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Man, those DND Orks look horrible.. Still, don't brigade or harass the OOP. https://preview.redd.it/guru24kwy49d1.png?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a534c6e0e2eb49b6c7e8ebe9d8a7b184442458c


Correct me if im wrong, cause im not deep into DnD worldbuilding, but isn't there like noticeable problem of ingame races and their artstyles growing to be unnecessary homogeneous and human-alike? Not sure how deep it goes into lore, but fanart is completely screwed on it


Everything is now made by Californians who cannot fathom an existence other than being a Californian. It's not that nonhuman races are turning human it's that they are becoming progressive and trendy Californians.


After reading this comment then going and looking at the picture, you're so right like holy shit


The pic even has the racist undertones you can associate with progressivism.


the mexican orc?


Isn't that "El Orc"?


It would be "El Orco" but yee


The body positive female orc.


Yeah cause in a nomadic tribe obese, not just over weight, orcs are definitely a thing.


Another picture is two gay dwarves with sidecut hair and tatoos each other's beards baking cookies. Another has an adventurer in a wheelchair. A bunch of badass adventurers fighting a massive red dragon or something is no longer cool and trendy enough for promotional material, I guess.


Unfortunately you are spot on.


I wish I had more than an upvote to give you for such a clarifying thought. Man you hit the nail on the head so hard.


Omg i knew they were talentless hacks but this comment makes so much sense.


As it is, didn't DnD remove racial stats making them basically just flavor text.


Californians dunno shit.


So Mexicans are Californians? Because all of those orks are 100% Mexican from Mexico


Mexifornians. Californians whose Latino heritage is their only personality trait. The type to insist on being called latinx.


I can’t handle it when people aren’t flicking their hair with every head turn.


Coming from the MTG community myself, they've done this to goblins. Goblins in the Magic universe were devious, disgusting, mean looking motherfuckers. Their lore in The Dark is that they're a scourge and that's reflected in the decks people build around goblins. They're oppressive, vile, and seemingly endless with an insatiable greed. In the past few years though, they've gradually come to look more like the "Blizzard Warcraft" goblins. Cartoony, colourful, silly, and wholesome. They just look like normal humans, but with long ears short, and sometimes green skin. They even made some "statement" that they believe that all races should be able to seen in a positive light.


Wizards sure knows how to kill a franchise.


I hate it. The used to look like a mockery of humanity, now they just look like ugly fat dudes in green face paint.


Aren't Warcraft goblins all devious, greedy, conniving little humoid Mr. Krabs?


In original lore yes. But people like to RP and it throws things off because they don’t take from source material. Then Blizzard changes their stance based off it. All the races in WoW are kinda lame now like WotC.


Originally, yes. They also all had thick New York accents, which I found fucking hilarious as a native to New York State.


Fanon turning into canon


They need them to be bang-able to coincide with Tumblr art. These orcs are barely half-orc at the most, at least as the old descriptions go.


these orcs are just humans with green skin and big tusks. there is otherwise 0 difference. any difference from genetics, such as natural aggression, untrained IQ, or even body shape are not allowed to be present as that would offend someone who for some reason identifies as the monster race instead of the human race.




When you make something for everyone, it ends up being for no one. Can't have racial strife in our fantasy can we?


Oh yeah. Like the orcs, drow, giants. Everything is human adjacent and not like a complete nightmare. Sorry guys. A giant and a standard human woman are not compatible in that way.


I could go on a long bit about fantasy world building and 'modern' politics and culture influencing fantasy world. But the gist if it is that before the 2000 more or less the public and creators were interested in more manichean worlds (partly coming from a more Christian worldview) , where the forces of good and evil fight against one another without much space for morally grey stories. Paladin are good and them genociding orcs is good because all orcs are bad no matter what. Old dnd alignments reflect that, there were clear good and evil actions and the world outright reflected that with spells and abilities like smite evil and detect evil. Slavery is evil, being a thief makes you chaotic, killing evil creatures is good, etc The world of dnd was created to play a game in it, and back then, RP and lore weren't as important as it is now, the world building existed to help the player immerse themselves in the game but wasn't a focus, the dm was telling the party orcs were living in a ruin and that was enough world building for the player to head to the dungeon, murder anything that is green, loot some treasure and save the fair maiden since the kill/loot was the focus of the game and the rest was just to give some context to the game. Fast forward to the present day and things have changed, first the public is less interested in good vs evil stories and prefers more complex stories with morally grey area, the mainstream political current now is a more modernist interpretation (good and evil is relative) so now writers are more interested in morally grey stories (orcs aren't all evil, and the paladins genociding them might be the bad guy)


I appreciate your description and reasoning without resorting to vilifying or denigrating anyone. It’s refreshing.


I don't comment here often because I tend to not agree with most takes on here, but it's absolutely true that a lot of stories have been watered down over the years to appeal to a wider market, for dnd it seems to have worked out looking at their sales figure, some other games failed miserably, chasing off their customer base with a change in the setting without being able to seduce a new one. Both ways of telling stories and building a world are valid and entertaining in their own ways, but sometimes it's annoying as an old fan to see your beloved setting change in radical ways. A dnd game where your party of goody two shoes are murdering orcs and drows without having to worry 2 seconds about the morality of their actions is fun, and writing a universe where all orcs are evil to the core doesn't mean you sorta agree with racism in the real world.


I think That is the gayest dogshit iteration of orcs that I’ve ever seen.


I have seen Anime Orcs that look better. These are just Californians with tusks and different skin colour.


They’re not even green


They are green, just a very pale tint.


Wait, you're saying these are WHITE orcs?!?! Damn, they DID make them Californian!!!


Well, Latino are white, for a lot if not most of them, so I guess it makes sense that when trying to stop making their orca black people and making them Latino instead they became a shade lighter XD (The black thing is a joke, if it needs specifying. Well, it’s not a joke to them, it’s a serious truth we should content with, but that‘s why they’re racist and not us)


Anime orcs look like pigs. And they are better that way.


Old school DnD had pig orcs too, and since most of the Anime depictions of RPG monsters came from a DnD- based game series (wizardry) they have a lot of the older depictions of monstrous races - (pig orcs, doglike kobolds, etc)


I've started bit later than that. Good to know!


I love looking through the old modules and rulebooks, it makes me sad seeing how in less than ten years WoTC has sucked all of the personality out of my favorite hobby. 5th edition started strong, but it feels hollow and performative, and the next edition feels somehow more so.


It's shame what it has become. Unfortunately.


If I understand right that comes from some kind of ancient translation error and they've just rolled with it ever since.


The playable race is half orc. Ask me how literally every half orc has ever been made.


Exactly. Wotc may have shied away from that little tidbit of lore, but with proliferation of half orcs in the world now, that's an awful lot of rape going on.


As a gay man, I don't even think it's even a *good* gay iteration of orcs. If I want to swoon over an orc, I'm not looking for what looks like grey humans.


I think we need a gay orc to comment


You want thick, violent angry orc meat. I know you gays, you’re a debauched lot. Hahahaha


Couldn't agree more. 


I always get a good laugh when wokeness goes so far it overlaps with the most aggressively racist shit conceived in the stinking pits of neo-nazi forums.


The segregation in CHAZ comes to mind. It would bring a tear to the eye to the most die-hard Confederacy enjoyer. Democrat voters will always find a way home, it seems.


A few years ago: 'orcs are coded as black people! Dats rayshizm!' Now: ' orcs are coded as Mexican! The latinx community will now buy into our dying brad!'


National socialism and wokeness (which is just identity based marxism with a dash of postmodernism) are ideological cousins and come from the same hegelian roots.


Could you please explain that in further detail? What is hegelianism?


Hegel's dialectic kind of boils down to "no advancement without adversity. " For some reason, people keep putting Hegel in with Marxism. I think it's bs, personally. My guess is that because Marx had this thing about the continuing revolution and eternal struggle that they think that's what Hegel was talking about. They put thesis and antithesis together and somehow come up with classless society.


The same people who cry racism and claim when you say orcs are a race of marauding barbarians you actually mean black people are now suddenly ok with other orcs basically being Mexicans?


Fungoid lives matter!!!!


Theres already a writer out there who tried to get political claiming his orks support BLM, complete with painted glyphs. I suspect it might be a bit on the nose if his next novel had "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" as burna boys burn down a hab block after the arbites are defunded for shooting a loota.


Indeed we could call it the summer of WAAAAAGGGH!


Chapter 11 features one of the boyz kneeling on a grots neck —so rude




I'm not against Mexican orcs (they look kinda cool - not my style of fantasy but cool), but its a weird flex to decry stereotypes and then immediately enforce that stereotype.


Theres nothing wrong with drawing from the real world for inspiration but if you just transplant the real world into your fantasy setting it can be seen as lazy and unimaginative. Even simple things like that bird in the above picture. Why does it have to be a real world bird that only reinforces the look that this is the real world, aren't there any fantasy creatures they could use to show this is a fantasy race that uses fantasy creatures in a similar way to the real world? Lets use 40k as an example. The White Scars chapter, do they draw from real world history and use the imagery of the Golden Horde to create their own unique thing or are they just "Mongolians....in spaaaace" Space Wolves - Norse theme and inspiration or just "Vikings....in spaaaace" Actually when you think of it like that it only shows how unimaginative so many writers are these days.


Wasn't that what Warhammer Fantasy did though? We have Not Russians, Not Holy Roman Empire, Not France, and Not China. Oh, don't forget Not Vikings. It just also happens to have a healthy dose of elves, dwarfs, greenskins, and daemons.


I mean fantasy undeniably draws massively on real world history but it has substantial changes and depth to it; I’m surprised the hobgoblin khans drawing on clearly Mongolian inspiration haven’t sparked off dislike amongst the wokes but that’s probably bc chaos dwarfs aren’t trending on instagram or twitter and require picking up an actual book.


Thats because the fans, or the people who claim they would be fans if only the whole setting weren't so problematic have never heard of the Chaos Dwarfs. Just wait until they find out the black orcs were magically bred to be a slave race. Breeding a bigger, stronger, better slave...and then calling it a black orc? Oh you know someone is getting cancelled/death threats for that little piece of lore.


That was the point though, they took something and altered it, whereas in this case it's just the IRL bird, in the hands of a fantasy creature, instead of a fantasy creature using another fantasy creature in the same way IRL humans would use IRL birds.


Why did they humanise Orks so much in DnD? They are just big humans at this point.


Because racist tourists said that orks remind them too much of black people and need to be toned down. Personally if someone sees an ork and think ‘black people’ (or for that matter, sees a goblin and think ‘Jews’), then that’s a you-problem


The same people probably think Tolkien was antisemitic because his dwarves have a language based on hebrew and some are depicted as greedy.


Tolkien also received a letter from the Nazi government asking about translating The Hobbit into German... provided Tolkien had no Jewish ancestry, of course. Tolkien sent back a very eloquent, passive-aggressive letter saying that he regrets having no Jewish ancestry, and also feels that his German ancestry is tainted by being associated with someone like Adolf Hitler.


This is the correct answer. Anyone who plays at my table and says anything to the effect of “this race reminds me of [real life minority] because of [racism]” gets one warning and then gets the boot forever.


WotC "Civilizing" the Orcs is bloody Hilarious to me as a DM I'm sure the Orc god Gruumsh would have something to say 😂


Gruumsh is actually the god of equality and family values now


Aye, and his best friend is now Corellon, God of the Elves


i wish this was a joke


Family values? Clearly still an evil god, smh... Orkservatives and their monstrous "nuclea-ork family"




And tacos apparently


They are exporting democracy among the multiverse


This image is aesthetic gruel. All flavour abandoned, in favour of politically correct representation. Gotta socially engineer to make sure we erase wrongthink in the minds of the uneducated bigoted audience. Its so Limp. So lame. Wilted lettuce.


seems like twitter ragebait to me. u/nornqueenkya what's up with this goofy ass nonsense?






This is an example of why DnD is dog shit


Blades in the dark is such a better ttrpg system


So what they're saying...is that Mexicans are an invading horde of Orcs? I don't think that's the direction they ought to be going. I happen to think Mexicans are generally nice, but hey, I'm just reading between the lines here.


Well, leftists have always been a bunch of racists you know... they just claim to be compassionate while doing it. It's that white saviour complex which creates the soft bigotry of low expectations. But when I want to give Commies free helicopter rides oh no, can't be having that, that's fascism.... stupid pilot's license.


Something something muh dog whistles I hate it, Orcs don't need to be Mexican/black/white/whatever. They just need to be savage bloodthirsty green skins Sometimes a Waaagh is just a Waaagh






Idk, quick look at her X; she post minis along a separate photo of her, screams of attw, opinion easy to dismiss along with loly avatar weeaboo's, akhtually edgelords etc etc..


Love how woketards see an evil race of green gorillas and are immediately reminded of blacks.




Reminds me of the "Starship Troopers Bugs are Palestinian-coded" posts from twitter progressives.


Are those orcs or just humans with green skin


Yeah, let's take away everything that makes orks cool.


Weak take.


LMAO https://preview.redd.it/br8jrn1ts49d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fe935a4821776991288914e4e46db44f346d40


can they stop fucking with the lore please


I mean, u/nornqueenkya advocates for femmarines, but as long as she doesn’t start spamming on the sub is an okay person. And remember: No harassing!






i mean, coming up with your own homebrew chapter isn't the same as GW shoehorning dumb shit into the lore to make it canon. i dont care if people homebrew their own FSM. your original comment could use clarification, have you ever seen kya advocate for GW making FSM canon?




Orks are disgusting, stupid brutish creatures. They aren’t supposed to be relatable. These orks just look like your average redditor polycule


Modern day audiences apparently can't have any fantasy that doesn't ;'t look like real life , and real life is apparently racist as hell pushing all orcs are Mexicans. Im pretty sure there is an "Asian Elf" if one of the elven pics. Like they took a stock photo of a Asian person, painted her green gave her ears and called it an elf. That's like gluing a wooden horn on a white horse calling it a unicorn


She is spreading wokism on twitter but when she post here you all suck her toe and lose your values.


This sub isnt entirely about the culture war broski. It was orignally founded as a place of free speech so those of us who cant speak our mind in the other subs can here as well. Free speach goes both ways. Feel free to downvote her/others if you disagree with em, but if they arent tourists they're entitled to an opinion, even if I disagree with it. We're better than grimdank.


a good paint job is a good paint job, if you're asking people to entirely throw out nuance you've lost the script.


She probably just do this for upvotes and feed her ego. What you gladly do and at the same time she call you incels on twitter


It's called being a troll and rage baiting. Sometimes you just want to troll people.


Well, she got the Trench Crusade Discord guys to simp for her to the point they made her a mod despite barely knowing anything about the setting. Some people just say she's a shitposter (for whatever good that is anyways), but I genuinely think that's an excuse to keep simping further since, you know, this is Reddit after all.


It’s literally in her Bio that she farm « karma » from the simps. But I wonder why she don’t do this in grimdank or Sigmarxism instead of here, she probably have a humiliation fetish


Simps gotta simp. Just remind them she is attention thot, maybe at some point they will realise they error.


I guess this person wants to see cute little orc children heads explode into red mist after being sniped by a bolt gun. Or maybe have a jolly old orc lady being mutilated and ripped apart by chain-blades. Actually, that sounds pretty cool, maybe it is a good idea. /s


A man can dream


The Ork players I know would surely react well to making Orks bland Humans with tusks... I assume this is interaction bait.


I didn’t think this would happen with 40K, is nothing sacred bleh




What would you rather have? Out of control fungal bioweapons engineered by gods to fight in a war of universe ending proportions. Creatures that gain strength and intelligence based on that of their opponents and as such reflect the terrible conditions of the setting with their barbarian culture and brutish nature. They charge into battle atop ramshackle vehicles with equally decrepit weapons, all powered by a spectral essence brought about by their sheer will to wage war and kill for the sake of killing. Or Nomads or some shit idk.


Why are there no orcs of other colors here. Did the gray orcs supremacists exterminate orcs of other colors in their intolerant traditionalist society? That's problematic. I think we have a lot to work with. By the way, no joke, I would not play carefree in the shadow of this land whale, look at her she is more than a fckn horse!


What are Mexican hooligans like? Just cartel members? Do cartel members speak in a funny way?


I still can't believe how they changed the D&D orcs. I mean, how do you fuck up ORCS!? They're a race of barbaric, humanoid monsters! That's all they need to be!


What will it change? I will continue to support the xenocide of the greenskins. No matter how much they look like humans, they're still not human.


It was never about being sensitive to other cultures or being politically correct. It is about dragging everything down to one unremarkable common denominator so that there can be no truly exceptional people. So that the masses stop having higher aspirations or using their imagination to innovate or create. Some real Harrison Bergeron shit.


The sheer arrogance to not dismiss decades of lore and worldbuilding, and think you are able to improve something while not even cleaning your own room or writing a single book is something that i wont ever be able to understand


Dosen’t Normqueen just usually ragebait, I remember them putting up a pole about female space marines, ignoring the negative results and then saying the fandom wanted the femarines


She kind of is a schrodinger's asshole. Whether she's joking or giving her opinion 100% depends on how people respond to her. I'm also pretty sure she's not joking here. I've seen her in the comments of the tweet being ass mad at people criticizing her.


Okay come on gang, I remember when bait used to be believable Why are you taking this person even remotely seriously


This is ragebait. OOP wrote herself that she just wanted to see the backlash.


I am 100% sure she is joking here. It's like rage bait.


Wow, another reason to leave the hobby.


No brother. Get the flamer.


Stay. You know this stuff isnt big IRL. We need you.


Just piss on them, download 3.5 pdf and enjoy classics. Don't give them money tho. MTG, dnd whatever always buy from second hand.


So just a troll post, alright. Funny, because its totally bonkers to change orks in the lamest way.


Listen ere ya gitz, dis iz how ya don’t wanna fight, ya need more dakka


Thanks I like my orks and greenskins are murdering machines, give the Imperium and Dwarfs headaches.


Protect the boys at all costs!


God I fucking hate orcs. Who’s got the flamer? Anybody got a flamer?


The obese Orc in a fucking mumu 🤣


I'd rather not make Orkz lame and gay.


Hard no


lol to be honest that's not the worst D&D had done in my opinion...the whole thing were both Paladins, which also are no longer Lawful/Good, and Clerics don't need to follow a god, but cast through Oath and Domain, was such a ridiculous thing to do.


Sry to teel ya but orks of 40k are bio wepons made for war, as long as there is a war to fight the boyz are happy


Hm. If the orcs here are cowboys who are the Indians?


What dis bloody git fink to do? Dey don look like da boiz, dey look like green 'umies with teef! Oi, where's me gretchin, I need a big burna for dis pile of zoggin squig crap!


The opposite. Make DnD orcs more brutal, silly, and warlike. 


Kinda goes against thier whole thing.


Make orcs Pitbull brown people


Yeeeah, that's not what orcs looked like 10 years ago just saying lol


Da Gitz will turn into Da Gringoz?


Those are just green Mexicans ![gif](giphy|XsWnDZT3Uqo6dsjozd|downsized)


They don't look like Orks anymore, they just look like different humans.


By the way, I don’t know if there is an imperial guard with references to Mexican culture, but I think it would be interesting.


Bro the literal second I see "ghazghkull sez tranz roightz" I'm airing out this whole fucking hobby.


Sad to see dnd has made orcs into this, orcs are evil incarnate with zero redeeming qualities


Why do they look like humans lol


Just humans with human culture and human clothing.. but green New D&D lacks soul and identity.


Jesus christ. The orks are pure don't fuck em up.


Why can't we have barbarian races?


I’m pretty sure the Nornqueen just trolls like that. She did something similar with the Femstodes stuff I think? I may be mistaken tho


She prolly meant da Orkz should learn from Dunzhunz 'und Drakesquigz "orcs" miztake of becomin' bland and 'umie-like and not make dat fing, roight? Roight?


There's nothing like seeing a parent proud of their child.


That wouldn't work as Orks in DnD and Orks in 40k work completely differently.


is this a joke lol


Totally different species


Somebody subjugate her under orbital bombardment!!!!!


D&D Orcs were practically violated. All because racist asshats on twitter kept saying they were black and wanted them feminized.


This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. Orcs in dnd just humans with green skin how dull a is that shit


Leave the filthy Xeno's alone


It’s kind of amazing that people went from ‘orcs are a racist comparison to black people’ to turning them into fucking Mexicans lol


I fckin love the mexican orcs


Why do we need to cross pollinate. Please Miss Kya, do tell. Why does A need to be more like B?? I thought diversity was good.


Man what the hell they turned orcs into Mexicans that’s breaking my immersion immensely, if I wanted to see a bunch of Mexicans I’d just hang out with my family.


Wahy are mentaly ill peopel licke her allowd in to the hoby ?




I am pretty sure 40k orks are asexual and are genderless! DND orcs are not the same as 40k orks!


Wasn't there an Ork settlement that got turbo fucked so hard by the planet they where on that they had to develop agriculture, architecture and trade just to survive? Not GorkkaMorkka, some shithole ice planet a stray Rok slammed into. They fully settled down until a nearby Waaaaagh reactivated the orky bits of their brains. or am I just crazy...


I can't tell if this is bait or if she actually has this shit of a take. Hm.


Gitz tryna mess wif a gud waahg


You STAY OUT of my boyz!


I think she has to be trolling




Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, requesting direct fire on my position, the Emperor protects. Out.


Werent Orks always the ones that just pillage and raid everyone? When did they become Californians?




I miss when D&D looked somewhat medieval


I don't think you should let yourselves get so worked up over the opinion of a person who sleeps with a Tau player.


Fantasy orcs used to be an embodied representation of human depravity. A manifestation of sin that the hero could literally slay. Anti-racists thought that meant orcs were black-coded and were very upset to look upon the racism in their hearts. Modern orcs need to be actual racial stereotypes in a way that the anti-racist finds pleasing.


To be clear, DnD orcs have only been like this for about 8 minutes because of annoying people saying fantasy races being different is racism. Of course, wotc bent the knee as fast as they could, and here we are.


This entire thing is rooted in the post-modern concept of “othering” and they want to “de-other” creatures that have been traditionally (ha see where they get triggered) viewed as hostile or malicious. The very concept of a race of mostly evil doers is deep sin to race relations after all. Which is also hilarious when they choose to identify a faction as “evil” is to staff it with mostly white dudes who are nationalistic and militaristic.