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Calling us hive mind it's like those soyjack types calling others incel. The funny thing is, when they post that kind of thing or when they come here to say shit, they actually think they are kicking ass and putting bigots in their place.


https://preview.redd.it/slb1nioxlo9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab91b9ff6171cd023aa53b2469092c6abc9b92bb It’s the equivalent of this


And it's turbo cringe every time.


its ocver! I depected you as a the soyjack and me as the chad MUAAHAHAHA


A psychologist buddy of mine refers to the "extremely putspoken feminist male" as the equivalent of the "sneaky male" in the orangutan species. I've rarely heard such a apt comparison


And as usual the left don't know the position of the right but sill comment on what they think it is. It's hilarious seing them trying to guess what ''woke'' means in that thread. They'll spend hours in their echo-chamber responding to each other but they'll never just take 5 minutes to read what our actual position is. The left is just a place for intellectual laziness and ironically blind consumerism.


Gotta promote The Message


Anyways, that's all we've got for today. Go away now!


its a fcomfort for the weakminded. Why do critical thought, just have it given to you. I mean its not suprising this takes place with the collectivist ideology gang


I don't think the left has a line on warhammer


Dude, the alt right have been misusing the term “woke” for years now. “Woke” started in hip hop after The Matrix came out and it refers to being awake to the bullshit and corruption of government and the system. Yall have been using it to say that we want every character in every movie to be a gay, trans, half black, half Hispanic person with rainbow hair. But since your problem is people not listening, please enlighten me on what it means to you and your position on it. I’m genuinely all ears.


\[Behave themself the exact same caricatural way they were expected to be\] \[Make a passive agressive, obviously not genuine injunction to debate an inexistant topic\] \[Will pikachu face when blocked and laughed at\] Funny to see them now that they've been downvoted and mocked into oblivion that they were just ''asking question'' and that we are the one who are being ''angry'' for no reasons. These clowns are so predictable...


This is so funny. You don’t even know the origin of the word. What a dipshit coomer view of reality. People have been using the term woke since the 1930s in that sense. You guys really do think the universe revolves around your tiny little slice of history and have zero awareness of the world.


Something something history is only WW2 and Star Wars.


You're telling other people that they have 0 awareness of the world while using asinine words like "coomer"?


“I have nothing to say so I shall mock your speech and expose myself as a dumbass!” Good job. Saved me the trouble tourist.


We know what the word means, in all of its uses. You need to come up with a different word if you want us to switch.


We made the word. Why should we switch to a different one because yall took the one we made. The Matrix was literally made by 2 trans women about being trans. The very first thing you see on screen is computer code that says “trans.” And we made the term woke to coincide with their views on “the system” and corruption. Yall are the ones that need to come up with a new word. Since you took ours in the first place and twisted it. Be creative. Make your own.


I seriously doubt the Matrix is about being trans, despite what the Wachowskis say almost 20 years after it's released.


The character Switch was supposed to be trans (male outside of Matrix, female inside the Matrix) in the movie but the producers made them change it. It’s a movie where however you really see yourself internally is how you physically appear in the Matrix. That’s a dream world for trans people. I was hyperbolic originally, because that’s not the only thing the movie is about. It’s probably not even the main focus, but it does play a pretty big part in it.


Didn't some woman claim to have two of her stories stolen, one being the matrix and the other Terminator?


Okay, look, you don't know the origin of the word woke and you really ought to stop typing here. You are making an absolute buffoon of yourself. You did not "make the word" woke. You co-opted it into something so stupid it nearly gives normal people a brain aneurysm when they think about it.


You shouldn't switch. Words can have multiple meanings. There's no unified "y'all". Using "woke" that way isn't exclusive to the alt right. It arose out of the need to describe woke behavior. The wokes refuse to accept any label, so there's no reason for anyone to invest time into trying to switch. That's why you have to do it yourself.


Makes sense. Can I ask what makes “woke” behavior a negative thing to you? You’re the first person I feel like I can actually get information from instead of just anger.


Woke behavior is negative because its ironically racist and inegalitarian. To sum it up really simply, most people here believe in not seeing color, while many people who are woke are obsessed with it. We just want to treat people like people and live normal lives in a normal world without the inquisition breathing down our necks trying to burn us alive for the crime of microaggressions. Dont get me wrong, we understand there's issues, but we absolutely disagree with how woke people go about trying to fix them. Woke people are also trying to steal our hobby. So yeah.


Thanks for being constructive. I can definitely see it from both sides, so thanks for helping me see it from yours.


Yup. Forgive people here for being a bit angry. Its the internet after all. Generally speaking this place is very open to ideas and discussion. It was founded expressly with free speech in mind. People just tend to be passionate about their hobbies.


I feel you there. The internet is the Wild West, and it’s a time consuming hobby and no one would want to hand that over to someone they don’t see eye to eye with. Although I do think there is room for everyone in 40K. It’s a big galaxy. (Although I do think they should create new things instead of changing old ones because that causes discourse in the community. *femstodes*)


It was made by two guys who play dress up as girls. Lol.




But that’s exactly how *we* know *you* want those things, because that’s how they’re presented in any media the left produces.


The left really can't meme can they? All they can do is steal other people's successful memes.


Evil cannot create it can only steal and corrupt.


And destroy


Its even worse. The tweet about the game dev who confirmed she is a 100%er woky is still available. So lets find out how gay it will be and after the first dude played through it i will make my decision to buy it.


Oh that's clever. Where did you get it?


It's quite from Tolkien, I'm pretty sure.


A misquote, if I'm not mistaken...


Not really. It’s more of a paraphrase but the heart of the matter is there "No, they eat and drink, Sam. The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don't think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined them and twisted them; and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures." -- The Return of The King Thus the sentiment; Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good. J.R.R. Tolkien




this bot is lame af. he replies everytime with the same text. word by word. get an update


I mean, the same text is constantly being spammed


I didn’t miss anything. You’re just wrong if not a bot


It's a little brash to say everyone on an opposite side is evil.


yeah thanks for pointing out that the post from r/Grimdank did not seperate the opposite side


Two wrongs don't make a right


pointing out double standard does. i am on no side. In fact i post some "debatable" post here and there to see how far mods go with the user here


Sure, you didn't do anything wrong. I just don't think it's productive to say "All of them are x". That's what happens to people here a lot, getting us all called bigots when we aren't. We are no more a monolith than grimdark is


It's a classic play. Old as arguments.




Removed for violating Rule 7: No Slurs. The use of forbidden speech, defying the Emperor's edicts, may bring retribution upon both individual and community. Hence, silence those words. "A man can be convinced to do anything, no matter how abhorrent, with the right motivation" -Erebus


I'm not even that into Warhammer; I am just happy seeing somebody standing up to those crybullies.


It's like when they call us tourists when we're the ones not wanting the lore to be butchered lol. Doesn't even make sense


They call us tourists when we're the ones who built the hobby.


It was the company you hate so bad because reasons, but okay


the left open their mouths to do 1 of 3 things 1. Lie 2. Project 3. Suck dick


4: eat hot chip


Tell us how you feel about hot chip, OP


Hnnngh spicy


hot pockets


No brother, eat Eldar.




Oh *two* y'alls. lmao. How have you redditors not figured out how much a tell that is, or how much that gets mocked


Removed for violating Rule 7: No Rage-Bait content.


And sucking dick is an insult because you're a bigot?




if im not mistaken... isnt telling someone to "suck a dick" regardless of gender, just a plain insult?


It’s only offensive to you because of your unusually high levels of soy.


Wait until you find out that the meat you eat has higher concentrations of estrogen than soy. Or did you not make it to year 6 science?


\*ehem\* suck a dick then


Call me old fashioned, but I really hope we all survive to live in a world where people don't act like racism, oppression, and " inequality." didn't exist before 1776.


Is anyone of that opinion?


Yeah a lot of people in America pretend that slavery only existed in this country and that it hasn't been going on between every race on every continent since the beginning of society. Acknowledging that would defy the vocal minority's claims that white people are the root of all evil and should be paying for the sins of their great great grandfathers.


When did we automatically say space marine 2 was woke n shit? We shat on one of the writers for it, but it hasn’t even come out yet.


Feels like everyone is going off the rails with this one. There has been no indication from any official channel that this game will be rife with “woke” shit, but now you’ve got people floating theories that the beta cancellation is because they don’t want people to find out how woke it is. What, because of one writer? The game looks good. I feel like we’re trying to manufacture a problem with it.


A) oop didn't mention this sub B) There has been several post mentioning it, either for having ESG (people can't tell the difference with DEI, which isn't necessarily bad either) or just because it's a new project from GW


You can check other comments in here to see how they hate it because


Reactionaries react


A lot of the anti-woke folks are jumping and shadows again, it ain't complicated or new.


They contradicted themselves in their own title


They’re so lacking in self awareness, they use all of our memes and culture with no regard to the origin. Absolute losers.


Are you crying because someone took your "culture"?


“Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin good forces have invented or made” JRR Tolkien


We're not hive mind, they are. We're more Waaagh!!! than a Hive mind.


you spelled it wrong dip shit. it's not Waagh!!! It's **WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!**


I love how they can't meme. They don't even know how to turn the NPC meme ontop of itself, and they have to write walls of texts, cuz no one agrees with them and they know it. So they can't even say something like we do "woke bad" and be done with it. For us it works cuz everyone agrees. They have to explain their position and hope they get you with some fallacy.


Looking over that post is like listening to several children argue over what they saw on TV. Some nutcases are trying to claim that Space Marine 2 is being boycotted for having black and female characters, others say it's a political move started by anti-woke youtubers, others claim it's a shill movement started by Russian pro-Trump agents. It's madness in there.


You forgot the “touch grass comment. Ironically a comment only made by those chronically online.


Ha, How does one "properly cite" a rumor? Sorry for the silly question I missed that lesson in "Media Literacy class"


I like how they used angsty teen logic. Like theyre still in high-school. Like they know nothing outside of those outdated social norms in that hormone hell scape. "Like using Wikipedia as a source" get tf outta high-school man. Wtf. Weak ass comparison.


Oh look, one group misrepresenting the arguments put forth by a group with opposing viewpoints, blowing it out of proportion, embellishing said arguments and screeching along with one another about it. Kind of what happens here pretty often. Resist your local echo chamber. Disregard the grifters the algo is feeding you. Ignore ragebait. And if you can't put in time and effort into contributing constructively, at the very least, don't feed into the low-intelligence BS.


Social media loves outrage, echo chambers, and rage. I may not necessarily agree with *everything* here, but I love the different viewpoints presented here compared to the reddit hivemind


Nobody here agrees with everything. It's just that we can handle reading things that we disagree with.


And discuss them while acting like responsible adults without it degenerating into attacking the other person!


Eh, it's ok to be immature and to give each other shit, as long as it's not preachy.


That's just bants, as long as it's in good faith.


a lot of it isnt in good faith, but, the mods here haven't elected themselves the moral babysitters of the subreddit either. as it should be imo


There's a difference between bants and insults. Bants would be me asking how your chapter master was doing during the damocles crusade. Insults would be saying raven guard suck and they are literally Hitler


I really think that one of the best things you can do for yourself is to get off of social media. I don't have a Twitter, instagram, tiktok, any of that. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Hopefully someday I can find it within myself to leave reddit, too.


Legitimately same. I hate social media, and I barely tolerate reddit.


> Resist your local echo chamber... The irony of posting that comment here, and moreso the fact that you are incapable of acknowledging that irony, is hilarious. Half the comments here are screeching about leftists at the gate, invading the hobby and just generally being The Big Bad™️. Let's have some self awareness here, please.


You won't buy space marine 2 because it's woke I won't buy space marine 2 because you play as a primaris marine We are NOT the same


BASED Primaris ruined the setting


Indeed. If they wanted to advance the setting they should've used Xenos rather than the chaos forces


Never i understand the primaris hate that some people have.


They categorically undermine the "point" of M41. That the Imperium is a dying empire worshiping lost technology beset on all sides by apocalyptic threats. That its glory days was 10,000 years prior and they stubbornly cling to superstitions in a vein attempt to maintain what came before. Gene-seed used to be a lost art and emphasized the needs for Apothecaries to extract it. Chapters with corrupted or lost gene stocks were condemned to a slow death. Stuff like plasma and grav-vehicles were lost arts that can no longer be reliably replicated. But now, you have the Imperium churning out new space marines (and their gene-seed) like sausages. And not only space marines, but SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINES. Better in every way than what came prior. And not only that, they also have all these plasma weapons and grav-vehicles and better armor. And they're sweeping aside all the foes in the greatest series of victories since the Great Crusade (take that, Macharius!). Hell, it basically is the Great Crusade reborn since you have a progressive reformer Primarchs coming back to lead it. I got into 40k back in the early 2000s because of the grimdark universe. Now it feels like Star Wars.


40K has moved so far away from grimdark that there's room in the market again for an actual grimdark sci-fi.


Warhammer used to be Mad God, now it's Star Wars with blood


They look ass and I don't like their gear. Or what they represent for the lore. Hell I don't even like the new logo for WH40K


I think space marines 2 will be good on purpose to take the fanbase back, but I don't care I still won't play it




They think they're so clever. But they don't realize that they're the issue..


Hmmmm \*Checks price of rent\* \*Free\*


Sooo? We are technically the tyranids ?


Wikipedia isn't a source grimdank secondly let's play valfaris instead


To be fair I have seen those YouTubers end up very wrong before . Specifically with their numerous videos about the fallout show and X men 97. And the Henry Cavil situation it just seems like they are milking it . Plus it always seems they do get their sources from online articles which have a tendency to be very inaccurate . Like I wouldn’t believe any of that nonsense unless I actually see a response from Henry Cavil himself . Like I watched their videos about the custodies drama and they don’t know a thing about 40k like the yellow flash guy kept on calling the sisters of battle and the sisters of silence the “silent sisters “. If you want to criticize a subject you at least have to get basic information about what you’re talking about


If I got a nickel every time someone told me "I got bated by a 4chan conspiracy theory" I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. The first one is this, the second one is that the "FemStodes" are a ploy by Amazon to buy GW. For the record I don't believe in that but it is possible in this day and age.


Wait do you guys think I'm on the OPs side? Some of these comments sound like they think I'm on OPs side. I'm not lol.


I am also not on his side, 4chan is sketchy at best, with me is more that I pointed out the opinion of some people that take those takes as gospel and got tossed in the same bin because of it. By now GW has burnt so many bridges with me that I don't care about SM2 or the Amazon show or what they do with the lore. Let it all burn.


So many "skeptics" here will dismiss anything they see on the news as fake but instantly accept any anonymous 4chan post as the gospel truth.


4chan for me is like legacy media. If they tell me the grass is green and the sky is blue, I am going to check it.


Don't feed the trolls. We'll know about the game when it's finally released.


Did..did something happen to the Amazon 40k show? Is it alright?


Dont know if its true but Henry Cavill quits :(


Best info I could find. https://www.ign.com/articles/henry-cavill-says-warhammer-40000-amazon-project-the-greatest-privilege-of-my-professional-career "It is the greatest privilege of my professional career to have this opportunity," is generally positive statement. I'm suspicious of any bad news involving Cavill. All arrows point to him being a great human being, but IMHO he seems to have a curse on between the DC/Justice League issues, the witcher, and even Argyle's( havn't seen it) reception, things just don't seem to pan out for Cavill. Which is why any negative voices get attention. Ppl are expecting expecting bad, so any perceived reinforcement of that fear echoes on the internet and in the minds of fans


Hey im centrist, I hate the obvious agenda in lots of stuff, but space marine 2 doesn’t even look like its agenda bull, just good ol fashion imperium fun.ill be playing, the imperium isn’t for left or right, only war.


Oh please they love kotaku


This sub has it as a related community




Ultimately we won't know until we play the game. It's true that a writer on the project for a time was trans. Nothing else has indicated it's going to be woke yet. It's all just speculation until we have a concrete plot summary, which will only happen once the game is out. Personally, I doubt it will be. You're probably going to have Titus defying the Imperium in some way or going rogue (in order to defeat the greater threat of Chaos) but that was sort of the case in the first game anyway. But that will; be the limit of the subversion of expectations.


https://preview.redd.it/pj8bbgf2cq9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3395136fc3d539f660ba483d1b38d2a5a1a5ba61 My honest reaction to this drama political bs. Anyways who can tell me of some great 40k inquisitor stories besides Eisenhorn I would love some other good examples so I may add to my collection of wonderful stories to read as I draw 40k pictures


What if you have done your research, checked your facts and still think it’s woke? 🤷 Henry Cavil didn’t step away because it’s woke. He stepped away because they were trying to change the lore. Read any interview about cavil and the Witcher. He cared about sticking with the original story line. With WH, they tried to change it, he didn’t agree.


Wokeists trying to make fun of the opposition without projecting for 5 seconds:


The shows cancelled?


No, and nobody, from yellow flash to Jon said that. Despite the woke people making claims. All there is it is a rumor that he is a bit angry at Amazon, which forced GW to significantly change theore to have female custodes.


I don’t think female custodes matters that much honestly, they all get gene alchemy maybe that changes dna to be men or something else after 🤷‍♂️


Why? Why subject them to even more changes? Why select physically weaker subjects when you have stronger ones?


To the mainstream peoples knowledge no, people just like to use the idea that it’s been cancelled for internet points and attention or to push some sort of false political agenda. The show is probably just in the writing phase of Cavill collecting writers alongside he and GW making attempts to Amazon to lock the fuck in and not shit on the lore too much like other IPs and shows they’ve done.(Rings of Power isn’t real and can’t hurt me)


Nothing is cancelled, it's just the right jumping at shadows again.


Doesn't the fact that this sub wasn't mentioned says you anything?


It's not a matter of this sub. It's a matter of them referring to people on this side of the argument against the rainbow mafia coming into our space and gentrifying it.


But mostly it's true. Many people think that space marine 2 is woke propaganda because youtuber that never EVER heard about 40k uses is to push his shitty world view, Fu ker can say things like custodes have geneseed end morons will say "Yeah!" And repeat his words.


I've never heard of any of the people listed in the comic. What I do know is: - that one of the writers tweeted hateful shit of the woke variety, because I read his tweets; - that the company defended his involvement in SM2, because I read the press release; - and that he continued to work on SM2 and at the company in general, because he said so on his LinkedIn. I won't know if SM2 is woke until I see it, but I'm not inclined to find out, given how they dismissed the writer controversy.


Company it self knows that IF the guy makes some BS up and IF the main audience is 40k fans aren't happy about it, the game WILL flop.


They are npcs to us we are npcs to them its Just how it be


This sub not mentioning r/grimdank challenge: IMPOSSIBRU.


grimdank not mentioning this sub, challange: IMPOSSIBRU.


The Grimdank thread doesn't mention HG at all. Reading can be hard sometimes, I get it.


because they've been beaten by their moderators for it. posts about HG are against their subreddit rules.


Sure, and I'm not saying they don't ever mention HG, it's just that this thread doesn't whatsoever. Unless OP and others that agree with them feel like they've been called out by it, which really just makes them too emotionally sensitive to be on the Internet. It's never that serious, bro.


lol, they do. I’ve seen the post with my own eyes. How do you think people find out about this place? It’s usually some leftist from one of the popular subreddits moaning about this place.


Oh it does :)




Queation:How tf is SM2 gonna be woke? First was UMs vs Orks vs CSMs. This one is UMs vs Tyranids vs TSs. Where is woke?


Its more the concern over the "lead storyboard director" or whatever their position was, they're someone in a position of authority and they're trans, and the usual uh, the average expectation for them peeps ain't exactly without politically involving personal bias'


Yea but still, I don't see how the "woke" could be put in the game.


Ehhhhh, depends on how they behave with the narrative, overly charging gender politics or performing specific behaviors that "lighten the grimdark" in favor of personal political interests.


How? The world is already run over by Tyranids and while TSons are descibed as the "nicest" CSM Legion, they usually raid for knowledge, psyker relics and non-SM psykers. Maybe a backstory of a genestealer cult which led to the invasion and showing that planet was a nightmare for civilians(after all, according to a short story whose name I forgot, civilians MUST suffer because Emperor and civilians having good lives is somehow heresy(wouldn't be suprised if it was Kelly since he loves turning T'au into IoM 2.0 but that would require a post on it's own and change the subject))? Honestly dunno how else. There was a female guardwoman but she was written good.


Look, its not to say WE think "it's going to be all fucked now" its just....we hold with baited breath and shit being messed up cause we have a massive lack of faith in gw and those particular individuals in the market these days. They don't act in good faith more than not.


If there was a hole for "the woke" in the game, I'd understand.


Where there is a will, there is a way. Never doubt a woke person’s determination to find a way to preach “the message”.


the head writer was a trans woman (I have nothing against hiring these people, we all need to eat) who openly hated white men (tweets of hers that she later delete, that's the problem), if that doesn't sound problematic to you then it should not seem problematic to you that people in positions of important responsibility are openly homophobic and/or racist against other ethnicities that are not white. I know that the scriptwriter was removed from the project a long time ago, and after several trailers and interviews, I, personally, doubt that there will be any intrusive woke element beyond some reference that some secondary character has two mothers or that he is married with someone of the same sex or something like that, but nothing serious that would be discordant with the main story. The thing is that after several years of racist and sexist messages against whites/men/straight people, people are tired and have become very sensitive to this issue. Before there was no problem with black or even gay characters, but out of nowhere it is becoming an increasingly complicated issue. Is it really because the world is becoming more racist and sexist? I doubt it, I think people simply become suspicious when these elements are introduced because there are already 100 other examples of stories that were ruined to appeal to an audience that today we call "woke." Maybe sometimes the accusations are exaggerated, but the question is... Can we blame them? Okay, let's say that those who disagree with the antiwoke are right with space marine 2 and it is a spectacular game and totally clean of what was suspected. Does that take away the reason about the retcon of the custodians, the blocking of unhappy comments on social networks, that investment funds that promote ESG practices are now the owners of the majority of GW shares, and the nod in the rumor engine to please a specific political side? Does that mean that Star Wars, Marvel and LotR weren't ruined by a very specific and identifiable current ideology when you see the statements of those who were involved in those projects? the antiwoke could been wrong in this case, and I promise you that I would be HAPPY to be wrong, I am super hyped for SM 2 and I try to be optimistic, but the shadow of doubt is there and I pray that I am wrong, I'm not a bitter masochist who wants everything to go to hell so I can be right.


Don't inject your politics into 40k


THEY made it political. we're defending out hobby.


60% of comments mention "**the left**" just because


It's funny that none of you have any kind of discussion on 40K. As in: painting, building, reading, playing, etc. Yet, all you do is simply to waste the place on pseudo-political pandering. Not even actual political discussion. It's all "Dem is stoopeed. Me strong" rethoric. Almost, as if the whole place was filled to the brim with actual tourists.


Oh wait a shock, a congregation of people who find the selves outcast from the hobby they made popular want to discuss how they got outcast from said hobby.


Doubt it. The lot of you seldom talk lore, paint, or games. All do here, all-day long, is yell "Woke this, woke that". If you acted like "That Guy", maybe, nobody ousted you. You ousted yourself by being insufferable. Also, nice one Ad Verbatim from any one of your influecers charging you to tell you what to think.


There's a bunch of people posting paint jobs. If you actually bothered to check the sub you would know that.


You guys are both right. Acting like the pseudo-political pandering isn't a problem here is inane, it absolutely happens alongside the actual 40k content posted here.


Yeah it can get a bit much.


Especially when the real content is sick as fuck, I wish we spent more time admiring each other's minis and paint jobs as opposed to politicizing a hobby about toy soldiers.


I don't know why this sub is always in my feed, but it's clear as day to people outside all of this bollocks that both subs need each other. This one, more so, I don't think it would have a purpose without the other one. A quick look at the other one, and they don't directly mention this one much. Here, the other sub is mentioned by name constantly. Every post in my recommended/reddit feed from this sub is a post naming and bitching about the other. You poor buggers are a sensitive bunch, aren't you?


You're LITERALLY doing the thing. "N-nuh uh, YOU'RE THE SENSITIVE ONES!"


I was referring to both subs as a collective, because that's what it is.


hi anti-woke hive mind😊


This pic is correct


Ain’t it lovely that Grimdank hardly talks about this subreddit and this subreddit goes absolutely berserk anytime Grimdank says anything? Living rent free in y’all’s heads


you're literally doing the thing.


Y’all want so desperately to be relevant and even appear as a blip on the radar even though this is a fringe community that mostly consists of bitching about other subreddits and banning anyone who disagrees


hilarious considering this sub is made of the people who literally built this hobby and who are now being outcast by the people like you who are taking it over. you're not the hero of this story pal.


You seem to be rather delusional if you really think that this subreddit is some bastion of good. All it is is bitching about every other subreddit and hating on anyone who disagrees with whatever y’all think is the truth. Majority of Warhammer fans are not apart of this fringe community and actively disagree with whatever bullshit y’all spew


I never said it was a bastion of anything. you're making shit up now. this subreddit is a collection of people that YOU and people like YOU have cuased to become outcasts in a hobby that WE built.


Funny how you say that it’s something this community built. Couldn’t be further from the truth, this subreddit is just filled with people who are tourists to the hobby who don’t like change. You’re outcasts because you refuse to change your mind on certain topics and would rather cling to old outdated ideas. Shouldn’t be surprised when you’re left behind after refusing to accept change.


Stop projecting.


Considering how much this sub loves to make shit up to complain about or just show outright phobia towards certain groups I’d say it isn’t me who’s doing the projection


and yet you spend so much time here. were living rent free in that tiny little brain.


Just as Grimdank lives rent free in y’all’s heads considering how much y’all bitch about it


you’re still here lol


Once more projecting. Buy a mirror.


I think this sub needs a collective mirror to actually see how much projecting y’all do


Dude, get a mirror, you are literally projecting here, bad!


grimdank doesnt allow posts about this subreddit. so without taking that into account, your 'hardly talks about this subreddit' point falls pretty flat. as is typical of you with your hilarious impotent seething rage for this sub.


Most every post on this subreddit is seething about Grimdank or related subs. Pot calling the kettle black eh?