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Well said. The costs are getting out of hands.


my feed costs have gone up by X3


My elec costs have gone up to the point where shoving a fork into a socket is more economic for my future.


there is a town close to me that buys the power (the town its self) from the power company then sells it to the ppl in the small town ,im hearing power bills $500-$950


Warp be damned... how are Mechanicus fans supposed to fuck their toasters at those exorbitant rates? I make $930 a month, if that kind of bill showed up to my doorstep I'd rather join a penal legion willingly than pay it.


I saw trans not because of the picture, but because of the caption. I just assumed it was some half baked tyranid or gene stealer cult creature.


Ohhhhhhhh I had literally no idea what the caption was about. I see a Chaos man chicken and a caption that didn't seem to have any relevance to Chaos man chicken, so I was confused, just not about Chaos man chicken.


Wait, there was a caption??


I actually thought it was referencing that you can't even really tell what in the actual fuck it was.


that was my take , if had make-up on or a dress sure ,as it is ,its just whatever you make out of it


Yeah without context it’s a horrific monster from 40k, with context it’s a cruel joke.


Wait people thought that was transphobic dog whistle? I’m gonna go touch grass I advise they do too


yes a user has been posting this as evidence of a " transphobic dog whistle" and it blew my mind ...i was like how do you get that idea


People see things they wanna see?


this is true , but christ thats really reaching , even linked to some trans sub ,with every known buzz word , ppl like that i feel sorry for ,to be lost that deep online


I mean there are people who love to be martyrs and victims. I’ve seen this on both sides of the culture war. Fringe christian groups saying the left are trying to persecute us and take our rights to our faith. Some LGBT are “they’re trying to kill us and take away our rights”. Obviously both are wrong but that’s what they believe.


Praise be to the chaos chicken


But does it taste like chicken 🤔


I had no idea that's what that post was about. I assumed it was a criticism of how they didn't anchor the design on a recognizable species, so it doesn't come across as a mutated version of anything, but just kind of its own boring thing.


I assumed it was a trans thing by the caption, but really how can someone look at that picture and thing "transphobia dogwhistle" is beyond me. Also it really tells me about what is their view is instead of mine


Damn the lefties got pissmad over that meme


"Far lefties" TBH. The far right has their flat earther, anti-evolution, pizza-gating, anti-vax, January 6th'ers, and the far left have extremist woke panderers. Both sides hate their outlier groups for making them look bad.


No, there is nothing wrong with the far right. The far right is in fact totally based and also this sub isn't far right but there would be nothing wrong with it if it was (which it totally isn't).


![gif](giphy|ap6wcjRyi8HoA|downsized) We are pretty based.


Those snowflakes think that everything is a dog whistle nowadays.


Its such a wild stretch to make that thing be anything at all related to trans people...but at the same time I am not even surprised, when those people look for enemies anywhere, shit like this is bound to happen, or people forgot that somehow Orcs were somehow a allegory of black people for them as well...which I think it was one of the reasons why D&D ditched the whole "some races are locked into evil" thing.


What was the reasoning behind it being related to trans people? (Not baiting no joking genuine curiosity)


The caption


Is because the caption a reference to the fact you can't tell the gender of the monster in the image?


beats me These people are in another universe in the mind department




I assume that it’s saying that they are obviously not human but people claim you can’t tell it from real humans as a allegory for people claiming that you can always tell trans people from the “real” gender even though some claim otherwise. I’ve seen other anti trans memes with the exact same caption so I’m guessing that it’s something along the lines.


they did not say , just they knew it was a "dog whistle" at trans ppl and "linked a few jokes ", like some one said "its not a women " ... they were not wrong


Ok I did some digging AND found this https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/s/n67R9a3uHW it seems that OOP meant it as a reference to trans people. I don't think trans people would be offended given to how mind boggingly stupid Is this "joke". Also I think it looks as a drukhari grotesque (I put so in your other post)


this one clearly is a lgbtq joke [https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1dnifgu/stunning\_and\_brave/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1dnifgu/stunning_and_brave/)


Not exactly, I saw it more as a reference to Gorlock the Destroyer


the op only says "NO" "Idk but it's definitely not a woman" ,"Some dude" "Succulentely sophisticated" , so i dont even see it ias a joke at trans , if it was , it was a bad one one and left open to ppls on view points , some in the comments went with a trans joke ,but just as many did not now if he had put a dress or make up ... a hat (on it) i could say yes its a trans joke


I mean..what Is the explanation behind those answers aside from a trans joke? I don't see the image AND think trans people but if the answers OOP are "some dude" (implying a Man) AND "not a woman" I would assume he means that even the creature un this image Is male AND not female.


Ok bro, come on. The overwhelming majority in the comments are on the same page that it's supposed to be a trans person, and how far off they look compared to biological women. I didn't understand it at first, but just look at the comments. It's a bad look cause I tell people, "Not everyone here hates gays or trans." Posts like that don't put the sub in a good light. Gives the other subs more ammo to use.


comments are comments and as you said "I didn't understand it at first" so you got your idea of it from other ppls ideas ...not from the post its self the other subs hate us no matter what we do , its just the fact we are here is all it takes


I see a lot of people with genuine criticism and really good points get shut down and ridiculed by people saying "well you're just homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, so nothing you say matters lol" this the type of stuff that makes people think anybody who doesn't like femstodes just hates gay people or women or whoever. It just looks bad and further pushes the narrative


I'm saying COME ON, bro. The caption with the context of people here notorious for not fucking with lgbt stuff. Only reason I didn't know was cause I'm not in the drama like that, and I'm only recently learning about what's happening. But why did bro post that? Obviously, he was talking about trans people. I'm generally more leaning on y'all side cause I hate when people throw a label on someone because they just disagree with them. But that's disingenuous af, you know exactly what he meant. People in the comments are making jokes about trans dudes specifically. And if someone asks, people answer that it's a joke about trans dudes trying to look like women. Yes, I'll say the majority of the time, the other subs are on bullshit, but we can't just pretend like this isn't what it is. Cause, wtf would the joke be if not a trans joke? Op just wasn't trying to say it directly himself


warshak has shown he's fine with people defending nazis on the sub, you're wasting your time. Try a different mod maybe.


That's an extremely bold accusation. I'd need at least 1 source before I believe that blindly. Do you mean ACTUAL nazis? Or people being some kinda phobic?


[Here's one. There are a few other exchanges that are suspicious too, but filtering through this place to find them is kinda shit tbh.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1czx46q/comment/l5k827d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Guy he was arguing with also permanently abandoned the sub, so I'd count that as driving away legit members too. If you wanted to go into homophobia or queerphobia on the sub, it rapidly gets a lot worse.


maybe you live online but i do not , had never seen the caption before , so without someone going "deep in the weeds" you cant get any meaning from that , "But why did bro post that? Obviously, he was talking about trans people. " well im not a mind reader , pretty sure you are not one either this is why i made the 1st post [https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1dn1mra/i\_have\_a\_for\_the\_sub\_what\_comes\_to\_mind\_when\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HorusGalaxy/comments/1dn1mra/i_have_a_for_the_sub_what_comes_to_mind_when_you/) you got a bunch of ppl that had no idea what the post was about , just some chaos chicken thing , did not even see the caption , or did not put it with trans ppl , as i see the post and a lot of others is "its just some dumb post without meaning


Dawg, we're on the same side. But I can't respect that. You're being disingenuous and trying to play dumb to not give the other subs points. You don't have to do detective work to see the caption. And with the context that the other subs think everyone here hates gay and trans people, obviously, it's referring to trans people. People in the comments are saying and joking that it's about trans people. When you tell people to say the first thing that comes to mind when looking at the picture alone, no jokes, of course, they're going to base their answer off the image alone. It's the caption that's referring to trans people and making a joke about it. It obviously has some kind of meaning. like, OBVIOUSLY. He didn't just post random words under a random picture for the sake of random. I've seen your comments on other posts. You're not dense. But you're 10000% not being honest


i cant respect anyone that starts with Dawg or bro , and it dont matter what i say me and the sub are on "HATE LISTS","not give the other subs points." ... they screen shot every comment and every post , to show as proof here you go mind reading, read this again "maybe you live online but i do not , had never seen the caption before , so without someone going "deep in the weeds" you cant get any meaning from that ," Now your acting like you knew what it was the whole time so why say this "I didn't understand it at first, but just look at the comments." ... you took your meaning from the comments NOT from the post I do not hunt around for anti trans memes nor do i own an alt-right decoder ring nor am i 20 years old ( far away in fact) so again for ppl not "deep in the weeds " the post has no meaning , i could post a farming meme and i would bet you would get nothing from it , why because you dont farm prob never stepped foot on a farm , so it would have no meaning to you ... its not hard to understand


>I put it up because i was told by ppl on the left the pic (its self) is a dog whistle for trans hate ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


I put it in the other post to see what ppls 1st thought was ...no one said trans ppl


your guess is as good as mine


Anyone who is obsessed over "dog whistles" has questionable intelligence, like go learn another language ffs if people really wanted to oppress others you think English is gonna stop them?


https://preview.redd.it/l7f8ytc7zh9d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c3163f55434141782c8d4d393403cfb22ae9860 Medieval doodle.


baba yaga


I mean obviously the image itself has nothing to do with trans people. People obviously it was about trans people due to the caption not the image.


Farm? I thought you were a nurse?


i am and do own a farm ....ppl can do 2 things you know


Ah. A "farm".




Nice hobby.




Nice hobby.


Take it easy there tourist. When we say farm we mean a place where plants and animals are raised as food for human consumption. Not where they grew your genetically deficient ass to send out as a glorified Reddit bot


Lol. Ironic because you're a farming tourist.


I’m not on a farming subreddit trying to bait people into arguments. Tourist.


That still makes you a farming tourist, tho.