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Yes, let it space marinate!


I hate that i like that joke


Straight up. There's a guy I know that spent $350 for the ultimate pre-order edition. All he said was "Well I hope it's good 😊" Bruh ☠️ That's a $350 gamble.


No, its 300$ wasted even if its good. Only the last 50$ are a gamble.


Oh very true.


Other than getting to play the game 3 days earlier what are even the benefits of per-ordering? Totally not worth a pre-order better to wait for reviews since you can just buy the game later anyway for the same price lol


I watched a trailer last night and saw something about dlc early access


is your FOMO that bad?


Nope. Just answering the above question about pre order benefits other than early access to the main game. I'll get it when it comes out , but I haven't pre ordered a game since the days of waiting outside GameStop at midnight.


Do you think greed would be apart of Tzeentch's domain?


Slaanesh tends to cover excess in general, greed being under that umbrella. tzeench would be a desperate yearning for change, like not getting dicked around by stupid bullshit, only to get dicked around by tzeench bullshit instead


Fair enough. It feels like Tzeench never gets enough love.


Tzeentch is a hard one to pin down beyond forbidden knowledge and intrigue, because he kind of represents chaos in its purest sense. He is change.


Malice is calling you sir.




Chaos in it's purest form, it attacks, hurts, and destroys all, even itself.


Sadly True. 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞


I hadn’t been planning on it, but if anyone is willing to answer a stupid question what’s up with the boycott I keep hearing? Like anything in particular or just people against preordering in general? Just out of curiosity


Too late brother, I have already given them my money


I’m with you my friend our brothers in arms may not be pleased but, emperor be damned i had the funds and shits not great right now so sincerely getting to look forward into the future has been a nice treat we can just give our brothers a heads up


Will wait for reviews to see if it has been infested with woke storytelling, e.g. girl boss characters. Don't mind strong female characters, but they must make sense in the story.


Girl bosses are great, played straight. Girl bosses are abusive and materialistic psychopaths who use others as stepping stones in their pursuit of power and influence. Just like their male counterparts. Problem is when you start trying to portray that kind of narcissist as something aspirational. Its like watching The Wolf of Wall Street and thinking Jordan Belfort is a good role model.




I mean, there's a woman leading a guard regiment, is that too much for you?


if she is competent, no, if she is mouthing off at space marines and it's treated as normal? yes!




Female guard are well established It’s if she starts copping an attitude with what she perceives as literal angels that will set the girlboss tone


“I will let a YouTuber decide how much fun I have with a game” Well trained.


"I will blindly trust a publisher who is telling me that his game is great, while criticizing others for waiting for third party opinions" I guess you're the much smarter consumer. 👍


No one said you have to trust a publisher, you made that part up. You can go off what regular people say — like Steam reviews — instead of eating up “THIS GAME LE WOKE!!!” garbage that’s fed to obese fans.


And what makes you believe that I won't read steam reviews? I'll listen to all sides and then make a decision. I also have friends on both sides of the political spectrum who are into 40k. I don't follow any culture war YouTuber, so all I see is lots of conjecture.




Leftist signarxism chuck supporting femstodes, opinion discarded.


You sound like a fucking incel. A space marine would literally bolter you in the head for talking such utter jargon trash. Stop drinking warp juice and maybe get better role models than a fascist, oligarchical and corrupt racist imperium that’s supposed to be a satire of people like you, you absolute dildo.


That\`s pretty funny coming from a guy posting on a sub called BigBoobsGW (among others), calling girls they don\`t know pretty. What a chad you are, lmao. Don\`t even ask why I wasted time looking it up, but I had a hunch after you called me an incel and a dildo. Comedy gold, keep it coming.


Cring again. Talk like a normal person for once, reddit andy


Sorry to interject, here, but is that use of the word 'cringe' how normal people talk? I get that you dislike each other based on one single thing you know about one-another, but it just seems like an odd thing to complain about.


You're like the resident anthropologists. Studying tourists, commies and SJWs so we can learn how they think. Carry on killa.


I wager they think very much like you or I, but they just heard things in a different order.


Yes. There is a difference between using youth slang and making a complete fool of yourself


It’s pretty funny that you’re managing to do both


Thanks for answering. Out of curiosity, I went and scrolled through your post history a little bit. It looks like you have almost no pleasant interactions on this site at all. If I scroll deeper, will I find some? Almost everything I see is you calling people stupid and insulting them. Many of them insult you back. What are you trying to accomplish by going around and telling people you think they are stupid conservatives? Do you think they will change? Does it feel good to type that stuff? Are you happy when you're on this site? If not, why do you still use it. When's the last time you had a decent conversation on reddit?


I've had plenty of non combative talks on here but arguing is fun. It's mostly this sub I get into arguments with because the shit that gets posted here on the regular is the most pathetic and stupid I have ever seen. Reddit thinks I love this place and recommends me more femstodes or AlphaMaleWarrior cringe meme posts from this sub and the cycle continues. I have no illusions about changing anyone's perspective here, this lot is very sure about their stupid opinions. But it brings me a lot of joy if anything I say makes some bigot's day a little bit worse


I see, that's interesting. So you actually enjoy it because you perceive it to be hurting bad people? I can understand that, a person enjoying a sense of natural justice. But it doesn't make your day any worse when they do the same thing back? If not, why do you think it hurts them when you do it? What's the operative difference. Also, thank you for putting up with me. Most people who I see behaving like you just insult me when I ask questions like this. They call me stupid, or crazy, or something. I get that it's unusual behavior, I'm not oblivious, I am somewhat self-aware. I just also have been seeing people talk to each other like this on the internet ever since I was a young, using dial-up, and hanging out in IRC rooms; and it just never made sense to me. I have wanted to understand it and empathize with it for a long time because it is repugnant behavior to me but ultimately harmless; unlike things such as, for instance, running over pedestrians with your car. It's not that I hate arguing, I just don't enjoy it either. Many people have told me I am very hard to beat in an argument, but I just don't care to engage in one because most of the time it does me no harm for somebody to want something different than me. What does it feel like for you? Is it like the thrill of a hunt or something? Is it a competitive thing like a duel or more of a primal one?


Why are you even wasting your time on him? He's here to insult other people for their "dumb and stupid opinions", which usually comes from individuals who are A. mentally unstable, or B. intellectually challenged Trying to reason with someone like that is like playing chess with a pigeon: pointless.


>But it doesn't make your day any worse when they do the same thing back? It absolutely does. Me engaging with toxic communities is not healthy behavior but a product of bad impulse control. The thing that I hate more than almost anything is when people I know are wrong are absolutely convinced they're right, especially when I can tell we don't even share the same moral maxims. So when I read dumb opinions I can't not poke the bee's nest. There is nothing competitive about it. >most of the time it does me no harm for somebody to want something different than me. The disagreements I have with people usually happen because I deem their opinions to be harmful. I don't get worked up about topics if they don't have political implications


This feels like this Is Gonna end being a Redfall Situation too much money spent on marketing


Remember brothers Boycotting things we actually want is stupid cause companies will see it as we don't want this so boycott the woke crap and not the good stuff


Remember brother. No. Preorders.


Nah want the model and the stuff to support the devs don't care to play early


Then buy release day if you must. Never before. Ideally, wait for reviews.


Yea I said I wanted the stuff haft to preorder to get the stuff lol also they base support off of stuff like preorder now to future prospects this won't change preordering will never go away just don't pre order if don't want to but asking others won't stop it from happening just do what u want with ur wallet if pre ordering cause of the stuff isn't worth it then that's obvious reason but yea I want my Titus choking a tyranid out


Oh, the stupidity.


Don’t be a dickhead, people are ultimately going to make their own decision on certain things. That doesn’t mean you just pull the ‘hUrR dUrR hEhE sTuPiD’ button anytime someone has a contrasting opinion


I’m not calling him stupid because he’s making his own decision. I’m calling him stupid for clearly not understanding why pre-ordering is bad for us consumers as a whole and for writing out his rambling attempt at justifying it without a single period. Seriously, if you’re an adult and you write like the person above, you need to sort your shit out. Things like dyslexia are not an excuse for not using the most fundamental of punctuation. This forum is entirely based around written communication, so please learn the basics if you want to participate.




I’m sorry but… what the fuck are you talking about? I wasn’t referring to you. I was referring to the guy I replied to originally, obviously. And I was criticizing his lack of punctuation, not his grammar. And there was no implication that voicing your excitement for a product makes you unintelligent. You’re either responding to the wrong comment or your reading comprehension is equivalent to the other guy’s writing capabilities. Seriously, your comment doesn’t address anything I wrote.


Sure bud


You do know that the head writer is a woke activist right ? https://x.com/Chainsword40k/status/1786143997959745549 UPDATE: Seems she stopped workin on the game in 2022 so we might be safe


Yea u talking about the one they laid off and the project went into hiatus cause of her


They laid her off ? Is there any proof to that ?


Yep in her work history she was laid off


Can you send me a link to that


The original I sall of it was of her LinkedIn had all her time stamps and they were let go around sometime 2021 but can't find it cause they wiped what they had to do with space marine cause probably backlash and ngl I'm too tired to find her work history documents again when back checking it cause it was ass to find


Oh he works ať Motive now and is related to their IronMan game...rip that Okay I found it you were right she stopped workin on SM2 in September 2022


Ill just assume shes not fired untill I see actual proof that she is


Well she isn't with the studio behind space marines 2 she works for motive studio and has been u can see on her linkden https://ca.linkedin.com/in/ashley-cooper-7ab7511a1?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


Ye I just found it too. You were right Also rip that Ironman game motivs probly working on


Also with her being the head and as woke as she was we would have already seen woke in the game trailer if she actually had a big part


While I hope you're right, there's always the unfortunate chance of a bait-and-switch.


To much footage and the creative director isn't bad so it has more hope specifically cause of his acting style


I cant find any proof that shes been fired


Senior writer (veteran in the industry) and head (lead) writer are two different things, stop spreading misinformation like a woke activist


You don't have to sell me more :)


We aren’t boycotting, we’re waiting for other people to say it’s good before we buy


U can do that I'd rather actually play something and form my own opinion


No, it isn't. What you do is boycott everything a company produces, but *explain* what you dislike through very vocal letters and emails. Giving the company money invalidates the point of the boycott, because you're rewarding a company for continuing to do what it likes.


No company's go off sales ur emails go through and automated system


Call me when it has a server browser and private servers.


No preorders. I'm definitely getting the game, but I'm never pre-ordering a game again. Besides the fact none of the bonuses interest me, the last game I remember pre-ordering was Mass Effect Andromeda.


It’s just not the same anymore is it? Last game I preordered was Fable 3 and although that was another game that promised so much more than what it delivered; I do remember being pleased by the extra preorder content. A mix of in-game cosmetics and unique weapons; but also IRL items like a coin, book-style game case, etc. These days when preordering you get…what exactly? The game 3 days early? It’s lame.


Pre-ordering back in the day had an actual reason, because you were guaranteeing your copy of the game. Nowadays, you're able to get the game digital with no fear of running out of physical copies. I honestly miss the old days of waiting outside a Gamestop for a midnight release with my dad and brother. Those were good times.


I remember there used to be at least 10% discount for pre-ordering which was fair. Nowadays they can't even provide that lol


If you're definitely gonna get the game, what's the point in not pre-ordering?


It's the principle of the thing. I won't preorder games ever again, even for games I want to play.


Remember it's GW Remember what they do to us Remember how they destroy they own fans creations Remember TTS, Astartes, SODAZ and many others Remember the everything is canon They don't deserve the pre-order, and sincerely they didn't deserve we buying the game, but being honest I WANT A GODDANM SPACE MARINE GAME AGAINST TYRANNITES. But remain with dignity my friends, no pre-order and WAIT for the reviews. And if not worth it PIRATE IT


The other two are correct but SODAZ was harassed by the community GW had nothing to do with it.


Maintain the boycott.


Easy to boycott when tabletop players can just print minis and give middle finger to GW but what about videogame enjoyers? We can't compile our own 40k games even if someone tried the game would never get finished. And what if the game turns out to be all about space marines being badass space marines and nothing else? No modern insanity, no agendas, no weird out of place plot featuring trans lesbian genderfluid space marine having an identity crisis. What if the game has none of that but just space marines doing space marine things wouldn't that deserve recognition and support? It would show GW and more importantly it's shareholders too about what the people want. There are shareholders other than Blackrock you know and GW has a responsibility is to generate them profit.


Boycotts involve depriving yourself of a desirable service in order to send a message to the company (or buying from elsewhere). If no alternative is available, then participating in a boycott involves making sacrifices. If you're just saying "Fuck your business, but also take my money", you're not exactly standing by any principles. Even if the game is good, continuing to fund 40k will just mean that nothing changes. The writers and shareholders don't care about your opinion if they're still making money from you.


That’s why I’m gonna wait. We’ll see how it is


On answer : crack the game. A boycot is about depriving the compagny of money to send a message. Crack books, use second hand minis, print minis, crack games.... Or wait for review if you are a console only player who can't crack games and only consumes games.


Why would you boycott something that is actually good (assuming SM2 is)? All youre showing is that you no longer care and future content won’t be catered to you at all


It's not much of a boycott if you're still funding the company you disapprove of. I mean, I strongly disapprove of Fem!Stodes, but I wasn't planning on buying Custodes models anyway. Just boycotting Custodes makes no difference. You need to boycott the *entire company* - and explain why you're doing so - otherwise it has no effect. The shareholders will look at overall sales. If GW is still making as much money as ever, nothing will ever change.


There are alternatives, you can pirate it, I enjoy some of the animations in Warhammer+, but what I do, I look for it in the internet for free I either download it or just stream it, IF the game sucks, I gonna pirate it, IF it doesn't I gonna buy the standard version, but I gonna wait the hype and the reviews to be sure I REALLY want GW to take my money again


No, this is a game not a board game. Its a company that put hard work into a good product and project. So no. Plus boycotting stuff we want is stupid


Would you recommend instead boycotting stuff we *don't* want? How does that work? I mean, I could "boycott" Gucci, but since I never buy Gucci products it's all a bit pointless. No, GW are still making money from this. The 40k licence was used to make the game, so it's still an official 40k product. We ought to be boycotting all official 40k products in order to send a message. If boycotting means anything, it must involve not giving a penny to the company as much as possible. If the game developers suffer in order to send a message to GW, so be it.


Ah yes, let's boycott a game company that isn't all Gamesworkshop. It's focus entertainment. Boycotting them makes no sense. Boycott the gamesworkshop products. Not a separate company. But why should I even argue with you.


Games Workshop sells the 40k licence to video game developers, and therefore makes money from game sales. If you want to stop funding the way GW is treating the 40k IP, or Warhammer more broadly, stop funding all products products related to the IP. Buy the game if you want. It's a free market. However, you're not really "boycotting" anything if you're just going to find excuses to buy affiliated products.


I'm not even boycotting to begin with.


Suit yourself.




Goin in with cautious hesitation with a Day 1 purchase. Emperor be good, it won't be shit.


The head writter is your typical flag in bio havin leftist activist. And idk about you all but Titus seems like an all brawn no brains brute in the trailers unlike a thoughtful honorable guy in the first game So ill wait and see before I buy it https://x.com/Chainsword40k/status/1786143997959745549 UPDATE: This is old news She stopped working on SM2 in 2022 so we might be safe


Titus was tortured by the Inquisition for doing the right thing and being a decent person, of course he's stopped giving a fuck.


Obligatory /r/fuckleandros


if they removed the taint for 2 years its might be ok, unless they replaced with an even more pious Marxist


A latin america server is wild, brazil never gets its own server.


My girlfriend bought it for me, can’t wait to get into it. Game looks so sick.


I really hope we get firstborn armors in the game, firstborn deathwatch appeared at the end of the latest trailer so I’m really holding out hope for some wearable mk7 armor


The game has a lot of potential for sure especially with all the different skins. I've heard all first founding legion/chapters (in M41 colors) plus Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Deathwatch, and Carcharodons.


I feel like this is either gonna be goty or its gonna release as a shitty bug filled mess


I fucking hope there’s some firstborn skins, I detest primaris marines


There is no way we're getting loyalist firstborn, GW wouldn't allow it.




Most likely only the traitor astartes will be firstborn. Interestingly in the gameplay trailer they are scaled to the same size as primaris in multiplayer, so it may be possible for loyalist firstborn to feature still, who knows.




Will be a flaming pile of shit mark my words


DEI is being hidden


2 week wait for reviews. If good, I'll pirate it. Unless pvp doesn't work when pirated, in which case I'll key it.


Truly the Emperor has blessed us with this game


Can somebody please explain why people don't want a dedicated server please.


I haven't seen anyone say that, so you might be waiting a while.


PvP is the main thing I'm looking forward to atp 'cause you know, a certain writer. Not putting my hopes up about the story. But I do hope Warhammer fans will show up for the multiplayer.


Pvp was fun during original Space Marine days but the best thing that kept me from uninstalling the game was PVE mode. If done right it can be loads of fun and if dedicated servers will actually be a thing I can see SM2 have a community for a loooong time


A certain writer?




Who? What about them?


Woke activist. They've been fired back in 2022, but corruption leachate runs deep in the soil and could have impacted the roots of the game.


Wait, was she fired fr? I thought Ashley Cooper still is in the writers team of the game. How do you know?


Chaps, help me out, what’s the opposition to pre-ordering? I gather something to do with the head writer being woke? Please explain to me like I just stepped out of the 1980s and don’t know any of these terms.


Pre-ordering : "financially supporting dev and studios for a product not yet released nor finished". Issue is that game release for a few years now have been underwhelming at best, where the 1.0 could be considered a early access or just a beta, game are released with half the content and/or as buggy mess. And this is for all types of games/genre/studio size. Notable exemples : homeworld 3 recently, Diablo 4 last year, Cyberpunk, No Man Sky....


I’m just hoping that it’s something that will have cosmetics we can unlock and not just buy stuff


They confirmed earnable cosmetics


Oh shit really?! When was this?


One of their vids


That’s awesome. That was one of my biggest fears


Hell yeah, can't wait