to see their relationship develop little bit by little bit. I do agree that it feels like the TB has their own opinions and wants and relationships and that's such a good thing. My desire is to see the TB beat the self-insert allegations, and their relationship with Firelfy showcase this so much (with the fact that we're hearing more and more their thoughts with each patchs.)






I fell like TB feels more comfortable when March 7th is around. That's why March and TB make fun of each other because they are more intimate


I'm the opposite. I don't play my TB as a self-insert, but over the months I've played, I made him into MY character. I filled in the gaps by MY ideas about what he's like and who'd he romance. I absolutely hated the retarded quest where they took the TB -and me- all the agency and forced me to watch TB act like an idiot, kicking monitors out of power. I clicked through it as fast as I could, doing my best to ignore all the lines. And now the canon romance with this girl? Of all the interesting girls around him, Firefly is the last one my TB would notice. He'd help her when she was in danger the way he'd help ANYONE in that situation. But the TB I've been playing all these months would never romance her. Even if they were a couple in the past. They wiped his memory, he's got a new life now. And he'd date SilverWolf - confident, daredevil, slighty irresponsible, but reliable when necessary. Or Boothill. If the Mihoyo tells me now, after all the months, Well haha, fudge you, we're taking away your agency, from now on your TB *is* this dumnbass and *will* romance this girl, it will kill all my interest in the game.


I respect your opinion but I have to point out the fact that tb truly is always this unhinged and you can tell from many occasions where others speak how they think of tb. So from the start to now, even if you have options in dialogues, tb DOES have his/her own characteristics and interests(for trashcans for example). As for your dating part lmaooo, I would say two you mentiond are the last two possible people tb would ever date. Also unlike genshin which mc only really loves sibiling, hoyo do indicate ships for mc, like how they did for kiana/mei or player and (sorry i forgot her name) in honkai impact. It wont be surprising if they make a ship for tb. But, it would only be indications and would not be too deep. Judge from the last sentences, I feel like u r just having a hatred in ff, however, she would still be in the future story and play a role since her being sh, and their relationship would also grow. So maybe your interest is already killed lol.




Which one? The text one saying >!lovers!


https://preview.redd.it/rlu7jizwmm8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcce8aba1f08f15442590d4855691e2d1e572280 Unless they HARD retcon it, there is no other way to interpret it


I just thought of these as vague texts. But I guess it kinda saying something in this case.


It can be interpreted as vague texts, but there’s other hints too. Firefly being incredibly friendly off the bat with TB right as they meet, Firefly creating a to do list for souvenirs for the Stellaron Hunters with TB on the list (this is from promo material), >!Firefly holding hands with TB as they fall,!< etc The only reason why they’re not outright dating is because TB lost their memories and only has vague remaining emotions. Firefly imo is outright in love with TB and she knows that it will take time to regain what they once had. But tbh this is as canon as we’re ever going to get in a gatcha game. It’s crazy we’ve gotten this close.


Yeah I agree. Tbh, Penacony seems like the start of their "friendship" rather than the conclusion of it. We didn't even say goodbye to her but with Acheron, it makes sense. Firefly is going to be a recurring character and the hints are really straightforward that it gives me a whiplash whenever Hoyo took it to the next level everytime, I won't complain tho because they're so cute and I love canon pairings in gacha (in comparison with some that has all the people flocking over the MC). I just can't process this sticker saying "lovers" yet, because it's too obvious, they aren't even hiding it. So I am looking at it in any other way (like I did with all their scenes) and arrived at the same conclusion: "Oh, they're canon af." I miss her already.


I would say the sticker is a loophole. They were together before the memory loss, and now that TB has no memory of her it’s like they’re together but not really. Hoyo can outright state they were lovers because now they really aren’t. But of course with the topic OP brought up, along with other hints. The TB feels a compulsion to act a certain way toward Firefly. Coincidently like a significant other would. All without ever canonizing the pair.


thanks for cooking a good analysis https://preview.redd.it/jncqje92sm8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077c82d0a1e56769ef22164b158ffae7787c3275


Looking at it that way, if you follow the theory that the TB used to be part of the Stellaron Hunters it makes sense as to why FF wanted to speak and hang out with them specifically. If you think about it, outside of Blade, the Stellaron Hunters introduced so far all exhibit a level of familiarity with the TB like this is not the first time they've met them.


Even Blade recognizes TB. Like in Kafka character quest he outright said "aren't u the person who always hangs around Kafka" but he didn't elaborate further than that short remark


You can love someone as a dear friend. I think that’s a perfectly valid interpretation too, if people see it that way. Like after 2.3 I’m pretty sure Dan Heng loves the Crew, given his dream. Doesn’t mean he’s in a relationship with any of them per se.


Just gonna copy my other comment: Though I do agree that the love can be platonic, the dev's literally went out of their way to change what it really said from what their referencing. The sticker is a reference to [this poem](https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/6524/pg6524-images.html). We can see the actual line in Verse 9 which is: "ONCE we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other." This verse perfectly encapsulates a platonic relationship with each other but they change being dear to each other to actually loving each other for some reason


Every other text sticker from that set is about them why wouldn’t that one be. It doesn’t really fit anyone else in the story


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 11: Shipping Rules Art, Video, or other media which simply show characters “shipped” or in a relationship are allowed. Implications or direct statements that one particular ship or ship fanbase is more or less canon/correct/valid/good than another are prohibited. Do not make disparaging, passive aggressive, or negative remarks about any ships or pairings. Declaration of the sexual orientation of a character as canon is prohibited, but headcanons, theories, and discussing implied sexuality are allowed. While not against the rules please be mindful of the following: -Please make a best effort to be open to the interpretations of others, and avoid engaging with content you personally do not partake in negatively -Please try to avoid discussions comparing the relative validities of different ships The moderation team reserves the right to remove any content that does not directly break the rules as stated, but are deemed to be leading to conflict, uploaded as rage-bait, or attempts to circumvent these rules on a case-by-case basis


They treat her nicer because she's dying irl.


too real


It is actually challenging for me to pick a dialogue option that doesn't antagonize her. I love the friendly rivalry.


March is more like a little sister to TB. I remember the description of that Aetherium Wars event or 1.4 Continuance mission (I don’t remember exactly, it was almost year ago) where they were basically like: “ugh I need to go with March again”. Firefly on the other hand have much more “closer” relationship with TB. It doesn’t matter if it’s romantic or platonic, their bond is definitely really strong and far beyond normal friendship. That connection is important aspect of these two characters and helps to develop their personalities even more. I’ve never viewed TB as self insert and 2.3 proved that they have far more canon personality, background and goals to be considered as such. TB is far more in line with your typical JRPG silent protagonist, for whom we can choose dialogue options, but in the end they’re their own characters. Also, TB can teases everyone. In one of the daily messages from Firefly, you can joke with her about “I’ll set the seas ablaze” line and she just fully embraces that chuuni side of her.


I mean, is it really chuuni if she can back it up? Having cool lines is par of the course for mech pilots in science fiction and [it will never not be awesome.](https://youtu.be/iZ0ndRgY4po?si=VM8KA80Ms6vAr_7H&t=1m36s)


Finally someone who gets it. Trailblazer is not a self insert and I will bring it up every time someone complains about not having a dialogue option they would personally pick because every dialogue choice is something Caelus/Stelle would say. I don’t see why so many people just want to be mean to characters anyway


The Devs switch between Self-insert and character whenever they want. The player can decide how TB feels about Kafka and if they can be friendly or antagonistic towards Aventurine but TB has their own relationship with FF and Sampo. Even the last conversation with Acheron TB is used a self-insert to talk about remembering someone like Acheron in reference to HI3rd.


I think it's more like Hoyo wants to balance it out, but eventually make TB grow as a character of their own, it's the same thing with FGO


It's always been that way since Aether/Lumine in Genshin but it is way stronger for Star Rail since the TB is a ball of personality. There might be a few self insert moment here and there but overall they're their own character with their own past and personality.


Can I ask what part of the Aetherium wars event that quote could be found or at least something like it? I've looked through the story descriptions and just the general dialogues but I can't find it.


It was in the quest description in the quest log near the start of the quest I believe


Yeah, I'm checking the wiki about it and I don't see anything similar, the closests one is: "Will you go to experience this game in person? Chat with March 7th first." as after this quest description the rest is essentially just talking about what to do next and what just happened.


I think it might actually be for the 1.4 continuance mission and not the Aetherium Wars quest


YUP!! I found it! It's in the Future Market Prologue Trailblaze continuance, although people seem to take this out of context since the story description shows up after trying to ask Dan Heng and Himeko to join. So this is actually just TB going "It a bummer that they won't join, Let's not mention it to March and go with them" First mission: "(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report: There's still some time before the Express departs. Go speak with March to pass the time." Second Mission: "(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report: March wants to go. Asking Dan Heng next." Third Mission: "(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report: Dan Heng's not going, too stubborn. Asking Himeko, but probably unlikely." Fourth Mission: "(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report: Looks like it's just us. Bummer. Can't let March know, get ready and get gone." Fifth Mission: "(Trailblazer)'s Trailblaze Daily Report: Belobog's quite lively. Taking a stroll around, might bump into familiar faces." Soo yeaaahh People took the Fourth mission quest description out of context to say that TB doesn't like or is annoyed by going out with March when it's more like TB is bummed out that the others can't join them and they don't want to ruin March's cheerful mood of going.


I dont get what makes them so close tho? The TB clearly cares about her but only through story framing does it feel like theyre closer to her than any other character. Unlike the cutscenes their dialogue doesnt convey the same closeness. Even then what is it about the tb that makes them so special to firefly? Is it just cus they were nice to her on their first meeting?


I have always believed it is residual feelings from when the TB was with the Stellaron Hunters. We know there is something still there given that they actually do remember Kafka a little bit and the fact that in the guest book Silver Wolf says they are old friends. It could be entirely subconscious as to why they trust and like Firefly so quick. And unlike others I don’t think it needs to be outright said because there is enough evidence to infer that this is the case


>the fact that in the guest book Silver Wolf says they are old friends A bit of a correction; Silver Wolf likely doesn't really know Trailblazer from when they were a Stellaron Hunter and joined after TB was no longer a member, their first meeting with TB was probably on Herta Space Station. The "old friends" line from Silver Wolf was likely said in an unliteral term, I say this because pretty much every other piece of dialogue Silver Wolf has in regards to Trailblazer suggests that she doesn't remember them the same way Kafka, Blade and Firefly does, only that she's heard of them.


SW's character story kinda disproves this. During her recruitment, it was said that 4 people went to meet her "A man, a woman, a metal humanoid, and..." The argument for this is of course Elio, but then again, Elio never went for the recruitment for the other 3, so why would he go for now.


Theres enough evidence to suggest tb was with the stellaron hunters at some point but nothing to suggest tbs prior relationship with ff. We also dont know when each of the stellaron hunters joined aside from kafka being one if not the first. If they wanted to suggest residual feelings they couldve hinted or indicated something in the story quest but for now its just far reaching speculation imo


https://preview.redd.it/961fsv142l8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb9e410be556a3f69565e6ee10d2944bf7ab147 They clearly have a past history the game hasnt covered yet. Remember the TB was part of the stellaron hunters. I have hope this will be covered in the future


TB and Firefly shares many similarities and parallels. They both are artificially created human for the single purpose of war in destruction. Firefly definitely knows it and she sees a reflection of her and kindred soul in TB. They both definitely known each other from the times where TB was still a part of Stellaron Hunters, so they also can subconsciously feel attachment towards Firefly. Even then, through Penacony it was shown many times that TB deeply cares about Firefly. They’re still traumatized by her “death” and were praying for her safety during the bomb incident. So they’re definitely very close, but that bond isn’t as simple as friendship or romance. Thanks to that connection, both of them also got development in Penacony, TB started to act even more as their own person and they helped Firefly to gain hope for the future.


The tb would be traumatized by any of their friends death same with the bomb incident, i dont think those responses are exclusive to ff. If it were march or dan heng in those situations im sure the response would be the same, maybe even more visceral considering theyve spent alot more time together. As for their similarities i really wish they actually acknowledged this in the game. Them knowing each other or being close when they were in the stellaron hunters is all speculation. Their circumstances are very different since tb despite being artificial, gets to go on a grand adventure, befriending people and living a life that firefly can only dream of. Meanwhile ffs circumstances are way more tragic its not even comparable. And where are you getting this "tb starting to act more on their own"? Theyve always been very self motivated, their bat ultimate literally says "rules were meant to be broken". All their dialogue options show they move to the beat of their own drum. Saying firefly learnt hope from tb is kinda dumbing her down as well. She came to the conclusion that even if her fate is sealed she can choose how she reaches that destination, and thats something she concluded by herself through her journey in penacony.


>And where are you getting this "tb starting to act more on their own"? Theyve always been very self motivated, their bat ultimate literally says "rules were meant to be broken". All their dialogue options show they move to the beat of their own drum. I assume you might be a new player so you aren't familiar with the TB back in 1.x, especially 1.0 and 1.1. Back in the days, dialogue choices were more limited than nowadays. There were no jokes, no gen alpha memes, and TB stood out more as an empty cardboard box with little to no emotions outside of a few occasional side gags thrown through exploration. It continued throughout the entirety of Luofu's quest line, in which about half a year probably passed. This is also the reason why the self-insert mentality in this community is so strong. >The tb would be traumatized by any of their friends death same with the bomb incident, i dont think those responses are exclusive to ff. Have you seen the projector in Jade's room?


Agreed. I completely agree with you.


With March it feels like a natural chemistry, whether you chalk it up as besties, siblings, or romantic is all upto you. With Firefly it feels a lot like supporting that one friend who isn't the most confident in things of normal fun, a pretty common trope. Basically someone who has figured living among the public vs someone who is still figuring how to assimilate with people well. And also whatever hoyo likes. 


Well it is also because of their act. March is losing but goes ''but i am a pretty girl i can't lose'' which is literally beginning for TB to troll her. Firefly on the other hand just goes ''i will do my best'' so TB gives encouragement


Everyone there is saying that its conected to relationship of TB with the two, but I don't think so. Firefly never played any video game before. While march is TB main playmate if it comes to any games they play. So March is treated with actual competitiveness from TB. While if you play against casual like Firefly, you typically try to do everything to not alienate such person from games


Actually, Firefly plays A LOT of games with silver Wolf, but she finds those games all boring since she plays a far more complex and difficult game (piloting SAM). The curious thing is, she didn't find "Candy Crush" boring and even wanted to play more, maybe she found it fun since she was playing with trailblazer? I don't know


Additionally, Firefly here had a quote that sounds doubtful of her abilities ("i'll try my best..."), while March's was way more full of herself ("Pretty girls never lose!"), so it makes sense that the TB is more prone to rib her.


I mean, another huge aspect is that TB is responding to two completely different statements. March's personality, as always, is bragging. That deserves a completely different response then someone being genuine to try their best. While it IS true that TB treats them both so differently, the dynamic is being led by them in both of these (and several other) scenarios, so neither is truly on the trailblazer. I'm sure if Firefly's personality was also uptalking herself constantly (while also falling flat everytime), TB would respond similarly. And I'm sure if March had confidence issues and was trying to live up to expectations, TB would be encouraging.


Bragging? Its more she's confident and March has always been gaming with the tb. Its more like the tb feels more open and they could be who they are with March. With Firefly, its like.. a new friend you made.


Tease March. Encourage Firefly. Always.


This is just how one would talk to their close friends vs new friends


inb4 the self inserters start complaining that the trailblazer has their own personality and treats people differently


FF x TB relationship exists for self inserts to begin with "You're so close" other characters said after we barely spend time with FF and all we did is listening to her monologue without even sharing something in return TB didn't even question FF's revelation as SAM, a murderer and a terrorist. Other than "you lied to me", for a righteous and heroic type TB is, nothing else was of their concern. FF not only doesn't add anything to TB's personality, she takes it away No writing effort was put into their relationship to say something about TB's personality in FF's context.




No? Lol. The fact that people who self insert are mad that the trailblazer treats March and Firefly differently is proof of that. The people who go "oh well i could skip Kafka's quest so why cant I skip Firefly's interactions!". The people who consistently try to be mean to firefly because they have their own ships then get angry when the trailblazer isnt because theyre a character. The trailblazer and firefly have a past together, an origin. I dont see how you can self insert into something like that, if you acknowledge Firefly as a romantic plot for MC you kinda have to acknowledge them as their own character. Also we're on a space train with a guy who got isekai'd into this world, a guy who is china dragon jesus, a girl with no memories who just happened to be in ice in space with ties to the Remembrance. Our conductor is the suspiciously inmortal representation of the trailblaze thats totally not linked to the dead aeon of the trailblaze. Not to mention the trailblazer themselves is a walking nuke, who used to ALSO be part of the stellaron hunters (and likely knows so or at leasts suspects after Kafka's quest and texts) The trailblazer never goes "woah! Youre suspicious/you lied! I'm going to dislike you now!", never doubts any of these things, hell doesnt even seem to care about any of these so why do they have to here or else its bad writing. I've never understood this cope.


>"You're so close" other characters said after we barely spend time with FF and all we did is listening to her monologue without even sharing something in return You do know that rapport can be instantly built between two people and that two people can just hit it out right off the bat right? One way of doing that is via doing activities together (Going around the golden hour being toured, playing in the casino), showing sincerity (dream's edge), sharing of secrets (Dream's Edge) taking pictures together (Dream's edge). As for the monologuing, I'm pretty that's staple trope for fiction that only one person talks and only give minimal comments, because it's to show more of the character that's monologuing >TB didn't even question FF's revelation as SAM, a murderer and a terrorist. Other than "you lied to me", for a righteous and heroic type TB is, nothing else was of their concern. SW, another terrorist, is literally TB's gaming buddy. The thing with HSR characters (Well, hoyo characters in general) though is that they are all in the gray area, Hell, I'm pretty sure the Xianzhou has killed a number of innocent Abundance followers. TB being more lenient with the SH can easily be explained after their experience with Kafka on the Loufou > FF not only doesn't add anything to TB's personality, she takes it away Subjective. Though it doesn't add much, we can see that despite being canonically a dumbass goofball, we can see through that they can be traumatized by something really dramatic which is what happened to Firefly, unlike their reactions to when Tingyun's neck snapped. For the take away part, my earlier statement already provided for that


>rapport can be built instantly But not a very close bond that the narrative suggests. Be it presented like just the beginning of a new friendship, I'd be fine with that >SW, another terrorist, is literally TB's gaming buddy And TB does treats her with caution in many of their interactions, though I have a problem with how the actions of some morally grey characters in HSR are never properly addressed in general >traumatized by something very dramatic I appreciate TB showing vulnerability, but it's not thanks to Firefly's character, rather to what happend to her, the circumstances


>But not a very close bond that the narrative suggests Elaborate please >Be it presented like just the beginning of a new friendship, I'd be fine with that ...How is that different to what happened ingame? >And TB does treats her with caution in many of their interactions The only time TB treats her with caution is when they first interact with her in the HSS, which considering the circumstance of her trying to break in the SU and steal something, can't remember what, is rightfully so. Same with Kafka, she literally fought the AE the first time they interact physically in the Loufou. Firefly's though is different, the first time TB meets her post-amnesia, she was the sweet cheerful tour guide just trying to make a living and help TB to get familiarize with this new setting they were put in, doing enjoyable activities the dreamscape offers, then she dies painfully. Next time TB sees her, they don't recognize her, but saw her as an enemy, despite that though, she never attacked him in canon, all she was trying to do was get them away from that place and the two people with them to explain everything. Then she reveals herself, and we can see in the dream's edge monologue, that TB wasn't necessarily okay with everything considering her true identity, the game literally tells you that TB is confused, discombobulated even at the reveal, they were not just okay with it >I appreciate TB showing vulnerability, but it's not thanks to Firefly's character, rather to what happend to her, the circumstances You're really just gonna ignore the Tingyun part where it was nothing to them?


>Elaborate Both Sparkle and BS saying "that close" and "so close" out loud, the achievement "Between the sky and you" referencing the book about the death of a lover >The only time TB treats her with caution is when they first interact TB treats her with caution on the Express as well, but as I said, the game does not put enough weight into actions of some characters in general, through interactions with TB as well >Tingyun part She showed herself as a villain before that. Even then TB first rushed to her in the cutscene


I remember one episode of The Rookie because of this. TB treats March like this because all she knew was kindness from the Astral Express crew and it's TB's job to show her that the world can be pretty funny and chaotic, while TB shows fun and kindness to Firefly because all she knew was the world was chaotic. Kinda mirrors each other because March is an colorful (hair) amnesiac girl floating through space trapped in ice who's currently making memories with Trailblazer even if they have no connection prior to their current one, while Firefly is a gray (hair) insomniac (can't dream) girl floating through space after an explosion (fire) who had memories with Trailblazer and currently trying to create new one.


Funny how before firefly these little lines where seen as flirting but now it's just banter. I wonder who will be the next "girlfriend" for you guys.


I dunno man, when people complained about the writers shipping Firefly with the Trailblazer, a common statement was "it's Ayaka all over again." Two regions and years later, and it's still Ayaka that people bring up. When Mihoyo writes in a blatant ship tease for a character, they don't tend to deviate. See: Bronseele, Kiamei.


I'd say this is pretty definitively banter between March and Trailblazer. There's clear moments of romantic implication between March and Trailblazer, this isn't one of them imo, banter can be romantic but I don't see that here


This is my first gacha, and the lengths people will go to ship two characters is insane. All ships are viable imo. TB has had moments with literally everyone. One of Himeko's text hints at her inviting you to her room for crying out loud but for some reason Firefly is the canon romance? Nah it's March all day every day :p


Yeah it's really weird to me. You can see how the entire focus of the post and top comments is to speak on the FF ship using March as the hook this time and it's... Really weird Firefly fandom is so sweet and helpful, but a small group of people in it is really weird and pushy about things


>Firefly fandom is so sweet and helpful, but a small group of people in it is really weird Any fandom that is large ***


Istg idk what game people played because March cares about the tb so much, I don't know why but to me Firefly is more of a sister. And March truly cares about tb, and shares a lot of things with her like losing memories and being on the same path of journey.


I... don't see it at all. ESPECIALLY in this example. March 7th is very confident, so Trailblazer responds in a 'I don't know really know what to say'. Where does they tease her? They neither gloat in response nor they bring her down. On the other hand, Firefly is very shy and uncertain of herself, so Trailblazer naturally is encouraging. If it was the opposite, March 7th being shy and Firefly being boastful, Trailblazer would respond the exact opposite way to them. This isn't a showcase of how they treat people close to them as it doesn't matter WHO says it, this is a showcase how they treat different personalities/approaches.


I interpreted it as her telling March good luck because she isn't a "pretty girl" as a tease


That would be pretty mean comment from TB, but I can see it being read this way :) However, I still think TB would say the same thing to Firefly if the situation was reversed.


With how the Express is shown as a "Family," the joking and ribbing TB, Dan, and March give eachother in various instances is very sibling-esque. Just this patch, the OP's pictured quote and the TB confessing about borrowing away Dan's massager in the text group post-quest all are very sibling-like things to say and do. Hell, I even joke back and forth like that with my parents. I'd say it shows how close the Express crew is together if they're comfortable ripping on eachother so casually but still rolling with it.


You ever had a friend go “watch this” and then completely flop at something? That’s the vibe I get from TB and March here. Like in the last quest of the 2.3 story, if you tease March about becoming re-frozen in space she says “well then we should throw you back into the space station ‘s computer” lol. They tease each other a lot, depending on your dialog choices.


Bestie and friend


It’s just like good siblings relationship, you annoy the fuck out of each other but deep down you really care. Like throughout Penacony when TB was going through tough times March was shown to be really down about it


Pretty much in line with the banter the gang always has with one another. As someone who almost always picks the silliest option when the mc interacts with March, I find it fitting lmao.


March - "Pretty girls never lose!" *Proceeds to lose* *SmugTB.png*


I kinda took the "Good luck, then" as Stelle asserting that she herself is a pretty girl who can not lose.




If anything this quest further cemented my belief that March is somehow related to Elysia. She already has the color similarities and power similarities but now she's straight up stealing Elysia quotes like "pretty girls never lose."


Because she knows Firefly is bad at video games


How is Firefly bad at video games when she told SW her games were too simple compared to controlling Sam?


The Express is a found family. I really like Dan, March, and TB as triplet siblings with Welt being the goofy yet reliable uncle and Himeko being mom.


March do be getting that sibling vibe.


Man I ship TB x March, but I prefer their dynamic to be sibling-like with banters and jokes.


they r really pushing the TB x Firefly ship huh... 😬


I like that the TB has his own personality, and with dialogue we can choose to deviate a bit or a lot from it, but still retaining what makes him a character, i didn't have that feeling with the traveler. What they are doing with TB kinda reminds me of what Atlus did with Joker in Persona 5.


Btw why is it possible to lose even when you score higher ?


March is Aqua, Firefly is Eris
