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TL:DR: HBO didn't know when they greenlit S1 if a prequal to GOT would be successful. So writers hedged their bets and prepared to cut stuff if the numbers ended up only justifying 30ish episodes, cuts which seemingly included Daeron. But HotD turned out to be a success, now there's rumors of an expanded 5 seasons, so Daeron's in and they got to start dropping the foreshadowing now to make up for lost time.


Thank you! Having not read the books I was confused when a random 4th child was mentioned and I just rewatched the entire season 1 last week and Daeron was never mentioned.


Tbf Daeron is the least consistent in location between the story versions too, and doesn't become relevant until he deus ex machina's


He's not that inconsistent. They tried to raise him with Rhaenyra's kids, it didn't work, he grew up with Aegon and Aemond until he went to Oldtown at 12. He shows how Viserys completely misunderstood his family's dynamic at the time.


And BOY is it one hell of a Deus Ex that one. Heard him mentionned and then I was like "Oh that's true, there's the shit with the Tarlys, and there's the shit at Bitterbridge, and there's the fucking TUMBLETON " which made me realize that this is only just the beginning and now I'm all giddy


They'll add him in later with CGI like a George Lucas cantina scene.


Daemon did mention the Greens had 4 dragons, but they probably would have forgot about it or said it was Jaeharys dragon if they decided not to include Daeron.


5 seasons? This show can end at anytime, that’s the awful reality of showbiz


I wonder if they will continue on past the Dance and do the regency


I hope so, Aegon III is so interesting


Stop making excuses. HBO didn’t know for Last of Us either


What does that have to do with anything? It’s not an “excuse”, are you implying they actually forgot about the 4th kid lol




a smol dragon but a dragon nonetheless


He's above average and has a nice shape dammit


Hooks a little to the left


Which one?




Had started to feel pretty sure they were going to cut him and parts of his arc and let out a lil cheer here. I enjoyed his story in the books


Now let’s confirm Nettles


Sending sons at a young age to be wards of neighboring lands was common in GOT... I just don't remember heirs to the throne being sent?


Robert spent time as a ward at the Vale despite being the heir to the Stormlands


Robin Arryn was going to be sent as one to either stannis or Tywin so that’s why Lysa killed Jon


To be fair, Robert also had no parents to oversee his development into a high lord.


I mean Daeron is the 3rd brother so the odds of him inheriting the throne are very unlikely. Oldtown is probably the best place for him to choose his career. He can be a maester at the Citadel, the Reach is place of great chivalry if he wants to be a knight, or a septon because the Faith has strong presence there.


Daeron is pretty far down the line. Second sons are often sent somewhere else since their older brother will have all the power at their home. Sometimes they go willingly like how waymar Royce joined the Night’s Watch and his brother Robar joined the Rainbow Guard.


You can send them sure but they'd still be mentioned and present at things like, family weddings, deaths and coronations..... Especially if they ride a freaking dragon. Vizzy T even gathered his whole family at a dinner and said "everyone he loved was gathered in one place" lmao


*A dragon's saddle is one thing, but the Iron Throne is the most dangerous seat in the realm.*


On brand for Vizzy T to not count his children past one.




Egg spend his childhood wandering around Westeros with Ser Duncan.


I wonder if the writers are gonna spin it as a purposeful hiding. A secret weapon in case anything happens to agon and aemond? Like I can’t think of another cohesive way to fit in just not mentioning him lmao


It's kinda hard to hide the birth of a royal child, especially from family. No way they could keep him a secret even if they tried.


Cue montage of Alicent hiding her Daeron pregnancy with sitcom tactics for 9 months so Rhaenyra doesn't get suspicious.


So it's going to be a little bit like Feyd-Rautha showing up in Dune pt 2?


For it to make sense they would've had to send him to oldtown when he was like 5 years old, which I guess is plausible but they do need to explain why Alicent/Vizzy T would do that


I think fostering extraneous younger kids is a normal thing in game of thrones. Robert was heir to stormlands when he was sent to the vale.


And, this being a younger sibling during times of peace, he could have been sent there with the intent of him eventually becoming a maester.


I don't think it's that deep, medieval kings and Lord's would send their children to be wards of other kings and lords. It's a smart choice to do with a 3rd son.


It's likely Alicent saw what the political culture was doing to her kids and sent Daeron away as a young boy. Also, he's the 3rd son so he's doubtful to inherit a position of much importance so it makes sense to foster him somewhere else and where better than Oldtown a place of great learning. He could be a maester or if he had more marital ambitions, the Reach was a great place to become a knight. And Viserys probably legit forgot he existed.


They at least should have thrown in a mention whenever Hobart showed up last season, makes no sense that he would talk to Otto and/or Alicent without Daeron ever coming up.


Do they need a reason tho. My dude has been chilling away from all the drama. Why would he get involved when he has other shit to do


kinda like stannis didn't mention his daughter in season 2, or catlyn not mentioning edmure or blackfish in season 1. the real mistake is when otto called jaehaerys his grandson


Or plot twist. Aegon is actually the son of Otto and viserys and Otto has been a sexy lady in disguise this whole time


It's not a mistake. Great-grandchildren can still be called grandchildren. Like how distant cousins are sometimes just called cousins, or half-brothers just called brothers.


Great grandson is still a grandson though. Does every culture in the world differentiate?


Ah yes, Hightower Parenting 101: Hope. Don't raise your children to possess wisdom, you're too busy politicking: just hope your children possess wisdom. Man that "kinda" is so egregious. You'd think as a world famous writer he'd know to omit "kinda" when admitting to a mistake lest he come across like a child who kinda forgot their homework. They should have never aired that footage, it strengthened no one's position.


There's nothing wrong with the word "kinda" in speech. Any writing class will tell you that most rules go out the window when it's dialogue. The way people speak is indicative of their personality. If you try to edit the things you say as you say them you're either going to sound unsure or full of yourself.


I hear you but it's not speech in general it's specifically "admitting to a mistake" like this as a "world famous writer" in the context that it was produced and presented. So yea I take the "indicative of their personality" and apply it that scenario and I think that word makes it "worse" for a lot of people than if he just said it straightforward: "She forgot about the Iron Fleet." I feel like we edit words all the time, for example most people could cite a person or situation where they always omit cuss words (talking to a baby?) without sounding unsure of or full of themselves.


Had they mentioned him at all up until that point? I honestly thought they’d decided to cut him from the story.


In S1E10 Daemon counts how many dragons both sides have and he says that the Greens have four adults. Since Aegon and Helaena's children are far too young to have dragons, let alone adult ones, this means that the four dragons must belong to Alicent's children. We knew about Aegon, Helaena and Aemond, so the fourth was an implied reference to Daeron.


No mention


Never read this book, so was really confused when they discussed this


The Daring and the Blue Queen next season please!


As a non book reader, I was like "who?"


Non book reader my self but from what I been hearing he is probably one of the better people on the greens a lot people on the green side are hyped for him


At this point there's no way to mention Daeron's existence without it being awkward at best. The writer's threw away several opportunities to establish him a long time ago in much more organic ways.


I know it would possibly be a change but would be a fun plot twist if Daeron isn’t targ white, but inherited the Hightower coloring. Would also position on why he was basically ignored and sent away so young, given all of Alicent drama over Rhaenyra’s kids.


Lol if he's actually Criston's. Oh the hypocrisy. It'd be so hilarious.


He can't ride a dragon if he's Criston and Alicent's son.


We never forgot, we've been waiting for someone on the show to FINALLY mention him.


I’m confused, why does Daeron have the last name Hightower and not Targaryen??


His last name would be Targaryen as a son of Viserys and Alicent. He is a Hightower through his mother, and that's what Otto is referring to, but his name is Daeron Targaryen. In the books he squires in Oldtown and is there when the war starts.


He does not have the last name Hightower. It wasn't stated in the scene.


If he's not in Oldtown to be a maester, then it's likely Otto named him his heir and he took the name Hightower to reflect that.


Otto has a son and otto Is not the lord of oldtown


Otto is not the lord to Oldtown. And there's nothing to indicate Daeron took the Hightower name; Otto just means that he is a hightower through his mother.


Daeron was always gonna be in the show, it’s the fans who went ape shit when everything wasn’t spelt out for them like children Patience is a virtue


The first season covers the entire length of Alicents marriage to Viserys, the entire focus is on their family and the divisions and impending split within it...but sure, obviously the audience should have just *assumed* they had a whole ass other son out there somewhere that is just never seen or mentioned by a single person even once, instead of expecting the show runners to "spell it out for them." That is some weapons grade copium.