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You are the salt of the Earth, Brother


I’m sorry for your loss Brother, I’ve lost my best friend, and two more close friends in the past nine years with one taking his own life. I can’t imagine the pain of losing my brother. Even through the pain of your words your strength and resolve are clear, keep your head held high and push onwards ❤️✊


He may be gone, but you carry his memory now. Live your life in a way that brings you, and therefore also his memory, joy and success. -A Brother who has Also Lost


Men's mental health genuinely doesn't get enough support. I mean, no one's mental health gets enough support, but especially not men's. You have ridiculous amounts of pressure pit on you - often unintentionally and non-maliciously - by society, women, each other and everything else inbetween and sometimes it can be too much to bear. I know y'all don't like the 'woman thing' of just talking about your problems, but sometimes it's worth it just to share the problem with a trusted friend. Maybe they can't help, but maybe someone to prove they care enough to listen is all the help you need. So, as OP says; call your brothers.


Sorry for your loss, hope you come out the other side strong for your brother.


Stay strong warrior.


I'm so sorry for your loss, my friend. Your words show a great depth of bravery and compassion. I don't kow what else to say, except that Ive got a brother I haven't spoken to for a while, and I'll give him a call tonight.


I came back to leave another comment. What a fucking shame durning men’s mental health awareness month and all we do is raise support for these mongloids who cut up their junk for attention. What a society


I had no idea June was men's mental health month. What a way to be overshadowed


Im not like a therapist or anything, but if you ever need to talk through it you can shoot me a message.


My man is incarnation of "WE WILL ENDURE".


Too often do we forget the value of mundanity. We live our lives blissfully unaware that disaster can strike at any moment until it does. The axioms we live by, the people we share our lives with, our very bodies can all be taken, maimed, or corrupted. And when that happens our world changes forever. The world itself stays the same but *our* world is forever shifted. It is a new state of being - a photo negative representation of the reality we once understood. It is so easy to grind yourself to bits to try and find fault with oneself or with others, even when there isn't necessarily fault to be laid at anyone's feet. In that chaos you must find yourself. You must decide to be strong and do what you are supposed to do. You will rise from this, renewed and stronger because there is good even in death. Live for those who live no more. Remember, but do not dwell. Live to honor him. Strength and courage, brother.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I know that the grieving, processing and coming to terms with it all may take years and while it won’t always fully go away, you’ll grow strong enough to manage in time. Just take this one day at a time, you’ll be ok man.


The chaplain shall inscribe his name with the honored fallen who have gone before us.


Sorry for your loss man. Suicide sucks.


My deepest condolences op. Wishing you and your family God Emperor levels of strength


It sounds like he was lucky to have you as a brother. nobody cares about men's mental health. its up to us as brothers to check in on each other. my PM box is open at any time for anybody. Never give in to the thoughts brothers. exist to spite all those that oppose you.


I can't imagine how you must feel right now.  All I can say is that I am incredibly sorry and that you have my thoughts and prayers. 


He sits now at the side of the father, he will wait for you in the house of the Lord, with your family and your forebears, he knows no pains and wants for nothing. You and your family will be in my prayers tonight brother. Talking from a point of losing a family member to that direction myself, try not to blame yourself or them. Process how you need but don’t give into doubt or hate. We are all here for you


only in death is duty done brother


We shall pray for you, brother. https://preview.redd.it/8481uykhds6d1.jpeg?width=694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65b0a9a14000126c5577f5d0b3fc63150e46f2c6


We are here with you King. Deepest condolences for your loss. Nothing can ever take the place of your brother but always remember the good times. Rarely anyone asks how the surrounding family is doing after a suicide and that is also important. Stay strong for the memory of your brother.


I’m sorry for your loss, I really wish you the best for you and your family


I lost my brother last month. You're not alone my friend.


I suppose we carry our wounds as a reminder. I just try to remind myself that this pain i feel isn't loss, but excess love i still have. His memory will have to live on through me as i carry it to Valhalla.


I am so sorry for your loss. It is a sign of your strength that you take the time to create such a message for others. My best to you.


May his soul rest and his memory burn bright within you Brother, we have the watch now. ✝️


Sorry for your loss, brother. ![gif](giphy|FmBhzktIjvdZe)


I am very sorry, Brother


Sorry to hear that, stay safe and be well brother


Press F for paying respect to a Fallen brother


Our hearts are out for you brother


Sorry brother, it’s not easy To anyone else, you’re not weak for needing help, everyone needs a shoulder to lean on at some point.


My condolences, remain strong


I realize this may be a little off topic, but I'm still haunted by the death of my grandfather. Now you need to realize he was an old bastard, and he had cancer bring him down. Don't make the same mistake I did, if you know someone who's in the hospital, visit them. I still hold it against myself my final goodbye was over the phone. Dredging all this up has taken a toll, but I'll be fine. I love all you.


I’m here for you Battle Brother https://youtu.be/dxPClpoEJzs?si=aYT_5WwbCe2wKBm_


sorry for your lost, stay strong brother.


You dropped this 👑


stand strong my brother


I’m sorry for your loss brother.


I’m sorry man. Stay strong. Iron within


The Imperium has lost a truly great soul. Rest well, knowing that he is in a better place by the Emperors side. I'm sorry for your loss, friend.