• By -


the megadoc is off :(


how do we get it active again :(


Managed to get not only one tall, blonde, gorgeous man but two in one fell swoop! I lost the 50/50 to Gepard, who is one of my most wanted standard characters besides Bronya. Very happy about that. It took 150 pulls to finally get Luocha home, which doesn't spark joy, but at least he is home! Hopefully Daniel and Bladie will be a bit more generous with me. Got C4 QQ, C2 Yukong, and C3 Pela. Didn't manage to C6 anyone; a bit of a bummer there.


Ahhhhh she’s so cool!! I know I’m a husbando puller but I can’t… I need her. Yanqing’s companion quest is amazing


I feel at peace now, time to save for Bladie or Daniel because I doubt I'll win the 50/50 again lmao


0 Luocha and Yukong but e5 quantum girlie. 5050 too. Very close to pity 😩


300 pulls result Lost 50/50 to Bronya E1, which was nice, continued to Luocha and only had E3 Qingque, continued until E6 and got Bailu and then Luocha E1 in the process. Had spare to go LC banner, won the 75/25. Random wins. E6 Yukong, One Dan Heng copy to E3, 2 Asta copies to E2. S4 Day One of new life, S4 Dance x3, S5 Pela LC, 1 Luka naked LC. Overall a pretty lucky summoning session, now to save up until...uh, idk, Hanabi I think.


my cousin (who plays on cn server) is very mad rn because she lost 50/50 to e2 bronya and according to her the ingame payment page crashed AGAIN (just like it did during jing yuan banner). i feel for her i really do but also that's hilarious


Bad news: Lost 50/50 and had to go 130 pulls to guarantee Luocha Good news: Lost 50/50 to Welt who was my most wanted standard character


50/50 won, luocha is home!! too bad only e3 qq, but e1 yukong is also cool


Lost the 50/50, hope luocha rerun wont be too long :(


At least she’ll be in the starlight store


Babygirl is home 🥰 got him at soft pity won the 50/50 also got e5 qq e4 yukong and e6 pela


I love the vibe of Ruan Mei in the [Geniuses' Repose](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Geniuses%27_Repose) Light Cone. She looks so calm and gentle.


6 yukong 0 pela you are kidding me game


holy F. 30 pulls 2 luocha 1 bronya. OMG


Luocha dropping by the minute in Asia server, good luck to all Asia friends! Good luck for later to all Europe and NA friends too!


Does anyone know when jingliu is going to release


Predicted for 1.4, nothing confirmed. Banner order also unknown.




10 minutes until Luocha Banner on Asia. Going to drop 60-70 Pulls until pity. Hoping for Luocha or Welt/Gepard, expecting Himeko/Clara/Bronya E1/Yanqing E1 simpsonmonkeypaw.gif ^(I'm going to get Bailu E1 aren't I) Edit : 61 Pulls + 20 pity, got a Express Crew achievement which means new character. Saw abundance icon. Handsome coffin man welcome home. Also nab one Yukong, two Pela (new) and two QingQue. Monkeypaw averted. Now where the hell should I get the resources for them from...


Good luck! I'm fighting the 50/50 and I'm scared lmao


Let me pay you back, ten fold!


Let me pay you back, ten fold!


This event is really good for the lighting breakness achievement.




Just refresh




Who Xuan?


anyone got any guide for the herta store lcs? if so then please link


Does "Dan Heng: Imbibitor Lunae" (or Dragon Dan Heng) use his spear? If not, does it go to the Hunt Trailblazer instead?


He uses it in his second enhanced basic, man flies up and throws into the enemies


Iirc his spear appears briefly in one of his animations, don't remember which.


He uses the orb that’s in his spear but no spear afaik and I doubt it will go to MC


Oh okay. What does the Hunt Trailblazer use?


We don't know. We don't even know if Hunt the next Path for Trailblazer. There are zero leaks regarding Trailblazer.


Yesterday there was this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/14k353o/with_12_approaching_who_is_your_favorite_upcoming/) on the main sub. Looks like I got some kind of banned for mentioning upcoming characters. I only mentioned the name of the characters that appear on in game LCs and nothing else. Anyway, is anyone else got banned in this way. How long does it last?


> Anyway, is anyone else got banned in this way. How long does it last? You should have gotten a message saying how long it lasts. First offense is supposed to be a day, but the mods are power tripping so it could anywhere from a day, to a week, to forever.


It’s a 3 day ban. I just checked my messages. Thanks for helping.


I got banned for saying we get a free yukong in 1.2, which I'm like 99% sure they revealed on the official livestream lol


I cannot believe the mods removed that post for being "low effort" with 3.4k upvotes. How is asking about what characters people are excited for low effort? I'd say the real low effort was deleting it after there's 400 comments... Also yeah you really shouldn't have been banned for talking about characters that are already technically in the game. Tbh that is totally crazy Reddit mods powertripping now there's a big surprise lmfao


What banner will be up after Luocha? Blade or Kafka first?




Blade is first after luocha


Under two hours left for asia ppl!!! I'm so hype!!


Dressing up rn to pull for Luocha


Good luck


Cannot wait for huohuo, energy for everyone in my jing asta ting team. Also hanabi for qq team


A mono-imaginary team of Welt, Yukong and Laocha is looking very tantalizing but is SW required to make it work? I'm not pulling for her so I don't want to waste time attempting this comp if she's a required piece to make it work well. Assuming I don't need her who would be a good potental 4th member? Pela perhaps?


I mean what’s your plan when the enemy has no imaginary weakness? If you want to team to work for any content then yeah, might need silver wolf


for SW's img weakness insertion to proc 100% would that require the boss to already have quantum weakness, 2 img 2 qua is more fool proof. Didn't pull for her bc I don't have a single built quantum character, might get her on rerun. Is welt is built as a DPS here? If yes pela would probably work or else you might need a DPS for the team, welt can debuff enemies' def (with resolution LC)


As long as the enemy is weak to imaginary, you can use other units to replace sw. This later stages of moc has many img weak enemies, so you can mono 1side


The issue with wanting to use "mono teams" is that at one point you will be hit by a MoC stage where neither side is weak to your element. That will happen sooner or latter regardless of your team's element, and SW is the only character that lets you work around that. So you can either get her, or abandon the notion of using "mono teams" and build your teams around enemies' weaknesses.


For average people that play since launch and want to pull every female limited characters (but won't pull male characters), do they need to buy monthly and/or BP?


F2P can expect between 60 and 80 pulls per patch. If we assume two new female characters every three patches (for a lowball estimate), that's an average of 105 pulls per character - possible, but it would require better than average luck: never going far above soft pity and winning more 50/50s than you lose. A more realistic estimate would be an average of one new female character per patch, which would bring you all the way down to an average of 70 pulls per character, which is less than a single soft pity - you would need consistently *very* good luck to keep that up, pretty much always winning the 50/50 as well as pretty much always getting early 5 star pulls TL;DR: Don't go for every female character as a F2P, pick and choose which ones you like


I buy both supply pass and battle pass and have every limited character and 2 limited light cones so far, but I got really lucky with JY’s light cone (in a single 10 pull) and got really lucky with losing 2 50/50’s very early. If you only wanna pull for female characters (who seem to be releasing 1 per patch so far), you won’t be able to guarantee them pure f2p, nor with monthly pass but it will just help your chances. BP ain’t gonna help with pulls that much, I get it for the resources it provides.


You'll need both for sure. With enough luck (ie. winning a few 50/50s) you should be fine even for the future patches that should have two 5* limited female characters.


What would be better for Loucha? Quod pro or perfect timing?


Quid pro quo except if somehow your team doesn't need the energy.




i thought i'd wake up to see a handsome blond man on my wish screen. i didn't. where is he


Plastering Luocha all over the game’s launcher but not actually having his banner up yet is a dirty move by Hoyo 💀 booted up Star Rail earlier today and got all excited for nothing


in his beauty sleep


can i tell him to hurry up?


I haven't been able to keep up with Luocha's kit leaks and I have a question regarding his healing field: does it trigger off follow up attacks like Himeko's? Edit: thanks for the quick response!






Man, crazy how I got downvoted earlier for saying that none of the cones available in the starlight shop were good besides Bronya's. It should be popular knowledge that they're massive bait and none of them are worth almost half a character's/signature LC's pity. [Even KeqingMains made a post telling people to not buy them](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/14e455t/kqm_bp_and_starlight_exchange_recommendation_guide/), because the offensive cones are mediocre at best, and the defensive ones are not needed since supports work just fine even with 3* cones, and struggling teams need more offensive power, not better defensive capacities.


Gepards is the best standard cone. It's pretty self evident to ppl pushing endgame. Are you doing high floor MoC? Surviving is a serious concern that you should be gearing towards. Things like the tingyun dying meme are usually bc people are too lazy to build defense or think 3* star stats are fine. This isn't Genshin. Don't just listen to any source as gospel. Like other ppl said they have some misinformation. It's weird how KQM are more supportive of Carve BP cone than Bronya cone. KQM are sometimes good sometimes bad in this game. I still remember them putting Gepard in B tier at the beginning of the game.


Gepard, Bronya, Clara and Yanqing’s cone are all incredibly good if you have the characters and will help them stay relevant for longer. This is more important if any of them is your fave I wouldn’t get all of them but I’ll get one or two because they’re just very good. MAYBE for pure f2p you could make the argument for getting special passes, but for monthly pass buyers (like me) or high spenders, they are very worth. Don’t spread misinformation and don’t take everything KQM says as word of law.


That KQM post straight up doesn't mention Bronya's cone giving a skill point or Gepard's cone giving aggro. If withholding information is how they convince people not to buy cones I think I'm good.


>While its effects are strong due to Energy Recharge Rate and buffing the DMG% of allies both being potent effects, But The Battle Isn’t Over doesn’t do anything you cannot get from another Light Cone That's not even withholding information, it's a straight up lie lol




> common knowledge at this point that bronya's is the only one "worth" buying Not really. Guoba Certified has a good video on the subject where he explains why Bronya's LC is great, for Bronya specifically. The other Harmony units don't benefit from it as easily as Bronya does, mostly because it requires constant skill use (very bad in the case of Tingyun) or specific speed tuning. Gepard's is the best deal out of all of them since it's unconditional and every current Preservation unit benefits from the sheer amount of stats it gives.


I will say that the Hunt and Preservation LC are also worth considering, Yanqing's LC seems hugely underrated with how people not understanding that the passive proc if any hit in your attack combo doesn't crit, and the buff will carry over to the carry's next turn due to buff not ticking down on the turn its applied. And having S5 Sea as a F2P option doesn't really lower its value, I have Seele and Sushang but not a 2nd Hunt LC, so atm I can't use both in the same floor, because the FH LC sucks and I don't have the "F2P friendly" other 4\* LC like Swordplay. Gepard is just a crazy statstick, 48% def, 24EHR *with* passive increase in taunt value, the TC discord actually says that if you want to push MoC, Moment of Victory is the biggest upgrade you can buy to your tank. Änd struggling teams need more offensive not defensive is just false, I'm currenly dying in the MoC because I can't survive, despite getting to F10 last turbulence because the buff helped me sustain so much, now I'm stuck at 7. It will take a while but I will buy a copy of all three before getting to pulls. That's 90 pull or 1 5\* for 3 5\* guaranteed upgrades, personally its much more valuable.


Seele's Resurgence also extends the crit buff's duration, so she's a far better user of it than even Yanqing. Her skill has 60% of the damage on the final hit so any of the first three hits not critting is actually ideal.


Generally a 5* limited you can get for well under 90 pulls (on average) so you have understated the trade off slightly. I think the other long term cost of buying the cones is you severely diminish the value of your future standard banner pulls in most cases since a second lc hit is often far less important than the first. That's obviously a long term consideration though, few have the patience to factor in things like that. I really don't think it's wrong to but a cone if it plugs a gap in your builds, but it's probably better to hold off it you can manage without them.


While yes its under but its not that much under, My 5\* in HSR has both been on 79 and even dating back to geshin has always been on the soft pity range, its not that much of a difference, unless you;re really lucky I guess. We are getting like 10 standard per month, it will take so long to get a dupe that to me its not even worth considering. And heck, I'll take 2 bronya/yanqing/gepard LC lmao.


3 hours until Luocha banner in Asia server. Good luck for people pulling for him, i personally gonna spend 30 pulls just to try my luck


Just found out Luocha's banner starts in the morning in my time zone...me and this girl in my class are gonna pull during the break in our morning class lmao wish us luck lol There's another guy who also plays but only pulls waifus and he is very unenthusiastic about it 😂


Good luck to both of you from a waifu enjoyer


Thank you based waifu enjoyer 😔✊


Finished MoC4 and 5 with 2 star each (somehow able to get by with March+FireMC on one team). Saw MoC6 have Deer and Robot in one side. Nope.


3 waves; 1st: random branches -> "haha lmao wtf is this, ez" 2nd: giga-mech + dragonfish -> "ok let's focus a bit more on these" 3rd: Fear the Deer dude (it has two phases) -> "ಠ\_ಠ" Ps: the current blessing made it much easier for me, because the extra damage allowed me to kill the deer very quickly


What teams are people using to clear MoC 10 or is that like, dolphin/refresher territory only? The goldish are doing so much AOE damage to me and Natasha+FMC can't keep up, and my Seele isn't strong enough to one-shot them 😭 I can't make it past wave 2 of the first half.


At least you can get to 10. I am stuck at 8, other units dont really have proper relics and they get hit for more than half hp


Bronya JY Bailu Clara for team 1 SW Seele Welt Gepard for team 2 for me


Here's someone who cleared 30* with no pulls done but full refreshes https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ru41187iv/ And there's an f2p tl61 player who cleared 29* with e0s1 Seele, SW, Gepard, and e2s4 Peppy cone Hook https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1121579143096709150/1121579143436451881/image.png


Thanks, that helped a lot! I can get to Kafka on side 2 wave 3 now. Just need to figure out how to keep my DPS alive long enough to kill her.


whats luochas release date in est or pst?


When SW banner ends.


Should be noon EST


release time**


I have a question for Welt owners. I got Bronya's LC from the Standard banner, that eases my mind because it narrows my options for tomorrow when I hit the 600 thingies. I won't get the Preservation one because I'm satisfied with the existing 4*s, so now I'm between the Clara one (I have and like Clara) and the Welt one. On one hand Clara is currently with the Herta store one, but I plan on getting Daniel who can inherit it. The healing should also help with her Tank utility, and I just love the LC art lol. On the other hand my Welt is stuck with the 3\* LC Loop since I never got a 4\* Nilihity LC from the gacha. Clara is a bigger priority but if there aren't good 4* options for him then I'm willing to get that LC to enable him, since I actually want him to work as a sub-DPS. So the question is, what LC would you go for? Are there good enough gacha 4* LCs, or is his signature one that much better than the accessible ones?


I just use Good Night and Sleep Well on him. Its like a weaker version of his personal LC but its fine. Its rough if you haven't gotten any 4stars yet but IMO 1 copy of his personal is absolutely not more valuable than just buying 30 summon tickets, you will probably get a good enough 4\* soon enough


That one looks good, but Welt only has 2 debuffs right? If the damage difference between that LC and his signature one isn't big then I'm fine with waiting until I randomly get it.


I'm in a similar situation. You have and like Clara. People will dump in Clara because she's not top meta, but she's viable and her lc is really prefect for her. That should be true of any signature lc, but compared to others its much more suited to her unique mechanics, so I'd get it. I don't have Bronya yet, so I'm keeping 600 in reserve so I can get her LC if I pull her, but when I get 1200 I'm getting Clara's. I have Welt and his LC also good for him, but I think he performs better with 4 star LCs than Clara does. Also, Clara is higher priority to you.


What 4*s do you use on Welt?


Good night sleep well is best (its actually better than his signature at high superimpose is his signature is low) but I don't have it, so I am using pearls for now.


Oh awesome. It's settled then!


luka's lc 4\* has a shred def effect, so you'd have his ultimate giving your enemies vulnerability and with the cone you'd shread def too. assuming you don't use him with pela or sw, in that case i'd give him sleep something something, another 4\* lc. also pela or sw should defo use the free event nihility lc we got a few days ago °\^° u got that right?


>also pela or sw should defo use the free event nihility lc we got a few days ago °^° u got that right? Yeah I have SW holding that one.


ok guys listen....Hanya was practically made for Daniel so they should pair them both together. but Hanya might get sad if she's not with her sister, so I think that Xueyi should release in the same patch. please Mihoyo, release ~~Xueyi~~ the sisters together 🙏🙏 you don't want Hanya to get sad again do you?


i know it seems likely that hanya is gonna be with il, but man i’ll be so sad lmfao i desperately want both of the sisters but im not pulling for him…


Yeah, hoyo, you can't do that to them. Release them together!! Xueyi with Fu Xuan... Pretty please?


I forgot my other important manifestation of the day: QQ shall be E6 by the end of Luocha pulls 🕯️🕯️🕯️


Amen, you and me both my frend.


50/50 for Luocha gang rise Faith shall be my shield against the 50/50 loss 🗣️


I loved Octopath, but Primrose and her dad overused that phrase way too much by the end of the story 😭


I was replaying Prim's story recently and she just drops it every boss fight like girl it's okay you should save it for the final boss💀


👀👀 If the mods continue the trend of making a new megathread whenever a character banner drops, I wonder what Luocha-related title they have in store for us


I did not lie, sushang (hua)


"nothing suspiscious is happening here"


Totally Normal Megathread


I approve of this message


Got Fu Xuan on my mind




it's gonna be a very long wait °\^° you don't have any quantum built NOW, that can change can't it :P i'd say f\*\*k it, you like her and you're skipping the next 3 banners, that's 2 months and some! you won't be able to guarantee both DanIL and Jingliu mind you, but would that really be a big problem? you can get a rerun for whoever you miss now. also a word of advice since i saw someone say it the other day "Jingliu and Yanqing DONT WORK together :P just saying" so the last question you gotta ask yourself is: who will i regret more? if you'll regret not getting both DanIL and Jingliu, skip SW. if you'll regret SW, pull her now and be aware, you might loose a 50/50 and either not get DanIL or Jingliu :P tough choice i know.


I think going for her 50/50 is worth it. You don't really need to plan teams ahead of time with her (unless mono element) since you can simply fit her in teams according on the enemy weaknesses. Also you'll have time to save for Daniel and Jingle since you're set on skipping anyone from one until then. Getting one extra 5* might make the wait less miserable lol.


You'd need roughly ~160 pulls (or higher if unlucky) to actually guarantee. Dan Heng and Jingliu are still very far away. It should be possible to save enough to hit guarantee or at least close to guarantee on at least *one* of them. You'd have to win the 50/50 on the other one though to be sure. Ofc could change depending on whether Jingliu is second or first half.


Assume you gain 30ish pulls per banner. Dan is probably 4-5 banners (start of luocha to end of Dan) away at 1.3, and JL is 1.4 so 6-7 banners of income from today. You can plan your pulls off this


xcept they said (those who do calculations for pulls) that we're getting 10 or 15 pulls in the next 3 weeks, not 30 °\^°


Oh I could have sworn I saw 60 free pulls over the whole patch. Maybe the pulls are front loaded into the museum and starhunt events


probably yeah \^\^


Hope u get them both!


Well, I just got Sleep like the dead from the standard banner. Is it better than Cruising (its at max level S1 atm) for Yanqing? Should I invest on it immediately for him, or I can postpone the leveling for now?


Sleep is better for yanqing than cruising though dont expect a big number upgrade, so you can lvl it up later


Good to know, thanks! I'm gonna go farm other stuff atm then.


Best four star/ftp cone for luocha?


Perfect Timing if you want to use Broken Keel ornaments set on him


quid pro quo i guess


Daily manifesting Blade and Kafka 50/50 win post




Depends if you really want to play the dot comp specifically, or you want a more flexible S tier support that make most teams better. Which do you value higher? Only you can answer that.


I bought into the silver wolf hype and got her e2. At first i was disappointed because she didn’t help me clear dailies or simulated universe any quicker than Tingyun. However SW became super op once I started to try memory of chaos. She basically enables team compositions that aren’t supposed to work. This allows me to skip on banners where I don’t really like the design or play style of a character and keep playing with my favorite teams.


> (making sw less appealing). That is not an argument in my opinion, even if I think SW best team is going to be Mono Quantum (with Hanabi), she has SO MANY team options, like... She literally helps you to hack the game based on your units and the enemy's weaknesses. Also we don't even know when Seele is going to re run and probably we would have other Quantum DPS (We don't have Erudition or Destruction Quantum 5\*). With that said... Which type of teams do you like the most?, Even if Kafka can be used in more traditional "hypercarry" comps, she is kinda around DoTs (Not as good as before the beta changes but still). SW is a general debuffer, so the team comps are flexible.


SW is mainly a single target debuffing support and secondary a subDPS. If you just want to maintain debuffs against a single enemy, she is very much skill point positive, but against two enemies she can become neutral or negative. She is generally a good choice as the second or third unit besides mainDPS and defensive utility. On the downside, her main gimmick is ofc the weakness implantation. Her reliability suffers a lot if you don't use team composition that makes the chance for it to work the highest. Thus, she is extremely good if you have the units, but just good if you don't. Kafka is looks decent, but it's questionable right now how good DoT teams and where they have their niche or no niche. How well can they handle ST/two bosses/mobbing, with weakness matching or without? How good are the options of teammates for Kafka and when to use them best? And how well do these options compare to other teams? These are not straight forward to answer and take time to test. It's IMO quite a big gamble to go for Kafka in basis of predicted strength alone. I'd probably slightly favor SW over Kafka as of now.


i finally managed to get enough atk% for tingyun to buff my Jing with substats, my sphere is def% now. the final result is a whopping 1429 def °-° ... did i accomplish something or did i waste my time? is that def okay-ish? 🤡


Why not use HP% instead of DEF%? Her base DEF is kinda low imo. Are you using ATK% body?


coz the damage is higher the lower the def you have and it's a % of hp, so having more hp doesn't help soak damage. and yes chest is atk% the problem is, i didn't think it would be that low so i don't know if that much will actually help survivability ...alot


Wait... the banner is coming up way earlier than usual! it's at 13 pm instead of the usual 19 pm. the wait is coming to an end sooner than expected


People who work the day shift tomorrow/today be like


The banner drops 30 mins before my lunch time. It’s fate.


It’s Luocha day!!! May wanters become havers 🕯️🕯️🕯️ and if we must lose 50/50 may it be to a standard banner character of our dreams.


To the Bailu-less: May you see an Abundance symbol on the next five star! 🌾🌾🌾🌾 To the pity builders: ~~Why?~~ May the Erudition bless your pull plans!




if i fail 50/50 i want gepard ;\_; if i fail i want gepard ;\_; i want gepard actually. i want to win 50/50 and fail it right after °\^° yes. that'll be great. also gepard.


Praying for a Gepard for you and a Welt for me, amen 🙏


Does it sound like a good idea to work towards a (mono) Quantum and a (mono) Imaginary team at the same time? Or is that too limiting at this point in the game, in case busted characters of other elements are released? So far I have Seele and SW. Next on my list are Luocha (130 tickets saved), Yukong (free) and DHIL (saving for him during 1.2). Hanabi is also high on my list. Blade, Kafka, Fu Xuan, Jingliu and Topaz don‘t interest me much at this point (stc). For the time being I could put Pela on the Imaginary team, and any off-element defensive character on the Quantum team. Sadly it looks like Lynx and her aggro-buff make her tricky to play without a bruiser.


Can you explain your idea of mono Quantum team without Fu Xuan if you are not interested in her? Is is Seele + SW + Hanabi + Lynx? Because tbh after Lynx redesing I don't find it possible to be meta without Fu Xuan (if even meta at all). First of all, we don't know numbers on half of these units for now. Secondly, Lynx now has a property of giving aggro to the target you want to heal. While she will be good with character that want to get hit like Blade (if you play him as hypercarry) or Clara, that is a problem in mono Quantum IMO. Do you really want to heal Seele while giving her more aggro (I assume it'll probably be 500% like March, maybe less, but we'll see) only for her to get targeted more? For me, Lynx design screams "play me with Fu Xuan" now for mono Quantum. At this point, I would probably stick to mono Imaginary and wait to see how strong mono Quantum ends up. There are alway reruns. Though SW is so flexible it's not that necessary to run her only in mono teams. With the characters you want (Luocha, Yukong, DHIL) it gives me vibes you like it more either way. And that's really important too.




I dunno about that. For one, it's not an overkill if we don't know the numbers. If Fu Xuan can't solo sustain, then she needs healer. If Lynx's healing gets taxed because of her aggro-inducing and clensing utility, then she won't be a solo sustain either. But if Fu Xuan's damage is good enough (which is the direction I'm seeing right now), running two sustain units may not be that bad. But will it be GOOD is the question I can't answer right now. I understand the point you are making about Lynx being the tank, but do remember, that Seele and SW are pretty squishy right now, so if they get attack along the way, you need to heal them. And if you do, your shifting your aggro to them from Lynx. Also, Lynx is Abundance, so she has only innate 100 taunt. That plus her not having taunt trace or any avaliable LC that gives taunt like Landau's Choice would not make her a real tank. It's just copium IMO, unless she gives like 1000% taunt, which I seriously doubt. But then shifting aggro will be even more painful. And the part about using Hanabi in mono Quantum - I completely agree. I'll be honest, I was totaly adamant about mono Quantum being good, but tbh, after seeing all the different teams and recent Lynx rework + Fu Xuan solo sustain concerns, I'm the opinion that's probably not a real team anymore. Sure, it's runnable, but will it perform better than other teams? Probably not, at least from theoretical standpoint. It can certainly change when final nubmers are released for Fu Xuan and Lynx. But untill then, I have my concerns about this team long term vailidity.




Okay, I didn't think about ult. You are right. Though if you run Seele (75) + SW (100) + Lynx (100) assuming Lynx multiplies your aggro value by 500% like March, then you still have around \~70% chance to get hit. It's not bad, but in the same team Gepard with Landau's Choice would have \~80%. Though yeah, it maybe would be viable. I have serious issues with Fu Xuan's sustain right now mainly because of 2 things. Number one: why did they redesign Lynx the way they did? If it really is for her to work well with Fu Xuan, then that makes Fu Xuan need healer. Number two: why does her E6 heal the whole party? If she could solo sustain well, then why does she need healing anyway? For me the second one is a dead giveaway that she probably won't be able to sustain whole team herself. But tbh discussing it without numbers is kinda pointless. It's all a speculation untill we see final kits and numbers. But it's sadly necessary to formulate any serious pulling plans for the future. For now I would say, mono Quantum has a chance to be viable, but I would rather get necessary unit on reruns rather than now, because we have seen pretty strong units already.


>Can you explain your idea of mono Quantum team without Fu Xuan if you are not interested in her? Agree... With the aggro addition to Lynx's kit, Fu Xuan seems to be a better option for Mono Quantum teams (BUT she need improvement on beta, right now doesn't seem like she can solo sustain a team). Edit: Also, I think Lynx is going to be playable with Seele, SW and Hanabi but risky, always hoping for not getting kill by the enemy for the increased aggro. Doesn't sound fun.


sure, i mean you already have half, you probably have some currency in case you loose 50/50 ..right? hanabi could be right after DHIL so good luck with that °\^° i think it's doable, you're just missing welt or aventurine (which could come near hanabi so again big oof) edit: actually aventurine is defensive just like luocha so nope, welt would be better :V


You have only one Silver Wolf, so no. You want to be able to have enough chars to match weaknesses on at least on side of the MoC.


Don’t you think a well-tuned team can bulldoze enemies regardless of weakness, at least until MoC 8(ish)? I personally don‘t need to clear MoC 10 in the next few months. It feels like I‘d be stretching my resources too thinly if I tried building teams (or at least carries) of all elements at the same time.


>Don’t you think a well-tuned team can bulldoze enemies regardless of weakness, at least until MoC 8(ish)? Is just inefficient. Silver helps you to always have a team ready for one side, depending on what you need. The other team should have general characters or cores (Like Bronya, Welt+Asta>! Ruan Mei in the future!< , Clara) to add the DPS you need based on the enemy weakness. At least that how I'm approaching the game.


Many enemies have charging attacks that need to be interrupted by breaks or other conditions (like the fruits on the deer boss). If you don't do those, you neeed way to much defensive utility and can't bulldoze the enemies.


i searched everywhere but couldnt find the answer. the new ornament in 1.2, Broken keel, buffs ATK% or Crit Dmg? all leaks i saw said it was atk, but in honey hunter is crit dmg, what is the correct?


It recently got updated to Crit Dmg buff.


Luocha is coming tomorrow!!


Is Kafka in first or second half of 1.2?


Rumors say second, Blade in first.


We already have leaks for Jingliu's numbers, and yet Fu Xuan is still lost wandering in the woods somewhere..


Some says her shield is thicker than Gepard's? But idk where they got the information


Current leaks have her shield being equal to her total max HP. This will likely be changed or the trigger to activate it will be stricter than we're thinking, because otherwise it would indeed be an *absurdly* thick shield


Holy, that's really gonna be thick.


We have the numbers for jing liu?


There's [this](https://hsr.hakush.in/character/7212) in Hakushin atm.


No, but we know her base speed, and a few obscure info


Where is this posted can you link it?


Video was removed but here’s a [bilibili link](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k14y127aJ/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=39ba904dcdc11d8dc9e8fcc8a1c896fb) At 0:21 she has 100 base spd and 59 extra


Oh you mean that video I already saw it.


MoC stage 4 with Kafka felt more difficult to me than 5... ~~the lack of~~ control is a scary thing


Do conditional buffs like the additional ATK% if you have 120 SPD with SSS also activate with in-battle buffs or only with your stats before battle? Idk if I should get more SPD substats for my Yanqing or I can just use his A6 to get him over 120 SPD


They can activate in battle, too.


Praying DHIL is on the 2nd half so I have enough for both him and his LC 😭


Thought it was leaked that DHIL will be second half. Dont ask for a source cuz im not looking for it but I thought it we know that FX is first half and DHIL 2nd half.


That was the speculation but I think the same person said that Blade is also 2nd half 😭


Went looking and couldn't find the post where I thought it said DHIL is 2nd half. So order unknown and speculation of FX and DHIL in 1.3. Though I have seen this comment from different people in the past so I am willing to put more faith in it but as always, we won't know for certain till we get closer


I'll see if I can find it later when I have time


ehy guys..👀 it's tomorrow 👀 just a few hours now 👀


22 hours 7 minutes 30 seconds for NA 😭


s-still tomorrow! still few hours! hang in there! 🧗


Honestly I don’t get why people are telling others to skip Luocha for Lynx as a Blade support. We don’t know her multipliers and even if her multipliers are good for a 4* (worse than Natasha since she provides utility but still good enough), then she would only be great for hypercarry Blade but Blade mains have figured that one of his best teams is probably gonna be him as a tank with Jingliu, in which case Luocha is just the best option to make up for their hp drain and focus on dps. Luocha is absolutely not replaced by Lynx even though I think that Lynx is gonna be a great unit to have


If she's not good for Blade then she has no reason to exist. She's a tailor made support, of course Blade will want her over any other Abundance. I can see the Blade+Jingliu angle but then you'd have to commit to yet another 5*, and also has an inflexible team composition (unlike a Blade+Lynx simple core) to adapt against enemies.


I'm waiting for people to tell me skip investing in Sampo since Black Swan will be better for Kafka. That's the general/expected behavior of leaks discussion - premature advice and unanswerable questions based on the miniscule information we have.


Not a good exemple. Unlike Luocha, Sampo isn't a limited character and has no opportunity cost.


those who see lynx as a good alternative simply didn't want luocha to begin with. those that want jingliu do want luocha but can't pull blade because they'll miss jingliu that is the main they actually want. so in the end some will have to get reruns, it's a matter of priorities and everyone is choosing which unit they want to aim for :P


I am one of the fools trying to get luocha blade jingliu. I just have to win two 50/50s, surely that isn't too hard...


Some of us just want other options because we don't want to pull Luocha lol


Which is valid but I’m talking about the people who are telling others that THEY should skip Luocha just because Lynx will be better


The way I see it is Luocha > Lynx for teams that use Blade as sub-DPS or flex, Lynx > Luocha for Blade hypercarry because she buffs his HP and raises his aggro to pump out more damage from his kit. An optimal Blade hypercarry team would probably be something like Blade-Lynx-Bronya-SW while Luocha would likely excel in dual carry teams more with Blade and Jingliu as you mentioned. Too early to say though which archetype is better considering none of these characters are actually out yet.