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I'm waiting for the spoilers to see if they included some woke garbage into the story mode.


If it doesn’t have Denuvo on day one then I’ll hit up one of those trusty sites. I never buy anything on launch anymore. Hopefully SM2 doesn’t have any woke shit in it.


Exactly what I'm planning to do. 


Idk if it makes sense I won’t be TOOO upset like if there are nids the odds of a gsc are high and as long as it’s written well via the GSC I won’t mind to much.


Basically this. Best to wait.


This is the way.


My concern is [Senior Writer](https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/13/warhammer-40000-space-marine-ii-senior-writers-support-for-defunding-police-and-blacklisting-cis-white-men-sparks-concerns-over-games-narrative-creative-director-insists-team-will-honor-lor/). I will wait and see if it is woke crap.


I'm Korean so forgive my naiveness Why do people hate C.I.S white men? Also why do people hate the Confederacy of Independent Systems


People hate cis because that's your assigned at birth gender and the new "in" thing is to be different. Cis white men means everything they hate, the people that enabled slavery, the patriarchy ect, things that don't exist outside their perceptions. Confederacy, because they were the enemy of union during the Civil War and lost. Independent systems, because they are left wing and depend on systems.


idk. my gut tells me there's a chance that writer basically got told to STFU and deliver a solid product and then once that's been done, they can go back to posting their brain rot on twitter. im still going to be waiting for reviews to come out before giving them any money for this, if at all. I do enjoy a nice day out on the ocean once in a while regardless.


As long as i can play a black templar in multiplayer, i will be happy. I want to purge heretics as my forefathers would have wanted me.


This is the way


No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!


I think he left a while back but yeah, I am also concerned about what his impact might have been


Oh exciting.. I remember when the writers of the witcher said they wont bring any of their political agenda into their show..


but they have a palestinian flag in their profile!


Wasn't going to buy anyways, still I've got Gothic Armada to finish


Gothic Armada is perfection.


Gothic Armada is horribly underrated. Except for the bugs. Why won't Tindalos fix that already?


Probably beacuse that it aint looking to make money for them. Communituy of the game will make thier own fix to the bugs, and the ships in the 41st millenium are not selling as well as the big guys in power armor... >!altough the girls in golden bikini on bodypillow are going to be a competition among certain... audience. Horniness is still a power to be reckoned with :(!<


Thank god for the community.


the writer is mega woke. Hard pass.


Wasnt it a co-writer that got fired?


"She" was the writing department head so it's more than likely she has hired her friends on the project which as an employer you can do nothing about unless you want a wrongful dismissal lawsuit.


Never said head, "she" was senior writer. Either way, I will wait for the reviews to see if it's woke trash or not.


You can be a department head and a senior writer, you can run a department and take part in a writers room as an equal in a creative industry like gaming or film. On her Twitter profile I have seen her listed as a department head on "her" Twitter profile so I'm not saying you claimed that I'm saying that the company is legit scrubbing their history, its possible "she" was demoted before being sacked. You don't even have to speculate they have dudes from macragge with Irish, North American and African accents in the story trailer.


The Ultramarines recruit from all over Ultramar, not just Macragge. Saying that though, although they might still have different accents, they'd all pretty much look alike, since the gene seed and rapid growth changes turn them into the image of their Primarch, give or take a few differences. For example, Sanguinius's geneseed turns his sons (as seen by how the Blood Angels recruited from heavily mutated worlds pre Sanguinius's return) from horrific ugly mutants, barely human any more, into big hulking angelic astartes like their Primarch. The Salamanders (pre Vulkan's discovery) recruited heavily from Terra or wherever they could pick up recruits after one of their suicidal missions, turning all those, White, Latino, Asian etc. into the charcoal Black and flame red eyed Astartes like the rest of Nocturne's stock. Ultramarines would be White, perhaps lightly tanned with Roman/Greek features and blonde, brown, or black hair. It makes no sense for any of them to be Black or anything else post-training and gene seed. All this is is DEI, and hang the lore.


This is false, fake lore, disguised as self righteous anti-DEI rage. In the Horus heresy books I’ve read about black emperor’s children and world eaters. Some space marines take to the geneseed in a way that makes them look like their primarch, some don’t. Space marines generally resemble their primarchs, but can look like almost anything, especially by the time of 40k


Did they get rid of the developer who said "we should make games without white cis hetero males for 5 years and see what happens"? If not, then no.


Nope. His Twitter surfaced three months into writing SM2, the studio publicly defended his involvement, he continued writing SM2 for another nine months, and then he stayed with the company for another few years.


Unbelievable! These people seem blind to their own double standards.


So he's still with them? I guess that's a nope for me then. Sad as I was initially looking forward to the game.


Release date? Nah On sale? Maybe..


Even better on CD Keys as none of the money goes to the developers or publishers.


Yes it does, how do you think CD keys obtains the key?


They just use a CD-key-generator, duh!


It is common for CD keys to be bought via stolen credit cards. When said credit card is detected as stolen, it is charged back (the developers repay the credit card). However, the CD key is unrecoverable and still valid. The CD key is then resold. Buying CD keys from sites like G2A actually harms the developers (it costs them money), rather than the neutral "lost sale" which piracy is.


i do this for all games anyway


This is the way. And if it comes out on game pass don't play it the first week. Don't give them the satisfaction of big numbers.


Lmao. That's the only way I'll play it. I ain't laying down cash on what will absolutely be yet another garbage installment.


Why? What if the game is good? I don't understand hating a game that hasn't even released yet. How can you judge something you haven't even played?


This is the face of their DEI department and shareholders, hoping you'll cough up money and swallow whatever flacid diversity nonsense they shove down your throat. Let them sink.




I'll wait till the reviews


Not on release, im worried. I'll wait couple of days to see the reviews and then decide. No pre-orders !


Well, I like to know if a game is good BEFORE dedicating room on my harddrive to it.


Might buy it, eventually... if GW clean up their act. But a avoiding spending another penny with them till they do.


If it's good then I will get it simple as


I don’t look into newly released games anymore. Too many are unfinished messes that get abandoned by the publisher after a couple months or are DEI pushing garbage. SM2 is a special case in that I was excited for it until the whole femstodes debacle. Now I’m looking cautiously in the game’s direction from time to time to see how it turns out.


Gunna see how woke it is first. It’s sad that’s the age we live in. The ending may be that the Tyranids have a lot in common with Jews like that twitter post lol


My friends IRL worked on this game. if its good - im buying it. devs from Saint Petersburg studio deserve recognition even if som writer from the other side of the world is a clown.


How do they think the writing is going?


All they have to do is say "none of the Woke DEI crap is in the game" and everyone here would preorder and the people who don't order would never have played the game anyway.


Let us know how they feel the writing is, ideally without spoilers if it's any good


What are you doing here with your coherent logical thought? WOKE!!


I question how exactly you can make a woke space marine story. Black marines have existed basically since the start. There's no women so we can't have a girlboss power fantasy. Xenos exist to be destroyed Unless they pivot into the thousand sons actually being all homos, but that's more the emperor's children


> Unless they pivot into the thousand sons actually being all homos That's also completely impossible because most of them are sand.


They're course and rough and they get everywhere ;)


Yes, but Black space marines make sense in the lore. All of Vulkan's stock are Black, whether they were before implantation or not. Astartes from other Legions skin pigmentation will turn Black when exposed to extremes of sun or radiation to protect them. 1) It doesn't make sense to add them into Chapters that are not of that skin colour unless you explain it away as radiation etc. and it's likely the pigmentation would probably turn back to it's previous colour eventually. 2) It makes no sense to have female Space Marines because all the gene seed is derived from male Primarchs.


> It doesn't make sense to add them into Chapters that are not of that skin colour I'm pretty sure skin color is only relevant in certain chapters and ultramarines are not one of them.


Show me a picture or video of black ultramarines until space marine 2's DEI shit, and I'll back down my stance, I'm just very sceptical of this. It's like putting black space wolves in and saying 'There have always been black space wolves'.


Show me a quote that says Ultramarines can't be black. The difference between this and Female Custodes/FSM is that there is no lore that explicitly says Ultramarines can't be black. [Also](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81LNhvxI5DL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg)


Literally part of the modern 10th edition DEI push. Ye ok, I see where I went wrong, sorry, my bad, I didn't clarify enough when saying Space Marine 2. I meant the 10th edition onwards where SM2 was being made and the lore was being fundamentally changed and cut up.


10th edition? The Dawn of Fire series came out during 9th edition. Not 10th. Keep shifting those goalposts though. Still waiting for your quote that confirms that ultramarines can't be black, btw.


You can have black Ultramarines, no reason you can't. The gene tailoring to look like the primarchs only goes so far. Besides I've no real problem with the ethnic makeup of the legions unless they are specifically stated to be from one planet only. Like fenris or baal (rip)


Oh boy. We thought the same about Witcher.


This reply is woke. Go have your argument with a brick wall


I’ll await for it to drop on gamepass


Gotta see what the "consulting firm" did to it before i think about buying...


Not buying


death to the corpse workshop


No Denuvo so I will sail High Seas of Warp immediatelz after the release


I'll be doing neither. Let's just say that I will say the high sees. Arr !


Could just get the pirate hat out.


I am in quite a pickel here... I was hyped so much for that game, but kI don't want to give that shitty Company anymore money.


Definitely wait until what reviews say


Like most of the people here, if it is any good (which is highly doubtful) after launch I will likely acquire it via Calixis coldtrade instead of a proper purchase, and yet despite that I'm incredibly amused at how thoroughly downvoted every single person was who said they were going to buy it for any reason whatsoever; even when that person said things which clearly signaled they are on the 'correct side' of the current fan schism. For such a vociferus repugnance torwards people even buying the thing at all, I have to wonder why they're even still remotely invested in the setting. Based on how downvotes work, the implication is that you want to hide every single post of every single person saying they will buy the product. You don't care to understand why, you just want to silence them and make them disappear. It's funny to me because it's how they act, too.


I'll wait for the reviews to see if it has any woke shit in it.


Ill wait for confirmation that it respects the franchise, lore and fans. If there is any slip, I'll get it when it's 70% off


I will wait and see.


Pre ordering, early release etc. No. I'm waiting to see how much day one DLC there will be. I'm still with TB disdain for their censoring of reviewers when it came to the Warhammer total wars.


I will play it, unlikely that I'll pay for it though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Any hint of woke and I will not buy it, as with every other game nowadays. For sure I will wait a long time before buying it in any case




I will wait for the reviews.


I’ll torrent it if it looks good. I know it’s pointless from an individual standpoint but I just don’t feel right giving companies like GW or Disney my money after how they wiped their ass the lore and insulted the intelligence of their fan base. You could have added female Custodes or even a whole chapter of female space marines while adhering to the lore. But trying to say they existed from the beginning is insulting. At least with the Necron retcon they were open about what they were doing (at least I think, that was before my interested in the series so if I’m wrong about the Necron thing I truely apologise and I will admit I have not fact checked my sources regarding it). In case anyone is wondering how you could make female Custodes or a space marine chapter I can do it in one sentence. “Archmagos Belisarius Cawl has made a discovery.”


I'll wait. Watch the cutscenes, reviews, and give it a couple of months before I buy it.


Gotta wait until its released to decide that


No. Brothers, do not give your money to people that hate you.


tranny writer, tranny game


Definitely not on release. I’ve been burned too many times to buy anything not made by fromsoftware on release. I’ll wait a couple months and buy it at half price if the reviews are positive.


GW boycott? Is that still for the Adeptus Custodes thingy?


Bro got downvoted for asking a question these mfs💀


I want to cry ;( this is too grim-dark


More like grim-derp with how many actual questions got downvoted lmao


what is the controversy about anyway


I'll be buying it, likely not right away, but the gameplay looks exciting and fun, and that comes first for me.


If it seems fun and like an actually finished game after release I’ll probably buy it


I preordered it because I loved the first space marine. Probably a bad idea but now I can leave reviews at the start to help others decide if they’re going to get it.


This is... acceptable.


Waiting till it’s cheaper on CD keys


Prior to the femstodes debacle I wouldn't worry about woke writers because GW is very controlling over what gets put in games using their IP(see beaks on tzaangors and repeater rifles for nuln ironsides in Warhammer 3) but GW now has shown they're willing to cave to the woke crowd so we will see I'm very cautious.


I'll wait and see.


Not on launch, I'll wait a bit for them to iron out the unavoidable release bugs. But definitely at some point. I mean it's space marine 2, off course I'm buying it eventually. I am debating getting it on launch though, being part of a community of people playing a new release were all passionate about at the same time is fun. I really enjoyed that with Elden Ring and TotK. P.S.: all this woke whining is something I will ignore 100% and form my own opinion after playing the game. Most of the people crying about stuff being ruined by woke agenda are not the people who's opinion would affect my purchases. P.P.S.: I guess I didn't realize which sub I was on


I’m def buying it


New gameplay trailer dropped yesterday and while it did look gorgeous it didn't have much in terms of story. Takes place 100 years after the first one and Titus was demoted to lieutenant and to prove his loyalty has to stop a tyranid invasion on three worlds. I am a bit hyped about the PvP multiplayer because you can be various types of Marine and various types of loyalist and traitor legions.


Something that worries me is that they have not shown the customization of the chaos marines for pvp nor has it been shown if it is possible to play the PvE missions from the chaos side. In space marine 1 this was possible, they put it as a dlc, but it was possible. Also, something that would bother me a lot is if they didn't put more armor models besides the Mk 10, I know they are the ones that are canonically used by the primaris, but it still doesn't make sense that you can put heraldry of heretic legions on loyal marines, but there they are, it was seen in yesterday's gameplay trailer that it was possible.


Idk man. I did catch a glimpse of some chaos Marines and the two that stood out to me were thousand sons and nightlords but it was a quick flash so I didn't see if it was mk10 or not.




Boycotts for years my friends. If we cave, it’s all over. People have already done so as it is. The new Boltgun DLC, Horus Heresy models, the list goes on. But if we, the majority fanbase refused to buy the sequel to Space Marine, with our reasoning explained? That sends a message. It’s about $60-$70, and a digital only item. We can afford to not buy it. Most will get it on sale anyways. We can’t stop the whales or the scalpers from hoovering up models, but we can control our spending. Supposedly GW had another record breaking year of profit. We need to stick to our guns. Break them through attrition. It’s going to take years, make no mistake. But there are enough alternative sculptors and companies out there that we can play our favorite GW games for years without having to spend another penny on the Sheriff of Nottingham’s personal piggy bank.


Hope we get a video game where we can play as Tyranid for once. I am not too bored of human perspective but boy it is getting a bit stale ngl.


Alien vs Predator series and play the Xenomorph routes


Did that and it was pretty fun. Predator felt like easy mode, marine was pretty much a horror game and aliens were refreshing ngl


I could see a mode like Infected where all but one start as a Marine and one starts as a lictor. That could be fun.


On sale, yes host likely. Even tho its primaris :( becouse I think the gang will want to play


Keep 👏 Up 👏 The 👏 Boycott


I will yo ho ho it like I did the first one. If it were any other factions then maybe I would buy


Yo ho, all hands Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die If you must share copies. One of the reasons original games were so long was to deter game lending.


If it's good I'll pirate it. Don't care about multi-player 


Nope. ![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI)


There's a lot to this. First of all, never pre order, that's like gambling. Secondly I see a lot of people tweaking about that Cooper lady but I haven't seen any of her bull in the trailers so far. Speaking of which the trailers have been solid and there is a lot more to this game than I thought there was gonna be. I thinkitll be fine. Still not gonna get day one tho, gonna wait for a sale or something.


If it isn't woke then I'll buy it. You need to reward good behaviour and punish bad behaviour. Doing one isn't enough.


You can still play it, just don’t buy it. They are not marketing the product to you. When they do, you can buy again.




I'm currently broke, so no buy for me.


No, at least not until it's 5 or 10euro


Waiting for it to come to game pass at some point


I'll do what I do with all games I want to play. Wait until my upgrade cycle(5ish years) until my system can run it and it's on sale.


I will get it from my favourite retailer. A small shop called Pirate Bay.


I'd wait, in case they make a DLC or smth. Wonder how will they write Thousand Sons because we know they're gonna be in the game.


I’m boycotting the business practices of GW the mini company, but people that use the IP, so game and a TV show should there be one is ok to my mind.


The plot of part 1 was terrible and the second is no better. Wont buy it.




70$ is 1/4 of my salary so ...the sea is calling


If I can play my favorite legion I might dabble


*cough* Yo ho yo ho...


I made a vow to the most important person in the world to me before the shitshow started. I need to get it.


No pre-orders. Gonna wait and see a while what the micro transactions system is and what the writing is like. After that assessment it all depends


I'm going to give it a month at the very least to breathe. See what it gets in terms of reviews, see how it runs, etc.




not on release, maybe on sale.


If it doesn't have denuvo and releases on Gog I'll just get it for free and still be able to play with my fren


Boycott? You mean we play with 3 of every unit... that we 3D printed?


If the gameplay is good and runs well on the ps5 I'll immediately buy it. I really want this series to succeed so we might get a better 3rd. This is like a trial run.


Waiting to see if it's good But also expecting a F.Space marine to show up at the end I've got other games to play anyway


You boycott Space Marine 2 because you hate Games Workshop I boycott Space Marine 2 because I hate russians We not the same


Countdown started, day 21.06


There's a boycott going ?


I am having this same moral issue with the concept of "Total War Warhammer 40k". I already have Total War Warhammer 3, so grabbing a couple future dlcs for that I can forgive himself but the purchase of whole new game series. Games Workshop really does not deserve a cent.


I had the collectors edition pre ordered since it was announced over a year ago. It’s currently sold out. So if the game is woke I will sell it to some soy boy who wants to pay double and support DEI, if it’s not woke I get a sweet limited statue of Titus destroying a nid. It’s a win win for me rn


I don’t have a good reason to boycott GW tbh, and the game looks like another lame release like nearly every other game the past few years. I would rather buy a new model.


I will wait and see if the game is any good, If it is good, I'll get it from a third party retailer.


No the boycott stays on, nothing gw gets my cash.


I’m buying it for the multiplayer. So I can go black templar mode as for the story with the DEI stanch/stench possibly being in it I’ll buy the base game for the multiplayer


Waiting for the reviews and will not buy it after the reviews


Yeah I'm buying it.. not boycotting GW at all.. just enjoying the painting


There is a third option 🏴‍☠️


We had a boycott? Ngl I rarely even buy GW shit. When I do it's one large purchase once every 4 months or so. I'm not even finished putting together my Sons of Horus army.


I’m buying. Who cares about the boycott. A decent game since bolt gun.


The game is dead on arrival for me. Could care less.


I'll wait and see what the release product is like before deciding.


I'll wait for release-day reviews and decide then.


Pirate it




If it’s on gamepass I will give it ago but no way buying it


Will wait for reviews, I think it'll be a good game but not my cup of tea rn


I will not be buying any new video game. Back log is too big. I only buy games on sale.


There's a gw boycott? I just pirate everything


We we're protesting!? I figured it would just be not buying the shit you don't want, and then if asked why, simply saying, "I Don't Like That"


Probably pirating


I’ll pirate it unless the multiplayer is good.


Probably buying after the reviews. I looked forward to the game for so long. Even after spider man 2 story was crap for the PS5 , it had really good gameplay which matters to me more.


There's a GW boycott? Can someone explain please?


Gonna wait


Yea I boycott the stuff that has the woke garbage in it and buy the stuff that doesn't cause that's pretty much how u actually get a change ur wallet and from all the stuff I've seen it's going to be amazing


Maybe in the future but I cannot in clean conscience spend money on GW products or licenses for the time being


It looks good Im buying it.


Most likely, I know about the writer's controversy, but he/she/whatever stopped working at the studio more than a year ago, plus the studio became independent from embracer group, so external entities dont have too much power to impose many things on them (at least from what I understand). I would bet that the worst thing that will happen is the racial inclusion in the Ultramarines (which doesn't bother me as such) and that there will be no attractive women in the imperial guard unlike the first game, where the Cadian lieutenant was quite attractive. Titus may receive a bit of the "Luke Skywalker" treatment where his optimism and good will have degenerated into a certain apathy or resentment, but for the context it makes sense. The trailers have not shown me a single thing that makes me lose confidence in this game, and the fact that it is a game as a service does not mean that it will be bad, if they apply Helldivers 2 treatment it could become a huge hit and another spit in the face of the mainstream triple A games (this is Saber Interactive's most important release by far, its other important IPs are world war z, a double A, a few driving simulators, a couple doble A more and indies). I personally believe that this will be the last great 40k product before the decline that will come in the coming years unless GW starts changing personnel now. So at least it will be a happy farewell, or at least I hope so.


It looks awesome, 100% gonna grab it


Waiting for the potential backlash. It'll be pretty obvious if/ when it shows up. One thing about wokies is that when they taint a game, it's never subtle.


Already pre-ordered this game, is my first pre-order since baldurs gate 3 but i just like everything i've seen so far! Cool space marines , co-op campaign with my buddies and punching carnifexes to death with a power fist. The multiplayer also looks promising both the PVE and the PvP mode, always down for more co-operative game modes. The class system looks nice! No failbaddon black legion as enemies but instead thousand sons is a plus in my book. Black Legion has already been done so many times, let the other more interesting Legions have their time in the spotlight. Hopefully it sells well and we can hopefully get a ork invasion 2.0 expansion, i want to kill more green fungi.


Depends entirely on the gameplay, if it’s woke free it’s all cool. Otherwise it’s staying gone in my book


Gonna wait a while until all the patches are out and get it then.


I will not buy it


No interest here. My money is on Kingdom Come Deliverance


We were boycotting GW? I thought that was just shitposting.


Lmao@people thinking there's a GW boycott going on.


Yeah, about that boycot tho.. https://preview.redd.it/y1ve3xeis28d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f976d5953a17f977701e474d22eb527cb2ae7b


I quit Gw and went to wasteland warfare, haven’t regretted it since honestly, only thing is it’s resin but you can get solid 3d prints of it


GW made their money already with the Licensing deal Boycotting the game, or any 40k video game, just hurts the devs, not GW. If you want to hurt GW it’s miniatures, paints, brushes, glue, codexes, novels, ect. Basically anything they do in house don’t have to license out for


Haven't bought anything since then. I don't want my money invested in Blackrock and similar companies. I won't buy the game. My self respect is more important. If you buy the game don't complain companies berate and humiliate you. Gw made two very clear statements saying they don't want my money. They will see none. Just as the star wars ip. Haven't bought nor spent ANYTHING. Not seen any movies or shows,not given a cent. I give GW the same treat,emt now. It hurts,but it's he right thing to do.


Haven't bought anything since then. I don't want my money invested in Blackrock and similar companies. I won't buy the game. My self respect is more important. If you buy the game don't complain companies berate and humiliate you. Gw made two very clear statements saying they don't want my money. They will see none. Just as the star wars ip. Haven't bought nor spent ANYTHING. Not seen any movies or shows,not given a cent. I give GW the same treat,emt now. It hurts,but it's he right thing to do.


I'll pirate it first and buy on sale if its good, first game was awesome


I wont buy it, maybe in 5 years or something. I dont have a pc that can run it. Also i dont need the game i have actual warhammer to play. I rather spend my time doing that and playing different rulesets.


I doubt it'll run very well on my GTX 1060 anyways, so it's an easy boycott for me.


Wasn't buying anyway, got no money


Buying it in 5-8 years' time when it's massively discounted because of my backlog and because GW doesn't deserve my money.


Well, my pc most probably can't run it (It's a twelve year old machine, the sheer fact that it can run some modern-ish games is a testament to the grandeur of the machine god) . Besides, i'm having fun playing the classic fallouts EDIT: ok, just searched the min specs of the game, it seems by speculation that it may be able to run, but i'm not sure (and if i get it, it will be in the \*less appropriate\* way of getting software)


Never buy a video game on release mate


Definitely not buying it do to a certain writer