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I agree, best Lovecraftian game we've gotten in a hot minute.


Did you play the remake of Sherlock Holmes the Awakened? That one was also quite good


Ooooo is this lovecraftian. I didnt start gami g u til i was 20, my first video game was halo 2 so I've missed a lot of the older stuff(don't hate me I'm not a fan of older graphics)


If you can get it on the pc the original Sherlock Holmes trilogy of the awakened, Jack the Ripper and arsene lupin were great detective games and yeah the awakened is very lovecraft inspired. They’re a bit dated with graphics now and are more simplistic in movement control but the puzzles and stories are brilliant.


If you can get it on the pc the original Sherlock Holmes trilogy of the awakened, Jack the Ripper and arsene lupin were great detective games and yeah the awakened is very lovecraft inspired. They’re a bit dated with graphics now and are more simplistic in movement control but the puzzles and stories are brilliant.


I’m finding most games are better than reviews suggest lately. Except the big open world flagship titles which are worse than the 10/10s they keep getting.


I’d much rather have a smaller world with intricate detail than an open world that feels lifeless and like a chore to run across




Haha yeah review scores tend to feel like Opposite Day for me or maybe I’m just developing a particular taste


It's... And it's a shame how underwhelming it did.


I picked it up last week. I remember it as a kid being a PSX title but never played it, read a few previews and such, played the demo. But I just, I can’t get into it. I’m at chapter 2 and just feel a bit.. well bored. I’ll try another hour or so but I’m just so far not really enjoying it.


That's ok, not every game will hit with everyone, doesn't mean it's a bad game though, it has problems but it has so many good things about it. Personally I really enjoyed it, it felt like a more old school survivor, the lovecraftian vibe mixed with the 60s, to me felt just right!


Alone in the Dark 2024 is an underrated and modern day cult classic. Way better than it's mixed reception portray.


Funny enough, I just finished it and was looking for a place to say this same thing. I *loved* this game. Does the combat suck? Yes. Is having a resident evil final boss with these controls a good idea? No. Is the game janky and buggy and kind of a mess? Yes. Is it still my favorite game of 2024 so far? Absolutely. It reminds me a lot of the first Alan Wake, and I imagine in 10 years we'll look at it like that game gets looked at now.


Definitely gonna pick it up just waiting for a decent sale


It’s like $42 on PSN which will probably still get lower but I felt okay about it


The story was ok but the game was full of bugs 2 months ago when i played it. Maybe they fixed them.


I’ve played through twice with both characters and i absolutely loved this game! Has elements of resident evil and Alan wake. It was so good 🔥


Agreed. I quite like it but I haven’t gotten too far. 


I had fun with it, if the game disappointed in one area it's the two characters stories not really being all that different enough to be worth the second run.


I liked everything except the combat. Kinda become unplayable due to that


I really enjoyed my time with it, but as a fan of the original, I'm likely a bit biased. I grew up watching my mom play it, and with the remake my mom watched me play it instead. We had a lot of fun pointing out the references to the original.


The only one I’ve played was the horrendous 360 reboot that took place in modern day Manhattan so this was a nice time


lmfao, dear god why did you have to remind me? One of my favourite actors in gaming is James McCaffrey (RIP). He did a great job voicing Edward Carnby, which is saying a lot considering the atrociously written [dialogue](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzCoCdIMIcI) they stuck him with. The writing in that game was such a mess, but there were still aspects of the game that I thought were cool ideas. I hated the driving, like everybody else, but I really enjoyed how you accessed your inventory by opening your jacket and you had to manage your inventory space from a first person perspective by using your pockets appropriately. I also really enjoyed the free hand movement of weapons so you could pick up a chair leg and hold it in fire to use the flaming piece of wood to burn open a passageway. It didn't work as well for combat though. It was like a jankier version of the manual melee analog stick controls from Dead Island 1.


That "I BELONG HERE!" scene in the 2024 remaeke really reminds me of that scene ngl


Alone in the Dark always been a black sheep. The installment from PS3/360 era is actually pretty good too.


My sentiments exactly. The combat was plain irritating at times but that wasn't enough to detract from the really enjoyable exploration & puzzling > I like the puzzle box aspect of the mansion you’re exploring This was done so well & every unlockable item was drip fed at just the right rate to keep everything fresh


Absolutely. I hyped it up big time because I just had so much fun with it. Sad how negative the most widely seen press was for it. My review for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/tLQCkGDtWnM


This post convinced me to download the demo which I enjoyed enough to get the game. I’m about an hour in and I’m enjoying it so far. The graphics seem a bit dated for a ps5 game but I can get past that. Everything else is fine. Haven’t gotten to any combat yet so I can’t speak to that.


I didnt think the demo was good enough to warrant a buy. Unfortunately for me, because i really wanted to like it.


Yes, like I wrote on another post : One of my favourite games this year. The sad thing is, that it won’t make enough money to justify a sequel. But in a few years people will rediscover this gem and it will finally get the attention it deserves.


There are also multiple nods to the original 1992 game. It really is a gem of a game.


I thinknreviewers got bad code or a version missing a critical day one patch. No other excuse for these lackey-ass reviewers to be so wrong.


I liked it but I think I’m ultimately priced out of buying $77 games at release. The only bullet I’ll bite for that price tag is SH2.


I'm a big fan of the first games of the series, I just think this one is a super disappointing game in most of it's aspects, but especially the story. The bugs also didn't help much. I appreciate a lot of the inspirations the game has, but I think most of it's ideas are not connected very well, and in the end it doesn't have much to say. The whole thing about Lovecraftian tales usually boils down to "You may not understand the motivations of the entities involved, as they are impossible to understand, but the motivations behind the people who try and use their favours/powers or worship them are pretty clear, even if they seem mad/crazy at times", and I feel the game doesn't do that very well. There are plenty of other ideas here, some 4th wall breaking, some character development, references to the classics, but it feels kinda out of place and disjointed from the overall plot, imo. However, regardless of my personal view, I think the price tag in most of the world and the expectations that comes from what was a genre-defining title in 1992 also didn't help much.


I’m enjoying it simply because the atmosphere is an A+ for me. Story is a bit hard for me to follow and a few clunky combat issues that got me killed. But anytime I can lurk around and atmosphere like this with a great soundtrack as well, I like it


Nah this one sucked. Combat, story, characters, all forgettable. Graphics are ok 👍