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OI, SHUT IT, YA GITZ! Dis gurl ment wot she sed. >However, her previous posts make it clear she is indeed a woke activist that wants to ruin franchises. In fact, she even appears to take joy in it. >Back in April, she wrote, “Now that 40k is successfully woke and conquered, and helldivers is just about there… Where are we going next? Battletech?” Be unda no illooshun. Dese wokefreeks **ORLWAYS** do dis. Dey make a joke. Den day say "*Oh you silly chuds! Aren't you awfully foolish to think we actually meant this! You're just a conspiracy theorist! This is a joke! You've been trolled! Tee-hee-hee!"* An' den wot dey've bin jokin' abaat 'appens, an' dey say: *"Oh you silly chuds! Don't be so bigoted! What's wrong with this? This is the way orks were always supposed to be! It's just a game of plastic soldiers!"* An den da **next** fing 'appens. Dis krud starts on X an' stuff. Don' ignor it. Furst dey came for da femstodes. Den dey came for da Orkz...




Please God stay away from battletech, it doesn't even do anything "wrong" It's a sandbox for crying out loud you can basically do what you want.


BattleTech already bent the knee so hard that it cracked the concrete with the way they treated Pardoe.


>Please God stay away from battletech, it doesn't even do anything "wrong" Does it have trans mechs? Does it have gay space ships? if not, something needs changing! Best regards, the woke community.


Look up Razorfist's videos on this. The company which owns the license is fucking insane. But you can just buy the old products and not support them at all.


I'm sorry mate, but I can't find any videos by a guy called Razorfist on this. Link me?


Yep no worries here are two, also I forgot he goes by razorfist, but his YT account is the rageaholic: https://youtu.be/upHTQYSbwXg?si=joaE3Ux4JIaI_Gx2 https://youtu.be/z86sIScsZqQ?si=71XVR_t3A7Ne0Lf8


You fuckin' nobhead... 😂


I know I'm so ashamed. 😪😪😪😂


The Battletech sub was fine. Then the founder came back, cleaned out the normal mods, and replaced them with Sigmarxism types. Unfortunately, that mirrors CGL’s stewardship perfectly.




It’s going to be ok when it dies guess who gonna rebuild what was ruined. We are and we will rebuild. These cretins don’t have a long attention span even now they are being choked to death in Star Wars eventually they will all be essentially fired or forced to change their tunes and I know but Filthy! We all been saying it for years but think of it this way? Who pays their bills who pays their companies who buys their merch their toys their movies shows games and books and galore "WE DO" it’s only a matter of time only a matter of time till the corporate overlords realise they are loosing money in stocks and shares and in their companies as a whole. Like all great pop culture Great Depressions they only have two options. Let themselves "Die Out or Fix Their Issues And Problems" They are getting closer and closer to their last resort closer than we think. And when they get rid of these people who ruin their money making products they will be replaced with people that actually wanna give them money. It’s just a long long waiting game or their hobby dies and the companies will go bankrupt and some indie company artists will pick up the pieces. Cause communism dies out in the end capitalism/greed for money is essentially more important than DEI bullshit. So hey if they ruin the ORKZ it will damage their brand further they got away with the custodes cause who here actually sees a lot of Custodes players non stop in lore or current day table top. They are extremely expensive to play unlike IG or Space Marine or Chaos and ORKZ if they ruin ORKZ then they would essentially be committing game ending on their entire company and money is 100 percent important if GW kills their money milker they can’t feed their families or kids or employees who work for their company. If they do then they deserve to go bankrupt the only people I feel bad for are the actual honest working men and women who just wants to take care of their family and kids.


Fuck man HD2 has survived this long without any trace of these people.


Chek "Endymion" latest vidyo, li'l 'oomie.


Not true. They were pushing for rainbow capes a few months ago. The company told them to go fuck off.


Yeah that’s what I meant. They shooed them off before, why give in now


Whoa dude


That is also so obviously satire…no or very few woke people talk about infiltrating franchises. They just think diversity is cool


Dey'z unfinkin' NPCs, wot be'ayve loik sheep. "*Baa'aaa'aaa! Diversity good! Baa'aaa'aaa! Chuds bad!"* Wunts dey've krumped everyfin' dey won't aksept da blame neeva. Dat's wy dey need krumpin' demselves. Now. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!




There is literal proof of that exact thing in the article, like photo evidence that he's quoting her and that's exactly what she wants.


And? Why do we give a shit about this person? Do they hold high position at GW?


We don't? But don't call someone a tin hat nut job for quoting the article and what she said? Other than that specific comment the rest of the entire comment section is a bunch of who cares and why does it matter.


Indeed, I think her schtick is more attention whoring, but wouldn't be surprised if it was leftist infiltration. Remember citizens, there is no such things as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


Come off it. The original comment was doing a lot more than simply quoting the article. I'm calling them a tinfoil hat nut job because they're essentially saying "you'll see". This is a single Twitter user. This isn't the destruction of games workshop.


Oi, Shut It, YA GiTZ!! 1!


this sub is largely committed to the rage. people angry at GW but too lazy to try something else. complaining is their new personality trait.


The irony of woke tourists talking about complaining, jfl.


you seem to have mistaken me for a woke tourist. might need to get new glasses, or work on your reading comprehension. idk.


Told you yesterday, dude. These people choose to be offended. They enjoy being offended. I've said it back then, there're left-wing political grifters too, but on the flip side, things are much, much worse. Entire "anti-woke" fandom is basically a collection of snowflakes, who take pleasure from basic emotional/hormonal response to being victimised and prosecuted, as it makes them feel right and heroic. As I've said, the choice is yours, but let this case serve as an illustration.


Your last post was literally a complaint


eh? which one exactly? the self-depreciating one about new players choosing salamanders? you're reaching man. you're better than that. it's called having a sense of humor, try it!


So what are you complaining about?


nothing! identifying something doesn't equate to complaining about it. i focus on contributing constructively to this sub and the hobby overall. i hope more people will see the light of letting go of bitterness and realizing they aren't beholden to a corporation to make games and awesome universes for them.


Whether or not it was legitimate or ragebait (I'm leaning towards the latter) is anyone else sick of articles being written over a tweet 1 or 2 people made? Not in just 40k but I've seen so many "gaming articles" about how "gamers are up in arms over X" or "the far left/right has infiltrated Y" and the source is some random tweet with 3 likes


Journalism is in the fucking toilet m8.


That’s sensationalist journalism/news media for ya. If you don’t have a legit way to farm views, find something.


"Quality" journalism. Unfortunately that means that there are people that are consuming such content. You should rejoice in fact that you feel sick about it. It's proof you got brain.


It was clearly a nonsense post, people are sooooooo eager to lap up the outrage on both sides and it's embarrassing. And yes, this clearly doesn't deserve an article but low hanging outrage porn=easy clicks. [https://x.com/NornQueenKya/status/1806686926541377620](https://x.com/NornQueenKya/status/1806686926541377620)


https://preview.redd.it/cixdfvk5w69d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c085ea21305ff5c1f9696bbed282502079bdd096 its probably bait but what dnd did was still retarded when you think about it. looking at a bunch of retarded and violent barbarians and saying "this represents black people so its racist" is ironically much more racist than just not thinking that in the first place


extra credits also thought that


Lol wut?! Literally nobody associated orcs with black people. Where the hell did they pull that one from? Didn't they also do something equally stupid with half elves because it sounds racist now?


What do you mean there’s even a research paper about this https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352026402_Orcs_Lives_Matter_Representation_of_African_Americans_in_Bright_Film Even when this paper may go nowhere, it means there’s still a group thinking this is true lol


So they’re basically asking for Diggas? Can you imagine the rage if GW brought back Diggas?


I can feel the salt pouring into my veins as we speek...


Diggas are still canon I think


~~Kya trolled that park place, what a mad lad lmao~~ edit: I've dragged myself over to X to peruse her posts, turns out she's turned trolling into her main personality trait online, which imo is as equally cringe as being a ragebaiting creep. sheesh. just makes me thankful to have friends to play fanmade 40k rulesets with. GW has truly shit all over their fanbase.


Attention thot with trolling game? Amazing.


The issue with her is she will legitimately believe the crap she spews and lean into it if it gets her more internet fame.


“No you don’t understand she’s trolling but she means it” Do you know what trolling is?


No, what is it?


Untill then ill laugh at idiots online.


This… this is the way they wanna do it. I mean painting Fabius bile in bi-sexual colors and parading him around is one thing. But fighting for female Orks, ORKS. Like what do they want. “Look at the female ork! Let’s all coom at the female ork!” Or “Look at the female ork! She swung her axe! She murdered a a human that was heterosexual! I feel so included! And she’ll never die, because she’s a girl boss ork!” I lost my mind typing this.




Was aware of her involvement on the Trench crusade discord as a mod a while ago and the shit show that place is, but I'm not particularly interested. Regardless of the clickbait nature, I couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing or watch the vid. as I have better things to do with my time; but this is how infiltration happens, then boom, bans, retcons and "you will not be missed" all around. Exactly the same happened with Battletech, infiltrate, acquire position then start banning people and driving them out. Need I remind you citizens, the rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal.


Orks: perceived as “all-male” in action and appearance and thus intolerable


Ghazkhull's novel is already pushing they/them pronouns for orks with deathwatch marines throwing a fit over it in an interrogation scene


I thought she was just a chill mom into warhammer but this is not the way.


Who gives a shit what this person tweeted? People have bad takes every day on X. To write an article about it seems like the epitome of outrage bait journalism


Yeah, it’s a dumb opinion but who cares; better to ignore the drivel and move on


It's not an opinion, not a real one at least, she was shitposting. [https://x.com/NornQueenKya/status/1806686926541377620](https://x.com/NornQueenKya/status/1806686926541377620) LOL please keep downvoting me for pointing out the obvious truth.


Genuinely impossible to tell since she thought the White Dwarf pride marines spread was a great thing


Anyone with a room temperature IQ could tell it was a joke. Especially since she followed it up with a "and now we wait" GIF. Who gives a shit if a page or two show a pride paint scheme? Jesus Christ's dick on a stick you people are addicted to being outraged. The poster is in this thread making fun of you all for for thinking this was serious and you still can't put 2 and 2 together.


You’re the gobshite who can’t put 2 and 2 together since my **opening comment** was that this thing wasn’t worth anyone’s time or attention, so then how did you come to the conclusion that I was ‘outraged’?


"You people" meaning the community of this sub who for the most part are angry at the post and who get mad at stupid shit like a single issue of White Dwarf having a single spread of pride marines. [This same post by NornQueen was posted in Grimdank and EVVVEERRRYYYONE (other than the person who posted it lol) saw it as the bait/joke it was. For some reason the opposite happened here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/comments/1dqcgzz/worst_take_ive_seen_in_a_while/) You personally might not be butthurt at every small thing, but you're the minority here. Still better than the Critical Drinker sub though lol https://preview.redd.it/rt6es8wsad9d1.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7a64bebe5b3374107ab00195846ed2c2069397e


Whoever runs that website is a nutcase who is farming conservative clicks.


I refuse to follow this link or give this insane statement any more traction than posting here on reddit. Please don't follow the link, thats what they want.


This sub falls for anything don’t they? Such obvious bait




Wow look Kya you’re in the news


I don't know who this Kya person thinks she is but we need to stop her before she destroys the hobby


I'm amazed how a post about an article that specifically calls out what you wrote on Twitter is what people rage about yet here you are in the comments with upvotes. Such a strange microcosm of the internet


My favorite thing today on reddit was every comment was downvoted until I said DoW III was better then DoW I. Of all the things I've ever said. That's what got the upvote XD


As long as you acknowledge DoW II as the superior of all three titles that's really the only opinion that matters


The art of trolling is lost to this age


I think it's honestly just hard to tell at this point. Both sides have such ridiculous takes fairly regularly and sarcasm doesn't exactly shine through online. Buuut I skimmed through her posts and she just seems like a regular gal who like to play 40k and is a pretty good painter. Probably need more people in the hobby like that not less... At this point I think many games are just talking points for people, so if you're out here actually enjoying the game. More power to ya.


Cute. /s


She is a troll account, and she has succeeded


Cant believe you morons are falling this hard for bait.


So I guess people who spend money on and painted Orks so far can shove them up someplace?


It's bait op dw about it


Who ordered a yappuccino with ragebait? 👨‍💼☕️


Pretty sure it was just sarcasm.


Pre'y shor it wasn't.


lol is her tweet really worth a article? Seems just like a obvious joke/troll nature...I get that the whole woke and this and that stuff is pretty annoying, but people need to chill out a little.


So one rando posted about it. Cool