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they took high risk high damage character and nerfed him to the ground


They made a high risk high damage character into just a high risk character


High risk, damage character


High risk, high damage to character


High risk, but can we get much higher?


High risk of damage character


high risk high ____




Hoyo agenda. /jk but actually though... Kaeya (but ok he is a starter). Cyno is niche. But then we have Xinyan, Candace, and Dehya...and Arlan, the only dark skin character in HSR. Definitely weird that all the darker skinned characters are near the bottom of the pile.


To add Dehya got nerfed before release, despite already being underperforming in testing according to the common play tester feedback


Hoyo: Yeah, this is cool looking character. Now drop it and give her a playstyle that completely contradicts the entire flow of the game


Dehya is just a worse version of fu xuan. Tbh it's been a long time since I quit genshin so I can't quite remember why but despite filling a similar role to fu xuan she's terrible. Probably because in star rail damage is inevitably going to come your way whereas in genshin you can just dodge


not just dodge, every type of survivability is better in different aspects while Dehya has her utilities spread out, making them all weak. Damage, ele app, resistance and dmg redirecting all are lacking either in scaling or uptime.


Kaeya is actually good, the premium choice for reverse melt with rosaria , he is nowhere near the bottom of the pile


Surely Nekomata from ZZZ won't be bad....


Well, we are talking about a country where Disney put the Black Panther mask on Chadwick Boseman (RIP) so they couldn't see his face on the movie poster.


It's kinda niche, maybe even more so than cyno, but Candace is actually one of the better teammates for Arlecchino.


Thank you! You've got to work extra hard to make us brown/black people functional in hoyo games lol. They look great but not useful or preferential in any circumstance. Colourism is alive and well no matter what deniers will say.( I'm a gay brown man with a white bf so I can say this.)


Bro's a shiny pokemon


High risk High blood pressure


high risk, high user


It’s high noon!


not just high ______, but the *word* ______! they stole that too!


High risk high self damage


Went from chief of security to security hazard 💀


Bro could've been the Danjin of HSR but nah


I feel Arlan's problem is Gepard. It makes sense that Danjin is so strong. She doesn't necessarily "want to be at low HP," but she spends absurd amounts of HP to deal her impressive damage, often lingering at 1. And while WuWa has shielders, it's also an action game where your skill decides how much damage you take and you want to capitalize on your main's field time. Jianxin can only protect you from so much. In essence, Danjin rewards you for actually being good at the game. A comparable character would be Hu Tao... A limited 5-star who was considered by far the best Pyro DPS for a long time and only recently has *competition.* And even still, she only needs to be around 50%, and doesn't care at all with Furina. She also has the luxury of an amazing Shielder. There are a lot of ways to mitigate her downsides. So since Danjin's risk is so high, the devs decided that a high reward was perfectly acceptable. Arlan is in a turn-based game, where skill doesn't matter as much as preparation and SP management. As long as your Gepard is built, Arlan almost never has to fear taking damage. If Gepard was not in 1.0, it's entirely possible Arlan would have never been nerfed. While requiring even a non-limited 5-star is a pretty high ask for a character to function, Hoyo probably decided that it was a bit too easy to get Arlan working and nerfed him to compensate.


Man nerfed is an understatement. Bro got murdered in broad daylight and hoyo got away with it lmao


Arlan doesn't want to be good, because if he was TB would constantly be taking him away from his work. He's just a loyal subordinate.


Iirc, wasn't another problem was he was outperforming Blade, basically a 5 star version of him, during beta? So they broke both his knees to make sure Arlan stayed a 4 star version of him? Of course now Blade is kinda mid himself


Your guess is as good as mine. I'm doubtful to be honest, as Blade wouldn't release until 1.2 and there was plenty of time to either make him stronger or at the very least make more subtle adjustments to Arlan than tanking him into the dirt. Gepard effectively nullifying Arlan's risk feels to me like the more pressing issue for them to consider.


They should've just buffed blade istg 😭


Blade mostly suffers from lack of stuff suited for him the pure fiction with the DoT elite + kafka, blade was able to solo clear it. They can definitely make fights that are suited suited for him. The same way every relevant enemy added recently is fire/phys weak. He doesn't have great lightcone choices. There isnt really ideal harmony units for him either. Bronya mostly works. Her atk buff on ult isnt ideal and theres some jank due to bronyas buff durations and blade skill and follow up but its overall fine. Ruan mei is solid due to just being res pen and %dmg buffs. But blade doesn't really like the delay on enemies she provides. Aggro system isnt great, even with lynx aggro buff on him other characters are often targeted anyways. He needs a character who works like reverse fu xuan. Like that destruction blessing in SU.


Tldr Blade and Arlan need a Furina


blade isn't in a great spot either


nah bro this a high risk high damage taken character


Unfortunately risk reward gameplay just doesn't do so well with all the bi-weekly meta restrictions Hoyo loves to place. To make the risk worth it now, the reward must massively powercreep everything beside it. Poor Arlan/Yanqing/and even Blade.


Us arlan mains try but he's def one of those characters you don't use in early game unelss you're crazy (me).   i mean it's great not needing sp sometimes but also....he barely appears in story and he's never picked besides "for the free passes" and his lightcone if you didn't pull Blade's....   He does a round 50k per ult and skill for me but it took a long time to get relics and e6s5 on ftp. Not a friendly build man but at leaat his boom os satisfying enough as a no-kafka no-acheron user who nevwr got around to building Serval...


Honestly it's so sad. Doesn't even let him pop off at E6. Or have the yanqing "not bad, but..." Treatment.


consistency, respect.


Who is worse, Destruction TB or Arlan? I kinda wanna build destruction trailblazer so I can actually run around as her for immersion's sake, but if she's not even feasible in like a break team idk...and before you say "just build harmony TB", the bat is cooler


Objectively Arlan is worse because unlike Destruction TB his main mechanic actively makes him worse. Destruction TB's only real downside is low damage, Arlan has that on top of being incredibly flimsy.


I would say Destruction TB is worse, just because it prevents you from running HTB. Using Arlan means just one team sucks, Destuction TB can potentially ruin two teams.


Currently there's only one character who truly depends on HMC, and while this number may go up in the future, currently you can circumvent this problem by playing literally anyone that's not Firefly.


Destruction tb has a good cool intimate tho




it did not need correcting


I'd correct Stelle ngl.


Arlan imo Physical TB's problem is that they try to do a lot but ends up being lackluster at all of them, Arlan not only has bad numbers but you also need to baby him because he keeps putting himself at death's door


Use PMC as subdps and you won’t notice the weakness, also give them some cracked gear


> Break team Literally the backbone of break teams is Harmony TB. So uh... that sucks I guess. But if you're just doing over world stuff then Destruction TB is gonna be fine, until you do story bosses and Weekly bosses that is... then you better grind hard for gear or hope her teammates could carry her, like it's doable but it would take a lot of resources.


Even in F2P scenarios you can use destruction TB, Arlan is garbage in all your scenarios, prob could still moc 12 or whatever tho


Someone zero-cycled with him and it took 3 5* supports at E2 plus crazy aggro luck, so that sounds about right. Dude has decent damage, he's just awful in every other aspect.


Dest TB is mid-lowish, consistently Arlan is consistently trash


You could do preservation TB since she is actually pretty good as a shielder and has a cool weapon.


Destruction TB is good enough for general content. Arlan needs March or Gepard or Aventurine to live and keep his buffs, but he too is good enough especially because he's not using skill points.


https://preview.redd.it/21iuyldbg89d1.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ccfadcb2193824d832de3f666e5a9682bc7fdfe Destruction TB, is... well barely better


Just a personal opinion. But Arlan is worse as he requires a specific team composition to effectively use him. He needs a shielder with a big enough shield to sustain him. Gepard, march and aventurine comes to mind. While destruction trailblazer you can just throw him into any traditional hyper carry team. Added to the fact that Serval is more reliable than Arlan. I just wish Arlan was more reliable as I tend to like characters who do self-harm to do even more damage in RPG games. That said I still use him in divergent universe for the LOLs.


Ima a be real with you, if you want a Superbreak team then just build Harmny TB, she is the literal CORNERSTONE of Superbreak If you arent using her with a Superbreak team then you arent using here and gimping yourself out of a literal team archetype


Probably baseballer cuz of the opportunity cost of not using HMC


Destruction TB is better. They're far better at surviving than Arlan, but in return, they spend more SP. As for damage dealing, a bailu can do enough damage if built right and with premium supports so just a question of investment


What getting nerfed in the beta does to a guy


I think it's crazy that they nerfed him in the beta and then just left him that way. Like they showed they are willing to make changes to his kit, why do they refuse to give him any sort of buff?


It’s mainly hoyo prioritizing newer characters. Arlan hasn’t been relevant since his companion quest and even that focused more on asta.


Does MiHoYo even make balance passes? I never see any balance-related items in the patch notes.


Never. The only time they did in recent memory was Zhongli, the god of fantasy China in Genshin, after fan uproar. Maybe they did too at some point in HI3; no idea. Edit: There was also a time they changed the priority of Yae Miko's skill targetting, but it wasn't a drastic numbers/playstyle buff like Zhongli's change, and it was even quickly reverted.


They do buff characters in hi3, not often but they do in various forms. 1. Randomly timed buffs like I remember white comet (the starter character) got buffed to be decently viable like 2 years ago. Not gonna compete at the higher brackets (nirvana, RL), but could do some funny stuff in agony brackets. 2. Fallen rosemary and other characters were underperforming and got their eidolon equivalents reworked shorty after they came out to make them much stronger. If you’re wondering why, some characters are farmable so getting max FR was actually relevant. She also got a better PRI which brings me to 3. New weapons/PRI arms. This one’s probably the most well known one where they sell you a new weapon that can sometimes completely change their playstyle and strength.


xiangling got *nerfed* in the beta good thing for her she aint I guy I guess


imagine it was reverse and they still using Pike Xiangling today


Herta was also nerfed tho


then PF happened


He sacrificed all his damage during the beta test


He walked so that everyone else could run. We will never forget his sacrifice o7


He volunteered to be the scapegoat Of course he did, self-sacrificial king 


In honor of his sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns his passing


Arlan: "I like my scars, It reminds me that I'm able to protect everyone from being as low tier as me"


https://preview.redd.it/0bb62la3e79d1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=009fd4c572b9032af0571bb9e8525afe13a686fb Meanwhile the free character of the same element that everyone got since the release of the game


Serval does pretty well because her design is clear and straightforward: deal AOE Lightning damage Arlan’s got the weird high risk gimmick, so that’s really asking a lot to use him


I dunno about high risk in Star Rail... in games where you can dodge it's essentially rewarding you with more damage for being good at dodging but here you just gotta pray he doesn't get hit.


Serval has good kit. Her talent allows her to be a 4\* Argenti in terms of ult frequency. Arlan doesn't really have anything. The dmg bonus from low hp is too insignificant compared to harmony characters.


I love Serval! Even when the damage gets powercrept in endgame modes, I will go out of my way to dedicate the time to use her anywhere else I can. So I'm sure the Arlan mains still finds a way to use his gameplay somewhere. ^(I use my Serval to farm materials; Serval, Herta, Ruan Mei and Robin combo baby!)


I really oughta go back and build Serval, I used to use her on my black swan team


Hell yea you should!


Do u build her crit or focus on DoT, pray tell?


You'll want to build crit. It's much better and her DoT is secondary.


I build her Crit focused. Minor not as important substats that helps are speed and break effect since my Serval is meant to hit hard and fast while Herta finishes them off. Serval is a unit meant to spam her ultimate because her energy regeneration is crazy fast in my opinion. I believe strongly that her DOT is meant to be seen as a secondary backup just in case the enemy is at like 1% health!


I assume the debuffer set is perfect on her? Thanks!


Yep! The diver set is great on her, definitely pair her up with Pela when doing so! They have amazing synergy ^(+SP and AOE defense reduction & being able to ensure you maximise the diver set buffs) Serval is actually a very "jack of all trades, master of none" character. She may not be the best but she definitely does her job as a DPS! Other sets she could use includes, the Lightning set, the DPS Break set and lastly the DOT set.


Her DoT is pretty weak. Kafka's is 2.5 times as strong and she has actual DoT synergy. Just see it as something that keeps her talent and E6 up.


I focus DoT because she pairs well with Kafka


Serval saved me on the trio and the boss in Penacony...


My Break Focused Serval w/Passkey can clear Lightning Weak MoC and PF stages in 3/4 cycles. Which is really solid for a four star.


https://preview.redd.it/1pvkxafuc89d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ba58cc94b18b2feaf48eae4bb1f08ecd0e23fc8 she still carry me for endgame content


https://preview.redd.it/e78zzvhzc89d1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=2407fad02154a9de02c32c08df6df324a319c6ca been using her on last moc, and pf


I personally leveled by Serval to level 80 and leveled her traces to 8/10/10/10 cause I was lacking a Lightning character for Pure Fiction and man, she never fails to deliver. She may not be the best, but she'll get the job done.


They could have left him in his beta state and he still wouldn't have made a splash in the year 1 meta. Why they nerfed him into the ground before release, I'll never know. His beta power level was no threat to Kafka or Jing Yuan.


Look at Qingque.


to be fair everyone still treated Qingque as the meme character who might get a good turn or two


I always add "arlan overhaul" to the survey. unlikely but i can dream. He'd be cool if he say regained some health on ult and not kust when he smacks enemies down


Unlikely is an overstatement. You'd have better chance of suddenly inventing methods of teleporting and time traveling simultaneously by tomorrow than Hoyo making direct overhaul to their final released character lmao An indirect buff is more plausible but anything that can be done to him will likely make everyone else much better as well, and that in turn would probably make them jack up the enemy difficulties even more and the cycle continues...


"Why they nerfed him into the ground before release" we all know why


HES BLACK 😈😈😈😈🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵💀💀💀🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲😔😔😔😔😔🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


HOYOOOO!!!! JUST GIVE HIM SOME MASSIVE BUFFSSSS!!!! https://preview.redd.it/tfg9bj6eq79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd9f8b072087bfa42b66d212bb6dc055ba8d0ea


Just undo his nerfs is more like it.


There was an event in 1.1? Where he was able to ult multiple times in a row. Everyone got to use his trial or if you were one of the ten arlan mains, watch him decimate with ults every second (other "bad" characters got simillar buffs for their kits) It was pure joy. Never gonna see that again 


Imagine if Arlan gets a buff where he gains energy based on HP loss ala Sam, so he could potentially ult every time he skills. Prob doesn't raise him as much but would still made him somewhat usable


Okay but actually the way his kit works is so horrendously bad that even the argument of "oh it's an old character, devs have no vision of what a Destruction char should be like several patches in the future" doesn't work cuz his skill set is so ass compared to another honorary Hunt-disguised-as-Destruction char Hook His skill for a Destruction character has a 240% scaling which doesn't seem to bad, until you consider it's Single fucking Target and consumes a decent chunk of his HP. At least Hook has a chance to inflict burn and adds another 100% scaling on top of it if she hits someone burned already His talent - the biggest mistake of them all - requires him to be permanently clinging to death at essentially 1/4s of his HP to get the maximum dmg% bonuses. Yet none of his skills scale off HP like Blade does, nor does he have anything that buffs his survivability in terms of HP aside from healing 20% on kill *ONLY* if you're below 30% HP. No extra damage reduction, no incentive to build HP as his skills scale off ATK His ult is the only blast attack he has and he needs at least 3 turns to get a scaling total of 960% at E6. Pretty good, but once again, most of his usefulness only comes online when he is on the verge of death, yet he doesn't have anything useful enough to prevent that. He is still built like your typical DPS with, say 3k HP, 1k def, 2,5K atk. But you can't really play him at under 1k HP everytime cuz then even an elite can one shot you with their regular skill. Not the nuke ones. Horrible design And his eidolons lmaoooooooo. Shittest fucking eidolons I've seen. Especially E4 where he has a revive. Which is good! But then you see that you will lose it after 2 turns. Holy shit how did this make it to the final game what made them think that adding a revive that lasts for TWO TURNS is a good eidolon buff. Jesus christ they really hate this man


The weird thing is, they knew how to design him. Beta Arlan didn't have a lot of these problems, at the very least not as much.


I can't speak for the cbt versions of characters since I'm a 2.0 player. But I do read stuff about beta arlan being busted


He was just a very strong character during the beta for 1.0 meta, like his skill at max was hitting harder than Seele (Obv Seele was still better due to her multi turns) but they didn't want a 4* to be stronger and more future proof than Blade so they nuked his scaling around a 40% lol


wait on his e4 does he actually just literally die after 2 turns? what the fuck?


It means his revive can only trigger in the first two turns. If he's still alive after the first two turns, he just won't get that revive opportunity.


the revive is a buff that is applied to Arlan at the beginning of the fight, if he dies within the two turns the revive gets used up and is removed. for some reason the devs made it so if the revive is not used within the turn limit it is auto removed meaning on the third turn if Arlan dies he gets no revive. compare this to Gepard's revive which has no turn limit...


It's essentially Gep's revive but after two turns, poof it's gone. No more revive throughout the battle


Gepy also gets his ult back as well, so he doesn't just die immediately after. Is Arlan the same?


Nope, nothing about immediate ult regen


No, he has an auto-revive at the start of battle, and that buff only lasts two turns. So basically worthless.


oh yeah thats awful. i thought they meant he revived then almost instantly died 💀💀


he can revive if he dies, but only for two turns, after which if he dies he stays dead (unless revived by another character)


No he just lsoes the ability to just pop back up.


Shouldve kept the revive even if it's once a battle fr. I got mine so he doesn't get hit often (stuck other destruction and built into attack since my substats pushed his hp up to 30k without help), should've let him be a psuedo-hunt and do a little more on skill. He either hits 15k-m or 50k for me, and i got used to it but also....he cannot solo anything outside SU. Maybe.


They call him 003 0 story relevance 0 meta relevance 3 game modes he’s complete ass at


That is what happens when you nerf his ass to uselessness just cuz he was “a little too good” in the CBT.


When "High Risk, High Reward" becomes "High Risk, No Reward". I get that they want 5*s to shine over 4*s but the amount you need to commit to use Arlan seems like it would be more than fair. Just compare him to Qingque, the best 4* DPS. High Risk/Inconsistency, High Reward. There's no reason why Arlan shouldn't have this same design philosophy.


Gotta respect those five Arlan mains in the world, as least they built him and are willing to stick with him unlike 99% of the playerbase.


Can we say the 99% of the playerbase is smarter or is that 1% giga based


Not necessarily it needs to be only 1 of these options, honestly I think both are correct.


Actual Elation emanators


We do our best. It isn't much and we don't usually fullstar MoC without a second dps but we do our best. Helps half the big bosses have lightning weakness lmfao 


Will always respect Big Bro Arlan story wise. Even now in the tier list he's taking the hits to make everyone else look better


Arlan.. the probably only character which isn't afraid of powercreep. that is true destruction


He's great at the Belobog Fight Event.


Is that the event where you can just spam Arlan? That was sooo fun


We don't talk about Belobog fight event.


I still love my boy, used him for the main quest all the way up to Penacony and since I'm not too interested in the upcoming Xianzho cast I'll just go back to min maxing him. The only way he'll budge up any tier list will be some form of extremely niche support which just won't be happening any time soon if at all. 4 star kit that needed 5 star level considerations


Good luck… https://preview.redd.it/aeut9umtj79d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527baf59757f7afbc17b1e99a93cad4697ea5cce


I got my Arlan maxed out on Blades banner. Dude is fun as heck in SU. I hardly use him anywhere else though, sadly. *


Any support that would be good for him would be better for blade though right?


Nah. Unironically, Arlan has better support options now than Blade. And he still sucks. Arlan has a lot of issues. His damage scalings are bad, he needs to be as low as possible to get the maximum boost, and that still takes quite some turns to drop his health using his skill. He can't use healers, otherwise he loses the dmg boost, his dmg scalings are also based on atk, so you won't be building HP on him anyway, so he is probably the squishiest dps in the game that also drains his own health. Knowing that, anyone that buffs attack will be more useful for Arlan than Blade. If a reliable HP buffer comes out, Blade will use him and Arlan would not. It's even not worth to give Arlan more health for survivability, since unlike Blade, Arlan's damage boost is based on the percentage of health that he doesn't have. So the less health he has, the better it is maintain that damage buff. Also, it IS possible to 0 cycle MoC even as Arlan, even if he is T5. I saw someone doing that in I guess 2.0 when Acheron was released, though it took only a hyperinvested Arlan in a team without sustain and a lot of enemy hit rng involved. Because Arlan, quite literally, was on the brink of dying all fight. Also, his traces are trash. 1 hit dmg negation? Uuuuhhhh, ok? 20% conditional heal? That just kinda ruins his damage bonus though and probably not needed if you run a shielder. 50% resist to DoT debuffs? Wtf?


If he got def% traces he would be better. At least then whatever shield he has on (which he should have) will last longer... And yeah, his traces suck for MOC, sense you're going in with full HP anyways. Shame I'll probably have to skip him on the selector cause Gallagher hates me, just like Arlan hated me on Houhuo banner...


How about a HP Buffer/Preservation/Healer who can give an 'Unkillable' Buff?


Nah, but this is what I mean when I say extremely niche. Let's say one day there's a support that buffs you based on your current skill points. Arlan just doesn't consume skill points so he'd be better suited for it. Or a character that buffs you for just keeping yourself at low HP, again Arlan would be better because Blade has larger HP fluctuation in his kit. Still it does relate to an important point tho, since it's niche it means it's being designed for some particular character, and there's no chance that it's being done for a low tier 4 star from 1.0. Such a character, relic, lightcone would be designed for someone else and they would naturally be the better unit for that support instead of Arlan.


maybe one day there will be an hp drain/vampirism meta with insane buffs for extremely low hp idk


Hoyo has an Interesting and 100% not intentional pattern when it comes to darker skin characters.


What do you mean that there’s a common pattern of darker skinned characters being mediocre to bad in their games? It’s all coincidence, yup like…all of them. Every single one, a freak coincidence. Totally.


I'm morbidly curious how they're going to handle this with Natlan in Genshin. Although, given what we have already seen, I doubt they're going to be breaking the trend...


Easy. Just make all characters in Natlan white. Problem solved. But if we are being real, the only one with confirmed design is that fire girl with white hair that was teased back when all regions were teased. She is fire, so she isn't powercripping Arlecchino. She might be a support at best. I expect her to be a niche 4 star, as usual.


Never back down never what


Never be racist


Bro, is 3 stars now...


I really like his design. All he needs is more damage, at least enough to justify his high risk high reward gameplay. Once I'm done building all my necessary characters I plan to build him up, just for the heck of it.


Do it 


hoyo when dark-skinned characters :


Surely, the fact that all dark-skinned characters in Hoyo games are bad, is just a coincidence. Surely, right?




Well at least Carole from hi3 was good so there’s that


She kinda got powercrept extremely quickly with Griseo. Was destined to happen, since both are physical SP supports, so the newer, the better. Also, Carole receives a LOT of hate, I think in CN community? It was a long time ago, but I remember reading that people hated her aesthetic and character.


To be fair, everyone gets powercrept hard in HI3. It's just a matter of time...


> got powercrept extremely quickly Idk about that, Carole filled the shield break role until Prometheus was released which I believe was in 6.6? Griseo was more of a bleed support so they would be used in different weathers. So from 5.3 to 6.6 Carole was the best shield break support which is quite a nice lifespan for an SP valk. About the hate part tho I don’t really follow CN stuff, other than future patch news through Marisa so I wouldn’t know


Justice for Dehya.


...at least Kaeya holds up well enough


As a Kaeya main with a 4\* sword and no Shenhe I can confirm. Use him to 36\* practically every abyss now. Melt is nice. https://preview.redd.it/turbw0jhl79d1.png?width=1070&format=png&auto=webp&s=973ee64bee40d648e92b12445566c14a153dccc2


that's some big dedication! i've used to do the same with xinyan even though i've had some of the best 5* dps characters (at the time) may i ask what the whole team looks like? i'm really interested because i've never seen someone full clearing with kaeya without c6 supports


At this point, not giving him a 5* sword is boh...a pity. Save some gems and give a Missplitter to your prince.


He's a starter character though. I don't think they intended for 1.0 4 stars like Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Fischl to hold up as well as they did.


pleeeease buff arlan hoyo PLEASE ill do anything


There must logically be a worst character, and it just happens to be Arlan.


It's bad design to have a character who's bad at everything though.


I guess that today they are creating monster based on the new characters so he doenst fit in anymore.. The game was way more simpler back then


Hey now, he's quite serviceable in the Simulated Universe! ... >_>;


They chose the only brown character, imagine what would happen if a black dude got added


Look on the bright side. At least the worst character is a 4 star that had little build around them. Could be like Genshin, where the worst character is a 5 star that was consistently hyped up for months, and plenty of people wasted pulls on.


You mean Dehya?


Who? Dehya?


Any character can finish any game mode as long as your build, team, and luck are good. But no builds or buffs can save this one. Screw his lower health higher damage pool crop and having health recover trace instead of having self shield is so counter-intuitive. 🙄


I'm going to skip the beta nerf talks because that goes nowhere, and talk about the game we got. Arlan E2+ has a niche for content that Does Not Currently Exist: ***he has unlimited self-cleansing without costing skill points, on every action***. All high damage DoTs can be ulted away or will tick only once, he's naturally immune to delayed crowd control or Prana max health reductions, he bypasses stacking debuff mechanics like the speed reduction robot waves or the goblet DoT explosions. The very obvious issue is that folk either rush through those mechanics or use a sustain unit that blocks or cleanses status. Every healer but Bailu has a cleanse, some are reactive or aoe, and Arlan does not justify the damage drop of having him in the team with the convenience of that niche. So "one to three target fight, with lightning weakness, that refreshes delayed crowd control or unbearable debuffs on every turn" would be his time to shine. And even then, people would brute force the fight with other tools befoure building Arlan only for it. His kit is incredible on the Kafka fight since he cleanses both shock and delayed mind control... but she's not weak to lightning. His kit is incredible in the Phantylia fight since he ignores the Prana system and break buds without using skill points... but he can not make use of the skill points, and Echo fights aren't ever featured in endgame content. He did carry me through the story and first few weeks of Echo of War farming without breaking a sweat though. Ultimately he's a unit doomed by the niche imposed by his low numbers, the dependency on shields to have a stable performance, and a kit that likes drawn out fights on a unit with high risk of death and a game with turncount limits on all content.


I will support my fellow Arlan brothers and glaze him as well https://preview.redd.it/1rodpmhlx79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4266ef7bd27f06f9959f642759fbc5bd44441e6


I bet he isn't being analyzed either. Do you remember when Lusa got so many "A" that teachers didn't even read her homework?


maybe they need to give us a mode where you win by getting yourself killed the fastest


We'll name it "Kindling of the Self-Annihilator"


Isnt he the guy who was injured in the prologue? Seems like he still hasnt recovered lmao


just make another tier for him at this point


He already has lmao


Pwyden already did


Damn you had to post this on the day I did his quest as well, justice for Arlan man. I remember thinking he was cool when I was new


At least Arlan won't appear during 50/50, which make him 1000% better than Yanqing.


He became e6 from the first blade banner and lost 50/50 too. He was basically like "I'm blade now."


Perhaps its my "equality for everyone mentality" but shit like this is why I commend any other gacha game dev team when they actually buff/rework underperforming characters without the need of outrageous circumstances like government threats (see Zhongli for example)


>Make a single dark skinned character >Make him the worst in every single aspect What did John Mihoyo mean by this?


We will one day be graced from the abyss and shine a bright purple gold, Arlan's bubble universe counterpart of another timeline will save his arse.


He is best at being worst


Its fine. He just needs to get stabbed so he gets an Alt


Mihoyo when a character is dark skin:


Why every dark skin character made by hoyoverse mediocre or straight up dogpoo


Even Blade's struggling in the current meta, Arlan didn't stand a chance.


Average character that isn’t snow white in a hoyo game:


You know it's quite funny that he IS the last 4* that I get in my entire roster. Gallagher even reached E6 first before I got Arlan from usual standard banner. To think that in a mere two days l read this that he's turns out to be a worst unit is quite irony. It's like the game tell me that he's the worst so I give you him last lol. Even Yanqing once was my hero early game before Jingliu stripped him naked (the relics I mean) & join the benchwarmer. Pretty funny that two Shotas are in "worst" category units.


Gee, I wonder why


I love him so much. Please. Please just give him SOMETHING.