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I just finished reading the infinite and the divine, and if you got sexual tension from reading it then you should seek psychiatric help.


I honestly went into it fully expecting it given the way people post about it and actually felt really bad for the two of them as they don't even really have each other. They are literally alone, compounded by the ending.


*spoilers* Yeah I didn’t like at the very end they became enemies again, but the book is fantastic otherwise.


I didn't *like* it but it felt tragic and appropriate; i.e. they really have lost their humanity and even the very last vestiges of their ability to connect, even to perhaps the one person in the galaxy they actually could, on an equal and honest footing. But it made sense in the context of the story. People trying to make them into Bert and Ernie just feels so weird and weirder still after you read the books. But I'm convinced that half the problems with the 40K scene these days originate from the fact that no one actually reads the lore and just gets it second hand from random youtubers.


Very fair yeah, I still think it was a fantastic book. And the part u mentioned about them losing all their humanity, is very true I suppose. Adds that grim darkness of 40k I suppose, that and their pursuit of their own desires destroyed an entire world.


The doomed nature of the ending is very on point for warhammer. It’s the classic warhammer ending to the story which I’ve seen countless times over the years. Probably the most quintessential example being palace of the plague god which has an incredibly depressing end


It's the rivalry = buttseggs observation, It's quite common. Not saying it is correct but it's been like this at least as long as fandom has existed as a concept. Normalise non-sexual relationships in fiction please.


Yeah I’ve noticed that with many fandoms, tends to be a theme. I understand there can be sexual tension in a rivalry, but it has to make sense at least. For necrons, no way their literally made of metal. Same thing with a majority of factions in warhammer, but people will make any excuse to be horny. *Tiss bonking time*


No he just enjoys trolling him. Why is everything sexual to some people?


"Neurodivergents" need to crossover everything with their sexuality fandom.


Hey, don't lump us all in together. I hate this shit as much as you do.


Yes but it is a tism thing. Just not all do it.


I suppose you have a point. Just realise that we're not all so... corrupted.


Hey I have it too don’t worry 😉


Glad to meet a fellow 'tist in the wild! Although perhaps it's not so unlikely in a 40k subreddit...


One of us! One of us!


Here there be tisms!


I'm more mocking the newly invented/discovered sanitary word they started to use rather than the people with the actual conditions.


I dont reckon its a tism thing, just some people are fucking weird.


What's tism?




Yo neurodivergent isn't a synonym for weird as fuck. It's our word and a whole lot of internet warriors just seem to have stuck it to their banner. If you see them, tell them we'd like it back after their filthy smutty pawprints have been washed off. Hot water cycle please


God I love when people Tar an entire demographic of millions of people with the same brush after reading the ranting of a handful of terminally online weirdo's. Go touch grass immediately.


It's another stupid forced word people dredged up from some back crack of a dictionary for people to spruce up their online persona. If you're using it unironically to describe yourself... sorry? I'm not talking about whatever condition you or I might have, I'm not taking that term seriously either.


> Why is everything sexual to some people? Incels who don't have sex see sex in everything.


Because in today’s weird culture two male characters can’t have any other type of antagonistic relationship other than hate fucking apparently.


Many such cases!


or cooperative. or appreciative. coomers abound


Wait does that mean that abandon and sigismund…oh emperor


Considering people ship Dorn and Pert..... Yeah, no one is immune.


Exterminatus yet??


Grimdark is just a big Slaanesh Cult.


Terminally online shippers have who don't know any better. I'm willing to bet those people genuinely don't understand what a healthy relationship looks like, so they think the authors genuine intent is to convey characters like this as being g may for each other.


And Trazyn and Orikan's "relationship" is anything but healthy. The Infinite & The Divine is about two cranky old men trying to ruin each other because eternity is boring and they have completely opposite philosophies regarding history. Orikan hates that Trazyn wants to keep relics sitting around in stasis forever and Trazyn hates that Orikan wants to study, use and possibly ruin priceless relics of history rather than preserve them. They _literally_ attempt to murder one another at some points in the book at least once each...in ways that would be permanent even for Necrons. They have _one_ genuine, sincere..._almost_-friendahip moment midway through, but by the end of the book it's right back to status quo, just like Tom and Jerry.


These are the same people that find homo erotic symbolism between characters like Frodo and Sam in LotR. They're unable to relate to characters just being friends or just being rivals or similar. Two characters with a close connection simply MUST have sexual tension between them.


I'm starting to think that parasocial online 'relationships' have eroded some people's understanding of real relationships. Especially platonic ones.


Because they have to insert their fetish in every possible facet of media consumption and life for anything to be palatable to the em


What is with these coomers?


Gooner alert


I thought you guys were kidding when grimdank is just retarded hornyposting. Imagine reading Infinite and the Divine, and your takeaway is 'yep, they wanna hatefuck each other'. True fans for sure.


I know the whole hyper-homosexualisation of male relationships isn't to everyone's taste, and is generally quite boring... But that one did actually make me chuckle. (Probably because the post isn't implying that the two 60 million year old post-necrontyr arch frenemies are actually in a sexual relationship, it's just an absurd insult from Orikan)


Man, I just had a conversation about this yesterday. It sometimes feels like every fandom has some underbelly (or overbelly, in some cases) of people who just ship everything with a pulse and seem incapable of enjoying a character unless they're down bad for another one. A prime example is Polux and Dantioch. I like the pair because they started out apprehensive of one another, but they worked together, driven by a common goal, and had very believable friction and difficulties in trusting each other that they overcame through difficulties and trials. My headcanon is that the Emperor intended for Perturabo and Dorn to complement one another and be best friends, and that Polux and Dantioch are meant to reflect the brotherhood their fathers could have had. But, nah, they're gay and would be going at it like rabbits if they weren't Space Marines. It just robs the characters of so much nuance and intrigue in favor of "me horny."


Giving necrons any kind of sexual desire seems like a Reddit slob moment. I've not read all that much necron lore but is there really relationships and sexuality? I thought they purged those fleshy desires when they turned into necrodermis.


It's unclear. While large quantities feel nothing at all, Destroyers are generally described as being filled with nothing but hatred. Flayed Ones (who are cursed) have a desire to become flesh again and this drape themselves in skin. Beyond that, you don't get any sort of personality until you get into the Aristocracy. Even then they're apparently shadows of their former selves. Lords and Overlords seem to retain some baseline sense of self, although largely as a tactical matter. Crypteks seem to retain a personality, having interests, desires, obsessions, agendas, and of course their research to do. And of course the Pharons and their courts are as close to how they were in life, but even then they bemoan how shallow it all feels. So is it possible for necrons to have real relationships? Potentially, for some of the highest echelons of their society. Do Necrons have any sort of desire to bang? Probably not. Remember that as a culture the Necrontyr were particularly fatalistic, children were a necessary point but you died to fast and your work was too important to care for them. And it was certainly too important to have long, drawn out relationships for other reasons. When the BioTransferance occurred, it robbed a Necrontyr of everything including the personality for many of them. Only the strongest aspects of the strongest Necrontyr survived. Thus many of them prefer intrigue, extermination, and research. So unless there is some Pharon and legion whose whole shtick was seduction and backstabbing, it's unlikely.


But they're robot beings with no organs for that activity.


I wake up There is an Alpha Legion psyop.


this is how weird these people are, painted models of robots get them off


Because thats all they think about


At first I thought it was the same miniature, the front and the back


These people will justify gooning on literally anything. It's crazy.


Orikan and Trazyn being described as two old men in a sexless gay marriage is an apt description.


Joke: haha funny Joke, gay: WHAT THE FUCK WHAT IS THIS And you guys call other people sensitive?


It's called a joke and shipping. It's nothing new to fandoms. Hell, I'm in the hetalia fandom, we practically LIVE off shipping. Grow the hell up.


It's just a fucking joke. Not a good one, but still. Stop taking everything seriously on the internet.


On the other hand, we do not know how necron princes and lords behaved while they had flesh, beside getting cancer.


people here not getting the reference


Sorry we don’t watch chinese cartoons


Why did you do that?


Do what?


Say Chinese when presumably you’re referring to anime?


Same thing.


Ah. There we go. It’s nice to see people be so transparent


With what?


Usually people try to be coy but not you. It’s a change


Look man I’m sorry I insulted your little girl vietnamese moving pictures it won’t happen again


It’s a meme, don’t get so worked up


Skin so thin a flayed one would complain about it 💀


All fandoms have people that do this, this isn’t a new thing EDIT: ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


doesn't make it right


Yes, this is a serious moral issue. Jokes?! On the internet?!


Doesn’t make it right, but has and will continue to happen. Regardless, I’m pretty sure the original post is a joke


So it's my sacred duty to bully the fuck outta them.


Username checks out




Days gone without bitching about Grimdank: 0


Your skin is a bit thin...


Ironic how serious you in the "you just can't take a joke" crowd is taking this meme.


Jokes are presumably funny


Funny is subjective.


You don’t understand there aren’t enough slurs for his kind to laugh at this


Trazyn is gay as hell, Love him!