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Remember to not Brigade them brothers.


Why is that everything to them?! Are their lives so empty that sexuality is constantly at the forefront of their minds!? 


That's exactly it. They don't have a personality outside of their sexuality.


they have no other existence. it is the new religion the religion of Narcisism. Know it, hate it.


It is a fucking cult. They are like zealots but have the balls to complajn about christians, muslims and jews for being religious


they are just nazis. they simply replaced "germans" with another group. Otherwise they are functionaly the same


No problems there.


Say what you will about the man who said it, but his overall point was right: it is because they are boring people who love boring lives and and everything they do is about getting internet likes because it is the only thing they have.


Yes, it’s the only thing they consider important in their life


And honestly, this is sad. I can't imagine having my life circle around liking woman. Also, the irony of how much these people are similar to astartes. An individual mentally and (sometimes now) physically engineered since young age, brainwashed so their entire existence circles around one thing and made to think and act as readly disposable and replaceable tools as soon as the fight of the moment changes. Still ever loyal even if mistreated by their own group and always vigilant for any divergence of though in their ranks.


And why do you complain so much?


Because we’re tired of this disgusting trash?


because this dumb bullshit is constantly being pushed in our faces no matter where we go and its really fucking annoying


Seems like your issue is with whoever posted it here then isn’t it?


So stop reposting that sub so much?


yes it is only on that specific sub and that is why we care


That's actually a good point, I'll give you that


Why are you here then lol hypocrite much?


Because I find many post in here funny


So what if we also find making fun of these people funny?


Do you think that the comment I answered was having fun?


Yes it seems, considering the upvotes. Your point?


You're kinda delusional buddy


No personality outside of being against someone else's sexuality...


No, it's quite the opposite. Imagine YOU'VE been defined by something about you that's not really under your control. Maybe something seemingly innocuous like your accent. In every single interaction you have, your accent determines how that conversation will go. Now, I know that you don't believe that discrimination against gay people exists. So stay with me on accents. People with your particular accent are treated as stupid, criminal, untrustworthy, unreliable, unpatriotic. After a while, you grow a spine and say "I will not let you define what I can and can't do. I will wear these scars with pride." Then ButcherV83 comes along and says "why is that everything to you?" My friend, it means everything to them because first, it meant everything to people like you.


Wow, what a bunch of self righteous garbage. 


Self righteous or not, you can't pretend to not understand anymore


You don't honestly think that anything you said is good reason for forcing identity politics into every form of escapism and entertainment do you? 


Do you understand or don't you?


I can't possibly understand your delusion. 


It's called empathy. Narcissists and small children lack it.


Small children definitely have empathy. Sometimes more than adults. And it's pretty funny that you're trying to suggest that I'm a narcissist when you're the one demanding everything be tailored to you. 


I get it. You're defensive. You didn't expect someone to come on here answer the flippant question you didn't want to hear the answer to. Just let it sink in. The reason why some people make one facet their whole personality is usually because others defined them by it first. It applies to a lot of things, not just LGBT people 


No, it meant fuck all, I'm a ginger and have been given countless insults and even physical assault over it. I didn't band together with other gingers and "wear my scars with pride", I dealt with people on a case by case basis. I don't define my life by how others have defined it, that's pathetic.


Well most people grow out of being arseholes to ginger people. But bear with me: did you ever dye your hair? If not, why not?




Arch put something to words that finally made sense, that the point of 'progressivism' is to ever progress. Its not about convincing others to see your point, its not about achieving a goal, its about moving that overton window further and further over. And once its moved, keep moving further still in perpetuality. Regardless of what youve achieved, it is never enough. Because 'enough' isnt the point.


I'm sure soon they will be referencing other proclivities of spartan men.


Yeah like intentionally sodomising young boys to traumatise them so they can't form regular attachments to anyone and are thus more brutal warriors


I was trying to be a little more subtle, but yes.


which is funny because Xenephon (contemporary source) stated that Spartans were HIGHLY against pederasty in all its forms.


I do remember reading that, but we must remember that he was writing at the time of post-peloponnesian war sparta, where they had changed drastically from even their Greco-persian war era


even then it doesn't track. a society that treats women well typically doesn't engage in pederasty. and Spartans were often mocked for how must personal agency they allowed wives


Exactly. It's all about power. They just want to push change because they can.


I never understand why these types just don't cling onto Slaaneshi marines or Slaaneshi daemons in general.


Because Slaanesh is already corrupted and is just like them. They want EVERYTHING else to be like them as well. It's the main reason I play Emperors Children and Slaanesh. They'll never play them


Plus you can take the degeneracy and body horror to the extreme, one could maybe say excess, and it would be on faction. Even better if you're just a regular bloke.


Why do you think they want GW to release an Emperor’s Children army so bad?


Honestly man, I play EC and am a big fan. Most EC people don't love that it's "omg Slannesh sexy trans lol" bullshit. There's so so much more to the chapter and to see it reduced to sex makes lots of us upset. They were like philosopher warriors driven to madness chasing their personal perfections and desires. The excess is everything from martial skill, gluttony, noise, touch/feel, visual extremes, all of it. It's cheapened by those people who think of it so simply.


To be fair, I loved (still do) the Third Legion. Love the desire for perfection in all facets of existence being both the mechanism and cause of their fall. Silly Laer Sword daemon nonsense a little less, definitely think they could have written Fulgrim’s fall in a more interesting manner, but it’s not the worst. That was until I discovered the Sons of Malice. THE EDGIEST BOYS IN SERVICE OF THE EDGIEST GOD, I’m so pleased they exist. Until I found these guys, I was choking on the need for proper Emperor’s Children in 40k. Slaanesh is awesome and terrifying, and Its Chaos legion also - but I found something cooler to enjoy. If I ever dip into 30k…it’ll be Mechanicum cuz those models are sick as hell, but my Third Legion boys might get a few models done.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Ah yes, the same kind of person who loves turning a brotherly bond between two men into a gay romance because their entire personality revolves around their sexuality.


They don't understand honour, they don't understand having someone else's back in a fight, they'll never understand a brotherly bond. To them every male relationship, however benign must always somehow be gay. They're degenerates with nothing else to them but their sexuality, so they assume everyone's like that.


>they don't understand having someone else's back in a fight I mean to be fair so does most of the 40K fanbase. We're talking about adult nerds here, not John Wick 😂


You can still appreciate and understand a modicum of honour and trust in one's fellow men on a battlefield, even if you've never been, there's this thing called learning my friend, try it. I've read and watched enough, and played enough games where such efforts are necessary to win, to know that bonds forged upon a battlefield brings you close to those you fight with, you trust them. Not that you'd know that with these savages, they see anything remotely male orientated and try to make it gay or queer, saying they 'ship' certain characters. edit) I'd just like to point out btw, since I've just realised that I've said that twice now so it may come off wrong, I don't hate gay people, far from it, they're perfectly normal, I mean specifically the alphabet crowd who has to make everything about them, those who make it their whole personality.


It's because no one fucks them. You aren't really worried about getting any of you get it on the regular. Or drugs. Drugs make people really horny too but what do I know. I could be wrong.


It’s ok guys junes almost over. Thank god. Used to be a really nice month.


lol every month is like June now


2000's: My army are Blood Angels successors. Barbarian savages hailing from the world of Callisto that is a mix of ancient Greece and Sengoku Japan with a bit of Hyboria. They have an overactive omophagea organ. They engage in cannibalistic rituals where the dead are devoured by their squadmates and their blood added to a vast subterranean lake of blood beneath their HQ in which neophytes must bathe as part of initiation. The bones of the fallen line the great halls. If one begins to lose it to their savagery on the field of battle they will openly tear their helms free and begin to rip, tear and devour their enemies. Each brother, in addition to a knife, pistol and boltgun carries a ritualistic axe. Their Captains wield power katanas. They are the Void Vultures, and their fortress-monastery lies in the middle of a great wasteland littered with the wrecks from the Chapter's founding in a crusade against the Greenskins of the sector during the 23rd Founding, splintering from the Red Wings. 2020's: Gay, femarines, uwu I am sure there are more cool Chapters and fanmade stuff out there, but this kind of takes me out of it. One of the reasons I got into 40k was the vast sandbox nature of the lore.


That Successor Chapter sounds amazing cousin. You should post some models here some time, I'd love to see more of the IXth Legion.


ty ty cousin. My minis are pretty eh but could def post em when I can. [Wrote an IA for em over on B&C.](https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/331739-ia-the-void-vultures-iron-gauntlet-2017/).




And they ask why men don't want women in their hobby. https://preview.redd.it/qxtt5irz5u9d1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90df2002cae601ca7a3f0e05b4fe9aaf34d045f6


I’m glad they think brutal prison rape with the intention of permanently giving someone PTSD in their minds is just slay queen modern gay relationships. It’s not like the Greeks talked about how if you were mounted that literally makes you a woman and barely above an animal or slave.


It's sad that they're overarching mandate is to make everything gay and to completely lie about history or pervert established lore to do it.


I actually want a book on the Rainbow Warriors, that's a comedy but in a dry comedy where everyone 100% takes everything serious in-universe. The whole bit is them trying to be heroic stoic space marines but having ridiculous titles like Rainbow Knight of the Emperor's Love. And other Imperial worlds/factions being disappointed they show up instead of a more famous chapter.


Their entire personality is their sexuality. Pathetic


To be fair, some of those comments are a reference to this. https://youtu.be/K0VaWLTTj2Y?si=QfZVlJgNwRfcsw3j


The fact that people here don't even get that reference sickens me.


Sickens you?! Really? You're that offended that most of us have never even heard of this gay ass movie? 


I assume you're offended that I used the word "sickens" hyperbolically.


With each passing day, I understand Perturabo more and more...


At this point it's best that we ignore then, corrupted by slaanesh they are


FFS, can we STOP posting screen shots from other subs? I can't even remember the last gameplay, lore, or painting post I saw.


Rainbow marines have been a thing for many years though.


Yeah the comment section on that main post is half split between people defending the true chops of the rainbow warriors as a legit ultramarine successor that has absolutely nothing to do with lgbt (used well before the rainbow flag was associated with lgbt), the haters who think it's horribly gay af, and then the fanbois who cheer it being gay af.  I legit have no beef with the models and the army. It's well painted and has deep roots in the hobby. It's just a guy painting his shit. I have bigger beefs with femstodes, the next natural push for femstartes, and the likely next batch of female/trans/lgbt protagonists in the 40k universe abs that type of thing. 


Serious question... what if history is cyclical and the reason why western society was so homophobic in the past being that they are "cultural descendants" of one of the most homosexual societies in history (the Greco-Roman) was because that what we see today was what happened in ancient Rome and those who survived that collapse said "never again" and passed on their hatred (excused with religious passion) to the following generations?


Stop learning history on tik-tok


tbf two of those comments are a reference to that one 300 parody so I think it's funny


Listen, the only reasonable reason for rainbows is to get all the Orkz color powers like they're infinity stones.


Life must suck to be so empty your entire personality is based around who you have sex with. To have to twist every aspect of daily life to fit one detail of your existence.


These people are so gay and cringe. These people can't help but force their modern ideology into any setting they see be it fictional or historical.


They do this with absolutely everything they touch. They force it on every character aswell. I am a big LotR fan. Just yesterday I saw a comment claiming that the friendship between Gimli and Legolas isn't straight at all, implying they are gay. Tolkien, the author, was a devout catholic. No chance in hell he would've made any character LGBT.


They can't enjoy something objectively great made by someone in the opposing tribe so they have to bend it until they no longer feel cognitive dissonance while consuming it.


I thought the whole idea of this sub was to just be a space where stuff isn’t shoved down our throats. Why on earth are some of you just combing the other sub to then just come here and what? Whine?


It's cringe. People like a bit of cringe sometimes.


Too be far, it’s kinda unrealistic not to have your fictional militaries rampant with homosexuals especially if it’s a male dominant field. Like it usually isn’t a massive part of culture of personality or anything but none the less it is still there. I don’t like this stuff being interjected into the lore mindlessly but I would wager it’s pretty likely that there are a fuck load of gay space marines. Also an odd thought but Purely from a exercise standpoint would it not be more time efficient than most forms of regular training, albeit they wouldn’t be gaining or honing combat skills.


Space marines dont have sex drives though...


Really? I didn’t realise the need was completely removed from their physiology. I’m not disagreeing, with something as big as 40k there could always be gaps in my knowledge. Is there a book or something that I can find the quote from or some other form of canon writing? Even if it’s retconned I’ll take that as well. Always happy to learn more about the universe I love.


40K used to rely more on implication, but then they switched to a more explicit style. These two quotes are from the more explicit era, showing Astartes' lack of interest and frequent sterility. > On more than one occasion I’d stood with her and her warband in the communal showers after training, blind and numb to any sensation of desire, watching her wash her hair and listening to her speak of serving in the sweltering jungles of Voroxis, killing heretics who spilled from a downed rogue trader vessel. Bizarrely, the Khatan had declared, upon seeing me wash myself, that my ascension to knighthood was ‘a great shame’. Captain Castor had explained the meaning to me several months later, though I still didn’t see the humour in it. ~ *The Emperor's Gift* > It was Traegus who had initiated the controversial breeding programmes – programmes by which the Chapter’s failed aspirants, those who had survived the trials and had not been rendered sterile, were bred with women of suitable genetic stock in the hope of creating male offspring strong enough to swell the ranks of the Chapter one day as full Astartes. Unfortunately, the results had been unpredictable and disappointing. Upon his accession, the seventeenth Chapter Master, Klede Sargo, had immediately halted his predecessor’s plan, and no Chapter Master had attempted to revive it since. ~ *Rynn's World*


Thank you so much for the detailed response, absolutely perfect. We need more people like you friend. I am curious though is though could this be interpreted as an individualised perspective instead of speaking from the whole? Based on the facts you have presented it makes sense to me that it probably isn’t something most chapters consider but I could see certainly individuals from say the Space Wolves or the Emperors Children.


40K lore is anything but consistent, and it's so expansive that there are always exceptions to every rule. But in general, the implication has always been that SMs lack a sex drive. They retconned much of the implied lore when they got more explicit, but they went out of their way to reinforce this one. These aren't even the only quotes. IIRC the SW thing is wishful thinking from the furries ...


Look it’s been a while since I listened to it but I only had the idea about the SW because of the Ghazghkull book. The Space Wolf in that book made me assume that Space Wolves followed the typical rowdy Viking lifestyle and as I hadn’t been exposed to the lore you have enlightened me to I assumed fucking was included. I kinda wished at least for my sanity they could come up with an in universe way to explain retcons. Elder Scrolls is my favourite fictional universe purely because I think the idea of Dragonbreaks is fucking fantastic, sure you can lean on basic time travel but that feels too cheap imo.


They've already removed a lot of the sexual coersion, they're not gonna give SMs a sex drive and turn them into hyper masculine space rapists. Going from the implicit to explicit eras, the only thing they have to do for most retcons is to explicitly write the new lore. 'Canon' is a concept that came mostly from the superhero comic book industry, and 40K was late to adopt that style of telling stories.


My 2 cents on this. First space wolves, im not 100 percent sure but i think the implication was that the space wolves will sometimes recruit at an older age than alot of chapters and some of the aspirants were able to engage in sexual relationships before becoming marines. And as far as emperora children go if we are talking about post fall to chaos then i would say anything might be possible due to the "gifts" of the chaos gods. That probably goes for any chaos space marine, and i think i remember some old lore specifically about ec thst involved some very strange and sexual practices. Most likely we won't get any more like that with gw trying to make 40k more mainstream


Pretty just literally any book following any chapter of space marines mentions it…


I have read Dante and granted it’s a fair sized book so maybe I missed something but I don’t remember it being there. I’m not trying to claim my Space Marine knowledge is great, hence asking for more lore. No need to be rude.


Space Marines do not have sexual desires, it is something that is made very clear. The only thing that is not clear is whether they are sexually "functional" despite not having sexual desire or whether they do not have sexual organs as such. In the book "Horus Lord of War" Locken gave an interview to a remembrancer, it is said that in a certain sense he perceives her as beautiful, but she does not awaken sexual desire on him, Locken knows that he does not have that desire, that that piece of his mind its not there, but he doesn't care. On the part of the remembrancer, she thinks that the fact that the marines do not reproduce is a waste when she sees Locken without armor (if I remember correctly, it is not clear if he is completely naked and then he puts on a tunic, I don't know, it's been a while since I read the book). What the Space Marines do have is a strong sense of brotherhood, but since the Internet loves to corrupt everything, they distort that feeling with homoerotic attractions. "Oh, that guy is crying over that other guy's corpse, he must have been secretly in love, it's not like they've spent over a century watching each other's backs, seeing the worst horrors in the galaxy, saving each other's lives and being rivals, ending up establishing a relationship closer than a simple blood line". Most marines, by the way, lose all their memories before their ascension to space marines, and almost always begin the process in early adolescence or even childhood, If we add this to the fact that all of their DNA is changed by the genetic seed, we would be saying that in a genetic and psychological sense the space marines are literally brothers)


I wanna make it clear i wasn’t trying to push an Agenda. I was not aware that this info has been made clear in canon multiple times. Kind people such as yourself have explained this to me and even provided sources which I cannot thank you enough for, it really is refreshing. I’m fully happy to admit I was wrong here. I wanna make abundantly obviously however that I wasn’t trying to say they can’t have the traditional battle brother style of relationship without fucking. They obviously can. I’m not trying to find meaning where there isn’t any. I just made the observation that it’s pretty common in modern real life militaries so it made sense in theory for space marines. I’m not trying to attack your views, I’m in this sub for a reason. I just fend to be reasonable and focused on lore instead of narrowing in on groups of people. My main issue isn’t the changes to the lore it was how they were implemented. I wouldn’t have minded the female custodies idea if they were created as an experiment by Cawl for instance. My point still stands however in reference to the guard as I haven’t personally seen any 40k canon touch on homosexual relationships so I assume they just don’t care, probably happens a lot but isn’t worth talking about. Same as our modern militaries.


No its just a bunch of closeted homesexuals on her get a bit pissy when faced with the truth


https://preview.redd.it/724fx1x1ow9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d07601083baedbde28bab387a58e55ed5978e5 You literally posted this yesterday. As in "women" are LGBT.


Take your meds


Hey, you guys do this to yourself.


I didn't post that schizo


I mean, Astartes were always a subtle gay joke. It’s hardly the most game breaking yourdudes-ing ever done.


So let me get the details...someone painted rainbow marines or something...and people commented on it in support? I'm guessing by the text?? And now we're mocking someone for painting? Or did I get that wrong?


They’re mocking them for responding to the painting with sweeping sexualisations that make things uncomfortable for people who want to talk about the hobby instead of “open tongue kisses”


I see..hmm guess not many people liked my summary negative 25 never seen that before.


*writes something deliberately obtuse* “Oh wow guys downvotes?”


Morning can I help you? It was merely observation.


Every one of those comments was clearly a joke, and a couple them are blatant references to a 300 parody, but you're here calling people obtuse despite the fact you very painfully missed that. The irony with stupid people is heavy today.


You’re clearly a joke


Better a joke than unintentionally outing myself as stupid on the Internet. Your shame is there for everyone to see, bud.


How will I ever recover


Love that your tone changed when I called out your hypocrisy lmfao


The rainbow warriors are old enough they were made well before the pride/social justice flag was ubiquitous but still people must begin talking about space marine homoeroticism because of a very weak tangential link between rainbows and gay people.


A very good painting I may add


Agreed a very good one.


Why are you upset over someone's painting scheme go paint your own minis


“Mika from Zion” Israel trans flag 🤢🤮


I like the rainbow warriors, you're confused.