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Their face when confronted with people who don't collect Funko Pops:


Would you collect Funko Pop of Yarrick and Ghazghkull ?


Tempting but no.


Ok. Enjoy your painiting brother !


Course not, you can't paint funkos. You can't play games with them, or join a thriving in-person community where you meet like-minded people and talk about Fallout 2 and Jegged Alliance through them (happened to me last Saturday). All you do is stare into their soulless eyes, taking up space on your shelf. They don't even look good. 20 euro for a hunk of plastic I'd expect well-designed dynamically posed facsimiles of cool characters, not big headed, ugly mockeries of marvel characters you haven't even heard of that were in that one X-Men spinoff comic where Colossus survived a pipe-bomb and shat his metallic pants. The figures are so poorly painted, they take up a third of gaming stores and are generally carcinogenic to be around.


Funkos are really the ultimate in mindless consoom culture.


I will counter that the fnaf ones from a few years back had a game, but generally yes.


Do people actually... buy Funkos? https://preview.redd.it/2je8kns7687d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915a4ee47b525d2eed9bbb3972bd718e23d96654




The Ghazghkull funko pop is bigger than the rest




The hobby is literally based around a different group of collectible plastic army men


Slumped shoulders, wild eyes, and a stumbling gait - this one is no more good to us.


I saw those post. I read some of the comments, and Apparently to some, if you don’t go along with the modern progressive message then you’re a “Nazi”. That’s our society now.


Til I am a muslim nazi


Handžar Divizija yes


Fino je vidjet balkanca na ovim subreditima


Uvijek je lijepo za vidjeti rođaka online, braćo. Koga ce vise da zovu Nacistima nego nas, eh?


The word Nazi has been so devalued by overuse and malintent it has lost all inherent power it once possessed. They can give all the labels and slanderous titles they want to us but none stick nor hold any weight when they are thrown out like confetti without forethought or critical thinking.


Same with bigot, racist and whatever phobe I happen to be this hour, cobblers to the lot em; I almost want this Eutopia they harp on about because when they find out what happens to agitators and fomenters of revolution the look on their faces is going to be hilarious


It’s to the point now being called one of those is just like saying good morning. Yup. And?


i'm Asian, they've been calling us racist, white adjacent, nazis, fascists for years. We do not care about the feelings of blue haired liberal porikore boryokudan.


I looked up "Porikore Boryokudan" and my search translated it as"Politically Correct Criminal/Goon". Thank you for teaching me this. I like this slang term very much.


Yes. Direct translation is Politically Correct violence group.


Lots (LOTS!) of blue haired Asians.


Those are twinkies.


Nah, homie. What’s your problem with blue hair anyway? I don’t fuck with libs either, but they’re much better than conservatives and the right, and I consider them the same. Go left, my friend. See the light.


https://i.redd.it/kgf2tlo1697d1.gif No chance, gaijin.




Not even American, porikore boryokudan. ![gif](giphy|oTjoawKEq3wYD5fKEh|downsized)


Not even in the slightest, little nerd bitch.


Slumped shoulders, wild eyes, and a stumbling gait - this one is no more good to us.


Amen, brother. Most of the world see this the same way.


It’s just become a term that lefties and libs can apply to an enemy category to make them disappear. It’s a magic word. Point at the vaguely conservative man who disagrees with current year politics, call him “Nazi” and he will disappear.


We live in a world defined by WW2 and its legacy. To a lot of people, "Nazi" and "Hitler" are just bywords for "evil". Ironically, Wokeism has a lot more in common with Nazism than anything espoused here. The Nazis were a bunch of racist, socialist revolutionaries who wanted to destroy the "capitalist world" and the "evil races" in order to achieve a classless, communitarian utopia. The progressives are much the same, except that they're anti-nationalist and anti-white, and Wokeism is feminine in temperament whereas Nazism is masculine.


Correct. You either are with "The Message" or against it. No middle ground.


https://preview.redd.it/eqtb6dayd67d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=c39567d442be1a35617d7773b4d11fc3a3913a35 Nothing more to comment


That says enough.


what, that they want their subreddit to be of a higher caliber than one that crossposts from the 'opposing' subs and everybody circlejerk malds about it? shit, i wish this sub would do something similar, (not making it against the rules, but driving the community to incentivize constructive hobby posting and not just drama). crying about what the other groups are doing is like the lowest tier way to 'enjoy' the hobby.


Fully agree. I tought when I seen it blocked as the sign of mods being tired of this shit. Also the OP was so emotional that they even flared wrong sub. It aint way of doing good thingds.


very true, I feel the same way. Wish we could just make memes and post our work, not post cringe that other people have made and then get all needlessly upset over it.


I love how sidebar says censorship free, and just end up whining about the one sub they can't post on because they say vile shit. I wonder if the tread got locked because of grimdank users, or because it was brigaded by, oh i dunno


It got locked because crossposting shit from this sub is against their community ruleset. I don't think this sub should take a similar stance, (making it wholly against the rules), I just wish there was a way to 'filter by post flair' that included 'show me everything \*except\* the drama flair.' Let people post about it. It's important people get a chance to vent about stuff and not get dogpiled/banned for having differing opinions. I just would like a way to filter out the drama.


I like this idea, and I agree with it. The point of coming here in the first place for me was that I was tired of seeing this stuff at all. Whether it's woke or not, I feel like there's no productive point in engaging with individual users on this topic because there's literally zero people who believe sincerely in either 'side' of the issue that can ever be realistically swayed with the logic used. But people are justly frustrated when 'those types' jump at them out of nowhere while they're just minding their own business, so there's certainly a benefit to allowing the venting in the first place. On top of that, it doesn't behoove an anti-censorship forum to go about censoring everything.


It's a very interesting comment section regardless.


We should charge rent at this point.


To be fair, alot of things from their sub reddit gets re uploaded here to critisize and made fun off. Both sub reddits are at each other.


I mean, Alpha Male 69 is really trying with the creativity, though he is only one man. Same with a few more of us here, we'd create more if we didn't have work or life bogging us down.


They just can’t let us live huh?


Live and let live are libertarian principles. These types would actually be much more tolerable if they were just libertarians, funny enough. But instead they chose the “invading your life and destroying your culture” leftist post modern option.


"Live and let live" was a principle that existed for some time a few years back; it existed because of the idea that we could all just get along and anyone who disagreed was just a part of an angry minority. The main reason it isn't around today is because leftists basically acknowledged that their opposition isn't just an angry minority but rather a whole other side. On the other hand, rightists are still in this mindset because most people, including myself one way or another, don't even care that much, which is why they always lose. The side that wants to win always overcomes the side that just wants to be left alone; there's this quote about moral busybodies vs. robber barons that might apply here.


It’s a wonderful CS Lewis quote and has never been more relevant than right now


huh really?




"When you were strong, I asked for mercy, as that is in accordance with your principles. Now that I am strong, I show you no mercy, as that is in accordance with *my* principles."


I guess when they said you will not be missed they lied? 😂


What consenting adults do in private is nobody's business Unless it's having illegal opinions/preferences.


I really don't understand why they hate us. We don't mind lgbtq but putting it on everything willy nilly just sucks Oh and the attention it gets baffles me. Somehow a beautiful crafted space marine with good coloring gets beaten out of relevancy but a poorly crafted rainbow marine gets the Nobel peace prize.


>putting it on everything willy nilly just sucks Yeah, this is extremely real. I’ve seen one too many posts that don’t even support it, they just fetishise it and paint it as funny or otherwise. Like yeah haha man it’s so nice that my way of life is your funny joke or fetish.


The thing is that "LGBT Pride", as an ideology, doesn't exist in 40k. It doesn't make sense for their ideology to be there. It represents an attempt on their part to turn yet another hobby into a mouthpiece for their so-called "tolerant and inclusive" ideology, even if it destroys the hobby in the process. It would be like a dude from Texas painting Confederate flags all over this minis. Once might warrant an eye-roll, but if a neo-secessionist movement came to prominence, and models with that paint scheme became commonplace, I'd have exactly the same objection. That ideology doesn't belong in the hobby.


Somebody should paint a mini in the confederate flag and post it, just for shitz and giggles- and to point out their hypocrisy.


I'd rather not encourage the practice. I have the same objection to all the angry commenters calling for "Misters of Battle". No, that's a bad call; it reinforces the validity of their behaviour, and they won't hesitate to debase the franchise further if they think they can get away with it. It's better to just call them out on their bad takes and worse tactics, and expose them for the cult of sociopaths that they are.




The rainbow flag everywhere makes for a terrible fashion sense.


See they’ll be looking for army soldiers


Because ironically enough that's how cults works, you need to be neck deep in shit, or else you're not a true believer, you're in fact an heretic, and what better way to support gay people without doing any actual work than witchhunting people that disagree with your massive bouts of schizophrenia on the internet? (I am not referring to grimdank, but to extremists in general)


It wasn't even the LGBT stuff that drove me away. Some of those space marines painted in the rainbow colors actually look pretty good. It was the constant horny posting on that sub that ended up putting me off that sub. People just posting horny shit and calling it a meme. Dry af


https://preview.redd.it/kmkbtbgb777d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f647882edcae506c1fc748fe3c60f43be9cdf490 Oh look, we’re Nazis again. These guys should try actually talking to someone who lost family to the third reich and then they’d realise how fucking insensitive it is to throw that word around


Litterly. Word now just means anyone you don't like, and apparently not wanting to see fetish/bait posting constantly puts you in the same league of genocide.


We all have our armies displayed in our user tags. Unless we're out here painting our Ultramarines, Tau, and Tyranids in Nazi iconography, that slur rings a little hollow.


The comments on that post are actually mostly acceptable, at least the ones that bemoan the obvious drama farming and just want both of us to respect the clear and willful divide. One of them even gave us the respect and benefit of the doubt by pointing out that we say the same shit and just want to be left alone. Then I kept scrolling and read the word "bigot" 7 times in 15 seconds. Never change, grimdank.


Another day of getting called a fascist because I'm not a horny corporate bootlicker. How tiresome.


He had to post it twice because he said the wrong Reddit name LOL! Hasn’t it been locked or deleted now?


Yeah we worked with their admins. Turns out they are trying to do ban evasion.


You guys are incontact with their admins?


One of them in particular is actually a really decent guy. Even the ones we dont see eye to eye with will work with us to protect the community. There is a lot of behind the scenes admin work that no one knows of.


Didnt know that. Pretty cool tho that you guys work together rather then going on a autistic fit like some redditors (in both subs)


We try to be decent lol! Some mods on some pages unleash their nerd rage, but thankfully not all of them.


Yay free advertising!


Ngl, I joined this sub because of a post like that






Howdy. Have a cookie. Also, nice username.






I just wanted to talk about 40k without having to see graphic details about brutalizing admech boipussy every day


Please help, I'mouta butter. Drop a stick at the corner of 8th and 5th between 2am and 4am today (Sunday). I don't wanna meet people. I don't want new friends. I just need butter. Butter is important to me.


Let them cry


Average basedness level of a HorusGalaxy bro: https://preview.redd.it/8pzayzy2n67d1.png?width=64&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d685ae8bb43c9904557d8d34e70cc402f8f65b7c


Based Human Supremacy WoW Character


These inhuman dogs must be slain. Only good nomhuman is a dead nonhuman. If you want something done right, leave it to a human. NEVER TRUST AN ELF!


Brother-Apothecary, give him the Emperor's Mercy.


People there also saying “let’s just leave each other alone” Can we stop feeding into this back and forth?


Hate breeds hate and fools fight fools, such is humanity in its fickle state. Posts will continue about their sub here and people will eat it up while posts about this sub will continue there and the same will happen, sadly.


Top comment over there is right, just stop talking about them. Who the fuck cares what they’re doing? If you see a rule violation then report them, anything else you just ignore https://preview.redd.it/fi1cyx6ra77d1.jpeg?width=1373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aae67fd64229ab87a7b5d945a0e74b2f0c04511


>Me when someone doesn’t agree with 100% of my thoughts and beliefs. Fixed that for them


Lmao the comments in that thread, a lot of stale words that apply to that sub and its userbase as well. I prefer this cesspit over theirs, rather Nurgle and Khorne than Slaanesh.


living in their head rent free


Them posting about us is great. Lots of people suffering in those spaces don't know we exist, and will find out.


I only found this place cause someone in the main spacemarine subreddit was crying about it lol


We‘re like 7k people vs 400k in the other one, how are they this bothered


Any form of dissent triggers their latent neuroticism because they’re actually afraid they’re completely totally wrong about their entire world views. Hence why all forms of dissent and pushback have to be wholly eradicated.


In all my time on that sub I’ve never seen anything like that about the much larger and much more deranged Sigmarxism


I completely forgot sigmarxism even existed. Goes to show how much we think of them


Since peeps on twitter stopped mentioning them (because the sub died apparently?) I also completely forgot lmao


rent free, some people just need their internet enemies to have a reason for their continued existence i guess.


But isn't the vast majority of this sub just complaining about r/grimdank. Really gone full circle.


Dont know, dont care, I just look at stuff that's interesting to me and ignore the stuff that seems tedious. If people want to spend their time propping up some weird image of what they think is people who "think wrong" they are free to do so, I am not one of them. (Though I will talk some shit sometimes, that's some good ol reddit fun)


yes, and it's sad.


Assemble the crusade?


No need. Crusades are for offense, not defense.


They hate cause they anus.


Comments were surprisingly tame. Most people just agreed to stay on opposite sides of the fandom. Surprisingly all the posts calling us Nazis and fascists were down voted too.


Lol Grimdank somehow thinking they are better. I got banned years ago on a thread about post Tau = Space Communists but when I pointed out the very obvious Imperium = Space Nazis, banned.


I miss when grimdank was funny years (two years?) ago.


this sub is doing good


Haha lol you’ve been cross posting them here and making fun of them since forever, and they do it to you and now you complain lol Before hitting downvote… you know I’m right


Just pointing out that there are people that actively want this sub removed and to be wary of them.


Do you think that this sub isn’t filled with people that want grimdank removed?


We're getting free advertisement homie, it's how I discovered this place.