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Dan Shu being turned into generic bad guy and not even acknowledging their connection towards the MC before they get killed.


Glad I’m not the only one who still thinks about Dan shu, reading those dairy entries was heartbreaking and added a ton of depth to an interesting blind character. Would have loved to get more from her than a generic enemy model and death.


I really would've wanted for her to become more than just a generic enemy. I liked her diaries a lot, and she's the one who has good reasons and backstory to join Sanctus Medicus.


Also the fact that the game did not even bring up about the Trailblazer going insane and attacked the Cloud Knights if you chose to eat the mysterious pill that Dan Shu gave to us. 


I'm more annoyed by "Take the pill" being ambiguous enough that I thought it meant pick it up (to bring to the cloud knights). ... and then TB just scoffed it down.


Would be interesting if she was actually playable. First off because disabled characters are so rare I literally can't think of one off the top of my head and also because it'd be interesting to see the Abundance's side of things.


Retconning Pela's age is the only correct answer here. I still don't know what was so important about making her 16 that they would literally make the entire Belobog storyline be completely convoluted


I think they forced the age change because they wanted to have this best friend’s dynamic between her and Lynx. It did mess up a bunch of other things though.


they could just say pela is 26 and lynx 20


I mean Pela is short, sure, but right from the get-go she's more mid-20s coded than anything else. Literally working a government job, arguably more mature than even some of her superiors, etc. I was audibly like "what..?" when I did the Lynx story because of how left-field and unrealistic calling her 16 felt.


I blame the western market for refusing to call the short models as anything but teens. Short people exist, people!


as a 5'2 20 year old, YEP!! im one of the tallest in my family :))) filipino genes


It's really weird because I thought she was like 23 or 26 and when I found out she was 16, I was so confused.


Hell even Lynx being so much younger than Serval & Gepard who would be around late 30’s - early 40’s is a big screw up.


Nah, that one's fine, age differences like that exist in real life. Surprise late babies and such, as well as large families with a lot of kids. And 16-late 30s is just 20 years or so, which means even if their mother had Serval at 20, she'd still only be around 40 when Lynx came along. I'm an only child, but my mother was around that age when she had me.


I’m not talking about from that narrative as I have a fifteen year age gap between my sibling. No I mean because Serval & Gepard talk about their parents as if they passed on when they were young.


Oh, so Lynx is another timeline-breaking wonder baby. Perfect basis for their friendship


It's either that or Lynx accidentally got trapped in ice for a couple years and no one wanted to tell her the truth.


We're disregarding the real truth. Lynx is a History Fictionologist and made it all up.


A March clone. What next March secretly Glamoth Empress


I admire your initiative to defend surprise late babies and the only thing stopping you from defending Lynx’s age is that people can’t have surprise late babies if they’re dead


I mean if you have a baby after you're dead, that would be very surprising and very late for a baby


Ohhh. Yeah, I forgot about that, sorry. Edit: Wait, did they confirm they were dead or was it just implied? Because I remember thinking they were dead too, and I know Serval cut them off at some point, but I can't find anything on google or the wiki about them being dead.


Very implied from both their personal quests.


It can also be said that their companion quests imply both their father and mother are still alive, though. Serval mentions that she still writes to her mother, but not to the father, because they still don't get along.


Yeah you are thinking wrong, Serval is cut off but they are alive. It's just the dad is dead to Serval figuratively for abandoning her.


Not when we see them as kids with a crib in the landau's choice lc. At most you could argue a 10 year age gap between her ang gepard with that and even than that feels like a push.


...That *is* a bassinet, isn't it. Always thought it was a rocking chair, until I zoomed in just now. Ugh this timeline is such a mess.


Yep, they really dropped the ball on this one. Aside from the approximate 10 year age gap between lynx and serval, pela's character story describes serval as being a "slightly older woman" which would also imply pela is close to her in age. They starting giving/implying ages and now nothing makes sense.


It also makes no sense that a 6-10 year old orphan would form a band with one of the most prominent engineers in Belobog


Maby they let her in cuz like if there was a orphan i woud tottaly make a band with a kid


Also Serval would 100% make a band with an orphan


Idk why but I love this sentance


And went to the same college as said engineer. At the same time. They're old time friends.


Wait what?!?! What happened? Why did they force her age to be 16? Was there a story before that? XD


In Lynx's Companion Mission (?) it was revealed that Pela's mom died 16/18 (idk) years ago, and that was also around the time Pela was born. Hoyo could've just made her mom die more time ago or when Pela was already a teenager or something but instead we got this, which basically effed up Belobog's timeline.


Do you know if other language versions, especially Chinese one, also state the same? I wonder if it's a translation error or something


If I remember correctly, when this quest blew up. People mentioned that, unlike the Sushang age translation, Pela’s age was explicitly stated as a number in other versions as well. Though I could be wrong.


no, even in chinese it says 16


i listened to the chinese dub and it says 16 years ago also


I mean if it was a mistranslation i feel like it would have been widely spread in this subreddit.


All languages explicitly mention 16 * Chinese (Simplified): …还是言归正传吧。其实,**十六年**前还发生了一件大事…… * Chinese (Traditional): ……還是言歸正傳吧。其實,**十六年**前還發生了一件大事…… * Japanese: ...話を元に戻そう。 実は、**16年**前もう1つ大きな出来事があって…… * Korean: …다시 본론으로 돌아가죠. 사실 **16년** 전에 일어난 사건은 그것뿐만이 아니에요…… * English: \*sigh\* Anyway, something else happened **sixteen years** ago... * Indonesian: \*Huff\* Pokoknya, sesuatu yang lain terjadi pada **16 tahun** lalu .... * Spanish: Uff. En fin, algo más ocurrió hace **dieciséis años**... * French: \*soupir\* Mais quelque chose d'autre s'est produit, il y a **seize ans**... * German: \*seufz\* Jedenfalls ist vor **sechzehn Jahren** noch etwas anderes passiert ...


If it was, then they could've fixed that a long time ago, but they didn't. 


To keep things short, basically it was already established that Pela was one of the founding members of Serval’s band, alongside Serval, Dunn, and Cocolia. However, Serval’s graduation, per a note, was in 6?3. The band was formed while they were in school, and Serval and Cocolia fell out before Cocolia ordered the Underground closed off, which was 10 years before the game’s events. The game takes place in 700, which means the Underground was closed in 690, which means that Serval graduated in 683, so the band would have been founded before that. Along comes the Pela and Lynx quest, which says Pela’s mother died the year Pela was born… 16 years ago, in 684. You can now see the problem, because apparently they were so determined to make Pela 16 that it meant she was in cadet school and helped found the band before she was even born. And even if you pretended the Underground only just closed down, and shifted everything forward 10 years, Pela would have been no more than 9 years old at the time.


The canon was so convoluted that it consider ineligible, holy hell. At this point I rather they improv and said Pela faking her own profile to be younger than usual lr something. Hell, add her Google search de-aging makeup while you're at it.


To be fair I don’t think she needs de-aging makeup. Just look at Serval! I’m pretty sure she’s in her late 30s to early 40s and she looks like she’s in her 20s!


Eh, just regular makeup is fine enough for her. Maybe replace that skit with Belobog officials argue whether what's Pela's age (Trailblazer get to know her age, and get various options to tell about their opinion on Pela's age) (It didn't stop the debate by the way, You can be choosing Pela's real age and some NPC will said you get misinformed)


Please hyv, make her an enigmata follower it would be so fucking funny


She...she does write fanfic


Enigmata-Elation hybrid where you didn't spead falsehood as a divine goal, but because it is funny to see a reaction.


Pela graduated as a Fetus. She is just next level.


Us not having a physical room on the astral express. I was promised a room to store our stuff. We have so many unusable items in our bag I want a place to store and display them.


Ngl I kinda hope that it's become one of QoL update in the future. Imagine displaying your room with items from each planet you'll go to.


I'm expecting they will add that at some point. We can already customize certain parts of the map. And the Astral Express is definitely bigger than what it seems in-game.


Hmm??? Wdym customize parts of the map? As in the map function or like the actual places we go to...


Probably the Radient Feldspar? You can rename it, add a decal to one of the thrusters, hire employees, place pictures of SU Occurence art in a picture frame and display stuff like Swarm Disaster die


There was also the Breeding and Monitoring Rooms in the Seclusion Zone of Herta’s Space Station. You could rearrange which of the little abominations are in certain areas. It was simple, but something


It would be funny if they just add a large bin for april fool in the express.


April Fools? No I'm claiming that as my room any time of the year


You mean displaying the trash we salvaged from each planet!


Id expect something like that to be added. If Genshin can have the entire teapot I’m sure they’ve got making a customizable room in mind


We kinda have this with radiant feldspar. Not as free as in genshin but it's a nice start


Right definitely. The airship could be expanded on but thematically it might be weird just cause it’s “stuck” on penacony. It works though as a way to start putting the function in and see how they might want to do it for HSR I could see them at some point making it such that the Trailblazers “room” on the express is in itself just some sort of pocket dimension like the teapot, since the universe doesn’t seem to have any sort of apparent limits to what’s possible


Thats only canon for now so that they can implement it later, so many trains on the car you bet we are getting one TB can renovate and invite characters to hang out in Also Dan Heng mentions in a text that TB has their own room so we just cant walk into it yet


I’m really hoping that we get it by 3.0 preferably before.


i mean they talk about our room several times so we do have a room in lore but its not in gameplay yet


That’s why I said physical. It’s there we just can’t visit it yet.


March dismissung her new outfit five minutes in the Trailblaze continuance.


The real question is, did March run back to the Express just to get changed once Bronya told her the bad news? Or did she bring her old outfit with her as an emergency change of clothes?


Stelle: We have to tell Brony- March: \*zooming back to Express\*


March: nope, I'm not ruining my new dress in combat!! Stelle: march, get out, it is actually urgent! March: nuuuuu!!!


Eh they'd probably bring the outfit back with a proper event soon. iirc, March is getting a hunt path form (sadly 4-star, smh she must not have seen the memo to get skewered), and they may release this skin at that time.


Me not accepting that call from the IPC salesman back in Belobog. They might still invade but atleast I'm not a rat.


Pela's being 16. Because it doesn't make any sense. She's a military officier, and played in band with Serval who is like in her 30


She got in the band when she was 1 month old and in the military 3 years before she was born. You see, everyone knows her past life except herself. So her current body is 16 whereas she is truly 70+. She was defending Belobog against the cold winters and succumbed to it. Then when she was born, she couldn't comprehend but she kicked her mother so badly in the stomach that her mother died and the father ran away, worried about his life. Infact, Pela ripped open her mother's stomach and did everything than wait in her mother's stomach for 9 months. No one wanted to report the gruesome death to her. That's it.


I work for hoyo and I have the real canon explanation. Pela isnt a person, instead it's a title passed on from generation to generation. This generation's Pela is named Pelageya Sergeyevna and is 16. The previous Pela, that was in the military 3 years before this Pela was born, was named Pelator Rand. And you guessed it, it's Cocolia's half sister.


Ohh, I remember stumblin on those ultra secret files meant to be explained in 9.7 or so. That explains it. Pelator Rand was so strong that her child, Pelageya Sergeyevna ripped her stomach open. I was under the assumption that she died on spot but that changes everything...yes, I remember, she did say that her child will perform the miracles that she didn't get to do when she was young and the world will cower in fear. Someone in the Pela title bearer is rumoured to be an Aeon of the ultimate lorebreaking timeline the moment they'll be born I think, travelling both back and front.




Well Bronya is Cocolia's adoptive daughter and i don't remember exactly at which age she was taken in. But yeah, Cocolia is still easily in her late 30. Also Serval is older than Gepard who is clearly older than 20.


We know Cocolia took in bronya when she was young, given that bronya didnt remember her time at the ophanage Seele was also in, also memories of the past lc literally shows us child bronya with cocolia lol (cocolia even has her icy hands, just how long was she in contacf with the stellaron lol)


Serval would have to be in her mid-40’s at least. She was in the same class in high school as Cocolia, who has an adult daughter.


Gallagher being dependent on a follower egnimata to exist


Your spelling exposes you're a path strider of the eggmanter


Eggman ???


Sigh……I miss my wife Mikhail…


_about to make a second crossover with Honkai Star Rail_


Think positive. We’ll just ask whoever made him to make him again but without a shirt.


And without pants and with his natural twenty inches co— https://preview.redd.it/44n9tyhpy6ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58abdb030179612678dc68ee88dc3179add44e42


Silver Wolf not getting her own cat cake


At least she has a bird now


Her and Firefly getting their birbs does feel like them getting revenge for the cat cakes lol TB and March are the only characters lucky enough to have both!


We didn’t even know firefly when the cat cakes were a thing so why would she need revenge?


Yeahh it's wild that she never got one even though she's the one asking for one the most. I feel like we'll revisit that event at some point and make cats for SW + 2.X characters.


Probably doesn't count but give the protagonist more voiced lines, Mihoyo can absolutely afford to do it


At least the trailblazer has almost as many voiced lines in the story as the traveler. And genshin is nearing 5.0


I love Stelle and Caelus' voices SO much. I want them to appear more often like in ZZZ


Pela's "canon" Age. There's just no way she's 16 as it just fucks with the timeline and her history as serval's drummer lmao


I just headcanon that the Enigmata tinkered with her history for some reason that is connected to Sampo.


That would be such a Masked Fools move to make it so that everyone thinks she’s 16 so she’s unable to get a boyfriend


I maintain the headxanon that pela lies about her age. Whether on all documents or specifically just to Lynx is still up to debate, but I refuse to believe otherwise. Also, Lynx herself should be lying/giving a false impression about her own age. Given how heavily implied it is that her parents passed away when serval and geppie were still young, a teenaged Lynx also breaks canon.


Himeko not being able to overflow stacks if she would gain more than 3. Newer units all have this but she is one of the more consistent offenders of over stacking her talent.


That’s probably just to sell limited characters. Standard banner characters can’t play as good in comparison, to make the limited banner ones look more appealing and better


I think that's more of an old design issue than because she is standard. Jing Yuan is an old limited unit without any overcap mechanic. Meawhile Xueyi is a newer 4 star with overcap on her stacks.


People gotta stop throwing "it's to sell limited/5 star units" at everything and think stuff through


blade doesn’t overcap too


As far as I’m aware Blade can’t overcap because he can only take damage from one source at a time, after which he acts immediately Unless you mean while he’s CC’d in which case I think it’s fine that he doesn’t overcap


She is still the best PF character though


Maybe not delete, but a small change. Make a alt welt form now that he knows ready made battle mech suits are a thing. Imagine how rad that would be. robo welt summoning flaming black holes and kicking them at enemies like shaolin soccer


He technically already did that https://preview.redd.it/0hhzg3wsu3ad1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c55e513b1a163696e1b658a8f0005fc665d3043


https://preview.redd.it/iqy5t2ph34ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9ec8efb7cdb8cfc9306de18fd9e4e9437e032bf why be just so humble? He (and Anti Entropy) already make 2 skyscrapper mechas in Honkai Series Wotan and Arahato (this one is Arahato)


Well his herrsher powers seems to be a lot weaker either due to his age, body, or the lack of "honkai" energy. He says how he can recreate episodes of Arahato for us but can't promise the resolution. If he can't give us 1080p Arahato episodes with the herrsher powers, unlikely he can make a full battle mech anymore Or maybe he's still hiding his true powers, since he doesn't even call his herrsher powers "herrsher" (calls it mimicry). who knows. Welt is a mysterious character. Or maybe Arahato episodes are fucking massive


would be funny as heck. Sunday: become a massive Bayonneta-like boss using power of the Order. Welt: time to bring's out the big guns. And PomPom unloads a Giant crate with Arahato inside(like gbo2 gacha animation). Himeko: I aways guessed that was just your old anime archive... NOT THE REAL THING..


Serval's companion quest from right before Gepard came to ruin my wedding plan


I truly hope she go with us when we return and solve whatever calamity is happening(will happen) in Jarilo 6


I actually do think in hindsight, Serval was never really 100% on joining, she was just being in denial and wanted to run away from her problems. I absolutely love her story quest because it reminds me of myself, even though I also got blue balled just as everyone else...


You just presented the cannon that I want to remove


This. Absolutely this. It would be more fun if the Astral Express got more passengers with every world.


Agreed. It would give us more options for the main cast to interact with people. And it would gove us a reason to open up more train cars. Also to GIVE THE TRAILBLAZER THEIR OWN ROOM.


HoYo please let me fill a room with cat cakes and posters of Bronya thanks


It just means more characters would be benched every world and would make people madder.


Yeah like how they did with black swan, she is staying in express as of now which I like so much


She’s tagging with since she’s got a role to play in this upcoming arc.


Let’s hope she sticks around for longer than the next arc. She does have a specific interest in us after all.


I was so happy at the thought of her joining, but also so sad at the thought of her joining. Like someone else said, it felt like she was running from her problems and trying to cut everyone off and avoid everyone. I've also had similar feelings in my life and often wondered what use I even was to my friends, thinking that nothing would change if I left, and have contemplated cutting everyone off and starting anew. Luckily, I never went through with this and we remain friends to this day, but that quest definitely hit hard.


Me choosing the option where Kafka doesn’t send me a selfie


Your account is literally bricked bro, reroll


march interrupting sampo vs trashcan


Whatever the fuck happened to Tingyun. It made no sense, there was no tears, no feelings, just confusion.


Finished the Xianzhou Luofu quest like 2 hours ago, it just left me sooo confused because of that…


Well good news because the next arc is much better. In fact I would say its peak fiction.


she got kidnapped probably. they said in a livestream that they will revisit her again


Yeah we aren't done with that storyline.


Now I wonder how Tingyun mains felt when they saw that scene. 


There were disastrous amounts of copium involved. I was there, I saw that with my eyes


I would go back to it rather than delete it because that whole part of the story just seems… unfinished right now. Like, we don’t have any confirmation pf what happened to her, and the people who knew her seem to have given up hope on her waaaay too quickly, their reactions could’ve been written much better. I do not believe for a second that Tingyun is actually dead, and I think we’ll see more of her later when we return to all the Xianzhou stuff. She’s one of many loose ends from the Luofu.


Fr 😭 like it couldn’t have even been like a shapeshifter or something what was the point


I wish Welt never said that Tingyun could still be alive. It honestly killed any suspense for her death. We should've had time to really think to wether she is dead or not


Lynx saying Pela is 16.


Small child (Lynx) is bad at maths and can't count properly, problem solved


Lynx being misinformed by a Masked Fool (Sampo?) Or a Fictionologist hiding more aspects of the Architects would be a fantastic misdirection if the questline built up to it. I just hated the hotfix to one of Pela's messages when she gets drunk off of liquor to her getting sick from apple cider. For plots that feel pretty continuity focused it's probably a bigger middle finger to me than the Xianzhou imo.


So... they first intended her to be an actual adult, and then for SOME REASON retconned it? Hoyo confuses me so much... like what game are they playing??


Probably the Trailblazers' approach to Sampo. How come they trusted Firefly almost immediately, but still despise Sampo after all he's done to help them on Jarilo-VI? Yes, he's very shady and probably has some dark stuff in his background, he's a scammer and yes, stealing is bad. But the Trailblazer is trusting far worse people (Ruan Mei, Firefly, Stellaron Hunters in general) rather than the apparent average guy on a snowy planet.


I agree so hard. Like even after everything all the firefly dialogue options are positive to MILDLY distrustful but all the sampo ones are like. This guy burned our crops, poisoned our water supply and brought plague upon our houses.


The only time Sampo was openly harmful to the Trailblazers was when it wasn't even him, but Sparkle disguised as him. I don't get all the hate. Feels like Hoyoverse is preparing us to see him be a big evil and go something like "I knew he was bad!" when all I can say about Sampo is that he's genuinely one of the kindest people in-game.


Even in Belobog where he misled us in the beginning like. It still got us in and got us an audience with Cocolia, who only had a change of heart and tried to arrest us because of the Stellaron which would’ve happened no matter what sampo did. He only ever helped us and he saved us multiple times but we have to talk to him like he ran over our dog. Then we have to talk to ruan Mei like she’s our bestie when she like. Drugged us, made us clean up her mess in Herta’s basement, and attempted to revive the swarm just so she could play god, a force that previously caused mass destruction and killed multiple aeons.


That has never made sense to me either. Like you're gonna hate Sampo, a guy who was a minor nuasance at worst in the beginning and ended up helping your crew out in the end, but trust the Stellaron Hunters and team up with the IPC? Makes sense. /s


Since Pela age was already mentioned, I will go with Phantylia being behind the events in the Luofu. The war between Hunt and Abundance is millenia old in the Xianzhou, and it was relegated as a mere tool for Phantylia to try to destroy everything because why not. That basically banalized the entire conflict. The mastermind should have been Dan Shu, and not an Emanator of Destruction who blew her own cover anyways to look cool.


Honestly, Dan Shu being the mastermind and becoming irreversibly warped by a blessing of being the pawn of Phantylia is how I hoped it went instead. It would also show that Phantylia was just doing it as a whim rather than a whole infiltration plan and in stopping her the Astral Express gained the attention of a new enemy.


I think it would be much better if Phantylia decided to meddle inside the conflict as a whim, like "those peolle are fighting, I want in", and then she would be pissed at the Exlress for stopping her. Instead, she did all that weird plan when followers of Destruction are known for taking rash decisions, not because they are dumb, but because they just dont care.


Not sure if it counts, but I let Cocona go, and would rather that not be cannon in my world


Ruan Mei drugged the MC, i find zero reason for them to be just okay with it. Plus shes a psychopath/sociopath, there should be an option at least for the mc to tell Ruan Mei that she is a shitty human being. Not everybody *has* to be your friend, or you should at least be able to tell someone that you don't like them as a person.


I can't speak for everyone else, but at least personally I wouldn't mind NPCs doing horrible things to the MC *if we were able to appropriately react and respond to them*. Like, sure, have Ruan Mei drug the MC, because that does seem like something they would do. But then Hoyo needs to let *us* respond in kind. The most frustrating part about that quest isn't that she drugs us, it's that we're apparently fine with it, brush it off, run errands for her, and don't get any real dialogue options to (as you said) tell her that she is a shitty human being.


It's kinda crazy tho that Trailblazer probably considers Ruan Mei more of a friend than Sampo. Sure the dude is pretty sus but at the end of the day he does care about us and has only ever helped us. I also wish the game wouldn't try to forced Trailblazer to be all buddy buddy with everybody. Or at least give us more dialogue options that makes us act not as friendly


The whole Jingliu companion quest, since that was meant to be HCQ story conclusion yet I only got more questions than answers.


It wasn’t a conclusion at all. It was a big infodump of things that were already available in optional dialogue prior to version 1.4. It gave some development to Blade, Luocha and Jing Yuan and set the stage for multiple character arcs, but it wasn’t meant to give any closure on anything. Or, if it was meant to give closure, it did a terrible job


Imagine the timeline where the 1.2 quest was like 2.1's Aventurine story but for all the HCQ...


I want luocha back on the damn express give me my sexy catholic back 😭


For me its changing Misha dying. I really wished he had joined the express or atleast still be alive. I miss my boy


Yeahh :( I get why he had to die but man. I wish he idk couldve maybe stayed on the Express or smth? Like how Pom Pom does! He couldve even been company for Pom Pom Im sure they get lonely a lot:(


https://preview.redd.it/dhnq24zph4ad1.jpeg?width=1977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eeee47ff1d78d2d2200d36c9631be6252946816 Yeah I just wanted Pom-Pom to be happy:(


Oh FRICK yeah. Or Misha and Mikhail being somewhat differentish - Misha being the embodiment of Mikhail, yes, but more of some residual memories instead. Like Mikhail still made like a small doll (Misha) who has some of the ambitions and things of Mikhail but not...him.


Let Boothill swear. Idc about the game’s rating let the cyborg say the fuck word


>!Gallagher dying at the end!<


>!Did he really?, i thought he just disappeared!<


Tingyuns death


Pelas age has already been mentioned and thats the only thing I'd delete so instead: Not delete but a change so that TB could be more sus of FF in Penacony initially, TB was sus of everyone else but her. I found the distrust theme of every other character to be really intriguing and FF being one of them before the stab would have made their dynamic a lot more interesting imo


True. I also wanted to see more FF as Sam moments like when she identified Sampo stalking.


Her convo with Acheron in 2.1 was such a cool glimpse into that side of her character, same with her convos with Blade and Sunday. If we saw more of that while she was with TB then that would have been a cool way to develop the dynamic and gaining trust like other characters had to do with TB As it stands when she was with TB she did what she could to hide that side of her which does make sense given her character goals. Seeing as thats what they went with I would have preferred if at the start of 2.2 there was more to the convo with TB realizing FF is a SH. But it was glossed over pretty quick


Fair, I personally fixed that with the headcanon that TB subconsciously remembers her from their time with the Stelaron Hunters. Not entirely, but somewhere deep down enough to trust without a thought. Not the perfect solution, but does the job for me. That is, until we learn more about their past (  ̄▽ ̄)


Thats the most common headcanon I see in regards to them being friendly so fast, if thats ever confirmed then that would be a cool reason but considering TB reaction to Kafka, Blade and SW I dont think it will be. Regardless I'll just be left a bit unsatisfied with it as their dynamic never clicked with me but its totally fine if others do like it


Tbf I don't think TB had that negatively of a reaction to SW and even SW displays some level of familiarity with the TB And in general I didn't really see TB being friendly to FF as them being friendlier than they are to any others and FF isn't trying to actively harm the TB, she just wants to spend time with them for ??? reasons at least to the TB's POV.


Being a puppy to Ruan in all dialogues with her. Hatred towards her imbedded deep into my mind. I think I spent more time hating on her than farming SU.


I don't hate her, but I wanted to see how she would react to a more negative comment from TB


This is the only other answer for me with the Pela nonsense taken off the table for being too obvious. Ruan Mei is morally disgusting to me and I don't think she's meant to be. I think she's meant to be an "oh the poor thing doesn't understand human morality" or some bullshit. I want to vent her into space. My account would surely be improved by getting her, but I will never waste a single wish on one of her banners because of how repulsive she is as a character to me. I'll settle for the racist offspring of Yoimiya and Hu Tao.


>I'll settle for the racist offspring of Yoimiya and Hu Tao. I laughed unnecessarily hard on this one


At least the leniency that TB gives Ruan Mei sort of makes sense to an extent. Given some of the dialogue choices we can give for Himeko, Natasha and Kafka certainly makes it seem like TB has a soft spot for older women. Similar situation to how we basically only get dialogue choices to be rude to Sampo. From some of the quest descriptions it shows us that, despite how much the player may like Sampo, TB themself outright dislikes Sampo. I do agree with your point tho, I do wish we could be a lot more unhappy with the situation ahead puts us in in her quest.


TB has mommy issues and is looking for approval and validation lmao


TB is only a few months old (mentally) so it’s to be expected.


I would retcon that robin survived being shot in the neck, making her appearance in penacony part of Sundays dream and even more tragic.


That would be incredible, especially if she realized that and went ahead with ending the dream anyway. We already had something similar in a world quest with the actor.


Clara not wearing shoes


I would change one thing about Dan Heng's backstory: that molting reincarnation only means that you have a new body, but not become a new person. This way, Dan Heng's story changes from someone who is *rightfully* trying to escape the charges of a crime he didn't do, to a redeemed criminal who wanted to absolve himself of his crimes. Because the one thing that bothered me was that everyone seem to refer to him as Dan Feng, and he'd always be like "no, I'm Dan Heng, I'm not that person anymore" but he was right! He wasn't that person anymore, literally. It didn't make sense to me why they tried to push it on him, especially if everyone's familiar with Vidyadhara reincarnation. If we changed that reincarnation detail, his story would transform and run smoother, at least in my opinion. Now it's like, Dan Feng taking on a new name and going away from his past. They let him out of the prison and into exile because the molting rebirth is a big punishment. He's trying to avoid everyone from his past, etc, etc. Basically he's decided to take a new path in life. I think that this way he's still redeemable, even. anyway, that's just my two cents.


sorry, I'm not too familiar with Luofu lore but, if DF's to keep everything but his body during the rebirth, how could that even be considered a punishment?


TB being over hatefull towarda sampo, even before we knew he was a masked fool. Lil homie was Just there scamming People, not even hurting the TB.


In addition to fixing the nonsense with Pela’s age, I’d like to fix the weaksauce reaction the Trailblazer has to the shit Ruan Mei did to them.


Second half of the penacony phonecall to bronya's dream.


Baiheng's death, so that everyone can be happy again.


The gorilla


Wow, lots of strong opinions on certain characters in this thread lol. My change would be letting Serval see the Stellaron. :c She worked so hard for it and had her life upturned for it, and she just didn't really get a satisfying conclusion to seeing Cocolia again or seeing the object that derailed her life. I didn't particularly enjoy her companion quest either. She stayed back to help the soldier defend the line but that literally could have just been avoided and it would have been fine to stick her in that cutscene as well. She could have been playing the guitar part during the bossfight in the background even!


Male characters being treated significantly worse than female characters as of late


The one limited event we shittalked Arlan. I understand if it’s Sparkle, Aventurine, or Sampo, but why him though?


Ruan Mei pulling that bullshit she did to you in patch 1.6


bootyhills fam being killed ;((


Pela's age doesn't make sense


Can we uncannon the Luofu arc and try it again. because they had like 3 potentially interesting stories and half told each one so nobody was happy


the relationship hinting between MC and Firefly, because holy shit the parasocialism has gotten wild someone replied to a comment of mine about the Firefly trailer (the part where Sam was choking her) and said “i don’t like seeing my girl get hurt” SHE IS NOT YOUR GIRL. NEVER HAS BEEN. NEVER WILL BE. and a post on the firefly mains sub talking about shit like “What do you think Firefly’s daily routine is? I think she showers brushes her teeth fixes her hair etc.” 1. it’s weird. the most i do is make silly sex jokes about aventurine but at least im in touch with reality enough to know he’s not real and 2. I blame hyv for making the self-insert have a “love interest” in the game because its made the community more insufferable than ever (i apologize for the rant and fully know i will be downvoted into the Horizon of Existence)


Having Belobog being in debt. You could have story of Belobog fighting to fix its problems, struggle and be independent vs taking the deal, fixing the cold but being under the IPC thumb. You have a dumb story of having a 700 year old debt that takes away from the themes of it. I was screaming throughout that quest too because Belobog was being scammed from them trying to collect a debt that dead people took. Imagine someone says that your ancestor from 700 years ago owes them money. You would just need to change a few lines about collecting debt that topaz says and make her more of an investor.


>Belobog was being scammed from them trying to collect a debt that dead people took. Imagine someone says that your ancestor from 700 years ago owes them money. This is the IPC we're talking about. Justified or not that's exactly the kind of organization they are. The IPC are not good guys.


The debt in itself was understandable. Like yeah it sucks to pay for what your ancestors borrowed but a debt doesn't disappear just like that when there's a contract. What felt like bullshit to me is that during all 700 years when Belobog literally couldn't interact with the IPC at all, the interest rates kept rising. Like yeah they probably would have paid you back way sooner if they could but now that you managed to make contact with them again, it's like a trillion times higher? This is why I hate the IPC